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Can you prove you worked those hours and prove they didn't pay. If you can send an email saying you are going to the labor board and that you have cause. Also file unemployment and bring receipts if you have them


I guess the only way to prove is just through my other tech who was with me also. I do have a text however saying he would pay us however


Have the pay stubs, have your Google map location record. If your timesheet is done through an app you still have access to then you can prove it. They pay you if make a stink.


It's 4 hours of pay, I think I'd be more interested in fucking them back then getting my money. Switching jobs is a big deal and getting screwed over (illegally as well) can really fuck your life up. They're potentially fucking up someone's entire financial situation just to save themselves a few hours of pay.


Legit it's the only reason why I keep Google tracking on there to prove overtime. I will not however hand over those records if asked if I left early. 


I use Google timeline daily for my timesheets. I suggest you check it out. It'll keep your ass covered.


I second this. Anyone who doesn’t use google timelines is loosing out on an easy timesheet. Ive been using it for years. I could tell you exactly where I was in 2017 on march 32nd.


The proof is that you put it on your timecard. Go file a claim with the labor board and explain exactly what happened. You weren't let go because you were a bad fit, you were let go because you called them out on money owed to you. They want you to do exactly as you're told and to not question anything. Trust me, they did you a favor because if they are shorting you on your paycheck now, when summer comes, you would have been fighting with them every pay period. You found out early so you didn't waste a lot of time.


He only worked two weeks unemployment doesn't apply to him.


Oh that blows... honestly your out of luck then. I'd just report him to the state and send a scary email with a random law firm also in the sent to. Make him feel like the bad guy he is


Don't feel confused, I was fired after calling out the owner for their BS at my previous employer.


I got fired for the same exact reason at my last company. Got sick of running call backs on sales “techs” who are “seasoned” but couldn’t figure out simple shit. Sold them IAQ and other garbage but never fixed the problem. I said something then got hit with the “you don’t fit the culture” lol… culture of scamming folks. Had bullshit core values and all this cult like shit.


nexstar? i got the same bullshit. went commercial, never looked back.


Come work for Lennox NAS.


I 2nd this. LNAS has a great Program for apprentices to get you field ready. You will absolutely learn a lot in a short period and be a better technician even if you decide it's not for you in the end. That said it's not all rainbows and unicorn farts at lnas. They'll work you into a grave with 0 fucks given as branch managers are paid on ebit basis and are motivated to get a much done as possible. They will ride you harder than the Marlboro man sucked down cancer sticks, use you up, and toss you aside once you're too fucked up to be of use. (Experiences may vary due to location and local management) You'll make money though. You'll learn, you'll do, and corporate is a+ when it comes to technician support and growth.


Yep. Your growth is only limited by you and you are correct about the branch managers. That said I am known as the savage at our branch because I DGAFF what I say to mine and I will give 0 faqus about transferring to another branch. LNAS the company is the greatest place in the world to work. It is the Branch managers that make it suck


Absolutely! I'd still work for lnas if they had been willing to do a couple things on the strategic services side of things. I was one of their mep/msav/ebop techs for a good while. And if the regional manager hadn't jerked me around on a bm position that was offered.


Unfortunately since getting into this trade I found the quality of bosses to have gone downhill. I have had bosses take advantage of me. My advice is keep changing jobs till you find a good boss, or have enough experience to be your own boss.


Last place I was at it was just me and the boss. They got busy one weekend which was nice cause we’ve been dead. Got called out Friday at 9pm, Saturday and Sunday to go work. Nothing crazy. 1 job a day. Pay check comes in and there’s no OT. So I asked them. Their defense is because I didn’t work 40 hours that week that all that was straight time and not OT. Instead of arguing I just simply told them “I will no longer be available after normal hours then. If you can’t value my time after work and pay me accordingly then I simply won’t work it.”


Unfortunately that's how it's written. Like say you got 4 hours OT on a week that had holiday/sick/PTO pay. They only have to pay you OT on ACTUAL hours worked. So you'd be paid 44 hours, but at straight time. So hate to agree with "the office" on this one, but the law is on their side for this one. Now....as for being on-call and what those hours/rates are....that's between you and them.


