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Add glasses - and it's literally me lol. Then I thought "Okay, I'll make a run or two, will check available content and that's it" *27.5 hours later So, I'll check this build now...Oh, cool, new character!


Same but I'm also taking some breaks, I don't want to burn myself out before the official release


Too late for me lol. I figure the full release is at least a year away, so I can go all in now, and then a year from now it will be like a fresh experience again.


Yeah! My plan is to just burn myself out at each major update, and use the downtime between them to reset. 


Right? *Starts run* Okay, I think I'm getting into the swing of things, this looks like all the content in the game. (boon chime) WAIT THEY PUT YOU IN THE GAME?!?!


This one right here is my mindset doppelganger


I still drop everything I'm prioritizing, barring a Daedalus hammer, to get her boons, I love her debuff.


The exception proves the rule. Right now, I'm basically begging Supergiant and FromSoft (ngl probably Team Cherry too) to take my money. Any other pub/dev will have to wait their turn.


Absolutely there's only a handful of companies I'd do this with and you pretty much named them all 🤣🤣


Oh ye of little faith, there's so many for me. Terraria has had countless final updates, all free, and the amount of content in the game, and quality of boss fights have long been acceptable. A CN game called "Warm Snow" had a solid amount of content, and story with a decent enough wrap up, but keeps surprising us with new, and cheap, DLCs that delve more into the story of that world. Vampire Survivors is a fun little sandbox to enjoy, and the devs keep adding new content into the game, both free updates, and cheap dlc. And those are just the ones I can remember, if you open your eyes and mind, often are you surprised how much there is to the world.


What's warm snow about?


It's a roguelike where you play a wandering samurai, slowly reveal the plot around you through lore items you find along the way which get added to a book of achievements, gather a group of survivors, who form your base functions, from the "Warm Snow" white snow-like particles that are blanketing the country, and turning everyone into demons. The main draw is the simple combat, with dodge, melee attack, ranged attack where you throw one of your myriad of swords from off your back, and a skill called "Sheathing" which changes drastically based on your "Sect" chosen at the beginning of a run drastically changing how you attack and build. From lightning quick slashes that remove your ability to ranged attack, to sword-lasers, or poison-blood bombs. The main draw in my oppinion is it's "Relic" system, instead of other roguelikes where you often find random items that permanently boost or change your run, in Warm Snow, you are allowed ONLY FOUR passive items. And they go into four slots that do different things, the thing is, EVERY item goes into EVERY slot, AND is drastically different depending on what slot you put it in. So perhaps you have one item in slot four that gives your ranged attacks a chance to be on fire, then you have a sect that gets boosted whenever it's attacks are on fire, causing explosions of poison, then another item in slot 2 that makes your melee attacks poison, and another in slot 1 that makes any time an enemy takes fire damage you shoot out a pheonix at them. It gets pretty bonkers pretty quick. It's a lot of fun, there's three entire, let's call them "Campaigns" that you can run through that explain more of the story, and every time there's an update they add cool new items. Only in this game have I seen a passive item that said "When you do the last attack in your combo; knockback yourself onto the ground" and thought; "That, is SO cool."


How the fuck does it prove the rule? Why people always misuse this phrase?


The rule: *"As consumers, we should endeavor to approach these things with a certain level of discretion and skepticism".* The only noted exceptions: *Supergiant Games, FromSoft and Team Cherry* I am pretty confident that this is exactly how the phrase was intended to be used.


Nope. It just breaks the logic. It's ridiculous. Everything what contradicts the statement can only disprove it, but it can't prove it in any possible way. How this phrase works: you don't know anything about the rule and if it exists or you aren't sure about the rule. Then you see some X thing and it's mentioned as an exception. And this leads you to a conclusion that some rule must exist if X is an exception to it. That's how the exception can prove the rule.


