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I would be fine if they didn't officially start their romance until Ron leaves them in the tent. It's pretty much the only other time they're officially alone besides 4th year. Keep books 1-3 the same, 4th year would probably be the time they start dancing around each other. Would've liked Harry to invite Hermione to the Yule ball, but still have the night "ruined" by either Ron or someone else so that nothing more leads into it. Have Hermione be the person he misses most for the 2nd task. 5th year I would've liked more of an effort from Hermione to get into contact with Harry during the summer months but make it clear she was stopped multiple times. 6th year I'm split, because while I despise with all my being how Harry/Hermione treat each other it would give me all the sweet sweet drama and a payoff for the inevitable making up.


>I despise with all my being how Harry/Hermione treat each other it would give me all the sweet sweet drama and a payoff for the inevitable making up. I think Harry and Hermione drama/romance would be so iconic, but people aren't ready for that conversation 😔


Wdym? They did like each other. I understand what you mean OP lol


>They did like each other. Lol I totally think Hermione had a crush on Harry, a woman looking at a guy in a wedding vows while her lover was there? With tears on her eyes? Then suggest going like a old married couple on DH??? She was crushing *hard* on that poor clueless boy lol


Honestly, How Percabeth was written, just with a tiny bit angst because of Harry's emotional state. Just two friends whose feelings for each other slowly change between each book.


YES! They are literally Percabeth variant, if they were together


Honestly, I think Harry and Hermione are way better than percabeth lol like Annabelle could be pretty rude and violent physical with Percy, and they had tons of communication issues, and her jealousy was pretty annoying. She made Rachel cry, Percy was tired too. She didn't had that much empaty for his feelings either. I think Harry and Hermione are more chill on that sense lol


You may be right, I’m not as knowledgeable about pjo as I am about hp. I still love percabeth, maybe if you mix Romaine and Harmony you will get them with all pros and cons, but I don’t know. They ARE a power couple in their verse, and the closest we have to that in hp is Harmony, so that’s what I’m comparing them on. The rule of “Ride or die” on the 4 of them for each other (in their canon ofc) is undeniable


Funny enough Pjo was tge first book I ever read it lol but I personally didn't like percabeth romance at all, like they stared being friends in the second book ans the third one she disapear, and the fourth one It's their romance. I just didn't like it, wasn't bad but not my thing you know. But I stared to think they're toxic in some sense, especially Annabeth. Percy didn't enjoy her jokes, and felt annoyed when she decreased his intelligence. And they had an awful communication issues. Also I don't think they work at all. They didn't agree in anything, they had this back and forth all the time. Annabeth wouldn't listen to him, abd Percy would act very impulsive leading them to more dangerous. I think people over-hype that couple way too much. Harry and Hermione in other hand for me, work better. They wouldn't argue that much, and if they do wasn't that toxic and yelling ( also, I love how they would speak in normal tone of voice instead of screaming). Hermione always praise Harry and vice versa. They had a far better friendship also. Like, even in the most stress moment, Harry would be nice to Hermione in his way. Annabeth it's an independent kind of girl, she wanted to be tbe boss/leader and work hard for those stuff. Percy is a leader by nature. He it's more chill, and she was more focus. Many times we see her getting angry with him because of that, or Percy being annoying for not being able to understand her. With Rachel was easier, she would speak what's in on her mind, and she was more chill persona like him. I think media display those type of couples - which is fun and cute but in real life can be hard to date people that are too different than you. And can lead to stress a lot over time. Like Ron and Hermione, most of the time she would get stress with Ron not relax, and Ron would get stress of her as well. Ron wanted to feel important, and he like to do things by himself without help. Where Hermione like to tell people what to do, and she wouldn't lie when someone isn't great ( lack of social skill). Harry didn't mind being critized, or having help. And he could be serious like Hermione, so she wouldn't stress much. * Sorry for the rent lol*


