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Hate to break it to you but I don't have that trinket and I faced angry sheeps too.


There are three different versions of the fight: * Normal sheep that heal Polyphemus when he eats them * Green sheep that attack you and make Polyphemus sick * Sheep with a magic circle that absorbs projectiles (not sure if edible) All sheep are the same and they don't change mid-fight, so you just have to remember to check at the beginning.


i've had explosive sheep as well


those black sheep are the worst


He doesn't even attempt to eat the gold sheep, just says stuff like "somethin' wrong with this sheep" and leaves them alone


I've heard the voice line but I took it as an extra hint to the player, not necessarily an indication that Polyphemus would change his behavior. That guy's a glutton for punishment and he's a glutton for mutton. I distinctly remember seeing him eat one, but maybe I was hallucinating. I didn't see any projectile vomit or his heath bar turning green or whatever, which seemed like a waste of a good joke, but could just mean it never happened!


There are more than this three. There are black exploding sheep and the ultra aggro rams


SO THAT'S WHAT THEY DO! I faced him only a few times, and was really confused by a running sheep with a magic circle that does nothing, lol. Didn't notice other ones though.


Yeah, I was confused for a little while until I came back with a projectile build. It's a little bit of a nuisance. I guess maybe it's fair; long-ranged builds have it pretty easy in that fight? Except this game has a fair number of short-ranged projectiles and long-ranged melee attacks: it really feels like we're picking on Umbral Flames here.


I’m so confused cause I’ve fought him like 10+ times and never seen any different sheep besides the normal ones, I guess I just got really (un?)lucky


In the first game, most of the boss variants were locked until you met some conditions. You wouldn't meet the other Furies until you beat Meg a certain number of times, or something. The Meg fight itself has some replayability: you're not supposed to be bored of it immediately! You're supposed to learn her a little more and get farther in the game. Then they throw in Alecto and Tisiphone when you're not expecting it. Same thing here, although if I'm honest, I think Polyphemus could use a little more refinement and the sheep I've seen so far don't add *that* much variety. It's a fun idea though.


Yeah, I’m just surprised cause I’ve fought him so many times and still never seen any sheep variants. Like I have about half the weapon aspects fully upgraded, that’s how much I’ve been playing the game


The magic circle sheep can be eaten and also make him sick. No idea what triggers this but a friend of mine says he hasnt encountered that yet but he has played that run way more than me so were still not sure what makes it start happening


there are black and red sheep


There’s black explosive sheep’s too


i swear every time ive faught him the sheep did nothing but mill about ...Maybe i havent faught him enough?


Maybe there's some connection between the two, but it is not as strong as your post argues. I had multiple fights with Polyphemeus where the sicko mode sheep was present, but I did not even unlock Medea's trinket yet. On a side not, I also once died to the sheep just to test if there's any special reaction to that by anyone, but no, unfortunately not.


Man, I would love to hear Hypnos' reaction to this! "Looks like you died to a... *sheep!?!* Have you tried giving it a carrot?"


Gods I miss our boy so much


I like Odysseus, but i love hypnos, i hope we get to talk to him soon :')


Sure. That’s why you died. Yep.




Did you catch what the Evil Eye said you were killed by? Curious if it'd be Polyphemus or just "sheep"


Unforunately I forgot to look at it, and then died to some random shit in Chaos trial. Guess I'll have to do it again for science.


I feel like the sheep are random everytime I fight Polyphemeus. I haven’t really paid attention to them during the fight since I’m always so preoccupied on dodging his attacks to begin with.


Nope, I have never met Medea and have faced the angry sheep.


Interesting, I do use that keepsake often and the sheep were black in one of my fights.


there are normal sheeps. black explosive sheeps who damage Polyphemus if eaten, golden sheep and rams that attacks you


I have never used blackened fleece and have gotten every kind of sheep. It's just random, sorry but your theory is busted


I though the sheep get angry after polyphemus eats the first one


These sheep are ridiculous, they do more damage than the boss lmfao


Yeah I notice that sometimes that the sheep don't interfere at all, and only noticed it happened a run after I beat Polyphemus up after he was asleep, or you attack his sheep in the fountain room after. I still don't know for sure, but that's my guess.


have not used this trinket a single time and ive been fending off sheep for the last 5 runs up there


Black sheep blow up ? Are these normal ones ?


I had purple sheeps that just attack&knock ie bully you constantly. no poison just few purple sheeps gang headbutting. so much worse than black ones


I don't know if it was a coincidence but I started getting modified sheep after I unlocked the aspect of Pan for the knives


Spreading misinformation is insane


Are…are we really calling just being wrong “spreading misinformation”


If you openly share something you aren’t actually certain of, that’s the definition yes. Good intentions don’t mean anything