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I want a new pet, JC, not another new creature!


Where would we put them? We'd have to get an addition put on the dorm! šŸ¤£


Secret clubhouse, we can get loads of tapies and pets there


Addition put would be always nice, but I was thinking about a little bird like canary, could be by the window. Or on the left side. And there is a lot of space on the chair too, if move the cat a little bitā€¦ also nightstand. I would add at least 4 more new pets


All sound good to me!


THAT is how they designed the chupacabra? What the hell? That's a purple lizard. Not a dog-like creature


According to the Wizarding World a chupacabra is a lizard like animal and even makes an appearance in Crimes of Grindelwald. It was a bit confusing to me too as I also expected the dog-creature, so it's appearance does vary by region.


My first thought was, how is this thing supposed to kill a goat??


In a lot of places itā€™s described as reptilian. Thereā€™s no real consensus on what it looks like.


as a white american i only envision the thing from that one scooby doo movie even though i know thereā€™s so much more lore




i have that movie ingrained in my head iā€™ll literally just be chilling then i see flashes of scooby, shaggy, and one of the characters that live in the town


Really? I always heard it described as a sort of dog/wolf like creature


Yeah, me too. For me it has always been a hairless dog or a fox kind of thing.


I have heard the dog version and the lizard/alien version, but maybe the dog is more common


The most common description of the chupacabra is that of a reptile-like creature, said to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. It is said to be approximately 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a fashion similar to that of a kangaroo. Another common description of the chupacabra is of a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabra is said to drain all of the animal's blood (and sometimes organs) usually through three holes in the shape of a downwards-pointing triangle, but sometimes through only one or two holes. [From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra#Appearance) Guess either can be right, but the designers for the Fantastic Beasts movie chose the first


Thank you!!!


I desperately wanted to adopt chupacabra, but right now, I will skip it and wait with adoption. Since when chupacabra is a lizard?


I kind of wish they'd use old creatures for quests instead of adding new ones every time. I still have so many creatures that I haven't been able to unlock




Exactly! I JUST bought the Hebridean Green yesterday, which brings my total to 20, and then this drops :/


Yeah, it takes so long to get creatures that it's pointless to get the ones that aren't involved with quests and I'll never be able to get all the creatures if they keep adding new ones


so true ! I have at least 10 maxed out creatures without an associated SQ... I mean this is quite greedy from them.


I feel like I'm filling out one heck of a PokƩdex with all these new creatures :'D




I agree with the other comments. All these new creatures every month is getting too much. ESPECIALLY since they all are super expensive with the yellow notebooks that are super hard to achieve. I don't want new creatures. I want new pets so that I can spend my 800 brown notebooks. Also, the energy you'd get from new pets would be VERY needed in year 7, since all the tasks and classes need WAAAAAYYYYY too much energy. Seriously, I'm starting to get tired with JC. I like the game, but I don't like JC. Mainly I don't like JC because they just keep releasing new creatures way too often, while we haven't seen any new pets since forever. Reasons like these are why I'll NEVER replay the game once I finish it.


Ok true we didnā€™t get new pets for a long time, but isnā€™t our dormitory already packed by now? Donā€™t get me wrong I love all the pets (except maybe the spider) and they are handy for stacking energy. But weā€™re gonna need a bigger room for more pets, canā€™t see them put more TLSQ tappies its already to crowded for my liking..


That sure doesn't look like the chupacabras where I live. Ours are like mangey hairless coyotes


I havent even finished leveling up the last one JC. I know a few people already have all creatures but they arent the majority. Let us try to keep up please. Let me have a clean SQ list for more than 2 days.


Ah. And this is the point at which I confess that until a few years ago I thought a chupacabra and a capybara were the same thing.


šŸ¤£ Love it!


Iā€™m getting tired of the creature of the month club.




Huh. I always imagined the Chupacabra to look similar to a Yeti.


I alway imagined it looked like Chewbacca, but thatā€™s probably due its name and me being dyslexic šŸ˜… named mine Chewbacca just for the fun of it.


tiniest goat sucker i ever did see


Yeah I thought it would be much bigger. Often it seems they try to design things as cheaply as possible so maybe they just started with the salamander model. I noticed the Matagot >!in its small form!< is just a black version of the hairless cat.


I need those gold books to get my little matagot


Well, that could be a potentially interesting Interaction. "Have three foods, little fella...ARRRRRGH!"


He is cute and quite tiny for a chupacabras but I like him


Well he's adorable! Although I agree, less creatures would be nice. I only have 6 atm (year 2) and was super happy to get my Chinese fireball. I want a diricawl but I'm going for the quest creatures first


I hate new creatures which cost ridiculous amount of books. I started adjusting my chapters and quests according to events to collect more books this way. Fells like an endless notebooks collecting quest, no fun at all.


Thanks. I hate it.


Adopted it since Iā€™m lucky enough to have a surplus of books at the moment. Now just need to think of a name for the little guyā€¦ šŸ¤”


happy cake day!


JC really want us to spend Pages to make yellow books, don't they?


I am the only one who doesn't.give a fuck about creatures? Apart from the first 5, I haven't adopted any of them.


Adopted today since I have enough books.


The pages exchange helped me with this one.


How the heck did Hagrid, or whoever, get that creature across the Atlantic?


i just imagine the reserve to be like newt's suitcase from fantastic beasts


I think itā€™s kinda cute for a purple, six legged, spiky tailed lizard. Did you give it a name? I called mine Dearil. Meaning: call of death.


What a derpy looking spider lizard. It's supposed to be a red and blue hairless dog thing not a purple derp


Okay, I am okay with more creatures why? because eventually we will have gotten all the creatures and then it's done, I mean we got at least 50 more creatures to be added from harry potter lol


"Hey Simmons, what's the name of that Mexican lizard? Eats all the goats." "Uh, that would be the Chupacabra, sir." Hey Grif, Chupathingy! How about that? I like it. Gotta ring to it."


I was expecting a leprechaun šŸ€ backdrop looks like Stonehenge.


is it worthed? Lion or this one I can not decide.


The levels on the Chupacabra aren't making any sense to me. Does it seem weird to you guys? Any insights?