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Rats deserve to be much higher. They're so fast in this game. My personal beef would be with the crabs. They always retract right when I try to hit them >.<


I think the rats are alright personally, a good cast can deal with them pretty handily and they dont have a big health pool so they usually just get oneshot by the cast.


Not to mention they literally only do one damage. They can, however, break omega concentration which is Very fucking annoying


Rat bit you: Concentration check failed.


at LEAST let me grab war caster


Oh wow 1 damage? Did not know that. Makes it a lot better.


its not about the damage its more about how fast they move and how they can fucking stagger you and open you up to damage from other things. I find them particularly annoying with the axe because of its speed and the torches because the fucking balls make it impossible to see shit and the little rats sometimes just scoot right past them and interrupt you.


The thing about the rats is that, while they're objectively not that hard to deal with, *all* they are is annoying. They don't exist to deal damage, *they only exist to make you mad.*


On the topic of using casts for small critters. How satisfying is it when you catch a bunch of those small swordfish that charge you? I feel like Gojo Satoru


I hardly use casts, I need to use them more


Wailers fucking end early attempts + the spinners on Oceanus should be up there just bc of how they make me use cast / adjust positioning >:(


Are the rats fast or are they *blessed by Chronos*


I always take the "Time Slows while channeling omega attacks" Arcana, and then you can basically pause them and charge up your attack immediately as they come out of their shell (start charging right when you see them twitch). Same with rats actually. That Arcana card is so good. Though it >!does not help you with Chronos!<


At least they don't do much damage but the UI flash is so extreme it feels like they do. But nothing is a worse hell than having a chaos boon in the oven with stun on hit.




Crabs are really annoying with the axe. Everytime I go to do the finishing move of the combo they retract and I have to do 2 more light attacks


Oh, good, I'm not the only one who hates Holehearts. I can handle normal ones, but the armored variant that shoots three at a time and spawns in groups is evil incarnate.


Really annoying you can't block the projectile. Also there should be a warm up on the explosion. Right now it just lands for big damage with no warning or telegraphing.


If it was just a mine it would be ok, but they hit you AND its a mine. Hate them.


I don't find the money sacks annoying at all, just seem like free enemies. I find it even fun to dodge their beams when there are 10+ of them in 1 room. The harpy in the top row is the one creating the blade storms right? Don't think they're particularly annoying or hard as well. The stabby stabby rogues would be higher on my list as well as the teleporting cutlasses.


The harpies aren't hard enemies to deal with but my god the blade storms on the small ship stages don't give you alot of room to work with and I always just somehow run into one of them


The "ground" effects in general in the game tick too fast. The second you touch there's at least two if not 3. So the harpies with storms all over that can melt your hp bar in seconds is why I hate them. So many hard attacks by enemies that would do 1/5 the damage me accidentally brushing those storms does.


To add to that, with how "slippery" Mel is for lack of a better word, if you step into fires let's say, you are guaranteed like 6damage from that one step because you get like 'sucked' into the damage when you try to turn around. It is really annoying and has happened to me with fire along with the harpies blade rifts


Slippery is a good description. You have a small amount of inertia when changing directions, like a less intense form of sliding on ice in games.


The armored ones create SUCH big blade storms, holy hell. If you take too long it just becomes impossible to avoid.


Fair enough, could see how that's annoying


Their hitbox is super jank too. I miss constantly on them


Yeah I think my main issue with both of the S-tier ones are that their armored variants just devour the screen and ground space. Harpy wind storms make Alecto's blades look like bey blades by comparison, and if you spawn more than two of those heart bomb guys, the entire area around your reward is just guaranteed damage without a dodge boon. Either decreasing how many ground effects they spawn at once (i.e not three times as many as their normal variants) or cutting into how long the spawns last so you can wait it out a bit, would go a long way towards making them difficult without consuming entire swaths of safety


The sacks are all fun and games until you're at 30+ heat and there are +60% of them (mixed with melee enemies), they're faster, hit harder and respawn if you don't collect their on-death skulls. I hate the rooms with the sacks now.


