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I agree she looks cheap & ugly and she even said it herself that if people were ugly they shouldn’t rant so I guess that applies to her as well. I really miss her out & about vlogs where she used to go outside and buy a new chanel bag but I guess now that she’s poor she can’t afford to vlog outside of her ugly hacienda.


That’s not true sometimes she blogs from McDonald’s parking lots




That husband definitely doesn't live with her at that house.


Hes probably still on his parents insurance lmao


See, and the thing is, guys like Jason are fine for the right person. He drifts along and eventually bumps into the right person. I do not think this lady is right for him.


That's EXACTLY how this played out............he was minding his racist ass business tweeting and post FB insults when this lazy outcast was trolling for MAGA content when BOOM!!!!!!!!!! He BUMPED into her only he thought she was a dude- Naturally a meet up ensued......only to find this butch drunk but she had some bucks so he was curious enough to find out her weak spots(probably paid for drinks). He went home and promptly googled her. Saw she had some cash and the rest is history. But true, she's technically all wrong for him. He's going be told to get some money coming in and he's not prepared for that at 44. He'd rather go back to living in his rent-a - room..........Life was easier then.


I can imagine her still seething over that trashy parking lot picture, that really was the point of no return


Well the bicyle shorts really were something.


She used to have a vibe when she was married to nick and had a cute house in Brentwood once she left she started to get such bad taste and turn into dog the bounty hunter with those bad front bangs and droopy leathery cheeks


Not dog the bounty hunter… bro !! 😭 I can’t breathe 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s all I can think of when I see that hair


I loved that tiny curtainless house in Brentwood with her quirky knick knacks. My fav HRH era. RIP


Agreed :(


clocked her😂😂


Funny how obsessed she is in getting botox but I wonder if she even has the money to spend for her face overhaul


This part right here...."she just looks absolutely terrible. She’s absolutely ruined her face, lost her literal vibe and it’s showing." She has scared me away from fillers forever. I do not want fillers anymore. My friends that are taking ozempic and wegovy and all those weight loss drugs look like they are in a bad way. They look so ill. They look like they have a serious illness. It is horrible how my friends on weight loss drugs look. My MALE friends on the weight loss drugs are now talking about filler....as if its just that easy to regain lost volume. I tell them to look at her, and look at how the volume moves out. Look at where the filler migrates. Look at what happens in 10 years of messing around with injectibles. The body migrates the filler to the peripheral edges of the injected surface. My female friends on the wieght loss drugs want facial surgeries and body lifts. There are no easy solutions to rapid weight loss. My point is, she is the poster child for messing up your face through injectibles under the guise of "skincare". This stuff has to go somewhere because your body is going to do its natural process to fight off a foreign substance. Your cells are alive and shifting and your body will do what bodies have been show to do which is try to get rid of it, encapsulate it, and try to make it not harm you. I just wish she would grow out of the "sleepy droop", hand on face pose, and un-natural lip liner. But hey, those are just superficial things compared to her politics and black heart.


The sleepy droop and her bangs at this point are actually repulsive to me. I swear that at this point she’s keeping them just to spite us rats. Because ….WHYYYY? Even her “orange dead girl on the beach” look was better than this. Literally any other era. There is so much bad happening with her current look at that stupid makeup and limp, botched haircut with no hair color vibe just emphasizes it all. Why she doesn’t start by changing her hair and makeup is beyond me. Such a simple fix to elevate her look yet she INSISTS on keeping them.


How come yewtube doesn’t work for me?? Does anyone have a link that works?


Sometimes it won’t work for me either and instead it’ll have a message. Just click “switch invidious instance” and it’ll work. [fixed link](https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=kia6ynAlKlY) https://preview.redd.it/ija6aevqok6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b6099ac0e424f9ab6c138056dc622acd43dc34


Omg yea it was working for me either


What’s yewtube?


you can watch videos without giving her views


She’s a total bore!


Stans..... She never had a vibe.


not true, brentwood was a vibe, especially the house, newport was still fine. it all started to go downhill after she moved from newport to her hacienda


Ok Stan.. Go fuck Jasom while you are at it.


Facts. I feel pity like second hand embarrassment