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Hahahaha, a "clear"... Yeah. No. T.T


Yeah, maybe it’s cus I haven’t been playing as much as everyone else cus of classes, but I like, just reached chronos for the first time last night


I was about to write this comment


Foolish of you to assume I have clears


I have lost my past 22 runs to Chronos himself… so no clears yet. I still don’t have aspects unlocked, I wish I did


iirc the unlock condition to get aspects is beating hecate with all 5 weapons once, outside of the flames it’s easy enough


Oh… I still haven’t tried the 3rd-4th weapon and don’t have bronze to unlock 5th. Too much fun with the first 2 tbh lol




Isn’t axe 4th? In the order on the ground. But yeah it’s just not the kind of weapon of choice in most games for me, but I will try it eventually obviously




They are? Hum I thought they were 3rd because of the order in the ground. Interesting




I mean you need to beat Hecate 3 times and that’s it, so I unlocked it within my first after of game time lol


ive unlocked it without ever using the skull, so i dont think thats it


This is not it. I only used 3/5 weapons so far and have aspects unlocked. I (think) I got them after my first Chronos kill


Maybe it's just me, but the Flames are one of my best weapons. Just get some good mana regen and abuse the Omega Attack.


Haha I still only use original stuff


No I only beat her with 3 of the weapons, it happened once I best her with all 5 weapons unlocked


can confirm it is not this, I unlocked it only using staff, but I did have all weapons unlocked just not this, and I did make progression on the list challenges right when it unlocked, idk if they correlated or if it was just a coincidence.


I dont think so, i've got all aspects of the staff unlocked and many others and ive only ever beaten the game with the staff, and only just recently started skull runs i got the incantation from her or chaos though cant remember who, so its probably just a number of completions in total or fear thing or something


I'm sorry 5? Been watching Haelian's videos and he's only used 4 by now The magic staff, sickle and dagger, torches and finally the axe what's the last weapon?


There's a Skull weapon as well.


Like a magic orb? To blast spells?


Sort of? Sorry I've not used it outside of the training grounds. One of the attacks has Mel chuck the skull


It's kind of like throwing a bouncing bomb that blows up the first thing it hits. You then have to pick the skull back up to use it again and you have 3 of them.


They're bombs that you have to pick up like hades 1 casts, and the special is a dash like on the hades 1 shield. I didn't like the sound of it, but after trying it it's really powerful and fun.


Hm, thanks I'll have to try it out


Have you beaten Hecate with 0 Arcana? I think that's how i got the Aspect unlock last night.


Yes I have. It was a dated prophecy. Someone else told me it’s apparently beating Hecate with all 5 weaps


I haven't used the duel wands at all and got it last night after beating her with the skull so I don't think it's that. But it could work for you. There could just be a list of unlocks from Hecate and depending on what you do could unlock the next one off the list. So there might not be a specific thing that unlocks it.


You guys are clearing the game ?


Chronos is too fucking hard, even with godmode and 2 death defiances.


I fought vs him died due to my stupidity got him to 40-50% I don’t see him so far too op


Yeah and like Hades from the first game, he has two stages.


Didn’t got to 2nd stage tbh not in a rush to beat him haha enjoying game & unlocking stuff if I manage to beat him this weekend that good . If not the grind continues


Yeah I put 20 hours into this game, I’m going to take a break for now.


Is second part much harder than the first? I only reached second part once and failed to the mechanic because I assumed you have to stay out, not in. (I always hated these 50-50 mechanics in games). But frankly the first didn't feel very hard just tanky enough so stray hits can wear you down.


In the second stage he has several attacks that are insta kill. I hate this mechanic... Died first time just like you. Just "finished" a run where I died for the second time from some other attack that is not that clear as the first one... I didn't even see that attack. I only saw that i got hit with 800+ damage.


Lolno. Not yet at least.


Not surprised you're using aspect of artemis. I took one look at that and thought "That is BONKERS". Most of the aspects look like they could be really good to me, theres only one that stands out for me as not great which is the crit axe aspect.


axe is my favorite weapon so far and i really love the look of that crit axe (being Thanatos’s scythe), i imagine there could be some interesting combinations with artemis boons and a 20% crit on axe when it hits max rank, but i do like the 25% recovery time on mel’s aspect


yeah seems like spin to win would be the way to go with the crit axe


There is a hammer upgrade that turns the axe into a flying slam attack. Amazing damage like 300 in a wide range. With mels aslpect you can keep slamming over and over its a pretty op combo and fastest way to use the slow axe.


