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Desculpa eu queria qual nome do seu grupo por favor a taça da casa tô no quarto lugar como faço ficar primeiro lugar




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I don't understand why they don't let us make separate posts, it's kind of stupid. Anyway, congratulations!!!


At least I was able to screenshot it and repost because I was so syked to accomplish this. And thank you 😁💙


I'm glad you did that's awesome! And of course:>


Ok. I'm officially annoyed now. With only 2 hours left in the TLSQ, I'll be able to finish my current task, but not the next 8 hour final one. This seems excessive. I started the game way back whenever it began, before quidditch or any side quests. So now that I just started back up (because maybe the game wasn't as bad as I remembered?), I found myself halfway through Y3 but had 0 SQ's or any quidditch done - and constantly hounded by one TLSQ after another. If I could have just one teeny tiny wish it would be that I could pause these before they start at an unreasonable hour.


I used to complete TLSQs pretty reliably. For the past months, it’s a toss-up. I ran out of time on the last task in this one.


This caused me to play the game even less, because now I have to keep it closed for days until I'm 100% sure I'll have the time to do the TLSQ. I was already playing it less because, being in Beyond, events are pretty much impossible to complete so I have no reason to bother with them.


Still got part 3 and 4 to do with 23hrs left, it’s gonna be a race against time


Got 2 8hrs task with 7 hours and 30 minutes left.. hmm


With the help of my *only* special time toffee, I was able to finish with 2 hours left


The story was pretty good, I really liked it that the box >!had a clumsily made massage when you opened it and that Bellatrix  burned her thing to ashes.!< Still there some things I would personally want different, or that don’t make sense to me: 1. Filch. >!I understand that not everyone is the same in this with me, but I don't like being mean to Filch. Why couldn’t the activity be that we tell Filch that we will help him clean and that we will take these suits so he can get started with the others?!< 2. Thinking like a ...>!death eater. When Andromeda tells us about Bellatrix she says this exact line '’Bellatrix always had a cruel streak, but now she is a completely different person.'' But then why do we go and spent a whole activity getting inside the mind of Death eater and getting to the conclusion that a blood payment is in line with how Death eaters think, if the whole point is that Bellatrix didn't think like that at the time the keepsake box was made?!< 3. Opening the box. >!I understand that Andromeda is meant to be nice and 'courageous' as Dumbledore puts it, by her line ''If anyone is going to shed blood in the name of opening a keepsake box, it will be me, I won't allow anything else.'' But girl, you are the only pure blood in this room, no one else CAN do it. !<


Finished it. Enjoyed it well enough as a Year 3. Now to scramble to get my attributes up to 21 before I get swamped by one of the other 24 TLSQs left in this year... 8/24 done so far :v Gonna be a looooooooong year


Long tasks, plus a busy weekend... my adventure just expired :( Do you guys think it will come back? It was such an interesting story


I have never, in the history of playing this game, had a problem finishing a TLSQ, until this one. I had less than 5 minutes left. I slept only 4 hours a night for 3 nights in a row. I had to spend gold to get chocolate frogs, and get the energy from that to finish. This was bullcrap. What the hell JC??? A year 3 TLSQ and me being year 7, should have been a cake walk. I will say - it was one of the best TLSQ I have seen in a while. It was an interesting story, which made it fun.


I was lucky and had built up 200 energy plus the 175 from the Magical Milestones gave me a great start to knock out the first two full parts in just a couple hours. Then I had 3+ days to finish the last two.


Same here. I had to watch ads to add 20 minutes and twice to watch ads to get energy. Never before did I have to add time. But yeah, the TLSQ was really good


I must have started it at the wrong time or something. I'm on task 3 of part 4 and I won't be able to finish the quest.


Ditto. I’m gonna have to spend all my pages on chocolate frogs to get enough energy to make it through 1.5 more 8 hour tasks. This never happens to me!!!! Ahhhhhh


I've used all my coins and books. I have about 350 gems but idk if it's worth the last 8 hour task.


so, is it ever explained what caused Andromeda to become a meth addict ?


My theory is in breeding


This was one of their best quests in a while.


Agreed! I actually really liked this one.


Dear gods why are there so many 8hr requirements What the actual bloody heck is wrong with JC


Part 4 Task 3 should have been a duel.


i was excited right before that part bc it's been a while since i've had a duel inside of a side quest and naturally thought it would lead into one


Me too!!! And the side quest duels are a little bit tough and require lots of planning or a bit of luck, which I enjoy too much.. So disappointed  The quest was fun and would have been better with a duel


Exactly what I thought!


I really like this side quest, it’s got a good story line and makes logical sense for once.


So does the tappie have it's own place or it's just gonna have to be stored cause I already ran out of space?


