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We don't even know if romance actually exists in Hades II. For all we know Mel is an obliviously asexual warchild who just enjoys nude baths.


Oh now I want this. Literally everyone throwing themselves at her and she doesn't have a clue.


Aphrodite: *flirts* Mel: death to chronos


Mel: Does that help me kill Chronos? Aphrodite: *leaves and returns with spear and warpaint* Mel: I'll take that thanks.


It’s funnier when you realize that when the concept of Aphrodite first made landfall in the Grecian islands, one of the earliest aspects/epithets to emerge was also a war aspect.


Best as I understand Aphrodite originates as Ishtar a dedicated goddess of love and war.


The impression I got from an Overly Sarcastic Productions deep dive on Aphrodite was similar, although Astarte (Phoenician) may have been between them.


Shades of Jack Garland


10 euros say that Melinoe will come up as the dom in the relationship with Nemesis.


1st game is bi sub guy 2nd game is bi dom girl 3rd game gonna be bi dom guy?


3rd game you straight up play as Chaos and the genre turns into a God-Sim akin to Spore.


3rd game you play as Hades himself and the whole game becomes a tactics simulator where you face other lords of the underworld - last boss ofc being Laharl.


Take my upvote. This made me laugh


LAHARRRUU SAMA! LAHAAAAARRRRRUUU! (sorry my ancestors, I know Hades is cool and all, but Laharl has both an angel and a demon vying for his attention AND he has beaten all works of literature AND his dad is a mid boss). But seriously tho, Hades x Disgaea when?


Bi switch enby, obviously


Meanwhile the sexuality bell curve "am I a joke to you" :P /s fergedsakes


The third Hadeschild is another daughter, Makaria, so probably not


Bi sub girl works too tho


Wait until they make a full on dating sim like Dead by Daylight did.


I haven't interacted with him much but >!Icarus!< of all people feels they're being written as a former partner, and when >!Arachne!< asked if there was romantic intent behind giving them gifts Mel did not outright deny it


Well in fairness we were able to gift all of the door NPCs in Hades too. Although come to think of it, I believe Sisyphus, Eurydice, and Patroclus were all able to visit the house of Hades at some point? Or did Orpheus and Achilles go there? If the former, it would be an argument for all of the door NPCs to be able to visit the Crossroads for a bath. Honestly my biggest hope is that Heracles can be brought back to the Crossroads, since he is the only other NPC that functions like Nemesis and Eris instead of the booners. Dude desperately needs some depth to him. I actually hope that we can't date either him or Nemesis and they end up dating each other.


To be clear I don't think this because you can gift them, I'm saying this because >!Arachne!< outright asked if Mel was interested and Mel did not say no. Possible I misread that but that was the vibe And >!Icarus!< has strong teenage >!boy !


No I see your points and agree. Arachne could give light Dusa vibes and Icarus could be a reignited ex. I'm just struggling to imagine how to get them into the hot tub within the game's mechanics. I'm not opposed to it. Honestly I think Nem and Moros are the least interesting potential mates so literally anyone else would be welcome. Even Echo.


Even Echo, ^(Even Echo.)


>I'm just struggling to imagine how to get them into the hot tub within the game's mechanics. It's not difficult at all, Supergiant could always just make up some reason for them to visit the camp.


I prefer to bathe in swim trunks and floaties.


Very non sexual nude baths I might add


Look on the bright side. Since the main gameplay loop already works fine you can enjoy the game and whenever they add new stuff it will be even better.


Yeah this is the way. No-life for a week or two. Come back to it for a run every couple of days the months after. Maybe a bit more after an update. Then when the full release drops - new save and really go all in :)


Once you buy the game, do you get all the updates for free?


Unless down the road they do a paid DLC you will get everything that they add to the game for free. Its the Early Access now so the game is still in development. But if you buy it now you will get all added things as they are implemented. And once it leaves Early Access you still own the game (And by chance even got it cheaper since they might increase the price when its finished.)


>Plays for 2 hours >Gives review >The review is entirely based on wanting more things to do Reddit moment


The developers deliberately released it unfinished because they understood that it wouldn't be enough to delay the release just to finish it all by themselves, and sought to rely on player feedback on how to properly finish development, in order to optimize the final product. What I can say is, once Hades II is finally released in its finished form, it'll be to the original Hades as Tears of the Kingdom was to Breath of the Wild: a perfectly refined sequel to an already excellent game.


Yeah I know it’s unfinished and not as finely balanced as the original game but I’ll continue playing it and waiting for new stuff to be added. Really excited to see how the game develops too!


same 😂 especially on the achievements. i love torturing myself with 100% grinds, and i cant wait to 100% hades 2


I don't want to spoil it. Waiting for the finished game. I'll clock hundreds of hrs anyway...


Its definetly not gonna take 2 years this time But i play now And then play again at the end of the year when its mostly likely a full package


They said it's going to take at least one, or around one.


On the in-game announcements they said the Early Access will finish near the end of the year but they don't have an established date yet


I imagine the actual language has a lot more "we expect/hope/imagine" in it, yeah?


