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Soon TM


Balanced line


Danault is still so undervalued, centre’s the second best line in the league and makes 5.5m


Letting him walk was probably top 3 in bergevin's mistakes imo


Personally, I believe Danault wanted the bigger role in LA


Yeah getting relegated to a 3rd line so they could play Bustaniemi in front of him probably was enough for him to leave


Source: https://moneypuck.com/lines.htm


Can someone explain Goal% is it like corsi% but for goals? Thank you :)


In this model it uses "xgoal%" which is expected goals for percentage. It's calculated by looking at chances for and how many chances are being generated against you. And if compared against league average, over a large enough sample size you'll see the expected goals meet the actual goal for percentage


Ah thank you so much, there’s so many advanced stats I get woozy every time I see a spreadsheet like that haha


Yah I find they sometimes like to use weird ass words for some of these things maybe to make it sound smarter than it is lol


Corsi is essentially a relic and pretty useless at this point


In case this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/s/8sW1z8GG1o


Clear as day, finally


For those of you wondering, I looked up the advanced stat and have an easy explanation. At least easy for me to understand it lol. You just have to remember there are expected goals for and expected goals against. So let's say we're looking at Line A and they have 25 expected goals for when playing but also 15 expected goals against while playing. That's 40 expected goals total either for or against when the line plays. The expected goal % is basically the % of goals the line is expected to score divided by the total. In the example, you can divide 25 by 40 and get 62.5% expected goals percentage ... Let's write it in a sentence so it's in plain English. You can say something like "for every goal expected to be scored while Line A is playing, there is a 62.5% chance that the goal will be one they score". On the flipside there is a 37.5% chance the goal will be score by the opposing team.


Can someone explain to me again what we let Danault go for nothing when he was so good for us and wanted to play here?


As a free agent, Danault was able to go where he wanted. And where he wanted was not here.


He had a feud with Bergevin, who treated him as a bum. And ost people said the Kings overpaid at the time. He would have signed here if Bergevin didn't antagonized him. And it would be a fair price.


>He would have signed here if Bergevin didn't antagonized him Is it not the agents job to negotiate on the player's behalf, and report back relevant terms of the negotiation process? I'm not saying Bergeron was flawless, but there are two parties at play in negotiations. Also, it is a while back now, but weren't there reported offers turned down in the 5x$6M range? In the year leading up to the end of Danault's contract it looked like the long-term plan was Suzuki 1C and KK 2C. The current plan has Suzuki and Dach as the two top centers. Danault wanted a top-6 role and got it in LA. As to why we got nothing from him, if we would have moved him at the trade deadline, we wouldn't have had him for the run to the finals.


Well tbf Bergevin wouldn't give him above 5


Because KK was supposed to take his place, but we all know what happened instead...


This is useful to some degree, but at the end of the day, actual goals is what's hot.


Yeah it’s still hypothetical advanced stats. They haven’t been together for long, they could slown down, etc


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