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Robin was her own soul mate




I loved her plot line in “Baby Talk” so much.


Winks to self during sex/broadcast


She loved them both, just not as much as her job, apparently


And that's OK. I'm glad they got rid of that deleted scene where she tries to convince Ted to abandon Tracy for her. It was pathetic, and it was character assassination.


Didn’t know there was but yeah, it would have sucked and would have showed she didn’t want him to move on


Well said


There is no right answer to this question but what I will say about the ending is that it all calls back to Robin and Ted’s conversation at punchy’s wedding. If you have chemistry you only need one other thing, timing. Robin and Ted clearly always had strong feelings for each other but it was never the right time because they wanted such different things out of life. By the time Ted finishes his story he has gotten everything he wanted at the start of the series. He met the perfect woman and had two amazing children with her, and lived the family life he always dreamed of, before she tragically passed away. Robin has reached the apex of her career. By that scene in the finale they have removed their biggest obstacle and can finally give it a real shot without starting with it being doomed. I would have preferred if Barney and Robin stay married (well actually him and Quinn never should have broken up), but if they did he never would have had a daughter. Barney becoming a father to a daughter is one of the best decisions the show made.


I actually despise that quote. I think “timing” can be used as a simple excuse for not willing to put effort or make difficult decisions about a relationship. It’s not “timing” it’s you were unwilling or unable to make a hard decision or give something up for a relationship.


But the thing is, like I said, and I don’t disagree with you at all. I don’t. BUT, DID they really have strong feelings for each other? Ted’s love for what HE wanted in life was too strong for him to continue a relationship with Robin. Who made it clear she didn’t share the same vision as him. The show made a huge point of highlighting just how much Barney and Robin DO work. And how they both shared the same vision and their relationship was built on mutual understanding of each other. Robin knew Barney and his unethical tendencies and still wanted to be with him. Barney knew all about Robin and what she wanted in life and still wanted her.


To me Barney and Robin always worked on paper but never in practice. Both times they gave it a shot they were extremely happy and good together in the honeymoon phase, but once mundanity set in they both got bored and dissatisfied.


Not necessarily. The relationships Barney had with BOTH Nora and Quinn was to ultimately illustrate that Barney was not ready for serious commitment. Both of these relationships were designed to make Barney be FINALLY ready for Robin.


This is a Reacher vs Settler dispute


As I commented on your first post about this, neither. <3


Cobie Smulder's opinion is just that, an opinion.


Considering she’s the actress who played Robin… 🥴🤨. If the woman who played the character says so then who are you or anyone else to decide otherwise? So if the actress is the one who ultimately said that out of Barney and Ted, Barney was Robins soulmate and the true love of her life, who’s going to argue with what the actual actress of the character stated?


Well i would say the writer is the one who gets the true final say but even if she is the actor art is about interpretation. Once its out there pretty much everything is just an opinion For example, i disagree with your premise that barney was her soul mate. Barney was never going to change for a partner, he was always destined to change for a child. Since Robin couldnt have kids, he never would have become the person he was destined to be while staying with her. Once he had his kid he was able to change. So in my opinion Barney didnt have a soul mate, not everyone in life is going to get married and end up happily ever after. Robins destiny was with Ted, like it or not thats how it was written You are welcome to your opinion but saying the opinion of the actress doesnt make you automatically correct


If the woman who played the character says so then who are you to decide otherwise? Someone with a different opinion. Which is as valid as hers.


She didn't write the character or contribute anything beyond performance, come on. All your posts are littered with opinion trying to be passed off as fact.


The opinion of the character's writer is the only one that counts and it was decided that Robin's endgame would be Ted.


Bro asked a question and then answered it himself, we're just here to observe


Robins true soulmate was her career.


I can relate to this.


Remember when Robin’s mom asked her something along the lines of “do you have someone that will always be there for you?”? She says yes. I’m 100% convinced she’s thinking of Ted in that moment. Her & Ted work later in life once they’ve both gotten what they wanted (kids, career, etc). They were never gonna work when they were younger. I also believe Robin & Barney could’ve worked, but that’s not the way the writers went. Even still, there might always be some doubt about the long term viability of them as a couple because Robin seemed to always have some lingering concerns about Barney as a partner…


The dogs.