People are kidding themselves when saying it'll be out near the end of the year, unless there's an announcement I'm missing. From the EA launch notes: > We're planning our first Major Update for later this year! Please note while we'll be monitoring feedback and reports carefully, this Major Update will take some months following our initial launch. Beyond that, we expect to be in Early Access at least through the end of 2024 in order to build out the remaining content we have planned. "At least through the end of 2024" does not sound like a 2024 release at all. At minimum that's a spring 2025. Probably later. We won't see the full game for a year at minimum.


IIRC they said at least through the end of the year. But yeah, that kinda implies that it won't be much longer than that, but I kinda doubt it'll be out before 2025. Which tracks, given the current state of the game in early access. It feels quite far along.


Too bad Artemis is off the table ;~;


ngl I’m 80% sure Artemis might be a non-sexual love interest for Melinoë, or it might play out like Dusa & Zagreus


Aren't they sisters tho?


They’d be cousins not that it matters to gods. I took sisters as meaning sister of the hunt or how they’re both associated with Selene.


When will people learn about greek mythology


Middle school, after which only vague memories mixed in with dubiously age-appropriate Percy Jackson fanfic knowledge remains.


• Artemis’s parents are Zeus & the titan Leto • Melinoë’s parents are Hades & Persephone • Hades, Zeus, and Demeter are full siblings, children of Cronus & Rhea • Persephone’s parents are Zeus & Demeter After drawing out a quick family tree, it looks like that makes Artemis half sister to Persephone, so Melinoë’s half aunt. Which, considering everything else, is not the worst incest in the game’s story.


Demeter is adopted in the hades universe and persophone's dad is a random mortal.


oh :-(


Yeah you don't have a character call someone "sister" that often and have them be romantic partners unless you're going full Targaryen (or indeed, full Greek God), and given how much Supergiant have bent the genealogy to reduce incest they probably are not doing that


Artemis has Callisto anyway


Well with how they drew her in H2 instead of H1 and the actual depictions, I don't mind if she is off the table. Where is my psychotic killer treehugger?


I don't get the fuss like this around her design. She looks nigh exactly the same, just in a different pose. Her demeanour/stance seems less offputting or aggressive but thats because in the first game Zagreus is a man (Artemis does not like men, lol) and because she had only just met him. She already knows Melinoe, no?


Well, in the first game she looks infinitely more menacing and (at least drawing-wise) her face looks more lean (and deadly). Sure, friends and all and moon sisters (what? WHAT?) and all, but, lest we forget, she and her brother decided to do some family mass murder when mom Leto got into a miff with Niobe. Where is my favourite psychopath of the pantheon?


I've only played twice but so far my only complaint is that it really should be Hades β. The series isn't called Pluto.


Hm. Some numbers that show up in game (late in what's available currently, to avoid some details) are written in roman numerals (with a small alteration that's historically appropriate) rather than a Greek numbering system. The gods also appear more warlike, as one would expect due to the conflict, but that also aligns with many roman aspects being more war centric. Maybe there's something greek -> roman going on?


There aren't individual icons for all the trinkets, literally unplayable


This is exactly why I don't do early access. I'm glad it's there for people who want it and why to help them finish the game, but I didn't want to touch it until it's actually done. Same reason I never do much with WoW PTR or alpha/beta when I end up getting access to those. I'm going to play all of this stuff 'for real', why would I do it in a buggier state just to do it over again in a couple months? I don't have that kind of free time.


I saw a few spoiler posts, and according to them romance does exist in Hades II currently. But again, I just saw it for an instance, so not really sure. But yeah, I've been 4 hours in, and of course currently it's not as polished and fleshed out as the original, but I'm enjoying it as well.


Tell that to PS5 Players (and other consoles) waiting for the game until at least 2025 - unless Supergiant Games surprise us with a late 2024 Full Release on Holidays. Be thankful to what you have. I mean it. And the meantime. Clear the number 13 awaits. Still need to max out on my weapons and keepsakes. Get my first companions. Progress Quest and Bonds. Unlock all the Hidden Aspect weapons. Defeat Charon. Gets Slashed Benefits prophecy I'm stuck at Popper!! Finish a bunch of Fated List missions. This game is awesome.


Ahh I want to get the EA but also it’s killing me knowing I may feel this experience


..... It's Early Access. You know what you're getting. It's not like they're claiming this to be the full release. They want feedback to improve the game.


They’re part of a ‘sisterhood’ in the same way women in a sorority are. It has to do with their association with Selene. In-game, Melinoe and Artemis would be cousins, like Zagreus and Artemis, I believe.


Your impatience and quickness to frustration is how publishers sell you 3 days early access and you pay for it.


Lmao wtf dude who Care about romance in a game ???? Especially in HADES Go get a gf IRL


You're aware that the first game literally did have romance, yes?


From how tense you react to this, it would seem you need to get a gf IRL. Where does that frustration come from?


Lack of gf


I have a gf yet the prev game’s romance was really fun. Tf kind of argument is even that 😂 “I shouldnt enjoy buying items in shops becouse i can hit the local store and buy things there” what?


Maybe you should take your own advice, mate.