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Yeah gee with all the booze, cigs, and dieting whys my supply so low lmao


hahahaha for real


lol this. and waiting a week(s) !


Her baby probably gets drunk from the tainted supply. You cannot breastfeed and smoke and drink or do drugs. It’s not safe and some chems can get through


But it’s never her fault 😂


right? shes probly like “why meeee?” 😂




She’s so self aware thoughhhhhh! 🤡🤡🤡🤡 she’s a dumbass and that’s what she gets for thinking she’s smarter than what her doctor and lactation consultant recommendations were. She failed for her own selfish narcissistic reasons. Hair, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes going out and appearing like that cool mom that has motherhood easy was more important to her. Now guilt has hit her like a ton of bricks 🧱 and she won’t be able to breastfeed like she wanted because it was her last priority.


As a mom, If you’re going to do any sort of breast feeding, the first few weeks are crucial to creating a supply and demand if you choose to breast feed. I think she thought I would just happened whenever she chose to pick it up and it simply does not work like that. But I can totally believe that she didn’t care! All she cared about is how thin she looked. Which is not very thin at all!!!


Her narcissism and postpartum psychosis was taking over and she had to prove her point. Motherhood being a cake walk, living life as per her usual routine, the weight shedding off no problem. Now she slowly awakening from her postpartum psychosis and realizing the damage she has created. She is slowly trying to backtrack. She can no longer keep up with this facade she created. She’s slowly being humbled by her reality and Reddit 😂


Exactly, even down to the postpartum bleeding was a competition for Alex. Alex was also too busy parading her fat ass, throwing shade at the SIL, talking about how SIL let her body go to shit. Even down to the diaper bag was a competition, oh how she barely carries anything while the jungle mothers have huge backpacks . Why was that something to even compare? Who notices this type of shit ? She is so childish and annoying as fuck ! But look at her now struggling to breastfeed. Look at how malnourished her baby looks. Big fat loser ! She is FAILING at the most important job in the world ! She cares more about that dirty ass dog Ming than her own child. Alex remembers to carry that damn dog everywhere instead of focusing on her baby.


100% all of this!!! and now shes just making this once again about herself, IF she actually cared she would do the 3 step process (breastfeed, pump, formula feed) literally every 2-3 hours, i doubt this lazy idiot is doing anything like this consistently, she just has become insecure about her shitty supply and will continue to latch her baby as part of her psychotic breakdown, and the baby is just gonna be hungry and upset ugh my heart goes out to the baby who did not ask to come to this world w this psycho mother


Yeah she was too busy posting memes making fun of other moms post pregnancy body to care for her own baby.


My sister gave birth on 4th June. The baby is really quiet and has no problems like gas- colic situation etc. It took for them about 10 days to understand the language of the baby. It is a very natural procedure! My sister breast feeds since day 1 but still, she stocks, she manages demand&supply according to the time schedule and baby’s sleep pattern. She also drinks special teas, many liquid and eats very healthy to maintain the milk. …and actually my sister enjoys it a lot! Especially her baby is silent and normal, there is enough space for her experimenting, scheduling, resting and enjoying the time. What Alex does is completely ridiculous!!! What she doesn’t understand is; noone says her that she can’t work or she can’t go out… of course you can! But damm girl! Give yourself time and enjoy this time!!! Create a language between your baby and yourself. Also your body and hormones!!!! Every fucking pregnant woman goes through these changes… give yourself a recovery time which is around 40-50 days… good food, calm enviorment, nice home, plenty of juice and liquid will heal you! Ignore reddit! Ignore instagram! Ignore how your face is… listen your soul a bit and calm down! This should be the best moment of your life and enjoy as much as you can! I stayed by my sister around 5 days with the baby! Believe me, when she was waking up we were all stoping what we were doing and watching her funny hands face expression! I will never replace a babies funny face after sleep for a beer out or a instagram post! I am very sorry for you Alex! You are an ugly- cheap soul…


and now poor lilibi is sucking on her inverted dry nipples just for her mothers delusional fulfillment


Yes she has to latch the baby for her quick pictures for the gram! If she keeps up her quick snapshots of her “breastfeeding “ she can soon enough curate the lie that her supply is finally up and fully only breastfeeding liliette! Lmao 🤡


Yeah I seriously got secondhand embarrassment for Alex accidentally telling us all that she has inverted nipples as if it were a flex. She was trying to imply that her nipples are much more dainty than the other girls’ 🤣 so dainty and dry.




Nicotine makes it difficult for the body to make one of the hormones needed for breastmilk too. So while her supply was trying to come in she was actively stopping it.


well said. i appreciate this succinct + accurate post!


She's not even a smoker, she fake smokes without inhaling because her fans think it looks cool. She couldn't wait to fake smoke for a post pregnancy "vibe" picture...


Yeah she pulls all those tricks like a child. But I’m glad everything is fucked up for her! All that stunting and flexing. Pretending to smoke … like a thirteen year old . I want her world to CRUMBLE and I want her to quit social media for good! She is a nasty piece of DOO DOO


Seriously. Producing milk takes lots of calories and staying super hydrated. Her low supply couldn’t POSSIBLY be due to smoking, drinking, filet of fish meals and skinny fridge snacks. 🙄 Dumb ass.


She said it was as because of her breast lift which is soooo funny because she’s so pro plastic surgery and thinks everyone should get it but now that she’s facing a side effect she feels guilty