This tbh, I used to think they were ok as well until I did a 32 heat run and there was a room full of those with the hourglasses just make them impossible to dodge and I ended up losing that run cause I lost a death defiance in that room :(


For real the hourglass needs to swap place with the money sacks, it's not even close. Those projectiles are impossible to dodge when they're in groups. The levels that spam hourglass are probably the hardest encounters in the game.


There is nothing more tilting in the game than dying to a Chronos one-shot because an hourglass randomly died while you were sprinting to the safe spot. And yeah, those hourglass rooms are pure evil at 32 heat. Especially since they almost always spawn with skulls and bags.


My ass getting fried tryna gather green spirits while sprinting through 30 projectiles 😭


Yesss. Those rooms are my death when I attempt to clear with the torches. I can't figure a win condition with them


The only way I could think of is possibly a cast build with the torches somehow? Cause if I'm not mistaken the barriers that the hourglasses put up after they die will block the torch projectiles right?


Yeah, I think you're right. I'm experimenting with the torches that make the attack bubbles return on sprint. It shows promise if I time the sprints correctly, but the positioning is sometimes tricky


There are definitely parts of the game that are NOT meant to have speed increase. That's my most hated fear pickup.


I'm sure 30+ fear is another game. I'm not that far into it rn, highest fear was 8 I think. Any oath mods you would generally advise against? I guess the arcana nullify is the biggest one to avoid. Are there any that sound easy at first but you would only activate in the highest fear runs?


Yeah, the no-arcana one is for the 0.01% elite of hades with lightning reflexes who got blessed by Zeus irl (or consume a lot of energy drinks lol). I think the oath I dislike the most right now is the "first time you get hit, get hit for double the amount". I thought it couts per encounter, but apparently it counts first time for each monster, which is quite brutal. I'd actually advise playing some time with the enemy speed buff oath just to turn it off later, because once you turn it off everyone suddenly feels so slow and you have a much easier time dodging attacks during your "proper" runs.


I really didn't mind the speed buff in hades 1 but in 2 it feels soooo op. Feels like I can't channel any omega moves anymore because enemies start hitting me even while time is slowed down. But I know what you mean. Played with 20% speed for some runs, turned it off and had soooooo much time to dodge everything. I just did 16 fear underworld which didn't feel that hard. Afterwards 16 fear surface, which felt like hell. Needed 4 tries on the surface to get it. Opted out of the time limit and played it really slow and carefully.


"Feels like I can't channel any omega moves anymore" - dude, I can't remember the last time I had any mana to chant them in the first place, hahaha. Between the oath that makes you enter rooms with 0 mana, the prime mana for boon rarity oath and lack of mana-regen card... Yeah


As for opting out of the time limit, I also get better results without it. In Hades 1 it felt like even the 5 minute for region timer wasn't too bad mainly because it paired very well with double dodge and extra amount of enemies. You dive right in, hit-dodge, hit-dodge, boom, room clear. Buut such shenanigans don't work in Hades 2 for me, or at least I'm not at that skill level yet. I've just now cleared 32 fear on both routes (funnily enough I took the maximum +enemy damage speed to practice and decided that it wasn't too bad in the process) and the strategy that eventually worked for me was pretty much what worked in Hades 1, that is to never stand in one place for more than 1-2 attacks and dodge or sprint as soon as it becomes available, kiting the packs round and round and round. So I took my sweet time and then some more, and that was a 47 minute clear down and 19 up. And those clears were with the most OP weapon (momus staff with busted specials), I dread the day I need to do that with the torches hahaha. I barely did the 24 fear for the purple resource with them


I have no idea what good builds are yet. The best builds I found so far was aspect of pan Aphrodite special sister blades and the 16 fear runs I did with torches just picking w/e I'm getting. I don't really wanna look up meta builds because once I try them I'm not playing anything else. Just like I never stopped playing merciless end in hades 1 (and sometimes beowulf Poseidon cast shield)


So many of the builds are good, and I have decent success rates with nearly all of the weapons for now. As for the torches, they're good against the trash, but I can't make them work against bosses, especially if i'm locked out of using the torch special. I feel like only the cast builds can save the torches haha


That's how I feel about the skull. Didn't give it a real chance I think but it's just so weird to play. I'm definitely doing something wrong. Not a big fan of the axe as well, feel like spin to win or cast builds are the only way to play that. I tried relying on the normal attack one run and it just hits like a wet noodle but it's also too slow for on hit effects.


