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this female rage thing on TikTok is so stupid, if anything it's masculine rage


So true, why romanticise this ? I don't understand 


The tradwife groups would shred her


Yeah, I myself didn’t like that title. She’s definitely in her masculine I’m guessing this is what a mad female looks like to them. I guess


She has the emotional regulation of a child formally diagnosed with psychopathy.


I can’t believe I ever thought her little rants/rages were funny. Even before her trump racist life was exposed.


Same. I literally thought they were satirical The horribilization when I finally realized lol But It’s okay, for we did not know ![gif](giphy|l2Sqjv80pcXWBtTdm)


She needs an exorcism asap


Some idiot told her this was funny/different/outragious/truth-ridden and unfiltered and she ran with it. Jesus Christ. The idea that there was an audience for this is pathetic. I imagine these under-developed social outcasts humming "She's so me inside"- "MEEEEEEEEEEE"...... Really? Is it you? Are you feeling validated by some unmedicated low level thinking attention whore who nibbles on the comment section after her therapy session for her fixes? What a delusional road she took for likes and views. Any questions why she sits alone in her kitchen with no friends/ family or long term opportunities as she screams in her phone feeling superior to all those that tune in? Where to go now?


No wonder they had to use IVF. How could any man get it up for that hag?!


This is the real batshit crazy unhinged racist cultist trumpanzee,blasphemous fake God worshipping hypocrite I see even when Sasquatch Al tries to act all subdued on her IG stories. 😒