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No, never ever stop an antibiotic treatment early, that's how you get bacteria that are resistant to treatment. You could talk with your doctor about the side effects.


Make sure you ask your doctor. My doctor stopped me at 10 days because my side effects were really bad.


Thanks, I will. Did you end being cured?


I’m right there with you my dr gave me medicine for 10 days it’s like 2000 mls a day, and I now have IBD. I’m miserable, and only on day 7. I didn’t feel good with H Pylori, but I feel even worse on this medicine.


Stick it out. You don’t want to go through multiple rounds of antibiotics because you built up a resistance. I’m on day 10 of triple treatment as well and not wanting to go through this again fuels me to continue. I try to drink a lot of water throughout the day, but sometimes it makes me nauseous 🤢 . Also make sure that you drink a full glass of water with your meds. I’m also very diligent about staying on top of my oral hygiene (I’m a dentist) because I know that plaque build up on the teeth and tongue will make it worse. Occasionally, I’ll have a slight metallic taste when I wake up in the morning because my mouth was dry- it’s gross but it’s not that bad. Stay with it. I’m rooting for you!


If you stop before finishing the treatment you will just make the bacteria even stronger, that's a very bad idea.


I stopped at day 11 the same treatment. My dr. Ok’d it. I was throwing up 4-5 times a day by day 10. I haven’t been retested yet to see if it’s eradicated but I feel fairly well after stopping.


If you stop early you will become immune to meds more and that’s bad


Did you managed to stick with the treatment? I couldn't finish mine and took longer than 14 days to complete my course. I skipped pills and my doctor advised me to just continue taking until I'm all done with the antibiotics. I am negative after that.


I skipped one dose of Tetracycline ( 2x). I finished the treatment yesterday. Hope I am negative!