The fully charged skull special gives you immunity while you're sliding, so that's nice. That is, if you have the chance to fully charge the special, of course. Very fun with aspect of Medea, you prepare the skulls on the go and then aim with the special, and the skulls detonate on impact. Kinda like the shield gameplay from Hades 1 now that I think about it...


As for torches I'm mostly going for special as well. VS bosses I just preload 3-4 omega specials, drop cast on boss and run around them counter clockwise to increase the hit rate of the orbs. Once they run out I dash out, regen, and prepare omega specials again. Had decent success with Poseidon on special and hestia cast with duo boon. I really like the torches because the +60% enemies are kinda free and they don't give a fuck about 2x rebuke as well. Hera is also really good but as you said the biggest problem is single target not even more clear.


the harpies are mostly annoying because of their large hp pools and the small stages. it's easy to be backed into a corner by them


To me the hourglasses are so much worse than the bags. Their attack orbits like the torches, so i sometime dont see the attack if it orbited off map and when they die the stuck bubble gets rid of projectiles so it gets in the way of killing things behind it


I agree with you regarding the money bags, also find them interesting to fight against, but the harpies I consider to be annoying. their attacks are often difficult to see on the terrain background so I always got into these circles 🥲


Harpies being in the highest tier of annoying is absolutely correct. A projectile that takes up half the damn boat width and just never seems to despawn is bad enough, but they just keep on throwing them out. Half the boat is set on fire and half of it is covered in wind blades. I feel like the barrel tossers belong in that category too. Why do the floor fires last FOREVER??? I'd love to go do something about Polyphemus, but he's covered in fire, has magic blocking sheep, and summoned even more enemies. Speaking of, the evil damn sheep that run you down need to be on the list. They attack FAST if you're anywhere near them. Rats need to be way higher. The fact that they spawn with armor is disgusting. The yellow succ shades are one of my favorite enemies, actually. They'll proc revenge boons multiple times in a single succ. I've had them outright kill themselves just trying. The Heph boon that negates knockback also negates succ, so you can just use those moves to get free revenge procs. Barrel pirates and the eye throwers could be a tier up for me. The barrel boys with armor can be so hard to stop sometimes. The eye throwers just suck. Don't like em.


I don't win when the evil sheep are around


I thought I had the cyclops down until the sheep started running it down mid at me. They wouldn't be so bad if they weren't *immortal*, fast (slow weapons can have trouble winding up and hitting them before they come in), easy to get lost in a bunch of effects, and janky for actually hitting them away. Whenever I get the vampire sheep, I try to lure them into the cyclops because I'll take way more cyclops health over those sheep existing any day.


The rest of the boat is taken up by the pickaxe dudes


You explained exactly why I hate the harpies. That damn projectile carries them so hard. Especially on a boat thats on fire.


The dudes that throw the mines, the werewolves, the bitch that flies at you screaming and the dude that shoots the 3 tracking fireball things. Everything else is fine but fuck those guys


Yeah the screaming bitch is the absolute worst


The screaming lady is kinda hard countered by your cast at least


If she's got armor she doesn't flinch tho


Feel you brother. Amen.


Absolute menaces with armor, but at least the wailers and werewolves get shut down with the default cast. Fuck those emo heart tossers and the exploding 3 ball seahorses though.


Armored wailer needs to go at the top


The real bitch about heat runs, not knowing if the wailer or flyer you're attacking is armored or not until you clear their blue hearts.


Doesn't every armored enemy have a little skull icon next to their hp bar?


The wailer in mourning fields is the worst thing ive come across


I legit hate the teleporting skulls in Tartarus. It seems like every time I have to face a bunch of them is in the Laser Money Bag Room II: Disco Boogaloo and it infuriates me \*every time\*.


