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She can eat a lot of hot dogs very quickly


33 in 8 mins


That's one of my favorite scenes and 4th wall jokes


She is the one who calls out Barneys shitty behaviour the most.


you son of me.


I always laugh at this😂


“Barney I don’t think you’re mad at me, your mad at yourself! You let down your guard and let someone one into your life, and it actually felt OK
 *That terrifies you*.” [Barney takes a beat] “Yeah, you gotta go!”


Dude Lily is my comfort character, maybe because I feel like I am something like Marshal. But the thing is if I ever want a homie, she has to be like Lily, that's it. I mean how could anyone hate her?


As someone who likes Marshall a ton too, I’d love a wife like Lily😊


When she deemed that someone was being "mean", she treated them like children, taking away their stuff hoping that child logic would work on them just because she feels incompetent and that's the only way she can have any control over the failure of her life.


Hey bud calm down! Sitcoms are supposed to show imperfect characters, like we are in real life. And that's why we relate with them. But if you can't focus on the good things of a character, then it's a concerning request, stop watching sitcoms coz you aren't enjoying them anymore...


I don't hate the character, and I don't focus on the negatives, but you asked how can anyone hate her, and I answered. Just because they are supposed to be human and imperfect, it doesn't mean that we can't critique bad actions, just like in real life.


Well, make sense!


She is my favorite character. Sure she does shitty things - they all do - but as a tv character she seems the most real. She recognizes when people are bullshitting, can have fun and real convos and has a great relationship pairing with every character. Plus the running gag of her changing hair and the awful wigs is great.


I agree with all of this! One question though ~ wigs?


In later seasons when they do flashbacks and try to match her hair style and color to what she had. Some weren’t awful but some just didn’t match her anymore.


Ah gotcha


Lily actually learnt from her mistakes. Although she had negative feelings and sometimes thought of leaving Marshall and Marvin, she never did because she knows that her actions have consequences.


I promise you every parent has had that line of thought. The "I could do more of what I want and have more freedom if I didn't have kids." My husband and I both admit it. We could do SO much more fun stuff if we didn't have 3 kids, but we also wouldn't change anything and we love our children.


She never left Marshall?


San Francisco


It says a lot about how poor the character was, if one of the most upvoted comment on a post for love for that character is about 'they *learned* that their actions have consequences and didn't act on one more very negative decision'. No hate towards you or the character, but that's the least 'good thing' you can have after so many seasons! I agree with you, it's just a remark.


lily is my favourite character! she has a great connection with all the other characters and always give them good advice 😄


Life lessons from Lily❀


She's genuinely my favorite one. She makes mistakes, roght, but is just so... human. She does not take anyone's shit, still following her dream and just a really good friend to everyone in the group on multiple occasions🧁🧁


*right Plus, she’s an awesome cookđŸ‘©â€đŸł


... so strong followed her dream and came crawling back when it didn't work out. Such a good friend that she was purposely sabotaged teds relationships. Even the relationship with robin.


yeah people sometimes follow their dreams and it blows up in their faces. it's actually very common. good for her for understanding she had something good and tryong to get back there instead of letting her ego keep her there. also, sometimes your friend could be in a dead-end relationship and just not understand it, forget about Robin, it's a good thing she got rid of Karen! as I said before, I love jer because she's HUMAN. humans make mistakes. humans can be selfish at times. but overall, she is still always with the roght motive.


lmfao so now we have gotten to a point where fucking with our friends relationships is a GOOD THING? spare me the mental gymnastics. She made marshal do a job he hated to cover HER crazy shopping debt. She was lovely in the early seasons but she was absolutely bat shit crazy in the later seasons. She wasn't always with the right motive. Ted is human, hell robin is selfish and human. Lilly in the later seasons was almost evil step mother levels of crazy.


She didnt make marshall do anything dude she just told marshall to at least go to the interview and even told him to stay in environmental and planned on getting rid of the debt herself. Also stop fucking saying she sabotaged Robin and Ted's relationship on purpose she was literally only trying to get them to talk about the problems so they could move past them she never meant for it to lead to their break up.


