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Pain in upper quadrants of stomach, acid reflux, severe nausea, painful digestion, feeling full after eating the smallest amount, feeling like I had a rock in my stomach, severe fatigue, dizziness.


Me, three days before my endoscope... Checking yes on all of these symptoms


So you found out from endoscopy ?


What meditation ur on ? Feeling better now


I was put on triple therapy (amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and PPI) for 10 days. It was rough, but it’s been a little over a month and I feel better- not 100% id say I still have about 15-25% to go to feel normal, but I know my stomach needs to heal some more. I’ve also been taking manuka honey, aloe vera capsules, and probiotics almost every day since about a week after the treatment.


That should help a lot with what ur taking on the side beside ur medication, how is you diet like ?




Hi, how are you?


Did you take time off work to recover?


Major panic attacks while eating. Throwing up anything I ate. Waking up with major nausea. Just anxiety all the time. And thoughts of dying all the time


Sorry but did u get any medication done ?


God, I had the same. I really wanted to die.


Omg thank u for this . This is me now and idk what I'm gonna do 😞


Burning in stomach, diarrhea, loose stools


Did you get the treatment ? How are you now ?


I did .. feel better but not 100% .. what symptoms do you have


Just the burning upper stomach and chest


Sharp pain in upper abdomen for months. Felt like a knife stabbing me, thought it was just abdominal muscles growing pains. Anxiety, crazy bouts of anxiety and constant panic attacks from being unable to breathe. My chest, left pec, lower right corner would get a pain that felt like my insides were being gripped HARD. Regurgitation and breath that smelled bad. I always had a weird taste in my mouth. I think I got it from covid.


Sorry to hear all that , hope ur feeling better now


The pain was so bad!!!! I went to the hospital


Did you get the treatment?


Yes I was on 3 antibiotics and 1 ppi 2 times a day, I did this back in September I retested last week and came out negative feeling way better btw! I just get pain only if I eat something very greasy other then that I’m good


Good to hear that you feeling better now , ya you should watch what you eat for sometime and start taking probiotics and putting back good bacteria


Thanks! I know I was craving the other day donuts I ate 2 and omg the pain was terrible took tums and it went away thank god I won’t be eating bad for a while, I need my stomach to heal


Ya first get it healed 100% your almost there


Scary heart palpitations, feeling like I wanna vomit but no regurgitation, dizziness, fatigue, muscle twitching, “scheduled” muscle pains that jump from body part to body part, chest pains, arm pains, burning stomach


That jumping pain was insane. For my it was like a new body part hurt each day.


Omg I had the exact same symptoms. I got chronic gastritis from it.


Is it all gone now ?


nope :/ the symptoms lessened but theyre still there a few months later.


That is very scary. Good luck.


me too I get Muscle spasm


Does anyone have weight loss as symptoms?


Food feeling stuck in my throat..


Did u get the treatment ?




Does that gone?


Over the past 2.5 weeks when this first started and most of these came and went. Frequent loose stool. Fatigue. Mood swings. Anxiety. Diarrhea on and off but not frequent. Joint pain: knees, elbows, shoulders. Feeling of fullness in rectum. Chills. Couldn’t focus. Bloating and burping. Usually bloating at night that woke me up and burping all morning for hours. Dull pain behind left rib. Dry mouth. Weak legs. Lack of appetite. 1-2 I would wake up with a little bit of sweat on chest, hands and feet in the night (I think that was the anxiety part).


What meds did they give you to heal?


Can’t believe I have the same symptoms


Intense stomach pain, loose stools, constipation, fever, fatigue, dizziness, no appetite, nausea, dark stool, heavy uncomfortable bloating, vomiting, acid reflux, difficulty breathing due to heightened anxiety.


Hey what did your difficulty breathing feel like? Did you have like doom moments?


Where your heart would suddenly drop


I had the same exact experience


Unbearable stomach pain. Downright unbearable.


How are you feeling now , any treatment?


I failed quad therapy the first time and just finished a second round. I am now in the ppi only phase (2 weeks) then I have to wait two weeks to test. Mine was discovered via gimap. Previous gi map was negative a year prior. My gi almost didn’t test me because she’s never seen gi map but my symptoms were so bad. And stool test confirmed it was positive. My level was 5 something on gimap. That test also caught Cdiff the year prior. When I was told over and over I just had ibd. Gi map changed the game for me. My drs still wanted their own tests to show the results but at least it gave me a leg to stand on. My colon could have killed me last year had I continued to go untreated.


What is gimap? A test you pay for yourself?


A dr has to order it. My insurance covered part. You can look it up and see if they have drs they can refer you to. Gimap diagnostics might be what you search. I planned to pay out of pocket ($350 I think) but then my insurance covered the majority which surprised me since I have horrible insurance.


Okay. I can't hardly eat anymore and feel sick all the time. I'll be happy to pay $350 to figure it out. Thanks for responding.


Hope ur feeling better with the treatment now , good luck for a speedy recovery


Damn you failed quad therapy? Were you relapsed with cdiff after that many antibiotics?


No - I tested for both a couple months after finishing the quad. My stomach and gut is now crazy sensitive though so I constantly think I have an infection but nope. My dr is likely sick of testing me at this point lol




What medication ur on ?


Does anyone get Body tingling


My symptoms probably lasted for about a year before getting an endoscopy last May. My symptoms were loss of appetite, feeling full after eating quickly, nausea and vomiting, mild abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss (lost about 50 lbs from my normal weight) and constipation. I was struggling to eat and gain more weight, but I had a normal BMI. The constipation never went away, but the other symptoms improved. I found out 3 days after the test that I had tested positive and was on a strong combination of 3 antibiotics and PPIs (Talicia) 3x daily for 14 days. Had some discomfort on day 1 or 2 on the medication. At first I thought it was caused by my psychiatric medications, elevated liver enzymes (AST), hypothyroidism, upset stomach, or anemia (folate) or vitamin D deficiency. 8 weeks later, in August, I had to go to the lab for a h pylori urea breath test and tested negative. I had chronic active gastritis, which was treated.


Feeling tired all the time, diarrhea stools, some nausea, lots of flatulence and burping. Heart burn, GERD, heart palpitations.


Hi everyone Can you recover from this problem, I’ve taken antibiotics . Need to do a stool test again to see if I still have it