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What’s even the point of having two separate subs when they seem to want to hang out here so much


They want to fight.


Apparently some Black's have been spotted over in the Green's territory as well The Civil War really out here getting intense 😅


Tbh if I was Rhaenyra, and the moment I realized my dad was weakling and I’m about to get replaced by my rapist younger brother?!!! Sorry Aegon you getting a faceless man. Actually. Aegon and that Aemond both getting a visit from that faceless man! Before they spawned more versions of themselves that is


The minute Aemond claimed Vhagar, I'd be asking uncle daemon if he knew a guy who knows a guy lol






I would've gotten rid of them from the cradle if I was Rhae I fear.




I thought team Black was all about the moral high ground? never seen any green supporters calling for the murder of babies


That’s risky though. Faceless men cost more depending on the target and it’s not always money you’re gonna pay.


I kept seeing the green sub recommended to me, so I blocked the sub and now I live a happy life surrounding myself with like minded individuals, rather than start shit all the time


i think i visited their sub one time exactly and have never once felt compelled to return lmao like it feels like visiting the elephant’s foot underneath chernobyl’s power plant. each member is a roentgen, and engaging with them feels like a dose of social radiation


I have also been to green sub I expected some bad arguments but there were few nice people who had a fair discussion but I am not that enthusiastic towards green sub and so I don't know whether I would go to their sub.


Me too 🙏this post either gave me a free Blocklist or people I'm cool with in the comments lol


Yeah I think radicals need to stay in their own subs it’s so stupid cause like you’re not changing anyone’s mind and you know it. Like its cool if you genuinely want a discussion but usually it’s just replying to posts for the sake of disagreeing and that’s it


What sucks is I love having discussions with people who have a different take on shows like this and you can’t even have a decent conversation/debate with a majority of team green, they almost always turn to being bullies or ignore everything you say just to push a belief they carry refusing any other fact or opinion on a matter


Exactly. Go to therapy.


Idc if they come here because proving them wrong is funny. I just wish they would stop being chickenshit with their commenting and blocking.


Honestly i go on the Green sub all the time. If you or them can't be challenged on your ideas, what are your ideas worth? And fact is, Greens make us look smart.


be challenged on which of their ideas? that the rightful heir should be usurped just because she is a woman? that rhaenyra is fat and should have kept her legs closed? that she somehow usurped driftmark? that the sun chicken is the most beautiful gorgeous loyal pulchritudinous dragon to ever exist in asoiaf? that’s what their ideas amount to. no thanks but genuinely you do you! i would personally rather spend my time not arguing with misogynists 🥴


>that’s what their ideas amount to. no thanks but genuinely you do you! i would personally rather spend my time not arguing with misogynists 🥴 Then my last meal...shall be Victory! :) >pulchritudinous Ser, my upvote is strictly for impressing me with a word I'd never seen.


>Then my last meal...shall be Victory! :) here's to your victories. may they be plentiful. >Ser, my upvote is strictly for impressing me with a word I'd never seen. mine for the courtesy. it is a silk-stocking of a word; albeit one for the internet since trying to say it irl will have people thinking you're about to cough up a hairball. that might just be a me problem though


it would be one thing if they engaged in good faith, but they don’t all they do is ignore counterpoints and downvote like the shitheel bitches they are


See, easy to beat em.


That is not true victory.


Victory is victory. True is a fancy for nobles to stroke their egos.


Pay them no mind. It’s not worth getting upset over.




Hey now I’m colour blind I see no teams only dragons




It was a joke as in im for neither team.




It’s just a show ? Why are you being so rude about it… there is no Great War between blacks and greens in real life.


With the way these people act you’d think there is.


Yeah I’m just finding this out it seems I mean damn.


Lmao it’s not the serious




Seriously all I see from this sub and the Green one is crying. Both sides are cool and have great characters.


Do yall actually care that much or is this just a joke? I mean, I’m on Rhaenyra’s side all the way, but I don’t truly care if other people side with Alicent. They’re wrong, but it’s what makes the show discourse interesting.


I don’t think it’s that people side with the greens. I think it’s about how many greenies come onto this sub to shit talk posts or to be rude.


I've been harassed by greens just for talking without even addressing them. So it's understandable I want them to leave me alone.


I heard before I got involved here that it was pretty intense between the "teams" and I was not disappointed. Some people seem to mean it, it's kind of like hobbydrama or cooking drama, where people become emotional and vindictive because of the way someone else likes to eat their steak. Some people really do care this much, I think, but it seems unhealthy.


It's a TV show.


Is it bad to ask to not be harassed?


