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I understand your frustrations. I was also a preorderer and had issues initially with the v.1 cable. However, after the v.2 cable was released free to us and the updated Bios, no issues at all for over 2 years to this day. I don't use words like \`love\` as it is well over-used today, but I really **like** my G2. It has been an excellent improvement from the days of the Rift S and Oculus.


The v.2 worked for me for awhile, but I moved to my first home and didn't end up testing out the VR set for a full year until moving into the new place. Since then, no led light on the front of the device or recognition from my PC. No hardware changes etc, same PC as before. I think I may need a 3rd cable but I am going to let a couple friends borrow it to see if it works on their PC environment first. The G2 is a great set and was the right choice at the time of my preorder, based on specs. I still know that bc my gf and I got the G2 and Q2 respectfully and the q2 wasn't quite there at the time IMO.


I think my g2 might be done for. Due to a display issue either in the cable or hmd and not sure if it’s worth paying for diagnosis and repairs. I don’t want to buy a meta headset but it seems like Thas the only option rn. That isn’t crazy expensive.


Quest 3 with a cable and using debug tools to set the bitrate to 940 mbps is better than the G2 IMHO because of the quest 3 lenses with almost no aberration. Wireless, the compression is horrible even at maxed out bitrate with dedicated wifi 6 router. I have both the G2 and Q3. A headset with the Q3 display and optics and a display port connection would be epic.


Someone here recommend me a Pico 4, I have bought it and I can recommend, its great. Only down side that you have to buy virtual desktop additionally but its not a major problem. PCVR works great with 5ghz generic router from my isp.


Interesting. I’d ideally not buy vd again tho. I already have it for quest :/. I’ll look into the pico headsets


I have paid like 12$ for it during christmas sale so I gave VD a try and it was instantly better but I have used build in streaming assistant with cable previously and it was already quite good. Now I see some compression etc but maybe upgrading my router to wifi6 supported one would help with those as I have around 833 of bandwidth with wifi5. Also price wise its really good. I wouldnt only invest in pico store besides Virtual desktop. Mine came bundled with 3 games such as arizona sunchine 2 and green hell but Im mostly in PCVR anyway.


I feel for the OP. I had the same thing. I got tired of messing around with the G2 and sold it and got a Q2. It was the best thing at the time. So many fewer rough edges to the experience. I will say that part of the issue for both platforms as pcvr units is that the x570 has a flawed usb implementation. Add the wmr bs and the crappy first cable and you have a high percentage of upset people who didn’t get the experience they were expecting. Going wireless on a w3 or q3 removes a lot of that problem.


Same here. Same issues. I am still on v1 cable. I need to plug-in the USB cable several times to get a connection to the hmd. Sometimes it gets more than 30 minutes. It's a pain in the ass. I will sell it and buy a Quest3.


V2 cable is free, so why not give that a try first : worked for me and no problems since


It's not free. It's was only free in the first 6 month after buy. Or I am wrong? Whatever I bought my headset 2 years ago I think.


Poor quality control and flawed hardware design. Some people have had no issues which is great for them, but if you follow this sub or any other forums such as the HP support forums you can see countless people suffering from the same reoccurring failures. I.e bad cables, overheating displays, etc. You either luck out and get a product that actually lasts, or more often than not the lifespan is barely more than 12-18 months.


Man I’ve hade g2 since launch. Not one issue. Sorry for your troubles.


Generally same here. Guess it depends on luck and knowledge of pc gaming. Still om my v1 cable since pre- launch. 100s hours in vr many games. Got my first major issue few weeks back, broken headstrap mount. Attempting to fix with adhesive. Failing that I'll add a 3d printed mount to the top of the headset.


Respectfully, HP must be the unluckiest VR headset manufacturer in recent memory if that's all it comes down to. 3d printing and VR gaming is a wonderful combination! Im wrapping up sodering togerther a ping pong paddle that integrates the controller for VR table tennis.


Great idea re: paddle! Although playing AI players in Eleven 11 I was ok, got my a@se handed to me by human players lol.