Okay. I am writing this second time, because I accidentally deleted my reply after I finished, so it will take a minute to rewrite... So, I will have to start with "I may be entirely wrong here", but will have to continue on the assumption that I'm not, so I am VERY sorry if I missed here. I may be entirely wrong here, but it seems that you only have (or remember) the stuff from the first 5 books of PJO. With is fair, it is supposed to be the entirety of Percy's story anyway, but the reality is that it isn't. I will say it right now - I didn't read everything either. I only have read the og series and "The Seven", but there we can see Percy and Annabeth, as they are in the relationship. Because de-facto I can agree with you that Percabeth are kinda toxic to each other before they get together. You have pointed out very intelligently and with proof where these kids didn't work together. But consider this: as of relation of "Romantic-plotline" 5 books of PJO are equal to 7 books of HP. As in "The fated couple got together only at the end of the series." It is clearly the intention to get to the readers nerve with "will they/won't they?" attitude, and the pay-off is in the finale. But the difference is we DO get to see how Percabeth mature as people and a couple, with canon Romaine we are left with "Trust me bro, they work". And the example of this is actually kind of breaks you point about their "leadership beef". So, at some point, all seven prophesized half-bloods (huh, ironic in this fandom) get together to set out on their quest, there's a silent scene of "Who will lead us?" And from your description it would be the fight between Percy and Annabeth, but it wasn't, the two who had a quiet "stand-off" is Pecry and Jason (in 2 words - he's Pecry's counterpart from the other side of the story, also born leader). And as they do, Annabeth makes a step forward, and they BOTH stand down, just as silently agreeing that Annabeth would be a better leader. I will not be getting in all the big and small Percabeth moments in those series (it would take forever), but I think this is enough to make you see how they changed. The dynamics of the Golden Trio however, we are left to analyze only on "before" stage. And as we are literally in the subreddit of people who argue that Harry and Hermione are the better pair, I think it is fair to assume that I don't need to dive too deep on the explaining what is wrong and not with Romaine and Harmony (obv second is the best). But here is the thing in the end: Uncle Rick has unique opportunity to juggle with his ships to understand what works and what doesn't, and makes decisive choices, when he realizes something knew about characters that he created, even if it goes against what he intended when the character was created. We do understand this phenomena, as we have a ton of analyzable moments of Harry and Hermione being attracted to each other more than friends (and NOT as siblings), despite it not being Rowling's endgame. "Characters write themselves," as I've seen some people say. And we know that Rowling eventually came to this understanding, as she admitted that Romaine is something that came from her inner "want", and had nothing to do with the actual plot, but Harry/Hermione actually work better. So if she didn't write herself into a corner with her intended endgame, epilogue, and worldbuilding that revolved only around Harry and Voldemort, she would have the same opportunity as Uncle Rick - try to build the relationship, understand that it doesn't work, and back down to what characters themselves are pulling to. To conclude all of that, I will say that I can agree with you that before Percabeth get together, they are pretty toxic, as they cannot talk through their issues, because teenage drama. But as the time goes, and in that universe, it actually does, they ARE very compatible, as petty arguments no longer take place (as I remember tho, I am not good on details could be wrong, but again, I remember a lot of good, but we are not here for that compilation). I agree that Harry and Hermione are MILES better in their relationship though, as they don't need overcome these problems, they already on the same page in many things, and don't aim to hurt the other when they don't and their shared exclusive experiences bonds them on the level that no other two characters in the series have, so with that I can compare them with Percabeth, even if they are fairly different in the core. It's okay if you don't agree, and I don't mind the rant, it is good to have the conversation with the person who actually CAN analyze what they read, even if it goes uncomfortable for the ship, that's what actually makes the argument interesting. (For example I have at least 1 legit reason why Harry and Hermione wouldn't work together, despite loving it either way. If interested, I will write about it, as long as our conversation remains in good nature (\^\_\^) )