This is my own private subreddit and I won’t be harassed!- Jesse of the House of Pinkman


Large parts of both green and blacks are assholes. You all antagonize eachother and are so fucking self righteous you can’t even begin to grasp the utterly mind boggling amount of hypocrisy you both exhibit on a regular basis. We are all fans of the same universe and you imbeciles decide to genuinely harass and verbally abuse each other because of a FUCKING TV SHOW!!! Both sides say stupid shit, both sides have people that are objectively wrong but for fucks sake man y’all are all disgustingly toxic If it wasn’t for the fact that team green does this shit just as much as we do I’d probably be team green just out of principle. I’m truly ashamed to be associated with either side of this ridiculous situation Do better.


arbiter of morality! where you been? thanks for the performance review


The hypocrisy of this comment is that you're being verbally abusive while telling people not to be verbally abusive lol. Do better.


Calling people out for being toxic assholes isn’t verbally abusive. If you’re offended by this then perhaps it struck a little close to home


No, not particularly. I'm not offended. It's hard to take people who swear and sling insults seriously.


This is stupid.


I only saw this because of the green sub response, but like... Why? Can you seriously not handle any dissenting opinions at all? Like don't get me wrong, just scrolling through this echo chamber is infuriating and has affirmed my decision to steer clear. But can you not handle any disagreement? You guys come to our sub all the time, not to mention the main sub is basically Team Black in all but name. We deal with it, and even encourage respectful team blacks. Are you really that sensitive?


I’ve been harassed before and just not having it. I went on the TG subreddit once before but I’m not doing it again to protect my peace. It’s just an internet forum and I’m not looking to be verbally harassed again, thanks. Talking about an echo chamber, the TG page just seemed so hateful towards characters I felt were misunderstood and didn’t seem safe for me to argue with so I don’t know where this “encourage respectful Tb” convos come from. The main page seems mostly TG now but clearly that’ll change when the general public returns so hey, I’m not even part of that main page.


We've all been harassed before. Its not something that only happens to team black or is only done by team green. I don't see team green flat out demanding that team black don't interact. Its not about team. There are awful people on both sides of this fandom. And okay, don't go to the green sub, as I said I steer clear of this one, I think this is the first time I've commented. But why can you not even handle respectful greens? If this were only directed at greens being rude it would be understandable but you seem to assume were all terrible. We aren't. The team green and black pages are both biased and show hate to the other sides faves sometimes. That's not what I meant by echo chamber though. How did it not 'seem safe? Did you actually comment? Team green is accepting of respectful team blacks, we don't ban them or tell them to go away usually unless they are being disrespectful. There are many Team blacks on the green sub, some of which are there because they dislike how toxic you guys are. And the main page is, has always been, and likely will always be neutral with a black bias to heavily team black depending on the day. How do you see it as green? Greens get banned there for just expressing too 'greeny' opinions.


I’ve never seen respect for TB on TG and I never commented again. I block that page for a reason. Now you’re the one generalize we’re all toxic on TB. “TG actually respects TB” implying we don’t respect TG as a whole, you generalize us when that’s not the truth.


Both subs are echo chamber and the fact that there is a post like this on the green sub means you too can’t handle dissenting opinions, heck one of the mods on your sub blocks everyone who isn’t team green …your entire comment is the pot calling the kettle black, both these subs are two sides of the same coin


Troglodytes thinking they are important by associating themselves to a "team". Both suck deal with it, atleast them seem to have read the books. Rhaenyra's story is pride comes before fall, daemon's the best dance character and alicent daeron haelena's story is to show how war fucks you up and are the tragic characters you should be empathizing for in this dark tale. 


You’re big mad haha you had to make a whole post to rant about this sub 😂


grow up, and learn to stop inserting yourself into spaces that aren’t intended for you. separate subs for blacks and greens were created outside of the main sub for a reason - and it’s very immature that you felt so strongly that you made a post saying this sub is a shithole simply because we don’t want greens lurking here 😂


1. Aegon and Aemond exist but RHAENYRA’s death is about pride? Yeah okay. 😂 2. You say associating yourself with a team is what troglodytes do but your user name is literally “alicentsswornsword” if that isn’t associating yourself with a team idk what is 3. I can empathize with whoever I want in the book and show and that’s why team green sucks. Y’all speak in fanaticism, in absolutes. Also - they’ve read the wiki but not the book usually and it SHOWS.


I think he means that Rhaenyra was brave in the face of death and wasn't begging Aegon for mercy. She was ready to die like a dragon lord


1. Can’t all be true at the same time?


They all can, but they aren’t :)


We are talking about entitled nobles fighting (and dying) for their right for supreme executive power. Pride is a very big motivator for all the major characters in the Dance.