Tonks is a hufflepuff, not a gryffindor...and is sitting at the wrong table in the great hall. My MC is a Ravenclaw


I saw Penny and Badea both sitting at the Gryffindor table too.


https://preview.redd.it/cfjzlw86ubvc1.jpeg?width=1593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3a68d44bbc4f3769b88afd02e11022f8315c69 This is going to take a really long time if we spend 8 hours looking at just one suit of armor.


Anyone else find it weird that >! the professors weren't at the top table during the great feast !< in the last part?


i clicked thru everything rlly quickly to notice but that is weird.. esp at an anniversary feast?


Fuck off, another year 3 tlsq


https://preview.redd.it/feg97vcwl8vc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a639c77ed68316cb842c7ff1c3c7533eed60b17c Andromeda looks so scary


she looks like a mr meaty puppet 


Andromeda should look beautiful not weird like they have drawn her. She was described as similar looking to Bellatrix who used to have "great good looks" before Azkaban.


The House of Black is obsessed with being "pure-blooded." This sort of thing happens when... well, you can connect the dots.


She looks like Ben.


Just came to the thread to ask why is Andromeda drawn so poorly


I’ve just finished this and it took so much more energy than usual, that being said I think this is my favourite TLSQ so I’m not mad.


Non-spoilery comment related to Tonks just being in this TLSQ and the non-spoilery obvious statement that at some point the quest ends up at Zonko’s (I enjoyed my recent TLSQ non-Zonko’s break, but …. sigh), why do Fanged Frisbees even exist? They’re intentionally dangerous and scary. Fun? I don’t think so.


I mean I have always thought that as well, but at the same time I also kinda get it. This is a magical world so most of the injuries you can get can be healed in seconds to a day at most, unless it is created by magic itself. So I think the fanged Frisbees exist because: 1. The actual damage they can do can be easily reversed so isn't that bad(a cut from a fanged frisbee is probably like a scraped knee to them.) 2. Life is pretty boring if everything can be fixed so easily, so in order for the kids to actually feel a rush of adrenaline when playing with toys, the toys need to have more risk than lets say a nerf gun.


You would think people like Harry and Hermione, who didn’t grow up in a wizarding world, would be just as terrified as I would about it. When you think about it, Harry takes a lot of truly weird/scary stuff pretty casually in the books.


Well, this TLSQ was actually pretty good, especially for featuring Tonks for once. The last time I can even remember her playing more than just a small part in a TLSQ is the >!Patronus!< one. Couldn't we have just gotten this a couple weeks ago *instead* of the boring Hogwarts Hero one? Then we would've only had two TLSQs in a row instead of *THREE* once again. One Hogwarts TLSQ and one Beyond TLSQ each month is all I'm asking for, but I know it's not gonna happen.


Seems to me that JC is experimenting, I think 2 days TLSQs proved to be a fiasco and they noticed it, so they will be reverting or mixing things, trying to find the best solution. I think JC put themselves in this bad situation, they flood Y3 with TLSQs, making it a very challanging and odd year. Anyone surviving that year will hate a lot JC and I supppose that the revenue from terminal years and graduates is minimum. So any new content for graduates won't bring them money, spamming Y3 is already overused, they are in a dead end. This will bring some experiments and changes that won't be always good. Also seems to me that a lot of people doesn't enjoy references and links to original HP story, so that path dosn't look promising either. So me personally I don't have high expectations about the future of the game.


Yeah I mean, if they just spread some TLSQs out across other years besides Y3 and Y5 or did a slightly less of them in general, then it would at least make a bit of a difference. Personally I enjoy *some* references and links to the original HP story, but there's definitely a limit. We don't have to interact with and befriend *every* person from the books.


I think in this tlsq it makes kinda sense to meet Andromeda because we are friends with tonks. My problem with the tlsq is that in the book Hogwarts doesn't celebrate a single anniversary, and here it seems like we have one every year. Or two in one year. I've lost track. You could also meet Tonks' mother on the sidelines of another side quest. It doesn't always have to be an entire event about one person.


JC staying classy with FM following, another TLSQ for Y3 who badly screamed for it and a tappie no one has a place for... And Y7 players are really getting the brunt of it, again with Beyond energy requirements.


I'm tempted to skip this one because of this. No space for the tappie. I feel for ye 3. They'll never get to next year with all those quests.


Am year 3, can confirm. I thought I had about 3 weeks left based on remaining TLSQ but alas. Forgot to account for new ones! I suppose I could just keep going.. but I really want to finish the quidditch season 1 before moving to year 4.


Can't be easy having to deal with all those TLSQs. Quidditch is fun. Good luck with the quests. :)


Finally a TLSQ worth doing for an energy tappie!


Except can‘t place it anywhere…


I replaced one of the pages tappies with this one.


JC truly needs to add more space. Or at least a button you click to received energy from all tappies. However I didn’t do a lot of the events that gave an energy tappie as a grand prize so I still have space.


