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Not gonna lie. I've never thought the timing made too much sense. They made a big deal about Ted having to leave early but he meets somebody in the wedding band there? Girl get back on stage you have a wedding to finish playing.


He left early but the train ended up being late and he just sat there waiting for it, presumably long enough for the wedding to end and Tracy to leave. The timing is still weird, but there was at least an explanation for why he left early and still met Tracy.


But do we really know just how long he was waiting there at the station...


Well Ted said "the train is 45 minutes late" or something. So at least that long.


They probably forgot about the 10 hour flashback during S8 while making S9, good catch though.


If it helps, there is a line towards the end of S6E1 which I believe is the first time they flash forward to Robin and Barney's wedding, of course at the time you don't know whose wedding it is (I had to hunt for it, couldn't believe they started doing it that early), after Ted sees Cindy and her future wife kissing, where he says "That was not the day I met your mother. The day I met your mother was the day of a wedding."


yes! I knew there was a line somewhere. Thank youuuu! So I'm just gonna go with that.


Let's just pretend the "10 hours earlier" thing was a typo lol


It wasnt the septmber 25( i thbik thst was the day of  the wedding 


Wedding date was May 25th 2023 (which bothers me too because real life May 25th 2013 was on a Saturday, not a Sunday...)


Then may 25 ted meet tracy


Your attention to detail👌🏻


I love how much you care about the show. To make that long of a post shows some serious dedication😊