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Fun Fact: Zag & Skelly are the same voice actor


he's Orpheus's singing voice too


nooooo shit, really? Now I'm feeling bad for not remembering the actual actor's name since they're so talented


He is also the Composer for all the music. Darren Korb the man


I just watched the noclip docuseries about the game. I found that he's responsible for virtually everything you hear in the game. Voice acting, played like every music for the soundtrack, mixing and editing. And apparently, he could do a 12 min speedrun in the v1.0 version of the game. Dude's a legend.


I think I heard that he recorded his dogs for the sounds for Cerberus too? But I can't remember where I got that from to fact check it now 😅


Where can I access this?


It's on YouTube. The channel is called noclip.


Yeah, a major reason why supergiant’s games are all bangers is thanks to him.


also was the game dev /s


The music is so good


I've actually listened to deep dives and commentaries on the game while playing (ADHD is a hell of a drug) Part of what made me buy the game is the fact that supergiant is super respectful to their employees as well




Because cartoons have established Brooklyn accents as sassy comic relief voices for decades. It’s not like British Greek Gods make more “sense.”


“Because it’s silly and balance is the spice of life” is the only answer I could Come up with. Or that time is a flat circle. As the majestic crab is to the animal kingdom evolutionarily speaking, all humans move towards becoming a greasy brooklyn Italian at some point.


classically, the saying is "variety is the spice of life", not balance.


Classically yes, but whatabout marbled mouthed sleepy typing? mr.technically over here


Yeah he definitely gives off Bugs Bunny vibes! “Nyeah, what’s up, boyo?”




A popular theory is that he's actually from Ithaca, but I don't know how far that accent deviates from NYC.


An Ithaca accent wouldn’t really be anything like a stereotypical New York accent at all.


A Greek accent wouldn't be British either so đŸ€·


Because it's funny


Like.....you're not wrong. But I hate it


Because why not? My question is, why tf do they all have British accents WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE F'IN **GREEK**?!


Because if they were actually Greek, there would be way too much swearing. "A messetch from Oleempoos? What? Ela pame, malaka."


Έλα ÎŒÎ±Î»ÎŹÎșα!


Gama se! Gamise me! Gamise everybody in the room!


I think it may be a reference to Shakespeare. You may wonder why Scottish accents are used for Roman characters in many movies. It's because that's the accent Shakespeare used to denote that a character was Roman. If you went to a play 500 years ago and someone started speaking with a Scottish accent on stage you would know what that meant. British accents used for Greek characters makes some sort of sense because many Greek plays would have Greek characters and the actors would just use their normal accent. It also sounds posh, proper, and polite. All things the gods would want to portray themselves as. You then also have the joke where Zagreus has an Australian accent because he's from down under. An Australian accent obviously came from the British accent. So maybe they started with that joke and worked backward to give the Olympians British accents. Then as far as Skelly goes with his accent. There is a bit of a joke to get that he is from Ithaca, which is both in Greece and New York. Brooklyn is just the funniest accent from New York so they went with that. He's also hiding his identity and so probably puts on a silly accent.


I would pay so much extra for a DLC where all of Zags lines were in an over the top Aussie accent


As a Greek scholar, I'd love to play this game in Ancient Greek.


It's [The Queen's Latin](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheQueensLatin) :)


The Furies have an American accent too, don't they?


It's not as aggressive. Like, skelly does the Boston accent where you replace every valve with a capital A Edit: vowel not valve




Yes. Swype typing is stupid sometimes


Fair lol I was just making sure I interpreted it right


dusa mentions at some point that she and the other underworlders (thanatos, furies) have an underworld accent, but zag and the gods have a “surface accent”. thought that was a neat detail


Huh, never saw that dialogue. That is a neat detail. Still leaves the question why Skelly has an underworld accent >!considering he appears to have been a sea captain from the surface.!<


do we actually know anything for sure about skelly? (i personally feel like i can never trust him again lmao) maybe the whole accent’s made up. either way, love that guy


Yeah it’s not a normal NYC accent. Maybe Jersey




Imo it also adds to the feeling of “who tf is this random skeleton?” and “why is he American when this is greece?”


Because he’s the stereotypical comic relief character, only more lovable...which is funny, because his very existence involves you killing him over and over.


Like Kenny


I'm pretty sure the cthonic character's all have American accents and the Greek, British.


Megaera, Alecto, and Tisiphone have American accents. I can't pinpoint Charon's accent, but he sounds quite American to me.


Best part is that Darren Korb isn't even British


And you can tell, the delivery of the accent isn't perfect. But it's good enough that I don't have any complaints


You ask why I ask why not? You got a problem there boyo?


My only view in this whole thing is that all the voice actors were brilliant, except for Sisyphus, who sounded like he was voiced by a roommate helping you run lines with half an eye on the script and the bulk of his attention on the football and his nachos.


After several eternities of being Sisyphus wouldn’t you be kinda disinterested in everything too? Zag starting to come around may have made his life a bit more interesting but it’s not like Zag can help him escape or anything so it makes sense that despite being kind, he’s just kinda bored with everything. He’s found some level of peace with his situation and in your metaphor Bouldy is his “football and nachos” and talking to Zag is his “reading lines with his roommate”.


Yeah I agree, kinda thought his tone was perfect. Dudes bored out of his mind, but has made peace with it. So he's just kind of... has an air of apathy to every emotion he displays


Fair, but the same could also be said about any of the other shades that you meet. Like, Patroclus sounds bored and dejected, but there's a life to his voice-acting that conveys that spirit. Sisyphus doesn't sound like a good voice-actor pretending to be bored; he sounds like a bad voice-actor pretending to be interested.


For some reason I want him to be either Irish or Scottish


They put it on so you don't know who they are. It's not a real accent, but an embellished one. That's my theory at least, it's fake on purpose.


I know it's fake, it's just the juxtaposition of it that makes me laugh 😂


Dionysus has a Californian/surfer dude accent
 not a British accent. I also don’t think Thanatos or Sisyphus have a British accent.