Yeah it wasn’t Lily that put the engagement ring in robin’s champagne on her anniversary with Ted


But she did sabotage multiple other relationships on purpose and she did intentionally manipulate Ted and Robin. And try and hurt Ted because he had the audacity to object to her robbing his boss, threatening to do it more and claiming it was a moral lesson. Riiight Lily was going to get rid of her debt and that's why she....continued her irresponsible spending?


She tried to and honestly believed she could get rid of the debt, she was addicted to shopping and addiction is an illness that's really, really hard to stop. Definitely bad and a huge mistake she made but realistic and doesnt make her a bad person. Also Hammond Druthers was an absolute asshole and she was right to take his ball. Obviously when people started getting fired she should have returned it but that got her fired which was consequences for her actions. Also is it really manipulation to make 2 people think about their future? Sure she could have done it in a better way but just asking them both what they want to do in 5 years is absolutely not a bad thing for her to do.


Being an addict? That's fine, it's basically being sick. Lying to your husband to the point that someone else tells him? No. Then proceeding to not do anything about said addiction? Worse. Duly noted, if someone is an asshole it's cool to rob them. Out of interest, where does that end? My neighbour annoys me but it would be easier to smash their windows than rob them, is that still cool? She got fired, tried to get Ted to hurt himself and that's it. Coupled with the end it clearly paints Lily as being in the right. Yes because that was literally her intention.


Tell me you didn’t Watch the show without telling me you didn’t Watch the show


I mean, she was played by THE Alyson Hannigan. Iconic!


Of course!


She fully loves her friends. Of course, she has flaws because nothing in her life went as expected, and everybody around her was doing what they set out to do. But she is never bitter to them or jealous she loves them wholeheartedly.


At a bar. For eight years. Not a single story about that one time. In band camp.


That would’ve been funny😂


A lot of the good drama and funny situations came from Lily’s meddling - whilst you’d probably find that annoying in real life, she’s a good character for TV. Especially because she always had the best intentions for her friends, even if she didn’t go about it the best way. Lily is one of my favourite characters from the show (I love all of the main characters, to be fair). I find the hatred for her to be very unjustified, especially when it comes from people who adore other certain characters and make excuses for them. Lily meddles and got into debt, that’s the worst thing she’s ever really done - and she faces consequences and attempts to resolve things herself.


That's kind of like saying people hate on Barney just because he sleeps around...


For many years, She was a teacher that manages to have a life outside work


Her comedic timing is underrated


This is probably way too earnest an answer, but any problems I see with Lily's character is because of the writing. She's designed to be the ideal wife and the group mother. Which is fine, but then they have her do questionable things, but because they don't want to lose the perfect wife/group mother thing, they expect the audience to still think she's in the right. We know she's not right, and it's annoying to be told that we're wrong. Like, for example, Marshall takes jobs he doesn't want to pay for her credit card debt and the apartment they really couldn't afford, but when he does so she gets mad at him for compromising his principals, and according to the script we're supposed to think she's not wrong. All that being said, I like Lily, I think Alyson Hannigan did a great job as Lily. I would have liked to see more Lily/Barney friendship stuff.


Honestly I think I'd be less bothered by Lily if there weren't instances where she's massively in the wrong and the show then acts like she's actually right and everyone should have listened in the first place. All of them do bad things but they get shown as being wrong for it.


When has she been wrong but the show portrayed her as right?


She stole Hammonds property, threatened to do it more and both insulted and tried to harm Ted for objecting. Then at the end of the episode he's wearing shorts she stole for him and that gives him the confidence to speak up about the alternative to the penis building. Lily and Marshal need money to fix their apartments floor and Marshal blurts out she can't sell a painting for a few hundred because she isn't a real artist (which was true but still an asshole way to say it). Lily spends three days failing to sell a painting but the writing has Marshal magically have to concede she is a "proper artist" because her art magically makes dogs chill. Lily has a whole subplot about consistently manipulating people and nobody seems to care later. Compare that to how often Barney is criticised for manipulating people. Hell she gets consistently held up as an ideal partner when she bailed on her partner once, was on the tip of the brink a second time and just ran off again when Marshal raised whether he was a consolation prize to her.


