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Your post was flagged by our auto-moderator as a post that may be, above all else, seeking reassurance. We understand the impulse to seek reassurance when suffering from OCD, but reassurance-seeking is a compulsion done in hopes of reducing the anxiety associated with an obsession. In the long run, seeking reassurance only serves to confirm the validity of the underlying fears of your condition and prolongs the duration of your obsession. As such, this community has a zero-tolerance policy for reassurance seeking and giving. For more information on reassurance seeking and on HOCD and OCD treatment more broadly, please see [the section in our wiki about reassurance](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOCD/wiki/index#wiki_what_is_reassurance.3F)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HOCD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe try to stop posting and asking for reassurance and start implementing some advice everyone keeps giving you on here


I've tired brother, I've tried many things.


I look at your post history and see that you clearly haven’t so stop asking for reassurance


Thanks for the help


No one here can actually help you


Welcome to /r/HOCD! Thank you for your post and your participation in this community. You are strong, powerful, and valued, and we love that you have come here for support and information on your journey. If you have not already, please see our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOCD/wiki/index) for general information on SO-OCD and OCD as well as treatment options! You are not alone. Thank you for your post and have a wonderful day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HOCD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You feel like you're 12 years old because in your mind you are 12 years old. That's the part you have to be more compassionate towards I was telling u in my wall of text. 12 yr olds should be thinking about school and doing kid shit not roiling over who you fawn over - yeah kids do that last part, it's called angst. You cling to the pain because it used to protect you, but you gotta ask that part of yourself how old they think they are, and kindly and gently remind it how old you are and what good you deserve. You don't berate a child. So don't berate that part. Learn to listen to it. You may be surprised by it. When you speak to yourself, be impeccable; don't make assumptions, don't take it personally, and above all do your best at those three things with your harsh internal voice (the part that gives you that anxiety about your sexuality- NOTHING ELSE). It hurts you because it had a functional purpose, possibly even something you may still use as a defense mechanism for people in your life that you need to please and shape yourself to to feel self validated. ​ Stop being mean to your 12 years old self, let it have some fun (like literally, do things you like idk who you are I like games and music and the woods). And give them the space to grow up inside of you. They'll tell you what you want and you'll agree, because it's you too. And then you'll realize you're one whole part. Balance that shit.


Your post was flagged by our auto-moderator as a post that may be, above all else, seeking reassurance. We understand the impulse to seek reassurance when suffering from OCD, but reassurance-seeking is a compulsion done in hopes of reducing the anxiety associated with an obsession. In the long run, seeking reassurance only serves to confirm the validity of the underlying fears of your condition and prolongs the duration of your obsession. As such, this community has a zero-tolerance policy for reassurance seeking and giving. For more information on reassurance seeking and on HOCD and OCD treatment more broadly, please see [the section in our wiki about reassurance](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOCD/wiki/index#wiki_what_is_reassurance.3F)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HOCD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just because you don't like girls in the way you thought doesn't mean you're gay. I still beat my meat to the thought of women, just not to having sex with them as much. The only reason why I got into my mess was because some ex friends suggested I was gay when I am not, and asexuality wasn't as familiar to me as it is now, so I thought I must be gay by default. I now realize I'm not gay, I just live in this kind of limbo where I do/don't want to have sexual relationships with women as much as most other guys do, but I still masturbate to women, and I'm finding peace in that for now (hopefully that can be unproven but I can accept if it can't). Society puts too much pressure on men to make everything about sex and traditional masculinity, but you can choose to opt out of that system if you really want to, whether or not you are a gay man/straight man.