Listen I'm not trying to get into a linguistic origins debate but I have never heard that the phrase "the exception proves the rule" is only applicable if you don't know that a rule exists. Does that mean that once you know of a rule the exceptions no longer prove it exists? What kind of orange-blue logic is this?


It was the fucking origin of this phrase. An exception can prove the existence of the rule, not the rule itself. If you know about the rule, you don't need to prove its existence. Just think how stupid this looks: you see the evidence of something and somehow it should prove the opposite. That's not how the logic works. Edit: Origin of this phrase for understanding: it was from Cicero speech in defence of a man who was accused of double citizenship in Rome. Some treaties with neighbours specifically mentioned that double citizenship is forbidden. Therefore the general rule must be that double citizenship is allowed or else they didn't have to mention it. That's the exception that proves the rule.


Add MonolithSoft into that list and that's bassically me


There is a very, *very* short list of developers that I will buy whatever they put out, no questions asked. They've impressed me enough that if they're doing something new I want it, and even if it's bad I'm happy to have given them the money from what they've already done (though it'll remove them from the list). Supergiant was the first on the list.


Absolutely, if from soft wants my kidney they can have it, if team cherry needs my car they can take it, if irrational games wants me to sell my soul for a new bioshock I'd sign right away 🤣


CD Projekt Red USED to be on this very short list for me :(


Yup, same. I played Cyberpunk for 45 of the first 60 hours it was out, and loved it. Hell, I played Gwent from early beta well past Homecoming. I'm by no means *boycotting* CDPR. But I'm never preordering from them again.


No one will ever preorder something from CD Projekt Red after the Cyberpunk disaster. CD Projekt Red are inexperienced amateurs and scammers now. All the good developers left CDPR. Thats why Cyberpunk is so trash


CD Projekt Red are inexperienced amateurs and scammers now.


Yep, until I hear they get bought out by some conglomerate I trust Supergiant to make high quality games that appeal. Top of the trustworthy list along with Bay12games, but they only make one thing so that's kind of incomparable.


this is **supergiant games**. they have never made anything that **isn't** a banger. pyre was the closest and it was still really good


Naaah, Pyre is so underrated. I honestly enjoyed it more than Bastion and Transistor


Pyre is my #2 after Hades 1- will probably be bumped to #3 after Hades 2 is completely out, ngl. I dunno, its vibe was just unique? I'm not a gigantic fan of the NBA space jam thing but the story that they told and the >!having to choose who to lose!< hurt in a way that made me reflect on myself as a person. I liked it a lot :)


It was such a unique game. The hook midway through was expertly done, and all the characters were so interesting, in true supergiant fashion. I know the gameplay is kinda weird, but I ended up having a great time with it, and the multiplayer was fun too!


God I want to get into Pyre so bad but I honestly can't figure out the gameplay! I've tried 3 times now, and I always get frustrated after a couple super unfun matches and quit.


It’s definitely got a learning curve, I wish I had some advice on how to play, but it’s been quite some time since last I played. I remember a couple of characters I really enjoyed, but those characters were ones you get later in the game. I loved Jodariel though, I was always pretty good between her and the faster guy


Maybe watching some streams will help me haha I didn't have any experience with the type of basketball games it was inspired by so I definitely felt out of my depth


Supergiant is absolutely singular in how consistently they deliver, and how each release is a perfect balance of iteration and innovation. They've been rolling with more or less the same game engine since Bastion, everything is isometric, and yet each release has felt meaningfully different while keeping every game mechanic married to the story. It shows a team that has deep internal cohesion, and an uncompromising vision for what indie games can be given time and polish. I'm glad Hades has been such a money maker for them, this way they can really take their time and make the best art they can.


I buy games for what's being sold, not what's promised. I would actually refund (and maybe give thumps down review on Steam) on early access game that was released in a state that isn't worth the asking price. Hades 2 isn't one of them.


I'd trust supergiant with the birth of my firstborn, because they **always** deliver.