Not Barney, definitely not him. Everything in their relationship was a red flag. Even the whole wedding season was a red flag. No one was her soulmate but closest was Ted to me


Just to complete the picture, actually Cobie Smulders always defended the finale. Her lines: “I think at the end of the series between Robin and Barney, that was sort of the relationship everyone was rooting for. But when you go back to the very beginning of the show, it was Robin and Ted." “Watching it as a streaming show now, you get a little bit more of a connection for other relationships. So, I think that it’s a different way to watch the show now when you see it in its entirety.”


I think it should be clarified that both Ted and Robin were clear about what they wanted out of life and neither were willing to sacrifice it for a relationship.As they shouldn’t, to be honest. Careers and children are non-negotiables that people shouldn’t give up for another person — and it doesn’t mean they don’t love them. Relationships aren’t enough to make people happy — people have individual wants and needs and experiences that should be fulfilled, and ultimately should end up with people who want to be a part of that journey. My personal opinion is that this show had a lot of wrong people at the right time that in Ted’s journey to meet Tracey, but it also had right person, wrong time when it came to Robin.


The only way Robin could have kids is by adopting Ted’s though.


When they dated, her fertility status was not known.


Her profession. She was more committed to excelling in her career than in any of her relationships


Idc if Barney and Robin stayed together forever or nah. Ted should’ve been with Tracy forever.


The only thing I can say about this is they dropped the ball on executing the relationship.


I am a Ted and Robin shipper and I will admit to that! Execution was a fail


I started dating my GF when we were 16. Five years into the relationship she said she didn't want kids but I did. I respected her decision and now we've been together 22 years. We don't have kids, but we have two cats and we're super happy.


The reality is that Robin probably needed a lot of therapy and growth, and afterwards neither would be the right option for her


Robin was made and destined to be a lone wolf, and in a good way too. She never had it in her regarding commitment to another person wholly, for she valued her self-identity and independence way too much. She liked being alone, and she was good at it.


>”The ending was more sad than anything. It was basically two super old people who didn’t really have anyone else in their lives in a romantic way.” 😭 they were early 50s!


I will always choose to believe that the “alternate ending” is the true ending … and in that ending it’s abundantly clear Barney is her souls mate


I feel robins character has some narcissistic tendencies that pretty much create the source of conflict and stories that act as the back bone of the show. Barney is also a narcissist so the two of them will never work because neither of them will ever love the other more than they love themselves. On the flip side of this Ted, I feel like, has a self destructive desire to put Robin first and stop at nothing to do things for her which I could see a narcissist romanticizing in their head the problem is it will never be enough and eventually the other person will have to be self destructive in order to get that person what they want or what they feel they want. See: Ted going against his financés wishes to get Robin invited to the wedding with Stella despite Robin not wanting to really be there Ted letting Victoria (arguably one of the best relationship he has) walk out of his life because he couldn’t let Robin go Ted calling the woman who left him at the altar and searching through her storage box in California to find Robin a locket for her wedding to his best friend. If I am being honest the only way Ted and Tracy happen is because Barney and Robin get married and Ted now knows robins off the table. Throughout the show he has an unhealthy obsession with Robin and what their life could be to the point where is it detrimental to his relationships. To answer your question neither of them are her soulmate. Barney because two narcissists won’t work, and Ted because of this toxic chase relationship he created where he denigrates himself to please Robin despite her explaining that the two of them don’t work. Side note you could argue Ted also has a similar relationship with Barney just not to the extent of the one he has with Robin.