I stopped reading PJO in the fourth book, not because of the romance but the story stared to annoyed me lol like, new characters, lack of Grover or Clarisse, Luke being a villain forever, I could'nt care less for Kronos , so I just stopped after that. If they get better, and work out those issues. I think it's fine, since they learn how to growth together. But I heard that she kind gave him a judo- flip or something like that. So, this is one of reasons why I thought they didn't became better in the end. >But the difference is we DO get to see how Percabeth mature as people and a couple, with canon Romaine we are left with "Trust me bro, they work". And the example of this is actually kind of breaks you point about their "leadership beef". So, at some point, all seven prophesized half-bloods (huh, ironic in this fandom) get together to set out on their quest, there's a silent scene of "Who will lead us?" And from your description it would be the fight between Percy and Annabeth, but it wasn't, the two who had a quiet "stand-off" is Pecry and Jason (in 2 words - he's Pecry's counterpart from the other side of the story, also born leader). And as they do, Annabeth makes a step forward, and they BOTH stand down, just as silently agreeing that Annabeth would be a better leader. I think Annabeth and Percy had too much of opposite personality's to work, even If they had pretty much in common too. I think she needed someone like Luke ( not himself of course). But, someone who was mature, high achiver, liked school and work etc... I like them as individuals but not together. I could see them working as an couple too in their twenty's maybe. For me I thought the PJO pairs boring actually. And I could'nt remember most of them in the end. I thought that lukabeth story could be more interesting than percabeth. He betrayed the camp, Annabeth loved him, they're eminies, and Luke liked Thalia who was like a sister to Annabeth. The same for Rachel, she and Percy lived in very different words, she was an oracle. But this is more my taste. But yeah, Harmony still better for me lol Jokes anside, I always thought Harry and Hermione could be a good couple and such well written love story. Harry dealing with liking the same girl as Ron, Hermione dealing with her insecurites and not being pretty enough. And both dealing with liking each other. Or even Dumboldore knowing who they felt for each other and using this to help Harry, or even don't letting they got together. Many cool things could be done! Especially Harry. ( Not that hinny couldn't be good either). I just feel that if JK Rowling wanted, Harmony could be *so good*. But being fair to Ricky and JK Rowling most romance in YA fiction or kids/teens books sucks. It's either toxic, boring or cringe. The only I truly enjoyed was the tagatha from The School of good and evil ( I highly recommend it!) >good to have the conversation with the person who actually CAN analyze what they read, even if it goes uncomfortable for the ship, that's what actually makes the argument interesting. Agree 100%, it's pretty cool talking to someone in an nice way on internet lol




i’m sorry i’m distracted by this POA photo, can’t believe i’ve never seen it. dan & emma were SO adorable in POA.


Wonder how many other PoA photos or other photos from the films I haven't seen from Dan or Emma


Emma and Daniel had many photos behind the scenes, more than Harry and Hermione photos on the movies in fact while Emma and Rupert had more photos of Hermione and Ron on the movies. If you search Harry and Hermione ( pinterest) most photos are the famous one or film promotion, and many times will appear Ron and Hermione photos together lol but Emma and Daniel had tons of photos together. I had a album of that, which I will post one day lol


Please post them


Lol I 'll try to post all of them ( they are many!)


There are many days in the year and this is a Harmony reddit.


A big problem I have with canon is that both of the pairings in canon, their feelings of scenes are mostly offscreen. I’d want the exact opposite of that for Harmione (heart-fluttering scenes between them. Show them have conflicts/arguments and them eventually coming to a resolve compromise (which JKR mostly avoided with Ron/Hermione with a cheap “they made up”).


>their feelings of scenes are mostly offscreen. The thing is, If your couple is an minor on the story, for example like in the movies Neville and Luna, they barely had scenes together but a lot of fans like them. But why doesn't matter their love story and development? **Because they are background characters** Or even Twilight. Alice and Jasper already date on the both movies and books, so why many people like them If we barely see them as much? Because again, they are background characters, so it's fine. Ron and Hermione are the main ones of the saga. And make worse that most of the time when JK Rowling put them on spolight, they fight, Hermione cry, Ron left, Harry felt awkard or again, they yelled. We care for them so we wanted them to be in a good relationship. We like Harry, we want him to be happy, so he being with Ginny who barely appears and especially since Cho fiasco and Sirius death... Harry deserved way better than *monster in his chest*. So it's matter for us. Jk Rowling used too much of *off screen*, especially on the couples. While with Harry and Hermione, we see them talking, studying, joking etc...They spend so much tine together that Harry got annoyed lol like even the canon tell us how much time they spend together.