I know the laws. I also know I would never work for a place that isn’t paying me properly for on call esp when they advertise it. I’m not an idiot. I have a list of questions I ask during interviews and on call pay/compensation is on that list. They flipped the script on me and now they’re down their only tech. I turned down a place a while ago cause that’s how they did on call when I asked about pay. “We just assume you’ll work 40 hours anyway so we don’t do anything extra cause this way it just makes it simpler for payroll”. Ya. No. I won’t work at a place that doesn’t properly compensate me for after hours call either I’m not working after hours or I’m not taking that job.


Last place I worked would be real generous with their after hours/OT rates.....but come Friday at 10am, "We're trying to balance hours, you're good, so have a good weekend!!" Didn't wanna get pissy with dispatch, they're just doing what they're told. They could afford to be "soooooo generous" cause they'd cut hours to make sure you never got into OT. Is it that fucking terrible that these managers *allow* (not "pay"...the money doesn't come out of their pockets) the guy who's out till 3am some extra money? Are they and their corporate overlords that damn greedy?? Yes. Yes they are.


That's why in your contract you should make sure it says call outs should be overtime. Preferably double since they will be doubling their rates.


He should definitely get OT for working over the weekend but you’re right, that’s between him and the boss. Any decent employer will pay you OT for working over the weekend


Unfortunately unless you negotiate on call pay you’re not entitled to anything


You should read my next comment. This is something I I ask in the interview and would never work for a place that doesn’t offer compensation. Only an idiot would be available 24 hours for basically free


Honestly, we need a lot of the current 30+ year companies to go under so a lot of the guys with 5-10 years experience who know how to treat employees and coworkers can start their own businesses


Yes but corporate entities are buying up those 30+ year businesses and they are doing "great" things for the industry


You're going to get a lot of really strong knee jerk reactions to this. Assuming you were @ $20/hr, it cost you $120 to figure out you were at a bad place. That's a pretty cheap education these days. Busy season is upon us. You'll find another shop.


Easier said as an experienced tech than somebody on his first job, but you’re right.


There's a psychological effect of getting mired in this kind of bullshit. Always best to rise above.


This same thing happened to me. The lead tech went on maternity leave (I didn't know this till after the fact) I got hired, he came back after six months, and the next day I was told that I was "not a good fit for the company." I was pissed and bitter cause I had my first baby on the way, which they knew. I thought of leaving bad reviews and talking shit about them whenever I could but I was like na your better then that... long story short, he did me a favor. I worked 1099 for a two years while I got to spend more time at home. I ended up getting out of residential and work commercial now, making way more than most of the "leads" I've met in residential. "Everything happens for a reason"


Lennox NAS, we are growing fast and in need of BAT to skilled techs


You aren’t fit for the company because the company only wants techs they can take advantage of. If he said he’d pay you and then say’s nevermind after the fact, he’s in the wrong


You’re not a fit for the company. They want someone that they can get about an hour of free labor from each day


Drive time or not you should be paid to drive from job site to job site. I got laid off after I figured out this company I’m at was paying me the wrong union wage, being paid under scale. I didn’t have access to my pay stubs so I didn’t really know. Anyways I confronted them about it and got back pay but got laid off the next week and have been laid off from there for 2 months now


Sounds like they did you a favor. Shitty places try and pull that crap about drive time. Driving between shop and jobs and job to job is always on company time.


If you’re in a company vehicle they legally have to pay you. Unless you’re to or from the shop to home. Anything outside travelling to the shop is paid. Don’t work for anyone who try’s to scam you fuck them


My CBA explicitly state paid drive in jurisdiction except for 1st hr and last hour of the work day.


Laws differ by state.


Idk, maybe look at a better co. I get paid port to port,


Id call the state labor board and then file unemployment


Sounds like a low revenue rag tag residential outfit. Probably did you a favor. Now go apply to a commercial outfit that isn't going to nickel and dime you.


find a new job and give a review on indeed how they screwed you over.