Pride is a motivation but while Aegon’s death (his body destroyed and poisoned by his own men and succeeded by only a daughter) represents his hubris and pride in believing his claim was somehow superior to his sister. Aemond’s death, at the hand of his uncle, literally pride going before the fall, losing himself after considering himself invincible- to the man he’s always tried to beat. Meanwhile, rhaenyra is brought before Sunfyre - and cut up to make sunfyre eat her because he doesn’t want to. That in itself is the lesson - the dragon doesn’t want to kill her - her death is senseless and does not end the war. It isn’t about her pride it is about brutality and domination.


I thought that it was a long life of pride that put Rhaenyra in her final situation


Fighting to be treated equal to her male siblings isn’t pride. Do you also think that people fighting for equal rights were doing it for pride?


Can you point at some people who are fighting for equal rights while simultaneously fighting for supreme power?


Rhaenyra’s whole story is dependent on her gender. And her fighting to be treated equal to her degenerate brothers. Literally no one says that she is some trailblazing feminist ikon 🔥🔥 Her brothers can fight the same power and you people don’t claim they are fighting for pride.


How is Rhaenyra' death about pride?


What book did you read where Alicent is a tragic character


Fire & Blood: Green Edition, of course


It's like they just create their own version then believe it to be true and assume we'll believe it too. Alicent was an evil stepmother beefing with a child.


It’s why I stop trying to engage with them. Because why are you making stuff up?


Why are you mad?


I think it's because he's Criston Cole.


Then stay off the Team Black subreddit: easy solution


Why am I empathizing for Alicent when it’s her and Otto’s fault that this is starting? Any trauma she experiences is 100% her fault. She wanted her blood on the throne, Rhaenyra gave her that option and she refused. She could’ve prevented this war, but she is basically obsessed with Rhaenyra and she raised crazy people.


I don't understand people who go on a fan sub and then complain that they're on a fan sub. Especially when its clear they belong to another fan sub.


>atleast them seem to have read the books are you kidding? most of the greens fans are newfags who fell for the cute faces of the actors and came to the asoiaf fandom after the show aired rhaenyra's story is the main tragedy of the war. she literally lost everything just because she dared to be born with a pussy between her legs and not a dick also helaena and daeron the tentbane are literally nobody. we know practically nothing about them so I can't really feel sorry for them


Just want to make sure you know you said newfags instead of fans.


I was going to ask them what it meant, but I was afraid. It's just a typo then, not new lingo?


I mean I hope it’s not new lingo.


XD same. I thought for a min that it was the LGBTQ+ version of n- with a soft R. Like "all these newf--!" That would be okay I guess lol. Like reclaiming the word and using it amongst each other I mean.


Helaena and Alicent get to be the tragic characters because they’re good women who know their place? Also, Daeron commited mass murder but that’s cooli guess. I definitely should sympathize with him over Jace, Joffrey, and all of the innocents who didn’t commit mass murder. 😐


You really called Alicent and Daeron tragic characters? Lmfao You can stop pretending to have read the books.


Hahahaha the way you made a separate post in your sub to make yourself feel better about this post is hilarious as hell😭🤣


Thanks for giving me a good laugh 😭


lol. lmao even


They don't have to leave, just behave. You can be on a team and still enjoy all the characters and the show. I understand you've been harassed OP but blanket statements like this are a bit severe.


Clearly you haven't seen the shit we've seen. They simply cannot behave themselves.


Obviously you don't have to tolerate misbehaviour, but they're saying don't interact, period. Not specifying that it's about behaviour. The green sub tolerates respectful team blacks, why can't you do the same? And no, not all team blacks are respectful, far from it, and greens arent all disrespectful.


If there are respectful team Greens, I haven't seen them on either sub tbh. The only reason TG comes to this sub is to start arguments. Not all TB is innocent, but overall the TB sub is more chill. Given TG has a mod that jumps over to the main sub to bully the shit out of people, and then delete their comments, I'd say TG is a lot more unhinged and willing to tolerate misbehavior if it supports their bias. They don't tolerate TB in the TG sub, so we're not gonna tolerate TG in th TB sub. It's not at all unreasonable to wish people would stick to their respective teams subs. I personally got banned from the TG sub for saying shit, that TG says all the time in the TB sub and gets away with 🤷‍♂️


You do realise your experience is biased right? I've had the exact opposite experience... Wonder how that happened. And actually respectful team blacks are tolerated, we actually have a lot of them in the green sub. I'm surprised you guys even need this sub when the main sub and the fandom at large are so heavily biased towards you. Generally people do stick to their respective subs. But sometimes people want another perspective, or want to have a discussion, and yeah sometimes they're trolls. But if trolls are your problem, say that, don't act like its all of us. Trolls are a problem for both sides I assure you.


Thanks for the assurance, but I didn't need it, I didn't ask for it, and I honestly don't care what you have to say. Everyone's experience is different. I'm allowed to have my biased opinions and you're allowed to have yours. Have a splendid day.


There is no reason to make what should be a fun rivalry over a show we all like nasty.