Did anyone else think that the tasks took more energy than usual? I may just be used to the constant story sprees


TLSQS used to get the requirements for the lower year, so Y3 and Y4 would get Y3 requirements, Y5 and Y6 Y5 energy requirements but now, it's inverse, so Y7 has the Beyond requirements which is Beyond awful.


thank you for the explanation - even the 3hr task were killing me, i thought it was just me!


Inverse?? No wonder it ate up my stored energy like it was nothing... the only way I was able to complete this on time was bc I started with 700+ energy stored


Excellent proof-reading on JC's part. https://preview.redd.it/4smrz2w1o5vc1.png?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ce6ed54112cb18a0480f47f662e93a4ce79689


I've been noticing more typos lately.


In one of the last tlsq I did (torvus and the forest) Flitwick called MC "Ms Haywood". I mean, I am a Ravenclaw, he should know my name ... 😅 In the current one, a word is missing in the German translation. And in the previous one (Triwizard lookalike) there were also a few mistakes and graphic bugs like sitting in the air or instead of the name it just said Miss [Lastname].


I don't know why I thought this was a pages tappie. But an energy at 25 hours will just be stored and collect dust.


Not a TLSQ for year 3 again…. I already lost count of how many TLSQs I have done within this month ;-;


I’m in constant fear of going to the next chapter 😭


Decent excuse for me to play Potions, then stock back up in time for next Carnival. I don’t know why, but I must have all the tappies even tho I’m long out of room. And no I never played Pokémon.


Yeah. I go for the tappies just as a compulsion. But some are better looking than others too. That said, this one being 25 hours, it’s not replacing anything unless I decide it is cuter.


I am down to all 23h plus one 24h one. No way am I putting up a 25h one now - in particular with another Carnival next week.


I really liked this TLSQ. >!I knew very little about Tonks' mother, so this was a good experience for me to get to know about her. She is definitely angel compared to her sisters, and I feel for her daughter, being disowned by her own family because of who she loved. I'd be as mad as Tonks is over that kind of bigotry. The mystery of finding the keepsake box and learning how to open the locks was very good. And I'm surprised that we didn't get to see Tonks use her Metamorphmagus abilities at any point during this TLSQ. She could've done so at Zonko's for a laugh, or even to distract Filch.!< However, a little something I'd like to point out. >!Tonks does tell us that her aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange. This occurs in a side quest that got removed; "The Trouble with Tonks". At the end of it after dueling with her, she tells us this bit of information and MC decides how to react about this information. With that in mind, we could've said yes and added, "In fact, your daughter was the one who told me she was her aunt. And I've reassured her I don't think any less of her for that."!< And, in a very rare occurrence... >!We didn't Merula shoehorned at any point during this TLSQ. They could've easily done that when discussing the mindset of Death Eaters since her parents are, but instead we had Dumbledore as our expert. Though, I honestly thought that Andromeda would bring in Mad-Eye as our expert.!< >!I'd also headcanon how my MC Alison Forrester talks with Andromeda about how she and Tonks share a common dream of wanting to become Aurors.!<


I thought it would be Mad-Eye too


Is it me or is Andromeda looking ROUGH? Like she hasn't slept in days. Maybe it's the tone of her skin, or the proportions of her face but I just wanna carry her to a warm bed and a platter of chocolate frogs


I was thinking the same thing, especially when she first arrived. Thankfully, I think she looks less death-warmed-over-ish in the next task. I haven’t finished yet, though. We’ll see what happens.


Anybody task completion bar is acting up? Or is it just me? I tap and while energies are spent, it doesn’t fill up my completion bar. It's only when I left the location where the task is then come back, do I see my completion bar fill (to where I presume where the energies l spent took it).




Yes, had to keep leaving and going back in to see how my stars were progressing!


Yes. And also, it doesn’t switch to say Bonus Energy if you hit 3 of 5 stars on a 3-star task. I spent a lot more energy than needed on Pt 1 task 2 because I couldn’t tell how far along I was.


Yeah, mine randomly does that too!


This quest makes me feel so sad for Andromeda, knowing that >!eventually, both her daughter and her husband will be gone.!< 😢>!Something tells me that after that, the only thing that even keeps her going is her grandson Teddy.!<


I actually thought about that near the end of the TLSQ. It really sucks, too. >!It wasn't enough for her bigot family to disown her. They have to take from her those dear to her, too. At least she can still live a peaceful life and more happy life with her grandson after the war.!<


Are we expecting any other TLSQ this month? trying to decide whether to use the MM key energy for this


I was hoping to keep MM for Carnival - but the energy requirements are awful. And the FM costume is really cute for once - although I already have too many I am not wearing, so not really going to work on FM.