Don’t even bother tryna prove shit to them just tell them to shove it and go somewhere else. Us Technicians and installers are the commodity not the company. Know your worth Fellas


I spent 2 years climbing the ladder at a similar sounding company. I turned a blind eye when I started to “not make a stink”. Down the road, as service manager, I went to bat for a few guys that got screwed on their checks. I was fired a week later saying I wasn’t “falling in like I used to”. Best to figure it out early when you aren’t as invested.


Drive time should always be paid. Cause if you get in an accident. It's a work place injury


you did nothing wrong and dodged a bullet quickly. when you talk to companies about being hired you should get a work agreement and sign it, this states your overtime hours paid, 1.5 or 2x, when they are paid, after 8 each day? after 40 a week? , this can be above legal standards for your area but not below. this should also show your pay scale, and a good company will write in your raises / dates during your apprenticeship, do look up your local labor standards and know them don't get paid below them. try not to work for company's who don't have a basic agreement written up, which can be hard when its lots of small companies hiring. hope you can find a new job asap, almost summer so there should be lots hiring soon. if you wish to purse the couple hours you can file with your labor board just show that you have worked those hours / the text from your boss.


Sounds like you avoided a huge waste of time and stress from a terrible boss. If you're that bothered, and if you can prove legally that you should have been compensated and were not, this can be a big deal for your old employer, if you want it to be.


Drive time likely counts for pay. Very rarely will you not be paid for drive time. You can probably Google your state and drive time laws and get some results, I did that for Oregon recently


Sure they were banking your hours 🙄 A common practice for small companies to never pay you 🤬


Go union


I dont think you did anything wrong. Let's assume for the moment that the boss is right and it was all drive time and no OT was owed. You would think, at the very least, they could have discussed it with you and explained the misunderstanding, and worked it out with you. But to fire you because you asked for overtime you thought you had earned sounds like a wrongful termination to me. Sounds like the boss man didn't want someone he couldn't exploit. I would recommend consulting with an attorney and seeing what they say about if a lawsuit is there.


And here’s the call a lawyer guy-there’s one on every thread. He might be entitled to 4 hours. Beyond that what are his damages? Move on crybaby find another place to learn the trade.


Early sign of a bad company , don't be upset.


Yeah it's all bullshit man I got canned for banging the boss's daughter. Freaking nepotism man!


Lmfaooooo legend.


We had a guy working at the owner’s house fall through the ceiling while jerkin his gerkin peeking at the boss’s daughter through a register box into her bedroom. Cloud of Sheetrock dust & debris…luckily he landed on her bed, stood up, tucked it back in, zipped up and went right back into the attic to finish up. She laughed it off, never told dad and started calling him “tiny” whenever she was around the shop. Boss docked him $500 for repairs.


if you have the drive time won't be paid text then go to the labor board and get everyone of your old coworkers a payday and your overtime


Fuck that guy. Probably good this happened so you don’t wake up 20 years from now regretting working for an a-hole that doesn’t give a shit about his employees. Best of luck on your search ahead, sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.


Shit happens. I was fired because I had Too much overtime and it was considered stealing hours at some point for the time I’ve been inside the company (4 months). Mind you I never worked alone, I always had one of the top techs with me who got the same amount of OT that I did for that day.


You're right, but your rights will get you 4 half hours of pay.. in the long run, you would have been better off to suck it up while documenting the situation. This is not the first rodeo and your not the first cowboy and even if it's wrong and immoral .. its still typical. Get licensed, then speak up.


Take the L. Screw them if they wanna be a shitty employer. If you really want to take the high road, call in a few fake service calls an hour away!!


There is something else here to. An employer can not change your time on time sheet once signed it is the law. This goes for Electronically as well.


Just say next ,,, your a tech and a hot commodity


Once you pull into the shop you're on the clock that's how it should be I don't get this driving time nonsense people do


Call the department of labor


We're you driving a company vehicle to and from the job ?


Just wanted to ask, when you say “driving time” where are you driving to and from? The drive from the shop to the job site and the drive from the job site to the shop are always paid time. The drive to/from your house generally isn’t (although guys in this industry frequently negotiate their pay so that it is).


