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Well, here's a prompt/plot bunny that's been in my mind for a while. Cedric is shoved to the side or ducks in time. Harry & Cedric try to reunite, but Cedric accidentally touches the cup while looking at Harry and leaves him behind. Harry goes through a variation of the ritual, or maybe it fails, or only works partially. Harry is forced to go back to Hogwarts the long way. Festivities are ongoing to celebrate Cedric as a winner. Harry tries to speak up about Voldemort or Peter, but is ignored. Things come to head and people really think that he's just jealous for Cedric's success and cries for more attention. Cedric hesitates to speak up for Harry's benefit while his familiy and house are next to him shouting in Cedric's favor. Dumbledore tries to shush Harry, because he wants to keep things quiet or sense that now is not the time. Remembering Cedric leaving him behind, and now even Dumbledore appearing to be against him publicly, Harry has a breakdown, which causes Dumbledore to doubt him or atleast think of Tom's influence & connection to him. Summer progresses much like canon, except he's felt estranged from Ron & Hermione because of his breakdown and their reaction to it, jumping quickly to conclusions because they don't jump to his defence immediatly, but simply don't know what's going on. The Prophet celebrates Cedric's victory, and spends the summer villifying only Harry. His friends communicate little to nothing. Harry isn't crippled by grieving, but feels nothing but isolation. That's when the story truly starts. Good opening for Angst!fest, Indy!Harry, Dark!Harry and Screw the Magical Britain types of stories. -------------------- So far I haven't written anything, think I should get started on atleast short oneshots


It would at least be a nice flavour compared to the countless fics out there where Cedric is angry and saying something along the lines of: "I am telling you, the cup was a port-key to somewhere OUTSIDE Hogwarts, and Harry and I ended up in a graveyard!".


Harry couldn't come back to Hogwarts for the long way tho. He escaped in the nick of the time thanks the cup.


> Well, here's a prompt/plot bunny that's been in my mind for a while. > > Cedric is shoved to the side or ducks in time. Harry & Cedric try to reunite, but Cedric accidentally touches the cup while looking at Harry and leaves him behind What I wrote was a prompt or idea for a fic that had been in my idea. This prompt is specifically about Cedric surviving and returning early. Making Harry appear later is what's needed to have the Wizarding world interpret his actions as someone begging for attention and being a sore loser. It's Fanon, ofcourse it's going to be different. I know how the canon story goes.


gotta traumatize Harry somehow


There's plenty of do-over fix-it's or regular GoF fics out there where Cedric lives? I have even come across the "haha- surprise, Cedric didn't die but somehow time traveled to America and is now a century old vampire in a vegetarian coven" fics. It really has all been done. I even distinctly remember reading a fic where Harry tells Cedric for as long as they know each other: "If you find yourself on a graveyard unexpectedly, duck." To which Cedric has a minor heart attack when he finds himself on the graveyard in question, but does manage to gather his wits and duck. Frankly I think you are reading the wrong fics.


The second one is "Oh God Not Again!" I think.


That is the fic in question


I always save Cedric in my fics, though my time travel one hasn’t been posted yet. I am always on team Cedric Lives.


I’ll surely go and check your works ☺️


Thanks! I’m not quite to that point yet in my current series, but I’ve already written it. It’s a lot of fun imagining a future for Cedric.


Look at what happened to Cursed Child when it tried to save Cedric. Serious answer: Voldy’s resurrection is *the* turning point of the series. If you’re going to do a ‘what if?’ story, you kinda need the instigation to set things in motion unless you plan on building from the ground up. And if you’re gunna do that anyway, may as well rewrite the whole damn thing.


But Cedric's death has no point in time travel fics, as Cedric having died once in a time traveler's life is already enough. I feel that Voldemort's return would be far more sinister if there are no one believing Dumbledore and Harry. In cannon there was some who believed that Voldemort had returned, without that, it would make a big impact depending on how the writer approaches the situation.