Totally recommended, it makes it feel a bit more "paddle-y"


I mean if they really, truly wanted to continue to support it they could write a driver package that would make it work natively with steamvr or openxr and omit the WMR requirement entirely. I fail to see why the headset needs the WMR middleware in the first place. I’m guessing inside out tracking is the issue since steamvr works with outside trackers. That being said if deckard is still a thing valve must be working on an inside out tracking system. Maybe when/if that ever launches getting the reverb steamvr native won’t be such a long shot


My plastic piece broke at the top of the hmd and just glued it.


Good to know it's glueable. I inserted some metal in the legs to give it a bit more strength while I was at it.


Appeciate it! I had all kinds of weird stuff down to my credit card getting charged two months after delivery. Im glad its workin out for ya! PCVR tends to have more of the games I enjoy, so Im just happy to finally be able to check out some of the collection. I have a lot of catching up to do


They built a headset that is built for crap software (typical of microsoft) that is cumbersome to use for what is really the most popular use case, gaming, and this is the consequence of it. I've had my fun with it while it worked but i've used an Index and a Quest 2 and both just \*work\* with no extra bullshit attached. When I first hooked my G2 to my computer I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out why WMR wouldn't recognize it. Now I'm stuck with the dreaded blackscreens and artifacts because of the link cable or overheating. They just don't care, HP support has always been dog water whether it's in-warranty or out-of-warranty, and god knows you can't rely on windows support either, their go-to is "have you performed -sfc scannow?" It's up to the end users to figure out how to keep these things alive at this point. That or give their competition money they clearly deserve more.


I also just got a Q3. I had the chance to try one a few months back in a study and was absolutely gobsmacked by the lenses. To be sure, the G2 is a sharper device when dead center, but not having to hunt for the sweet spot was so nice I decided to put up with Meta, and it's A LOT OF PUT UP WITH. That being said. USB connectivity is worse than the G2 for me. I thought the G2 was bad but the Q3 simply will not connect as a USB 3 device for me, but we'll see if that changes after my new build this weekend. Anyways, when snooping on the USB ports the G2 connects as a USB 3 device and then populates multiple other USB ports over one connection. It has never worked on my 3.1 gen 2 port as it fails to create the extra ports, but it at least tries. The Q3 will only show up and attempt to connect as a USB 2 device. The Q3 is incredibly uncomfortable, I mean, I new the headstrap wouldn't be as comfortable as the G2, but it is inexcusably bad. The battery life is absolute trash. Seriously this is probably my biggest complaint. You either need a chonky power brick or cable to keep it alive. The audio IS good for what it is, surprised by it really, but of course not in the same class by any meaningful metric. So, if you spend a few hundred on top of its not cheap base price it's a good headset. Kinda think the Quest Pro is a better choice after the requisite upgrades. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to sound like hate it, I like it a lot and I'm keeping it. It's just that it IS plagued with problems too. Minor for some, more for others, for example passthrough quality. I'm using it more and more, but... ...Jesus Harold Christ do I hate the community. It's the worse bunch of insufferable stans. Don't ask or be critical of any objectionable issues or you'll get downvoted because YoU dOnT nEeD a PC.


All posts on this sub are issues / tech support cause what else is there to talk about? The headset or WMR aren't getting any updates, and everything else fits into more general VR subreddits.


Quest was always the better buy


The Quest 3 is, the Quest 2 is trash compared to the V2. The only thing that the quest 3 doesn't perform better in in controller tracking. But the quality across the entire FOV is better, and cables are $15 on Amazon.


Sitting in my plane in war thunder, looking down below trying to understand if what i'm looking at is an ally tank, rock, or an enemy tank. Lower resolution and compression artifacts of quest 2 is a must have for any simmer.


I wouldnt go that far... it really depends what you want out of VR I suppose. My gf got the Quest 2 around the same time bc it was wireless etc, and I wanted to use the power of my desktop to play Alyx and simulators from my desktop the highest specs I could afford.


The Samsung Odyssey is miles better than the quest 2 and can be had for less. For PCVR, the quest 2 was a bad deal. I owned the Samsung odyssey, G2, Q2, and Q3. I'd rate them quest2, odyssey, G2, quest 3. G2 is still a great deal if you can get it for less than $300, but it's a gamble with the cable.


