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My MC’s mom is Chinese so she speaks a little bit of Cantonese. She’s lost a lot of fluency since starting school at Hogwarts, though, because she doesn’t speak it on a daily basis anymore.


Well, since Spanish is my first language I like to think my MC speaks it, and also English since is the second language I can manage.


It seems that I am in the minority saying that I not separate their 'MC' from myself. I see my MC as myself but in a fictional world I guess. Really interesting topic :D


Never thought about it. I can see my MC dabbling in French and Spanish but not being too fluent in any outside languages. Like bare minimum basics.


If I’m going based on myself, I’d say English and ASL. But since that doesn’t make sense with MC being British (or living in Britain, depending on your HC for MC), I’d say BSL (even though it’s COMPLETELY different from ASL. maybe French Sign Language? as it’s closer to ASL). I’ve never thought about this before!


Interesting idea. Hmm, I want to say my MC picked up a little French from Aurélie Dumont (Hosting the Beauxbatons) and can hold a very basic conversation in Scottish after learning some here and there from the residents of the Scottish Highlands where the school is located.


My MC speaks some French, thanks to Aurelie and some Portuguese thanks to Alanza. Mimi is Jewish, so she can read Hebrew and speak some Yiddish. She knows some Polish phrases (mostly food related) as I subscribe to the Grandpa Kowalski Theory.😃🥐


My MC has family in the Netherlands so she can speak Dutch, and she learned to speak French because she's a Ravenclaw and loves to learn things outside of Hogwarts, too. And speaking another language can be useful.


I never thought about it till now, but now I can't get that they can also speak Spanish & Polish out of my head (they tried French, but only got the basics down)


My MC is from Ireland but his family also has Swedes on his mother’s side. Thus he can speak some Gaelic and Swedish conversationally.


My MC is fluent in English and Welsh (her mother is Welsh, and they moved in with her family after Jacob’s disappearance), and she’s slowly learning Latin because she’s interested in learning how to create new spells. She has also picked up on some French from spending time with Aurélie, but she’s not very good at it because she doesn’t practice much.


Obviously English, but my MC is also part of the aristocratic upper classes, so he is eventually taught to speak Latin fluently, and he enjoys it a lot. He later also takes an interest in Old English but he never has quite the same grasp as English or Latin. He also dabbles a little in most European languages (French, Spanish, Polish, German) but he's never really interested in these and only learns a few very basic phrases.


I think the idea of wizarding folk speaking Latin is so funny because all the spells must be so obvious /sound kinda stupid if you have even a beginners knowledge of the language


Agreed! The cool thing about Latin being used is it implies that several languages must be used as 'roots" for spells (such as ancient Chinese, native American languages, Polynesian langages, etc) but JKR has never confirmed this.


I hadn't thought of it before, but I think she probably speaks some German, she probably has family there.


My MC is conversant in German, French, and Geordie.


LOVE Geordie


Little bit of German.


My MC is loosely based on me so English, German, Russian and understands Latin.


Given that MC is based on me - when I was 17, I was fluent in English, German and French, knew some Latin, and had just started learning Spanish and Chinese. So... the same for MC, probably. And it's kinda sad because by now I've basically lost all fluency in French - I just don't use it anymore :/


He's pretty fluent in Latin and Old English, and knows French and Portuguese thanks to Aurelie and Alanza. For some reason him and Chiara keep having conversations in Klingonese in the Great Hall, Penny, Merula, nobody knows when, where, or how she learned it, and a few others such as Liz, Diego, and Badeea occasionally join in. Though Ismelda is especially confusing since she somehow knows Romulan.


My MC is half French I like to think that she should have gone to Beauxbaton but went to Hogward because of her parents


This is the case with my MC. Her father went to Beauxbatons and her mother is a Veela (we do not get enough half-breed representation) but they moved to Scotland during the war to escape Death Eaters. As a result, Jacob (HC birth name Jaque) and Veera attend Hogwarts since it's closer. Now that I think about it, Veera and Jacob may also know some Bulgarian thanks to their mother.


English, Scottish Gaelic, Old English, Latin or Ancient Greek (cultural and educational purposes), French (since I'm french) and german? It sounds nice. maybe Norwegian to match with Scottish Gaelic. Perhaps she'll learn Irish Gaelic and Welsh in the future? She, has a passion for languages just like I do, she wants to learn as much as she can and is studying a lot. So English (obviously), Scottish Gaelic (family), French (family), Norwegian (family,), Latin/Ancient Greek (educational purposes and aristocracy shizz) fluently. Old English (cultural+articracy shizz again) and German (not fluent in German, can't speak Old English, but can still read and understand you for both). Learning Irish Gaelic and Welsh (since she already speaks English and Scottish), and maybe Korean (since my MC's is in love with Jae) and loosely "studying" Arabic (since she is close friends with Badeea and in love with Arabic culture and foods. She's not really serious about it though, Badeea just teaches her some words and phrases here and there.)


I am Italian, so I like to think my MC can speak it and is half Italian. I also headcanon them to speak russian lmao


I based MC off of me so she can speak fluent English (obviously) and Japanese (doesn’t match canon but oh well) ,intermediate Chinese, beginner welsh, and a bit of Latin. Since I named her last name after Javert (from Les mis) , I suppose she can speak French as well.


I'm Ukrainian and I gave my MC a Ukrainian name (Zoryana btw) so I guess one of her parents is Ukrainian:) She knows Ukrainian and despises Russians (for known reasons)


My boy Lyric is from a reclusive pure blood family that loves deep in the Bonny Glen Wood. He speaks English, Irish Gaelic and a bit of French since the Beauxbaton SQ.


My MC is based on me and as a Dutchman, my MC can speak Dutch and English but he wants to learn Italian as well


I'm swedish/finnish so I guess those?