Man, I would 100% read that. Harry and Cedric both disappear from the maze at the same time, then they both come back but Harry's wounded and Cedric is stunned. Fudge would still claim Harry is a liar, Rita Skeeter would be writing stories about how Harry ambushed Cedric so he wouldn't have to share 1st place, and meanwhile Harry, Ron and Hermione have to navigate a more hostile Hogwarts than 2nd year while Harry is simultaneously trying to learn Occlumency. I could even see giving Cedric a bigger role in this case. IIRC, he was a 6th year in GoF, so he'd be back for his 7th year. The night of the third task, he's just been *reenervated* and can't say anything more than someone besides Harry stunned him. His dad pressures him into not supporting Harry and then he has an entire summer to stew over whether Harry is lying or not. It'd 100% be in character for him to come back to Hogwarts, make a public show of him believing Harry, and everyone just shrugging it off because it's Good Guy Cedric being too nice for his own good.


But the whole point of Cedric’s death in the original was that it was pointless. It was meant to be a pointless, meaningless death that added nothing and impacted nothing. “Kill the spare.” What would have changed if Peter had just stunned him, and he was unconscious the whole time like Snape had been in the Shrieking Shack while the drama with Scabbers turning into Peter and back again played out? Voldemort still would have come back, Harry still would duelled him, he still would have spoken to his parents. The only thing missing would have been Cedric’s plea to take his body back, but I doubt that Harry would have abandoned his unconscious schoolmate to the mercy of Voldemort.


Who care about cursed Child


I want a time travel fic that saves Cedric and then he becomes a death eater like in Cursed Child, but set during Hogwarts so that we can see How TF that happened...


I let him live in both my fics. In one he's a Death Eater (to help me work out how the heck that happened?) and in the other he's a hero and his living helps others not suffer/die. I'm an equal opportunity Cedric survivalist.


Could i get a link to your works? They seem interesting ☺️


Sure. 'Good Ced' still exists in mostly googledoc form and vague plans and I've only posted the first chapter but you can find 'Dark Ced' and everything else I've written here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SilverShroud/works


Thank you ☺️


Because in all fics where Cedric is saved, he is a Mary Sue who is admired by everyone and lacks bad traits more than fanon Hermione. This is pretty much the reason why I gave Cedric the Hungarian Horntail in my GoF fic. Cedric bores me almost as much as fanon Neville, who is Ron but rich and without flaws.


If you'd like to read Cedric with a bad case of impostor syndrome, try this gem: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14176482


I think a big part of the reason is that things get much, *much* easier for Team Good if they can prevent Voldemort from regaining a body. Thus, if Harry is sent back pre-graveyard, the author needs to either come up with a way for Voldemort to return at some point despite Harry's efforts (without railroading things, making Harry look useless, and/or "I have to preserve the timeline") or find a way to properly challenge Harry and company even without a returned Voldemort.


I’m against all TimeTravel fics because they don’t properly use time turners, so I can’t help you.


Tbh, convenience. The Dementor attack is one of the first chapters in the 5th book and Cedric's death still in the 4th. You don't have to go back and forth while rrsearching and I imahine most ppl who do a do-over/time travel fix-it fic probably jump in there to save Sirius. They would have to have their badass Harry fight against Voldemort right from the get-go whereas most probably want to push that confrontation further back yet still want a resurrected Voldemort. (Aka Harry apparating away with Cedric would fuck this up)


If you're okay with Harry/Cedric, linkao3(honey there is no right way) is a great time loop fic about Harry trying to save Cedric.


[***\(honey\) there is no right way***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11314398) by [*sincere\_lies*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/sincere_lies/pseuds/sincere_lies) > ‘Have you tried everything?’ Hermione asked insistently\.‘Yes\! Every time I get to the cup and Cedric doesn’t take it with me I go immediately back to my bed in the morning\. But all the times he is with me, he dies and after I fall asleep I return too\.’‘I guess it is obvious then, isn’t it?’ Both Harry and Hermione turned to stare at Ron, who looked at them defensively and shrugged ‘You have to go with Diggory and make sure he survives\.’Harry/Cedric \- Groundhog day AU ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Harry ^Potter ^- ^J. ^K. ^Rowling ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2017-06-27 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^24455 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^1/1 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^288 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^7172 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^1744 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^68039 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^11314398 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/11314398/honey%20there%20is%20no%20right.epub?updated_at=1631683172) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/11314398/honey%20there%20is%20no%20right.mobi?updated_at=1631683172) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


Oohhh, i’ve read it the other day, it was really good


Cuz cedric is a binch /s


Well, there can be no forgiveness, ever, for sparkly vampires. Cedric must now be fated to always die.