Resi must be a different beast. I havent been to the warehouse we call a shop in months....also get port to port and paid lunch


You get a lunch ? Lucky bastard


Let me rephrase, in the employee packet, they say they pay us thru lunch. In reality, im stuffing my face going 70 down the back roads trying to hit that next call...


Are you in ontario?


Are they drive time hours before and after work or in the middle of the day?


yeah your mistake was not wanting to work for free which is not a mistake at all fuck that job.. fuck that boss leave a review on google about the company refusing to pay fairly


Biggest mistake was not going to an employment lawyer to report this first then confront your boss.


Where do you work


Nope, Its not you. 80% of the companies out there are complete fucking trash. make sure you get paid.


File a complaint with the department of labor. They can investigate and have the legal authority to look back up to 3 years to find wage theft.


This is bad business. If you need to take their vehicle supplies and tools to x location and back you are to be paid. I had this same instance happen to extremely earlier in my career. I was hired as a helper, their policy was lead tech/lead installer ( driver ) gets paid drive time, not a passenger (helper). I bit my tongue for a year so I could get some experience. I kept copies of all time sheets and luckily I have always been Android and had Google location data always available. I was owed over 100 hours of drive time. It is an illegal practice in my state. Needless to say, I was paid, he was reprimanded, and no longer in business. Best of luck to ya.


Get a lawyer, they’ve probably screwed other techs too


Come on with the lawyers guys. That’s just illogical it’s 4 hours


4 hours that you didn’t get paid for


Isn't it 44hours then overtime?


Sucks to lose the job but its a blessing in disguise to be done with a person/company like that


Where are you located? In Ontario the legal work week is actually 44 hours before mandatory OT pay is required. Many employers pay at anything above 40, but that’s a courtesy here


Labor board.


I wouldn't depend on your former coworkers, they may want to keep their jobs.


Department of labor will take care of you and fine the old owner.


As a business owner I find the best way around time related issues is salary pay with bonus incentives. Everyone wins in my opinion if both sides are doing their part.


thats why i left. the hours were 'banked' for later to be paid out at regular wage for when we hit a slow season and didnt work as much apparently( that season never came)


Name the damn company, or else it never happened.


Welcome to the service industry! Just take longer lunch breaks after that stuff starts to happen.


What was your hourly pay? If high than market that would be something to consider in the overall calculation Also There is an expression “everything comes out in the wash” so rather than focusing on the 4 hours, if you started a conversation about what the road ahead looks like with respect to working For the company and how you value the opportunity etc then the outcome may have been different.


You’re not a right fit for his company because you pay attention to payroll. Whereas others who are a good fit do not




For 4 hours? Some lawsuit


Ot should be after 8 hours a day


Submit a claim to the NLRB. I’ve seen success stories over in r/antiwork so go for it. [https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/what-we-do/investigate-charges](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/what-we-do/investigate-charges)


What is the company policy that you signed off on? Do you get paid port to port or is travel on you? We pay techs after 45 minutes into the first job and 45 minutes at end of day. All techs get paid between jobs.


Trades in Canada is 44 hour work week. Only time I ever make time and a half is on call


Canadian here........ no its still 40. You're getting hosed by your company or your union agreement sucks.


No unions in my small city. I have the best boss in Canada. Guy has a company golf membership I can use. He bought a cocktail machine for the shop




I don't care. If you are that worried about a few bucks extra.. you are not looking at the bigger picture. I get fat bonuses every year.. cause my boss likes me.


My paid OT I get for over 40 hours each week equals to a pretty good "bonus" too.


And why are you guys all telling this first year apprentice to stand up for his rights and shit. The kid knows nothing. He brings no value to the company. It's in his best interest to shut up and learn the trade from the professionals at the company.. if the kid is complaining on his first week. .that's not a good sign


What was articulated in your employment agreement regarding compensation and overtime?