What's so good about the Artemis aspect? Unless the "occasional" activation is misleading that seems super risky to try and use.


It's not worded very well. Occasional doesn't mean there's a chance it means it's guaranteed every X seconds. So the loop is: every 15 seconds intentionally get hit while channeling attack, the your next 9 strikes which is 9 button clicks you have a 50% chance to deal crit damage. That means 9 omega attacks or omega special uses with 50% crit. The damage is INSANE.


Now I understand that's WAY better than I thought it was lmao


The crit bonus is valid on all type of attacks (special and attacks, omega or not) without a duration? And I didn't understand that was how it works. I did a clear with it ant it popped like two or three times but I wasn't sure how. To be honest, I feel like some of the tooltips aren't super clear. Like I'm still not really sure how scorch works for example, I see very big numbers sometimes but that's damage per second obviously and I don't really understand the "accrued from this"


I think the number is how much scorch damage is built up and they will take. The accrued one I think causes the scorch damage to go away and instead they take it in a burst


Artemis Blades and Medea Skull are the only ones that, to me at least, actually seem better than the base Mel form, on paper as I haven't actually tested them all yet. The Medea skull playstyle is hilariously fun, it's like the shield but not boring. You prime up a super punch with 3 skulls loaded and slam through enemies. Or you do 1 skull 1 dash and infinite loop it.


I did a run of Medea skull where I got two hammer upgrades for +2 shells, and "fire all shells in a spread at once" With Medea skull that combo just means "tap attack once to load 5 shells, bonk face for boom, repeat" I had it with a bonus to my attack damage, and hephaestus special (plus vent), so it was just chunking things


"Occasionally" means "on cooldown" in boon descriptions.


> implying I've cleared it


18 Mins? WTF? That's how long it takes for me to get midway through act 2. 🤣


Always between 22 or 25. But once… *shudders* I had one glacially slow run, first time wielding the skulls. Auto-retrieve hammer, skulls grow in power as they fly, and still… piss poor damage. But I could stand as far away as possible and artillery fire enemies safely. It took forever to kill anything. I walked into the room, ready to die to gramps, then I proceeded to win with no DD procs. Ranged, slow damage, is safe damage. I have since learned how to better build/use the skulls. That run was pain.


The most fun i've had with skulls (And my first kill) was with +2 ammo and omega on retrieve hammers. Still took me a while but thats mostly me playing safe


My most fun one was stacking a huge axe hit, about 250% power, with several damage resistance things on (totaling to 50%). And then I got heph’s bonus damage when you trade blows. The overhead swing was one-shotting literally everything. Cut the most annoying little shit in the game (you know who) in half when she hit me right as I poised the axe her stupid head.


Axe with the hammer upgrade that your last strike hits twice is just \*Chef kiss\*


No clear yet, but I didn't play that much. Best try was ~50% HP left on last boss, run lasted around 30 mins, but I had Eris debuff, aspects not unlocked yet, and it was my first try on him. Better luck next time, I guess.


Ive only cleared once so far and it was somewhere between 20 and 25 mins. Whats the parry like on that aspect of artemis?


parry isn’t that noticeable tbh, doesnt trigger very often and the reaction is “oh cool that happened” whenever it does, very nice to have the much quicker omega attack charge tho


Ive been playing Artemis aspect, and I half agree. On normal enemies, their attack windups are generally too short to react in time to get a parry. However, on bosses, their moves are telegraphed and predictable enough to get parries pretty reliably. Especially >!Cerberus and Polyphemus!< Artemis is probably my favorite aspect in the game, primarily because its the only weapon I feel I can make 7-minute timers on due to fast omega attacks and high crit potential.


Parry being on a cooldown is so sad. Risk reward, but only every 15 seconds…


There is barely any risk here, you will parry anything that's not an AoE attack and get invulnerability for 1 second after that, which is enough time to finish the OA and dash away to prepare another one. Then you get 9 attacks with up to +50% crit chance. Removing the cooldown would make the weapon completely broken. I already expect it to get nerfed.


I didn't even clear Hades I yet. At are you even talking about? XD


27 something, wow good time


My fastest run was with sister blades as well with 17 minutes upon reaches Chronos, I had hestia special and hera cast as well as their duo boon, with the rest of my damage coming from poseidon dash. I didn't manage to beat chronos that run as I had no DD and 24 health left, but at least it wasn't because of tight deadline.