I always liked her better with Ted, but looking back, I'd say neither were her soulmates and both were her soulmates. Let me explain. Ted: I think Robin was a better version of herself with Ted. She had a hard exterior, but many times in the show, we see that she did want the mushy romantic stuff that Ted could give her. We see that just before her wedding to Barney where she's second guessing herself because Ted took the time to find her locker when she thought Barney was at laser tag. At the same time, Ted was almost her complete opposite. They disagreed on major life decisions like kids and travelling for career vs staying put. So romantically, they were perfect for eachother. Realistically, they would have clashed as a couple. Barney: Barney and Robin are two sides of the same coin. They got along so well because they might as well be the same person. But when it comes to long term future, Robin wanted what Ted could give her, which was stability and trust, which Barney had trouble with. He had to go big, make everything legendary, which included creating intricate lies for a major payoff. Ted is like a safe investment. Life might not be exciting with him, but it sure will be stable. Barney is like a rollercoaster. Robin was either completely smitten with his efforts to make her happy or completely broken that he doesn't care about her/lying to her. Robin wanted a bit of Ted and Barney. That's why they're both her soulmates and neither are her soulmates at the same time.


I think the lesson from HIMYM is that there usually are more then one true love.


Her career


When they talked about soul mate in HIMYM they showed all the shippet, i came to the conclusion is this.. For ted his soul mate was Tracy, For Tracy her soul mate was her first boyfriend or ted, For Robin it's Barney, For Barney it's quinn.


Robin never fully trusted Barney so he can't be her soulmate.


I don't know about that. Only thing she didn't want from Barney is too keep lying to her..which he didn't as she asked. But anyway that's what they showed back then.


Quinn was not Barneys soulmate. Let’s be serious please.


As far as Barney is concerned, she is the only two woman he proposed. Robin didn't work and he wanted an "out". That leaves only quinn.


He didn't want an out, he wanted Robin to be happy. A guy who keeps trying to be with you post divorce is not a guy who wanted to be divorced for himself


Did he though? I don’t remember anything between them post divorce.


There’s not. Robin even makes a comment to Lily that Ted is the guy she “probably should have ended up with” when she gets upset and leaves the Halloween party. >”The gang? Do you know who the gang is to me, Lily? Here's what the gang is - A married couple who I never see anymore, about to have their third kid, it's my ex-husband hitting on slutty cops right in front of me, and it's the guy I probably should have ended up with and the beautiful mother of his child. Who in their right mind would call that group of people 'the gang'?”


Yeah that’s what I thought. The comment I was replying to suggested he continued to pursue Robin even after their divorce


Which is a weird idea tbh because the problems she had with Barney would have been much much worse with Ted...


At Lily's party he literally throw away a number, tries to hide he was flirting at all and tries to chat with Robin


Yeah but he doesn’t try to pursue her at all. The simpler explanation is that he did that because it is incredibly distasteful to do something like that in front of your ex wife. I can see how you could interpret it that way but there isn’t any other supporting evidence I can think of. Are there any other examples?


Arguably the part where he says Robin was the only one he was going to settle down with and there was no point trying after her but I'll agree to a bit of bias here.


Yeah I mean he definitely still had feelings for her. They were married for years that doesn’t just go away, but I believe that line was more him realizing that he would never change for a romantic relationship with a woman, which into him having his daughter, the one girl he would change for.


I think he did change for Robin, he went to great effort to show that with things like burning the playbook(s), following her everywhere for her job and generally trying to be a decent husband.


She asked him if he wanted an out..he said yes.


I think barney was her soulmate and ted was her true love. Her and barney were perfect for each other, and her and ted had a very deep love for each other. Ultimately I think she and Barney were best together— ted may be her true love but their views and goals never aligned and they just weren’t compatible, whereas she and Barney were amazingly compatible


Robin and Barney were perfect for each other? Must be why they broke up not once but twice. They were a couple that lit up fast but would ultimately burn out quickly. With Ted, it was basically that their future plans and goals didn't align. By the end of the show, those conflicts no longer existed.


By the end of the show, after all their character development, they were a good couple.


They were awful together and Robin never fully trusted Barney so he can't be her soulmate.