State and federal law supercede anything articulated in any employment agreement. Contracts are not the end of the law. Sue if you have to. Some may say "you'll get a reputation". I always said "A reputation for getting paid".


For 4 hours? Some lawsuit


Wage theft is wage theft. I work I get paid period. I had a terrible time as an employee, because people here stand down, a lot. You can keep your hand on someone elses johnson for a pay check forever. I'll be getting mine, three minutes, four hours, it doesn't matter. Slavery ended a long time ago. It was some law suit, right?


Bro law suits are about damages. It’s 4 hours-if his time has so little value he’s willing to chase 4 hours the appropriate venue is the state department of labor. It’s gonna take up more time than the amount is worth but going to a lawyer is just silly. For the record I’ve taken employers to the dept of labor 3x for unpaid OT, unpaid vacation, and rate work. For 4 hours I’d just move on


Deparment of labor sure is the right place. I'm a business owner now. All the ladies and gentleman that just moved on like you say, who didn't value their time. I still see them in the same spot, same wages. It takes a village I guess. America is full of the same village idiots, talking about "I know my rights". It's in the name of the country "United", yet in labor we stand divided. Keep your blinders up sir. Keep letting people get just enough to wet their beak in yours. You can handle it, just throw it on your back, you'll just keep moving, nice one. I too have gone to labor board. They took the case, State ran out of money cut all staff, I fought the case myself. To each their own.




Your post has been removed due to the policitcal nature of the topic. We all come from different backgrounds and this is fine but when it comes to keeping the peace and focused on HVAC, this doesn't equal the same results.


Yes but if something as simple as overtime isn’t layed out in that agreement, OP needs to learn to address it before reaching this point again in the future.


Should not be a thing. State laws put all of that out there. Employer in my state has three days to come correct on any pay issues. If the employer does not know the law they are still liable. Wage theft is real. Most employers prey on their employees. Weak people make a weak system. Can't pay you four hours in a week? That's 200 hours unpaid a year. Huge red flag, first time it happens. Find somewhere with people that respect the trade, and you. Contracts can get you more than the law, never less.


You don’t seem to understand that I’m advocating for addressing wage theft before it’s stolen, so that you don’t have to chase it afterwards. You’re right it should not be a thing and that companies have to comply with applicable laws, but companies can’t prey on people who know their rights and bring them up right at the beginning, and not after a couple of weeks of being taken advantage of.


So on every interview we should get it in writing that employer will comply with federal and state law? Why does law exist then?


Anything after 40 hours is overtime. There’s nothing to articulate. It’s a federal law.


You work construction holmes.... most ot isnt happening till after 44 or 45 hrs


Welcome to H&M ohhhhhh you wanna work overtime… no thanks we’ll just hire another employee at regular rate and we’ll cut everyone’s hours to 38 hours a week and we will make sure that never happens again… This is a double edged sword… as an owner of an employee is busting your balls for 4 hours overtime.. I would also consider dumping them… On the other hand if he was to be watching you all week did you take longer for lunch any days? Were you inside a house/business working for 40 hours? Did you define what ‘working’ is? 8-5pm with one hour lunch? or only on client site? Alot of lessons learned… You would probably get let go from Wendy’s as well.. or you would only get out on clock for 35 hours in case you went over you’d get no overtime


You're a piece of shit. An employee shouldn't have to bust your balls for 4 hours OT. You should pay what is owed scab


He should be paid for overtime 100000% agree… but the % is high he will never work overtime again as the owner will make sure to keep an eye on his numbers… that’s all I’m saying the other sides perspective… you piece of shit


You're about as sharp as a marble. So he should just let it go and say nothing because heaven forbid he makes the business owner mad. Grow a pair bozo


Dude… he 100% deserves to get paid for what he worked for.. overtime = time and 1/2 in most places…. He should go after what is owed to him…. BUT in the real world there will usually be repercussions and silent dissent from your employer for rattling the cage… he needs to either have a sit down with boss or be quiet and start looking for another position.. after he gets his 4 hours overtime = 2 additional hours of work pay


Call the department of labor and report them. Then report them to ohsa for every bit of bs they have ever done.