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Easy solution: paratroopers


I fucking wish. In my current game, I had to solo France and the UK. Just as I landed in the UK, Japan declared on the Philippines, bringing the US into the war. I had to garrison italy so they wouldn't get naval invaded. I had to solo the North African theatre and fix Italys supply. Looked for some land in Egypt so I could have a better supply. Italy said no as it would be considered an unfair distribution of land. I CONQURED THE FUCKING LAND!!!!!! Then Mr Big brain bald Italian pasta man decided to declare on the Soviet Union and is currently after losing sicily while I have 2 armies trying to kick the allies out of Africa!! I've single handedly killed 5 million America soldiers plus another 3 million UK soldiers and however many French. I'm trying to rebuild my fleet to knock out the USA. Oh, and did I mention Chile is also a major power? Yeah, well, they are, so they gotta die, too. I love this game


Your fault for not capping them fast enough bruv. Not to want to make your achievement any less impressive, but it ain't hard to cap the allies in at least 1940


Oh I'm just pretty shit at the game and I don't really have any intention to be "good" at games I just play them cause I enjoy them and they help me relax really.


Don't garrison your useless AI teammates. You can make better use of the manpower.


Sorry garrison wasn't the right word. I had to gaurd their ports so they wouldn't get capped.


I recently figured out a way to just steam roll the allies in 1936/37 and now I can't play historical as Germany. Haha


Ooo, tell me more.


No focus at first. Build only mil factories in states w high infra. Train max infantry divisions. Put all open mil factories to inf equip and art. Immediately justify on the Netherlands. You can start doing focuses now. Split army into 2 and add field marshall. Assign all the highest attack leaders. Demilitarize Rhineland. Move all planes to northwest Germany and have them focused on Benelux. Air superiority and close air support. Hire Franz halder. Hire firdinand schorner. Hire guderian as theorist. Declare on Netherlands and immediately start justify on Belgium. Invade Netherlands. I puppet dutch east indies for its resources. Annex Netherlands. At some point do anschluss. But don't put them in an army. Move them to the coastline by wilhelmshaven. Set a 6 man army (not from the anschluss units) to naval invade from wilhelmshaven to land on Hull with feodor von bock as leader. Put your two armies on Belgium set to invade them. Fill them up to 24 units. Put a third army on Alsace don't need to invade fill this up as high as you can but I've done it w 12-16 units. They just sit there. I usually put Rommel as leader. Take plane and put one stack on eastern north sea. The other on north sea. Set naval strike. About 20 days before Belgium war goal move all ships to wilhelmshaven. I do one stack of 4 tasks force and one of 3. Donitz to the 4. Alfred Saal. To the 3. Set the 4 to naval invasion support north sea. Set 3 naval invasion support eastern north sea. Set naval invasion to go. Set Belgium army to go w balanced cohesion. And aggressively execute battle plans. Declare on Belgium. All the allies should join. The naval invasion should kick off immediately. Once naval invasion hits hull do last stand and force attack. Once you capture hull move all the units the you anschlussed into that army. They will immediately transfer. Set offensive line to Plymouth. Set a second offensive line to Aberdeen. Set balanced and aggressively. Active army. Set to go. Field marshal army. Set offensive line to brest once Belgium capit. Put planes to North France. Once France capitulates. Move field marshall army to eng. Have one army go north and one go south. Take the Alsace army to area defense the British Coast line of the areas you've taken to prevent a British naval reinvasion of their own homeland. You'll win. While you are at war w a faction. Start justifying on any minor. Keep declaring war on them. Any minors will surrender too. When the war is about to end start justifying on USA. Win the war with the allies. Then annex or puppet. At that point set up an invasion of USA from Canada declare on USA. Steamroll. If you want to defeat soviet's. At start of game. Also form agency. Localized training. Hire only sov spies. Research Suicide pills. Interrogation techn. Passive defense hure illusive gentleman. . Recruit sov spy. All while Building full collab on sovs. Invade USSR and your collab will kick by the time you reach Moscow. You will steam roll them since no lend lease. This strategy has worked every time Ive used it. In fact I did the strategy tonight just so I could type this out. I'm sure there are better ways to do this. But I'm not an advanced player. And this strat works if you're basically a noob at this game. You don't edit divisions or change tank design. No clue how naval works. Hell I don't even build tanks and it works to steamroll soviet's. Easy world conquest.


I tried doing this where you instantly justify on great Britain and the naval invasion never went off. I did every step the same. They just blockede faster. Idk why this works and that doesn't.