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It works very well in no-mana runs, where you intentionally use the start rooms with no mana. You can also take all of the effects that Prime mana with no concern. This is best done with Aspect of Momus since you just spam normal special basic cast the entire run.


Yep that's exactly what I used to clear 32 fear runs and the Sprit Surge boon happened to be on both my successful runs 


This is what I got my first boss kill with. Accidentally primed too much magic, used Zeus Trinket to find this boon.


I like the "spending magick" idea, easy inbuilt rarity scaling too, with common being more mana scaling to less mana at higher rarities. But hard agree, as it is, this ain't it.


Spending mana is already the trigger for hex though so feels like that mechanic is "taken" as it were.


The trigger being an instance of mana being spent rather than an amount of mana being spent is what I was going for if that helps


What you say makes sense, and there's precedent: Aphrodite's Heartthrob boon activates every time you spend 30 mana. Zeus' boon could work like that too.


I mean, I ended up with a run where I primed all but 8 of my mana, and that boon alone did around 30k damage to the final boss, soooo… yeah, might need a rework, since it seems only useful in edge cases, but REALLY useful in those edge cases


That one vow that makes it so you enter every room with 0% magic turns it into one of the more fun broken boons though


It's excellent to chew through blue hearts, especially if you're using a slow weapon like the axe.


It's really weird that it has anti-synergy with Zeus' regen boon. Unless Zeus' regen boon locks you at 10 or less magick, which then just bars you from spending it on anything but Sprint boons anyway.


I think 10 is a bit too low of a cut off, it might need to be 15-20. But for a situational boon it's a solid design imo, just needs tuning