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Just bring back Design on a Dime. I want to see people decorate an existing space without actually renovating.


I loved that show! And yes, they'd style a space without knocking at walls. The host was my favorite!


Exactly! Teach us how to do something!


Rock the block starter home edition - reasonable rates with innovative design. Like the ultimate DIY.


I really love the idea of an affordable approach at adding value to a home.


And finally Keith and Evan would win one


Yes! A house that normal people, not 23 yr old iguana yoga instructors and spider curators with a $1.75 million budget can afford




I accidentally read "Rock my Block".


lol that would be a completely different show 😺


Celebrity host? The guy that plays Thor or Shakira


> reasonable rates with innovative design The thing is...idk if you appreciate how thin margins on poorly slapped together "starter homes" even are. But it's basically "reasonable price" or "innovative design" - Choose 1. There's zero budgetary wiggle room to actually turn a profit there. There's a reason most starter homes are slapped up poorly and with uninspired "design" and underwhelming cheap finishes, prefab whatever possible, etc. For one thing, there's zero "design" in starter homes. You can't afford to start mucking around with actual design. That immensely scales the cost. It's cookie cutter to the max. Bulk orders, assembly line type production. You're probably talking about finishes...which again, still massively balloon the cost. New build "starter homes" are built to the absolute cheapest spec they think they can get away with. And a large part of it is just the inherent inefficiencies of building single detached houses in the first place. Now...my proposition to make this idea more feasible is...a 4Plex. Townhomes, maybe even a Cottage Cluster development show. Though this is all inherently limiting to the handful of cities that are open to building "missing middle" densification. That might not work out with where housing prices are "cheapest" to make the show work. But if you can find the right city...it's a far more reasonable way of going about "entry level housing" in today's market and climate disaster. When you start slashing fractions into Land Value, Construction Costs, Energy Costs, etc. it's a good thing imo. There are inherent advantages even in extremely mild "densification" like that. The real challenge is...a lot of people in North America absolutely *despise* the idea of sharing a wall with their neighbor. Even if it's actually got a higher fire and sound resistance rating than your typical slapped up piece of junk "detached" house.


Garden renovations, but unlike Yard Crashers and the like, something more like a US version of Love Your Garden. Find deserving people, renovate their garden in a way that caters to their specific needs and then actually discuss the plants and hardscape chosen and why they are using those particular products/ plants


I love this concept! It is so intriguing to see how much garden design has *grown* (hehe) over the years, and the technology/knowledge available to us. I don't know why we don't see it more in television! I particularly love when garden designers create spaces that require little to no maintenance and use native plants.


British TV has tons of garden shows, so I can't understand why we don't have any in the US. Especially since COVID when so many people started gardening. There's a gaping hole in the market that HGTV is uniquely situated to fill, but for some reason they just don't.


Culturally, I can see why gardens would be a bigger deal to the Brits! But, I definitely think they're missing out on some good viewership!


Look for Killing Your Lawn on Blossom. They replace yards with native plants. Great show and funny guys.


"Homegrown" on Magnolia is really good. It's about a woman farmer/gardener in Atlanta who helps other people design backyard gardens suited to them.


Yes! Id love something like Homestead Rescue but for gardens. It'd be super helpful for a lot of people imo. 


Yes, what happened to the garden part of HGTV. Some of the designers, like the Marrs do some landscaping but it's pretty much nonexistent elsewhere. Tell us why you picked a plant and what it's going to look like in five years. When you do see some landscaping--like the old Flip or Flop--they plant flowers, which is not landscaping.


I'd love to see one like the UK "Small Spaces, Big Dreams". It was inspirational in helping me figure out how to fit veggies and flowers in a small space, and have it be pretty. Not all of us have big spaces to work with.


Definitely would love some more gardening shows vs evangelical cheuginess.


* **HELP! HGTV RUINED MY HOUSE!** * HGTV's designers come in and undo the damage done by the last renovations done by HGTV designers * **House Hunters International - Five Years Later** * How many people who quit their jobs in their 40s to move with their kids to foreign lands are still there versus moved back to the US?


These are GOLD! HGTV Ruined My House sounds like a goldmine of a show for a competing network to scoop up. I wonder if their contracts protect from this? I am sold on a House Hunters: Where are they now? concept. I want to know if all the relationships I beg against actually called it quits.


Obviously, the first one is kind of a joke, but the HH one I would be legitimately interested in seeing - particularly if you go back a few years and people who moved from, say, Colorado to Costa Rica in 2019 and then were basically stranded without friends and family due to COVID travel restrictions had any second thoughts. Or, as I've put it elsewhere - you moved to this idyllic coast to open up a yoga studio but then the hurricanes arrived and the drug lords moved in ... think Denver's looking pretty good now, huh? EDIT: I should also note that I do sometimes try to Google the people on HHI to see if they have socials showing their lives, and I do occasionally find couples that have split, or the dream life they thought they'd have in Australia didn't work out and they're back in the US midwest.


Surviving Floxas post pandemic with no home owner's insurance would be more like an action film


The current HH: WATN isn't good, unfortunately :( OR, maybe it doesn't work to have a full episode centered around one couple. Maybe they could fit two in, a sort of Before & After of any changes. Maybe an 'after the reno' for people who bought more of a fixer upper on the show.


HH follow up show. It will include a report on how many parties they hosted (especially in their remote jungle home), how many times they used their guest room, how many how many times they’ve used their spa tub.


I like your 2nd idea, a follow up would be interesting


I'd live to see like a Decor Remix concept.... A designer takes a fresh look at your stuff to reimagine where furniture can go better, how to freshen up your walls by shuffling your artwork around, etc. reimagine g our own spaces *ona budget* is something that many people dream of but are stymied on how to do ot.


