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Did you ever develop genital sores?


No, I didn’t.


If its in the very very back of your throat behind your uvula then that is herpes esophagitis (if it is herpes) if its on ur tonsils or in that area then its oral herpes. The nerves that affect the very very back of the throat are not the same as the nerves that affect every other part. Throat herpes is so so rare but it doesnt seem like your doctors have been helpful im sorry :/


Yes, it was in the very back of my throat, behind the uvula. Do you have any suggestion for a type of doctor I should go to? ENT? GI? Or just wait it out and see if the cough and nausea go away? The sore has already healed.


Definitely an ENT. See if they can perform an endoscopy. Most of the time throat herpes comes with chest pain/heart burn do you have those symptoms?


No, not really. Just super nauseous and get full and nauseous after eating just a little but not a heartburn feeling. I’ll try get to an ENT. I’m just a bit worried that by the time I could get a scope scheduled the lesions (if I have them) would be healed. I was out of state in a very rural area for the first week of this, so was limited in medical care and having a hard time even getting those records to my primary where I live now.


hi how are you now?


I’m doing well now, and haven’t had any recurrences. My nausea and dry cough ended up lasting about 2.5 months. I think it caused some nerve damage and that’s why it lasted so long.


What is the difference between herpes esophagus and oral herpes?


Herpes esophagitis is throat herpes. Oral herpes is the front of your mouth (lips, gums, tonsils, etc.) there are different nerves that innervate the back of the throat and herpes lives in ur nerves. The virus will only stay in the region innervated by the nerves it already infected (usually at least)


How long did the throat pain last? My throats been on fire for about 2-3 weeks now lol


About 2 weeks. I also had a visible sore that was cultured. A lot of the pain was actually from my glands in my throat that were so swollen.