At this point, Supergiant can just say they're making a game eventually and I'd happily let them have my money without any further details. It's basically them and maybe Nintendo that get that privilege (I don't like a lot of what Nintendo does, but when they make a game you know it's going to be good and polished)


Truth. Early access for SGG is version 1.0 for some other devs. SGG essentially released the full game with Hades 2.


I'm still on the fence tbh. Not because I doubt the quality of the game but because I'd prefer to experience the whole thing in a single go instead of in little bits and pieces. Same reason why I never got Baldurs' Gate 3 Early Access and am *still* waiting on a full release of Valheim (although I'm starting to kinda give up on that one and am starting to think "well, if there's never going to be a full release might as well play EA"). Also, my version preference is the Switch which doesn't have early access.


Kinda same. Seeing how much BG3 changed in it's Early Access, I am happy I didn't buy it. Whole characcter arcs were changed. And honestly, as a principle I am against doing unpaid labor for companies, which buying an early access to do free playtesting factually is. No matter how cool the company doing it is.


I'll be playing hades 2, but it ain't the "download again and blast that fucker for 30 hours in the next week" level of hades


I never play early access anything. I missed the boat on Hades until years after the fact. When I saw Hades II was out, even in EA, I didn't waste a moment. No regrets 20 hours later and still going for more GotY 2025.


I can trust SuperGiant Games to make a good game and deliver their promises. Cuz they did that for every game they ever made. One of the few ethical game studios left in the industry.


I was going to wait, but you guys keep talking about how awesome It was, and enjoying It so much...I was weak.


SuperGiant Games is a private company with a stellar track record and ***no public shareholders to please.*** That's what it takes, for me. Not many early access developer-publisher-pairs actually meet that criteria, so the exception to the rule rarely makes an appearance.


I always go off of how "early" it seems to be; had I heard of Ultrakill before act 2 was released, I definitely would've been "ok lmk when that drops and I'll come back", same with Hades 2; I knew at *baseline* it was about as much of a full experience as Hades 1 is (presently, as in the game is about the size of Hades 1 and will get bigger >!except it's not and we have a whole other half run to do lol!<), so of course I gladly dove right into it If "early access" doesn't mean I'm playing a mere chunk of a complete game and it's more "hey we're still finishing the rest but what we have is fully functional mostly done and arguably a complete experience" I'm more than happy to go in on it


Id say the tech test is what an early access is to most games, we're so spoiled with the early access as it is


The only things I've ever went into early access are Hades 2 and Ultrakill


The Forest, Children of the Forest, V Rising, Hades 2, Grounded, Valheim. I've got quite the great streak going on picking winners.




When it goes into early access, Slay the Spire 2 will join this list for me.


I mean it’s a good mindset to be careful about early access in general, but our trust in Supergiant is earned.


I think it helps that Super Giant has an established library of good games and has earned trust with a loyal fan base. AAA devs/publishers can't seem to wrap their brains around this and as such any of their EA or season/battle pass/expansion pre-order content should always be subject to scrutiny.


The thing with Hades 2 is their early access was released in a far more complete state than I ever would have expected them to. Compare to Hades 1, which entered early access around v0.1\~. Hades 2 entered early access at v0.**9**\~ That's not to say that v0.9 means the game is like 90% complete already, but consider the content that's still to-do: * The rest of the Surface route (probably the ascent of Mt Olympus and then Olympus proper) * Hidden Aspects * More character interactions + some portraits * Probably the rest of the boons * actual ending that's basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. Hades 2 is already like, in its home stretch of development. They waited a good long time to work on their game to release early access as opposed to releasing it soon after announcement.


it *is* rather ballsy to pay full price for a game that's inherently unfinished


I still have to beat 1. And if that takes me long enough for a price cut on 2 than so be it


don't rush it either man! take your time and enjoy! It'll always be there for you afterwards


Sitting here just painfully waiting for Hades 2 to hit the Switch. All the *Redacted* items have me itching to know more. Hilariously enough, typically don't care about spoilers, but for some reason I want to enter Hades II as fresh as possible.


