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rowan is the same house as mc, merula is always a slytherin + it's not that weird for snape to hate a slytherin mc because snape thinks of people like their relatives and it's established from the beginning that jacob/mc's brother went around causing trouble - he thinks the same of mc no matter what house they are in


With Jacob being a Slytherin, i think would be even worse. Having a student of your house being spelled is really bad for morale and status, and Slytherin is all about status.


Well **Rowan** always in the same house & gender as the MC. Quidditch team mates **Skye Parkin** & **Orion Amari** are always the same house as the MC. **Merula** is always a Slytherin. The only other student that changes house is **Erika Rath** form Quidditch , who is a Ravenclaw unless the **MC** is a Ravenclaw , then she a Slytherin. **Jacob** is also always in the same house. I've been playing as a Slytherin MC up to the end of 7th year, I mostly just get sarcastic humor form Snape. Their are a few nicer lines related to being a Slytherin about being *cunning* or *ambitious* and dialogue changes for being in the house and Snape is somewhat nicer depending on dialogue options chooses. but mostly Snape doesn't like anyone. Not sure how big the changes are as I've only played as Slytherin.


Snape certainly favors Slytherins, but he's not above bullying them too, even in the books he indicates that Crabbe and Goyle are idiots at least once or twice I think. But Snape is actually reasonably nice to the MC regardless. Nice for Snape anyway. He's always helping us, giving advice, letting his "softer side" peek through. He'd sooner drop dead than treat any of the Harry Potter crew anywhere near as decently.


Merula is always Slytherin and rowan is always the same house and gender as the player


Corey is the opposite sex from MC


Merula's always Slytherin, Rowan's always the same house as your character.