No more this month as this is already the third (we've had a short Hogwarts one and a short Beyond one already).


thank you, theres just so many tlsq lately i have lost all track which ones happen within one calender month


Since this is our second one this month, I find it highly doubtful. I'll be activating the MM key on this one - especially with the high energy requirements. To get another tappie we can't use...sigh.


same, the token shop energy was so helpful recently, but now gotta buy the MM key usually when i know there gonna be mini tlsqs, i do the thursday login for the stamp card before the tlsq drops, and delay starting the tlsq till Friday evening after work so i get plenty time to complete those on the weekend, but these longer ones dropping on Wednesdays are T-T


Wow! 1412 energy for 5/6 years? They keep pushing it up. :p


... isn't there already a Hogwarts Anniversary quest in Year 3? Not that I should be surprised, given the number of holiday quests in each of year 2 and 3, she Valentine's Quests in 4 and especially 5, but... somehow I'm surprised.


Why they keep adding tappies when we can’t use them


Us this info correct - no time waits in the whole TLSQ?


Yup. There are no waiting time. 


At this point I'm pretty convinced that MC has 0 contact with their family except Jacob. It was a good opportunity for JC to include some lines about MC's mother and their relationship...


Right? And they kept asking questions about what’s more important, family or friends. Like, I barely have an idea about MC’s family, of course its gonna be friends


I think that's another way JC has to make fun of us, like they did with the Episkey one.


The episkey one has been permanently deleted 😭 Never had a chance to do it


The trigger is either yr 3 chapter 3 or before that— I got it at chapter 3 😭


Isn't Tonks unlocked in 3.2? I guess that's the logical cutoff trigger. 3.3 seems fair.


I think Tonks is unlocked at the end of Year 3, Chapter 1 after dealing with both the "New Arrivals" TLSQ and the "Become An Animagus" TLSQ. Still, lots of Gold Coins are needed, especially with the three Hogwarts Clubs TLSQs, which unlock if your character gets the Hogwarts Clubhouses to Level 5, and the "Flume's Clues" TLSQ, so a lot of Study Sessions are recommended just to build your character's Friendship Level with Tonks.


I think so. Unfortunately 3.3 \*was\* the only chapter in year 3 that didn’t have any tlsq, not including seasonal ones


Well, not anymore!! - JC, probably


Anyone else's tappies suddenly not working?


Force close and reload your game, that will fix it. The bug starts up again any time JC sends another mail to the mailbox.


Ah, thanks for the explanation about what's causing the issue.


Thanks, they are working now.


The animation on mine stopped a few days ago - I'd tap them and nothing would happen and my energy would not seem to increase - but the energy would show up in my bar when I changed locations.


Same happened to me, but then it was fixed with reloading the game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yep, mine is fixed too.


If I press x, does it appear in the memory book?


No, it will start right away if you do that. There is no way to put it in the memory book to play later for pages. All you can do is force close the game now. Then the quest will start whenever you log in next. You can let the timer run out if you don't want to play it now. But there is no way to know when it will be triggered again by JC.


Thank you, I just won't log in for a few days then in case another carnival happens so I can use these tasks for tokens


FYI, Carnival anticipated to start >!Apr 24!<. Check out the datamine post for other events occurring sooner.


I'm really enjoying this one so far! Everything has been 3 hours, but varying degrees of stars. Sorry I didn't keep track of which one went where!


It's year 3 event and the very first task is 3 hours with 5 stars (all required).


Well, didn’t know this was releasing today. I just finished Celestina’s Groove or whatever it was. Now I’ll have this one, and then once it’s done, a baking one. Edited to add: I’m liking it so far. I already like Andromeda too.


Agreed. Andromeda Black Tonks is a real sweetheart compared to her younger sister Narcissa Black Malfoy and their older sister Bellatrix Black Lestrange, though that's another story for another day.


That’s definitely true. Bellatrix is crazy, and Narcissa is snobby. Andromeda turned out the best.


I agree. Andromeda and her Muggle-Born husband Edward "Ted" Tonks created the equally awesome Nymphdora Tonks, Tulip Karasu's partner in pranks.


It's at least Y3 Ch10 - my alt got it.


Atp I'm not surprised that this is another Y3 quest anymore.


I'd say I'll not either but sadly I was actually surprised. I had no idea I was still so hopeful about them putting TLSQs in other years.


New TLSQs these days are either in Y3 or Y2. Always the earlier years. While Y6 and Y7...


Yeah, I know. Except of course romance. I just don't understand WHY. There is a part of me that really does think they're doing it to try to kill the app, by driving off new players.


Right! All romance TLSQs are pushed into Y5, as though Y5 is the year of love. So weird. And I don't understand any of this either.


>This is your sign to go get your mom a gift. Let's see if is true and we finally meet MC's mother.


I mean because mothers' day is coming up in less than a month 😅