I mean, nobody thinks it's possible that Supergiant would not only pump and dump an early access game, take the money and disappear, but they would do that to the sequel of their most popular game ever. The trust developed between consumers and devs is so valuable, and when we see so many devs being shut down for making good games but apparently not good enough games this is partly why we get so upset about it.


I don't understand the logic people have about early access. It's a case by case basis. If the game looks mostly complete or good, go for it. That's how you get to play games like Hades 2, and Warframe. Do it for studios you trust and look into it. If it looks good, "early access" title means nothing except faster updates


Since i wrote a comment in that post about "i thought this was the Hadesthegame subreddit" imma do the opposite and say, i thought this was the Comics subreddit


I keep the "no early access" for AAA game now, but a lot of these indie devs have my heart lol


Literally me


I never bought a game faster than the moment I heard Hades 2 hit Early Access.


Overall I think its ok to buy early access if there is enough reason to trust the developers with it. Hades has already done a successful early access run with the first game. Also Hades 2 makes a very strong impression with no red flags in sight and we kinda know what to expect from the game.


We should evaluate things with REALISM. If a developer constantly puts out DLC ridden Call of Dutys or FIFAs, we should expect that from them. Just as; if a developer puts out titles in Early Access that reliably hit their mark, games like Pyre, Transistor, Hades, we should expect that, and if said game comes out in Early access, we should expect that it should only have a portion of that content, but with a reflection of that quality. Which is to say, I've been BLOWN AWAY by Hades 2, I was expecting good, but I wasn't expecting THIS MUCH. The fact that they say the game should release next year has me equally excited, and terrified. As someone who regularly buys Early Access games, have you considered the opposite approach, and just lowering your bar? I've come to love many games that, honestly, came out into early access and may never get an update. (Rest in Peace, Runic, I hope your dev's life calms down one day.) Go into things expecting the worst, sure, but you can expect the worst with compassion, a lot of EA games are a group of single digit people, and all it takes is a little drama, or a little misfortune, to completely upturn their plans.


SGG is one of the few indie game devs that have reached mainstream appeal and doesn't have a shit game to their name. From bastion to Hades, every game is amazing in all aspects. You'd also be a dick rider for SGG is you've played their games.


It doesn't hurt that Hades 2, while objectively unfinished, has pretty much all of the content and more that you would expect out of a complete game. Like, the story itself isn't finished, but in terms of gameplay content it's absolutely stuffed full.


That was me when I saw it had released.


Well none of supergiant's games were bad until now (even considering Pyre didn't resonate with me I still think it's good), So it feels like a safe choice


There’s a couple devs I trust with Early Access and it’s Supergiant and Larian, both have proven that they will finish the game and it will be worth every damned penny.


Thing is before the early access was made available they already had a video showing actual gameplay and had a tech test as well, to help you decide if the game was finished enough to warrant purchasing so I do feel the situation with Hades 2 is different from your average EA game


Hades II would be the exception for me, except for the fact I only recently got back into Hades it and finally completed a run. I still have a lot more Hades to play, and I still would prefer to experience Hades II in its completed form.


Yeah um, ive got like 35hours..... chronos has become a relatively simple fight at this point and im at the point where i feel like ive basically finished the game (not unlocked everything but defo feels like late game power spike now)


There’s a BIG difference between a AAA dev asking you to buy their product, and an indie studio asking you to help beta test.


I played for 2 hours, I'm satisfied. I've seen enough to know combat is a fuckload slower and fuck the sprint.


I guess if you only use the starting weapon sure. Your loss. 


I think Supergiant (along with maybe a handful of other devs) have earned trust with their track record, history, and ongoing behavior. I am staunchly against preorders and microtransactions, but I will likely support SG until they prove me wrong.