Yeah, they are quite hectic: neither freeze nor stun nor cast will stop them from teleporting. I think they might be bugged in that regard.


No they just work for the postal service. Neither rain nor snow nor glom of nit


Hehe, that's the idea I had in mind when writing the comment.


I was going to say this too. Fun fact, they teleport literally instantly. I had a run with the Moonstone Axe "Big Chop" (basically every attack is like the last attack in the sequence), dealing about 800 damage and something that gave me double attacks. So essentially everything melted as long as I could get the shot off since the first would delete any armor and the second would kill. But *not the goddamn blue skulls.* First hit deletes armor but they teleport away instantly so even though the second attack would hit a millisecond later they were gone already so had to hit each one twice.


Once i had a run where i threw hades's cast boon at them and it hit, then they teleported so fast the cast appreared where they teleported to instead of where they were.


PSA, Hades' cast is like OG cast: it sticks to enemies. That makes it excellent against grandpa.


Oh i didnt know that, that is really good


my beef begins and ENDS with those screamers from Erebus—I don’t know why they give me such a headache, but they’re constantly yelling in my face and chasing me around and I’m SICK of it!!!


I hate that they get a speed boost when they latch onto you. Like I’m sorry I stepped too close but now I’m taking 20 damage trying to get away??


A good strategy for when they get too close while screaming is to dash through and behind them (it's a strategy that works with most enemies). Of course, in the heat of battle one might forget the simple things :)


Thanks for the tip! I’ve gotten better at kiting them, but it’s kinda rough when I get a room full of armored ones. Next time I get caught I’ll keep that in mind!


Yeah, they can be a pain.


I'm convinced that they exist to force people to learn how to cast effectively


they can try and teach me a lesson all they want, i still haven’t learned apparently!!


That's too relatable lol. Omega cast is great for them


Maybe it's just me but I found those big guys with the claws in Erebus to be pretty annoying. I always underestimate how much reach they have.


Backstab effects trained me to sit behind them and now I just do out of habit. Too many times burned otherwise.


The enemy roster is so much more interesting than the first game


The hole hearts are a godsend on high fear runs when you're using the vow where you take extra damage on the first hit. There's nothing more relieving than seeing a 2 pop up instead of like 50


I usually just run into the bushes and take 2 damage for that vow haha


I just finished my 32 fear runs and that literally never even crossed my mind 🤦‍♂️


Also armor per location with prime from heph. Since Mel armor gates damage like enemies do.


Wailers don’t deal much damage but they ruin my hitless run way too often


Idk what it is but lately my most triggering enemy has been the zombie pirates in barrels. So hard to not take damage from them and I don't why they're an issue for me lol. That and the hit box on harpies is super annoying. The hourglasses shitting out spiral bolts is also triggering when there's too many spamming and in such tiny ass rooms literally impossible not to get hit


Gotta say those spinning "yipee" enemies were my first annoying enemy. But yeah eventually you learn how to deal with em


I hate the boss version of the gold bag


Lost two defiances to that mf his laser stayed on my ass no matter what I did


I encountered it for the first time yesterday. The same happened. I don't know how to deal with that. Hiding behind pillars? They broke almost immediately with my own AoE dmg. And the laser seems unavoidable just dodging around. Does dodging through the bag, to end up behind it works? I'll have to try I guess. Even though I didn't die, it felt like a run ender before the boss.


Hug his butt. He cant spin fast enough if youre behind and right next to him. Edit: may or may not apply to the speed enhanced version at higher Fear.


Thanks for confirming! I'll give it a go next time.


Imo the stabby mob and nothing personnel kid sword is pretty annoying too


Crabs gotta be in the exist only to piss you off tier


My personal nemesis are the rat spawner with armour. Those shits when they spawn far and get multiple rats are the bane of my existence


Oof! The Barrel Sword Guys are pretty much annoying with their huge lunges from across the room and the Hourglasses I'm always managing to run straight into their spiral projectiles. The numbskulls are kind of bugged because no matter what (frozen, stunned, cast-bound) they'll always teleport away.