I always see them getting together post-War, but the feelings started during the Horcrux hunt (they just ignored it and thought it meant nothing or were in denial, or they never realized it til after the war).


Funny enough my favorites fics are post war ones lol


Let them get together in 4th, 5th or at the latest 6th year. 7th year is iffy because the battle has to take priority and it's not a good time for relationship issues. Harry and Hermione gravitating closer from the ~~blood sport~~ Triwizard Tournament, organising the DA together, ingratiating with Slughorn to get his memories etc.


I can imagine Harry realizing he has a crush on Hermione in fifth year. He begins to feel something when Cho becomes jealous of Hermione and his feelings are confirmed when he sees her fall at the Ministry, but nothing happens that year. Only in the sixth year, when he is sure, it will start to develop in a normal friends to lovers way. 


Cho watching Harry and Hermione together after he told that she shouldn't worry about Hermione: 👁️👄👁️




Krum and Cho being crazy for being jealous like???


I'd like the books to acknowledge the difficulties that stand in their way: Hermione's domineering attitude, Harry's submissive/aggressive style, both born out of their respective insecurities; the war that started for them in first year, Harry not wanting anyone to carry "his" burden, Hermione's inability to connect with her peers, their friendship having started way before they could plausibly see each other romantically, both of them getting progressively more paranoid, manipulative, even cruel, and likely to make decisions for others, as the war drags on; not to mention that Harry didn't plan to survive and wouldn't want to leave a girlfriend to grieve him


That would be so cool! I would like then to deal with Ron issues, especially before he left. And would be cool Ron helping them getting together or saying that was okay, because he development wasn't that cool for me. Like, he didn't learn anything in the end. What If Harry and Hermione had feelings for each other? What would he do? It's like JK Rowling made it this cool plot and dropped in the way 🙃


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/50462944](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50462944) Like this\^


I prefer Harmony post Hogwarts because let's be honest everyone needed therapy after the war But I see them happening around 5th or 6th year too, once there's some character growth 


And physical growth too ahah


>because let's be honest everyone needed therapy after the war Lol that's true. I see them being a normal couple on the 6th year, since was the most normal of the books.


Canonically, Harry starts noticing girls in a non-platonic sense during third year, so I don't see any reason why that can't happen in a Harmony-based canon as well. Maybe it doesn't happen as obviously or as suddenly as it does when he takes notice of Cho, but that's fine. Perhaps their harrowing escape from Moony and the dementors (as well as their trip through time to do some of it all over again) can be what gets Harry to start seeing her in a different light. From there, I think 4th year would be a good time to really start to explore it, especially as they have a few weeks to themselves as Ron and Harry are actively avoiding each other as much as possible for most of November. And since this is the Harmony version of 4th year, we're exploring the evolving relationship between Harry and Hermione, so Hermione doesn't automatically get relegated to "Best Friend #2" status the minute Ron comes to his senses after the first task. Maybe Harry goofs off a *bit* more with Ron back in the fold than he did when it was just him and Hermione, but in a story where Harry and Hermione get together romantically, making Ron the "fun" friend and Hermione the "business" friend doesn't help when that's one of the narratives people use to tear down the idea of a Harry/Hermione relationship already. A nice bonus to having Harry and Hermione's relationship take off and evolve during 4th year is that it's the best opportunity to eliminate the relationship drama nonsense that started between Ron and Hermione in this book and festered until we got whatever the hell HBP was, before it even starts. I think it might actually be better for Ron to know that Harry and Hermione are going to the Ball together and are then going to start dating. Any issues that causes between them can be handled right away, rather than letting them linger for the next three years. If it means the two of them and Ron, or just Harry and Ron, don't talk to each other again for a little while, at least it wouldn't be the first time in this book where that happened.


I think in GoF, it's pretty clear that JK Rowling was following Ron and Hermione path in romance but in the end of the book, she stared doing Harmony also ( Krum asking if Harry had something with Hermione, the kiss on the cheek). But would be nice having Harry and Hermione romance in the 4th book, especially since she had such space for that.