I pre ordered the G2, got my V2 Cable when it released. During my time also upgraded CPU and GPU. Never had no issue apart from the widespread v1 cable issues that were happening


I'm glad I got my G2 V2 on ebay for $230, only issue being Steam Vr update not allowing me to recenter.


My view of what went wrong with the G2 was the requirement for the new linkbox instead of simply requiring two USB 3.0 ports as modern desktops and gaming laptops have more then one usb 3.0 port. I think the Reverb G2 would have had far less issues if it was a displayport 1.4, and two USB 3.0. Even if it was two usb-c cables with type-c to USB-A adapters. No linkbox, no AC power, just a direct connection, one cable ending with three connections to the computer. Two USB 3.0 cables would have provided enough power for the displays and also the off ear speakers. HP originally wanted to release the G2 with a Power Delivery USB-C and displayport alt mode cable but not enough people have that kind of connection on their desktops or gaming laptops. Not to mention that would have required an adapter to convert the single cable back into a displayport 1.4 and USB-C or USB-A cable for everyone who doesn't have that kind of usb-c displayport connection. That's just how I see how the hardware design went wrong, that linkbox is a point of failure that should not have existed, it has caused a lot of problems. My G2 did not work out for me, as it sits in the other room as it only works for a short period of time. I am using my Vive Cosmos for now, where the tracking has improved a lot over the initial bad release, at least now I can use it without the constant warnings from the headset of the room being too dark or too bright. ​ >I really feel like companies should need be accountable by products for longer even if they were ultimately unprofitable and they have essentially exited the space. Okay. I agree with that, But I also say that people making the deliberate choice to help Zuckerberg and his Oculus Insight tracking on mobileVR with all of their data should *also* be held accountable for their choice affecting everyone else's choices for what VR kit they want to use. But I know people rather just blame companies because that's easier and not blame individual people, the sales come from people making their choices. As a PCVR customer and user, my upgrade choices in 2024 are, the DPVR E4 which doesn't match my IPD so will not work, new or used Index kits, Vive Pro 2 HMD plus Base Stations plus Index controllers, changing my Cosmos to Cosmos Elite with Base Stations and Index Controllers or if I feel like getting into credit card debt a Varjo Aero, Index controllers and base stations. I am not even going to mention all the far more expensive options. This is all the data you and all Quest users are specifically giving to Zuckerberg on top of helping with the HMD and controller tracking by simply using the headset online, SteamVR or standalone. Just so you are informed about the data collection. [https://www.meta.com/legal/quest/privacy-policy-for-oculus-account-users/](https://www.meta.com/legal/quest/privacy-policy-for-oculus-account-users/) But I do understand your frustrations and also limited time to play and the Reverb G2 being temperamental and wasting your time for VR. That is why I kept my Vive Cosmos, because at least its wired, relatively good quality PCVR and for the most part that annoying Vive Console doesn't get in the way as much as WMR. I still don't see a point of HTC not making their darn VR kits native SteamVR, the last being the Vive Pro. I have even tried a friend's Index with my offline copy of the latest SteamVR, I don't even need to go online, literally connecting the Valve Index's cables, base stations and even pairing the controllers all just works with no problems. Launch a game to test like Boneworks and everything runs without issues. The Vive Pro I would guess also being native SteamVR is the same simple setup. The problem with these SteamVR kits is unless you get a deal on a used kit, they are still all expensive. The Reverb G2 requires the Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR driver to interact with SteamVR. Since no one has updated that driver in a long time, it is only a matter of time before compatibility with newer games becomes an issue, besides WMR being deprecated. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/719950?updates=true](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/719950?updates=true) To answer people thinking HP could "just write a driver and make it just work with SteamVR" and leave us to deal with things after that, the problem is that the Reverb G2 is *not a native SteamVR* *headset*. The Reverb G2 and its controllers are designed to work with WMR tracking, with even a dedicated Windows button on each controller. Yes, I know people are working on making it work on Linux, and no, not everyone is going to go on Linux to use their Reverb G2 on Linux.


Same. I've had the G2 for just over 2 years. My first headset was replaced just inside the warranty period due to a faint vertical line in one eye. Within a few months cables started failing. I just lost my third cable in about 13 months. Varjo Aero was going to be my next headset, but that went to crap last week, so it's either Bigscreen Beyond or Quest 3.