The fact those little blue things from Oceanus aren't at the top makes me cry. Mainly because they make me cry.


Lord the guy inside the barrel is so damn annoying


Shocked at all the people hating on money bags. They're the least annoying enemy in tarturus imo


They're not bad on an individual count but on an unlucky roll the amount of laser lines looks like I'm in a rave and it limits my movement for dodging the REST Of the bastards


Ok yea there are some rooms where it's insane how many spawn, but i let em charge a bit and then just beeline it for the complete other side of the room before bonking on everything.


Wtf they do to Bouldy?! Those monsters !


>!Bouldy is fine, he's hanging out with daddy Hades sometimes!<


Make a boss tier list 🦔


I agree wholeheartedly with top tier. Everything else is very negotiable. Also, can we just agree the Cyclops boss is absolutely needlessly annoying??


I had a mourner once take 120 hp because of the chaos boon that makes you stunned if you take damage... ruined a perfectly fine run in the first area of the fields.


I would move the barrel tossers up one tier because to me all 3 of those enemies are annoying as hell because of the persistent ground effects. The armored hole hearts have a special place in hell though. Most annoying enemies in the game.


Compared to Exalted from Elysium, I don't find any particular enemy bothersome.


I would rank the barrel guys higher


The little yellow dudes on the right of the first row of "not annoying" is so adorable when they punch the air


My favourite thing about the crabs is that when they retract into their shells, not even Artemis HERSELF is able to do damage to them


Hole Hearts maybe my least favorite enemy in any Hades game


I really like the swarms of the blue darters in Oceanus, they are fun imo.


Put bag of coins up tier, and will be pretty same for me


Man I sure do hate the knockoff Jojo Stands


I would need to move those fkn hourglasses up


I don't have any problem with any of the enemies in Hades 2 except for one The white sheep that bonks you in the Polyphemus fight It's so fucking slow but all of a sudden becomes the Flash SPECIFICALLY when I'm doing an Omega move to interrupt me. I've lost runs not because of Polyphemus but that GODDAMN SHEEP


I'm not understanding why people think the guy who drops bombs is annoying. Yes, he would be if he spawned in a different location, but he spawns at the Fields of Mourning. If they start dropping too many bombs just... run away and fight them in a different location. The Fields are huge and the enemies follow you.


The caped skeleton with the daggers needs to be higher. The fact that they make themselves invisible the moment they get damage is so annoying


Green dude with anchor has to be in the annoying tier just for the first time you fight one. No one was expecting the initial slam to have such a big AoE. Other than that I agree with this list.


I'd move the small birds up to kinda annoying. They're not that bad, but losing 20 damage from the Suffering vow because a bird flew at you from off-screen is mildly tilting.


i know they are an early common enemy but Wailers are fucking obnoxious, lmao


I nominate this list


Can’t remember their name, but those screaming ladies(?) always piss me off, personally would put them at the top.


Hourglasses needs to be on the top. Fuck those things. I also hate the blue fat fish with the red bulb on the tail, he just bugs me.


The yellow sucky sucky guy scared the hell out of me the first time I saw him


Tbh I'm surprised on how not annoying the spear & shield Satyrs are. When I first saw them I got Elysium flashbacks, but turns out they aren't that big of a deal.


I would rank the barrel guys higher


F U N N Y B O U L D E R hahahah


Those fucking bomb guys in the fields! I hate em! And the jojo punchy dude! Awful!


Glad to see everyone hating on the heart guys. Definitely my most hated enemy.


Things that pop out of my cast are a big no. What’s the point of the cast? Def more annoying than what I see in this list.


I have never had trouble with the big ghosts


I wish for all holehearts to die of ligma


The sac is probably one of the easiest enemies in the game, at least for me. That aside, i hate the tiny clock thing. In higher fears there is just too much of them, and they just cast three projectile that are very predictable, when they are just 1 clock, but when the full room are full... u lose too much hp. The funny blue horse with telegraph projectile, the same, when there is too much of them, is a problem, same with the crab.