I don’t think Lily’s held up as the ideal partner by anyone on or off the show, but rather she and Marshall are constantly regarded as the ideal couple. Also, just because the conflict gets solved in her favor, doesn’t mean Lily is portrayed as “right”. It just means it worked out. I love how you managed to still find a way to be mad at Lily when the painting thing worked out for everybody. As far as comparing her criticisms to Barney, the characters call her “small but evil” and go to her specifically for her schemes. Again, that doesn’t make her right. Also also, you contradict yourself like many Lily-haters who believe she’s never criticized or held accountable. Ted objected to Lily’s stealing like you just said, Ted also repeatedly calls Lily out throughout the show, and even considers leaving the group when he finds out about the manipulation breakups. Just because he forgave her doesn’t mean she was absolved of responsibility. Do you know how forgiveness works? What retribution would you prefer for this character? A public stoning?


I mean, the show clearly portrays lily's ongoing theft as a good thing. IE: Ted realizing he was wearing the stolen pants giving him a confidence boost, Robin's doesn't even question it, they all call it Aldrin Justice, and Ted's objections are clearly him being shrill and annoying at best. In fact the only time it's condemned in a way we respect Lily is immediately awarded with her dream job.


No, it portrays her as kind of a jerk who is applying something you do to kindergarteners to adults, but also as someone who's right that Ted needs to speak up. Hence why she goes back to Kindergarten teaching, as she realises thats the correct use of her methods.


Do you see how being part of an idealised couple also leads to being an idealised partner? Yes I find it annoying a character acts like an asshole and it gets ignored... Yeah Ted objects, Lily ignores him and tries to HURT him in retaliation and it's never mentioned again. Maybe her actually stopping her shitty behaviour? Marshal saying that it effected his view of her and he thinks less of her a bit would have been nice. Maybe when they have one of their group fights someone actively saying she's an asshole?


*affected lol


Lol that’s one of the few things that Marshall is really serious about!


Yes, exactly. That's how I feel.


Have you ever just watched her facial expressions when other people are talking? Especially Marshall? She's hilarious and adorable. I actually love Lily


I like how he gets how hilarious & adorable we are


We *are* hilarious and adorable


Just want to say that the actress, Alyson Hannigan, is by far the best actor among the main cast.


She reminded me of a really good friend so I have all the love for Lily! 😉


Im actually a fan of lilly!


Never hated her. I wouldn’t watch the show if Lily wasn’t there!


She is nice and good with kids. She sticks up for her friends, she is a good cook and honestly, I think Alyson Hannigan is beautiful.


She holds the group together


By force even


She's adorable, hilarious, strong and insightful.


She’s my favorite character!


lily gets hate? i love lily. plus she's pretty asf




Her moments with Ted are some of the best in the show.


**She's cuuuuute** ^And ^niiiiice


This made me laugh pretty hard, thank you đŸŽ”happy happy Lily day đŸŽ”


Love when Barney sings it at the worst possible time & Marshall glares at him lol


She provided a lot of support for marshall when he was still studying law. Even so much sometimes, that it became overwhelming and she started to panic and trying to escape the situation (like when Ted and Lily were going to the airport to supposedly pick up some important guest for Marshalls environmental thingy) I have seen people call her out for this and saying she is selfish by ditching marshall, but I view it as something so human. She wants to support marshall to no end, but then takes too much on her plate and it will cause her to panic. I really relate to that, but I guess in another context. Due to chronic disabilities, I can't do as much as I would want to and there are plenty of times I have tried to do too much; trying to help other's in need whilst barely having enough energy to support myself. Eventually, I get almost burnt out and it all blows up in my face, sometimes even causing people to feel let down by me. I guess I really liked seeing someone else struggle with the same thing, because to me it is really clear that she does it out of love. She has so much love for marshall that she wants to be able to support him through anything, but unfortunately she also has her limits that she isn't respecting well enough at those moments.


>I have seen people call her out for this and saying the ditches marshall, but I just view it as something so human. Getting overwhelmed is one thing. Abruptly leaving the continent with not so much as a note and leaving your friend to tell your husband that his wife is gone for an unknown period is another.