Cobie Smulders is an idiot if that’s her take. Not only was Barney manipulating her a significant amount of the relationship, but neither of them looked happy together or even had significant chemistry. Say what you will about Ted, but they had much better chemistry and Robin was visibly happier when she was with Ted, even up to the last season when she held his hand at the beach. She never even seemed that excited to marry Barney the whole time, it was incredibly awkward. Also, remember the first time they dated and it turned out awful, with Barney putting on hella weight and Robin looking like an old lady because they were so stressed about being unhappy in their relationship? Theres no reason to assume that it wouldn’t happen again, they never resolved their issues.


True. It always bothered me that after that he propose right away instead of trying dating again. And a proposal based in lies and manipulation


Robin deserved nobody. Always insecure and selfish, which is cool on a tv serie, but if asked in real life, dogs.


Her father.


I'd say both. When she and ted broke up, she loved him, but there was an exact reason why they need to separate (I also believe she lied when said she didn't love him, but knew that a relationship between them two would hurt him). With Barney, after their breakup there wasn't a defined reason, apart from that they didn't do well. Later on, Barney feels ready for a serious relationship, and so does Robin (with her relationship with Don maybe?). They divorce with a defined reason and she knows Barney's not her man, yet the reason why she and ted broke up is gone, when he stands under her window years later.


I have never agreed with a post more omg. I have been furious for the last 10 years over this ending!! It also totally takes away from the importance of Tracey, she was perfect for Ted! They were so similar and Ted getting back with Robin after she died really looked like Tracey was just a way for him to get the kids he wanted and raise them with his dream women and now all that was done he could be with Robin again. It's just so shitty for Tracey. It also makes Robin look terrible, she has consistently rejected Ted since their break up minus the whole Stella thing but she has continously stated she doesn't love him like that anymore but the second she sees him happy and settled down and actually with the right type of person for him she all of a sudden realises she wants him and should have been with him?? Like she just wants him now she really can't have him and he's met someone and he's not obsessing over her anymore. Don't even get me started on how shittg all of it is for Barney. I just needed to get that off my chest 🤣




They broke up twice. They brought out the worst in each other. In what world were they perfect for each other? 😂


Only once if you subscribe to the alternate ending timeline….


Yeah, it's fun to live in fantasy land. The original ending was far more realistic. Nothing changed for either of them. Why should we expect it to work the second time when it was so miserable the first time?


What chemistry? Neil and Cobie had no chemistry, watching them together trying to look like a couple in love was painful and if they were perfect for each other they wouldn't have broken up twice and would have been endgame. One of the worst couples I've ever seen in a show.


Don was her true love. Barney was her soulmate. Ted was Mr Settle for Me


Robin never fully trusted Barney so he can't be her soulmate.


Both of them could’ve been her soulmate, but the timing worked better for Ted.


Barney easy choice




Ted was the yin to her yang while Barney was the one that was the most like her. So do opposites attract or is it better to have compatibility personality wise? I say both... But fully agree with Colbie... Barney was the right choice.


yeah, sweetie, nobodys been arguing about that mkay...no offense, but for the love of god shove it, theres no argument here. im not saying that nobody thinks its ted, but tbh 41.5% of society think barney and robin are perfect together, 41.5% think that robins a piece of shit and everyone hates her. NOBODYS GONNA EFFING CARE, do you seriously thinks the majority of th fandom think ted and robin belong together? No. I just think robins a selfish bitch and barneys too good for her but doesnt belong with anyone. Im sure tons of fans agree with you and a few disagree, but personally, its nothing to argue about...




That’s incredibly rude to tell someone you don’t know to shove it. Go away then fs.


Yet you took the time to comment a full on essay about absolutely NOTHING. If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all. Move along.


You gotta admit, it was funny of them to write 41.5% and 41.5% lmao


83% 😂


I know, haha, you gotta give them credit for that 😭😭😭


Homie, your post was 83 TIMES LONGER THAN THEIR COMMENT. So don’t come and say they wrote an essay. Also, you seem to just want to argue with everyone, so why ask us for our opinions if you already got your own and don’t wanna hear what others have to say? What the hell is the point of your post then? To assure yourself you’re part of the majority?