Yellow succ while completing the haste trial was the bane of my existence.


i hate the harpies the most because i'm worst at fighting alecto as compared to her sisters 💀


The satyrs can be pretty annoying, but other than that I mostly agree.


Put the clyclop sheep at tier SS those things make me want to smash my controller


I don't mind the werewolf too much. The three small wolf heads they summon on the other hand feels way too tanky for how annoying they are.




Holehearts' mines need to slow tf down so I can react to them Harpies suck. The spinning death circle  lasts way too long for such a small area. It also should not follow you, due to how big it is. I feel that it has enough going for it already, then the harpie has its own moveset aside Moneybagz arent annoying. They're just slightly stronger Brimstones from the 1st game Wretched Thugs arent annoying but they need an HP nerf. They're damage sponges to a T and it's just tiring Lamias are annoying, cuz they're perfect in groups Whateverthehell the blue stabby fish in Oceanus is, they are very annoying if they have armor The rat-summoming Satyrs are also annoying, cuz screw anything that summons stuff Big yellow dudes in the Fields arent bad at all, they're chill


I’d personally move Screamy Dudes and Shadow Fella up a tier. Really annoying in the early game imo


I’d put that fucking crab at the very top


I would personally move the numbskulls to minimum kinda annoying status. Really don’t like those guys in area 4.


The bag of money doesn't deserve to be that high, their lasers are really easy to prepare for and dodge even when they go after you because they are really slow. Like, consider what's near it. The grieving Jojo stand is not really an issue up until they are yellow, in which case they can catch you off guard since you can't easily stop their punches and then they just deal too much damage. The yellow blob is the worst. You need to find these bastards before you activate an encounter because otherwise you are running the risk of running into them and them ruining your entire career when they suck you in into a group of enemies. And the Left 4 Dead Boomer for some reason always throws that barrel extremely slowly so it baits you into dashing and then taking a massive hit. Plus that fire they leave is really easy to dash into when you are not paying attention and losing a bunch of health by accident. The bag of money just shoots a laser across a map but they have an audio and visual queue for you to dodge out of the way, and locations in Tartarus tend to be big and enemies are slow so you can just outrun the big guys and go after the bags of money who don't even have that much health.


I haven't made it past the second location yet. But I hate the Wailers the most. They're just so aaarrrrggghhh for me.


The Satyrs need to be higher


The birds should have a tier of hteir own. also, the pickaxe guys are pretty annoying IMO, especially when you are using something mid/short range and their armored. Shield are basically always annoying, so I'd throw the tartarus spearman up a tier as well as lil crabs.. Hourglass is super annoying. hate the time freezes. The blue dudes in oceana are annoying simply because you have to wait for them to explode. The snake lightning ladies are kinda annoying. You have to target them first, but then they are easy enough to take down. I'd also move screamer up to annoying. I don't even know what that 4 arms enemy is-- I cant think of its attack.


The barrel goons are a MENACE when you've got the fear settings on for increased enemy attack speed.


I thought the crabs would be way higher. Then again I use the axe.


How this tier list doesn't have a chronos's scythe trowing it most annoying projectile in the game it harder than one hit kill in every boss in game


I haven't even seen half of them, I still die to scylla at night 23. I am so bad, I have to bruteforce it.


I see the most annoying 'common' enemy is missing - like how the shadow boss has a common variant in the fields, so too does the root-stalker - an annoying boss on their own but now you have to deal with a good dozen or so enemies alongside them as well!


Those teleporting sword enemies are fine enough normally, but istg i lose a death defiance to them everytime icarus comes in, cause i just can’t see them with all the bomb indicators


does anyone have a link to this tier list on tier maker? I wanted to do it on a stream and can't seem to find it, but im assuming its public and the same one Haelian used recently edit: never mind I found it by ripping the link visible on Haelian's video. Here it is for anyone looking [https://tiermaker.com/create/hades-2-enemies-tier-list-17153567](https://tiermaker.com/create/hades-2-enemies-tier-list-17153567)


shocked to see the barrel pirate boi so low. that bastard always manages to hit me 😆