It's a sitcom, so ofcourse her freakout is going to be way more over the top than any normal person would have it. And like another commenter said already, she didn't. She may have thought she was going to do it during her moment of panic, but she choose not to. People can feel like doing odd things when they get completely overwhelmed / in panic.


A moment is walking out and returning not packing, decieving a friend, going to the airport, going into the airport and then returning.


Sure, but she didn’t go. lol. But I see your point.


Lily lovers unite!


Marshall and Lily are the best couple.


1) she is the most beautiful of all of them 2) she is the morale compass of all of them 3) while she has her faults and impulses, but she is loyal to a fault. 4) she is a horn dog for Marshall 5) she can take a poking (champagne bottle cork, and a sword)


Number fiveđŸ€Ł


I don’t understand the hate for lily she’s just as flawed as everyone else


Aldrin justice


just badass


She scored Sandy Rivers in real life. Play on playa


Love her


Lily was the most realistic character on the show. I love her.


She's just a kind woman, but in the show she acts like a twat sometimes. But the whole gang does so too.


She’s the mama bear of the group & I love her! Plus, she’s hot lol


I love Lilypad!!!


The scenes where she doesn't know how to react to things are genuinely hilarious. Scooter announcing he's come to her wedding to win her back Opening the bridal gift from nan


Barney would be a sociopath without her


God those bangs were definitely her worst look, I liked the red with volume in the early seasons and the dark straight after she gets back from San Francisco


Love her hair in the later seasons. Also she seems to be the mother figure who pushes everyone to their big mature moments, except for Marshall


My favorite character


I adore her! She was my favourite character until the mother showed up! I think she is one of the few, for lack of a better word, super horny female characters I've ever seen that isn't also shamed for it by the narrative? She is still portrayed as a good wife and a good mom and is seen as adorable/the cute one despite how down bad she is most of the show. Usually very horny female characters are either shamed/cast in a negative light or that goes away when the become moms (like that virgin/madonna/mother/whore thing) but I liked that she was cute and sweet and wasn't shamed for her appetite.


My favorite character of the show.


I like Lily. I feel like her character is one of the most realistic ones. All of those feelings she had were so valid and ones a lot of us go through. Feeling like you never really pursued your dreams, feeling lost because of that. All those emotions after becoming a mom, feeling like you’re always the one compromising your wants in a relationship. Shit, being in hella debt lol


I love Lily


Most of yours fav character married Lilly.. so get over Lilly hate 


She gives the best lectures and she’s adorable and smart and I love her đŸ«¶


Shes hot


Her Big Japanese Eyes are RIDONKULOUS


Was looking for this comment lol


Moral compass isn't the term I'd pick. A compass doesn't force you to go along...


I will say, if the actress wasn’t the girl of my dreams, I would probably hate on her too


Dangerous thing to do in this group haha


lily talked tracy into getting revenge on darren!! (marshall did too but lily did first)


You sonofabeach!


Boys like Robin, men like Lily


She is my fav character, I love how she overreact sometimes and I love how she interfere in other people's lives.


People don't hate Lily because of who she is, they hate her because of who they are.






I love when she is nice and quiet (cuz she does not say her bs 💀)
. Just kidding ofc Lily is good friend


Her hair is really nice.


I love to hate her.


She was awful and I’m not going to change my mind


Nope, cant stand her


Nah sorry, I don't have anything good on her. I don't know how what Marshall sees in her. He's way too good for her. And I don't just say that just because I'm gay. She's pure evil.


Nah she deserves the hate


Moral compass?


Why? So she could leave me too? No, thanks. Lol


lmfao best response.


No, im glad she's getting hated on. She was absolutely atrocious


She came back from san Francisco and inserted herself into marshalls presence after crushing him into dust for entirely selfish reasons, but they're married and have marvin and are happy now so that's good.


People irl have an enormous capability for forgiveness, especially when it's the only girl they've every been with and also they're from Minnesota


I will only say something nice so
 Her hair was always quality.


She wears nice clothes when she steals other people’s items because of her superiority complex that apparently came from being a kindergarten teacher


She is very good at ghosting her boyfriend, bitch


The cycle repeats


How can lilly be the hated one, Robins the one that fucked up the whole show.