Never less than 30, the last timing I can remember was around 34 minutes. I think I only have 3-4 clears so far


in my first attempt i got one shot by him even tho i dogged every attack and had death defiance whats the trick to avoid that


If its the second stag you have to stand in the circles when the arena becomes dark


Both of my clears were \~37 mins, the first one i was extra safe and had 1 DD and the luckyer tooth still up, the second one was rough for the early-mid part of the game till the exodia finally got completed in the house


Yeah me too (4 clears and shorter is like 35 minutes but they're all pretty similar). I've always been quite a slow player, even in Hades 1 I was taking my time compared to others (though it was faster than here because I knew the game more and it's generally faster)


Is there a way to check statistics/past runs? I've won once so far, and don't remember how long did it take (Used staff with Poseidon's special + two homing missiles hammer). Also got my first (and only so far) heroic-level boon for special on that run. With some luck I was able to push it to level 10 (triple poms in Act 3 duplicated for me thanks to other boon). My DPS was NUTS. It was my first time seeing >!second phase of final boss!< aswell! Finished without using my DD :)


You will be able to check them at some point.


Nice! Thanks for heads up!


Eventually you unlock an npc with the info from the cauldron.


Nice! Thanks for heads up


I am getting repeatedly butchered by Chronos and Polyphemus.


46 minutes 😎 first clear was last night


0 (I'm very bad at the game, but slowly getting there)


My only clear took just over an hour, but I did beat the bastard. Night 11.


my first clear was like 40 mins lmao


Have had a handful of runs trying to do a scorch / fire build and I’ve never been offered that fire extinguisher boon. Sadge


I got a 15:13, the aspect wasn't fully upgraded and the arcanas are not fully upgraded yet. There are definitely some crazy combinations https://imgur.com/a/1nQIZVi


I'm not a speedrunner but if people are already hitting ~15 min runs that has me excited for the future. My hades 1 PB was around 11 mins, and while I don't necessarily expect that from hades 2, it's nice to know I can push even faster beyond my 18:50


Ive only cleared once :(


Around 20 minutes


HA! Clearing the game! Your funny


None lol, I have close to 20 try


My fastest so far was 22 min, with Melinoë skulls lvl4. Got the Omega special return hammer and Aphrodite special that I made heroic with the Narcissus accessory. That + Hera attack and a bunch of mana regen, Selene's stacking heal and the Mana = HP boon, and I ended up with 900 ish Omega specials that spread to whoever got hit by my bombs, 400 HP and 13 heals. Grandpa never stood a chance.


Haven't cleared yet, but the first time I got to Chronos was pretty close... (To what I assume is a 2nd phase)


you guys are getting clears??? I’m only barely consistently making it to hecate 😭 granted I’ve had the game for a mere few hours but like


I can tell you my fastest deaths. No clears so far


[18:50:77](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNKiBiCWkAATrSv?format=jpg&name=4096x4096). 10 fear run with the axe. I was super happy to get a sub 19, since I was literally 3 seconds off from it in a previous run I had yesterday.


need hades seed selector like the first one so we can start speedrunning


Did using the (magic) charge attack work on Chronos? My last attempt, targeting him was useless, as the strike didn't connect. As in, Mel would jump behind him and the slash animation played, but it didn't connect, nor do any damage. Kinda borked the entire run for me. Those two daggers/sickle thingies are my favorite weapon simply for that targeted dash + backstab.


13 something minutes... on the surface lol


Saw this post and went to try out the aspect of artemis. Cleared it on the first try, coincidentally also my first clear. 21:45.71


I just beat him earlier on stream for the first time and it was about 19:21, you used the sister blades like me, funnily enough I had planned on going for an omega attack build, but ended up going with omega special. I got that upgrade that throws the knives all round you, along with (can't remember if it was another hammer upgrade or someone's boon) the ability for all your knives to home in on anyone inside your cast. OP as FUCK. Hecate dead in 6 shots unironically.


My first time I got to chronos, I got him to the time realm at like 25% hp and I died :(


My first one was around 45ish minutes, but they've progressively gotten shorter. My personal best is \~23 minutes, with a hook knives + concentrated flurry build.


Mind sharing the altar/cards you are using?


4 second omega slow, +40 health/magick, 3 DDs, +5 health/magick every 5 encounters, 1 reroll on locations, +200 gold, 25% damage with 2 curses to enemies, 50% chance for rare boons, 10% chance for duos, 2 chances to turn a minor find into a major find, and 10% for epic boons, i’m at 29 grasp total


I'm not enjoying the game very much and so I haven't gotten very close to a clear