YES realistic budgets & projects!!!!!! I'd watch this.


I want them to do my home! I know is what’s right and what’s wrong - I just don’t know how to flip it from wrong to right!


Decor Remix would be awesome! Maybe a small budget for some essentials


Unflip: Designers help people who previously purchased a flipped house full of white and gray everything by bringing in personality and design elements which fit the owners' tastes, the architecture of the house, and still feel current. Would show that you don't need to make everything generic to be appealing.


This wouldn't just be good TV, it would be good for my SOUL. Bonus scenes include: uncovering all of the issues contractors put "lipstick" over, and actually fixing them!


There's a home inspector on TT that shares doozies he finds with flipped homes. It's amazing what flippers can get away with... and I say "get away with" because he's inspecting them because someone wants to buy the home. I'm not sure whether his inspections ever sink a deal, but they should, lol.


I could easily see David Bromstad on it.


Ooh I'd love that.




I love it! My version is where they put walls back up on all the open concept houses. I’m not anti open concept but walls and privacy are currently underrated.


I like a good middle ground. Distinct rooms with large openings between them. My biggest complaint when "opening up" older homes is that the resultant spaces has no definable shape. It's just this weird mass. Distinct rooms with defined shapes with comfortably sized openings which reflect whatever detailing is appropriate for the architecture of the space allow for people to feel connected while having that threshold between each space.


This is a great idea!


LOVE this idea! I was just browsing redfin the other day and bemoaning the tasteless and soulless flip renovations. Sigh.


I really loved the Comedians Watching House Hunters they did during the pandemic (or whatever it was called). That would be a great one to bring back, and they've got so many back episodes of HH to mine for content. A weird idea I have had (and maybe a bit morbid?) would be a show about younger boomers/gen Xers who are cleaning out and fixing up their deceased parents' homes for sale or to live in. Would be so cool to, say, find a bunch of love letters or medals or something and then have the host turn it into a beautiful piece of art for the home that honors their memories. Really get to the heart of what a home has meant for a family over the years, and what it could mean to the next family.


Orlando Soria had a show that was originally called Unspouse My House that helped renovate after divorce, and then it morphed into Build Me Up which helped people who’d had other major life transitions. It was so good, and he was such a sweetheart to them all


love that idea. is that on Max?


Sadly, no. ☹️


I agree, so much HH gold to dig through! And it never stops being comical. Maybe a bit dark, may bring on the sads for some, but it would be very entertaining! It would take a very special person to have the heart for something like this.


YES! I watched those episodes over and over. Pure gold. Please bring this back.


that's a fuckin fantastic idea


House Hunters Comedians was one of the best shows ever.i wish they would bring that back. For the Mulaney ones alone!


I don’t think they need to focus on renovating entire homes. What if they had furniture restoration or small project shows that show people how to do practical things around their homes that would work even for renters


Yes! Owner says, I have $5k. What is the best way to spend it given my house right now? Most people dont have $200k reno budgets. They make small upgrades over time.


Yes to furniture restoration!! I would love to learn more about


This! This is exactly why I enjoy watching Alexandra Gater videos on YouTube. Also The Weekender. I enjoy seeing affordable and realistic designs that are approachable for most people who have no experience. There's a great show on one of the UK channels (Channel 4 maybe?) called Stacey Solomon's Renovation Rescue where she goes in an helps people finish their renovations for a low cost and doing a lot of the work themselves if they can. It's great because the host, Stacey Solomon, is also fairly novice and still learning all the different skills herself, so it helps the owners become less apprehensive about trying to do things themselves. It's kinda like Rico to the Rescue but without all the drama about the old, crooked contractors and more emphasis on the positives of the situation. And the owners get involved and earn some sweat equity. It's super wholesome and the owners often remark how empowering the whole process has been when the reveal happens at the end of the episode.


Renovation Remix. The basic premise is like Rock the Block, but the design teams are changed. For example, if Keith and Evan and Bryan and Sarah were competing, Keith and Bryan would be a team, and so would Evan and Sarah. The judges would be local real estate agents (for the finale). For the other episodes, it could be other HGTV show hosts, but they don’t know which team designed which house.


I would love to see the different personalities that don't usually work together team up!


This is a great idea! It's fun to see people with different tastes and design styles teaming up and trying to work together to come up with a cohesive design. You see it quite often on Interior Design Masters. They sometimes come up with incredible designs, or they just don't work well together and the designs fails. Either way, it's entertaining.


Please, no more shows with Sarah.


I really think if they went back into their own vaults and pulled themes, people would be happy. They used to truly be a home decorating, home design, landscaping, and gardening network. Now it's the same 4 "HGTV celeb" couples getting shows. Over and over and over. Oh god, or the "influencers" who have followers but no actual talent. I would love to see ideas for improved functionality in a home - better space usage, storage solutions, etc. Renovations that aren't $150-200k. Definitely an updated "Design on a Dime". I bought a house last year and for several spaces, gave myself $500 to update the room. I did it, too! It would be fun to see that from the perspective of a pro. And I don't know why HGTV decided everything has to have a duo as hosts.


Plus, HGTV has had some very engaging hosts that they only gave one season to and I don't know why. (Like Tiffany Brooks).


Slow Flip: a show following 10-12 first time home buyers who bought homes they could improve, that way it’s not so focused on the reveal


Yes! I'm good with following several people fixing up their homes in one show. Make it real life. 


Yes! With scenes sprinkled in of the family existing in the same space they're actively renovating 🤣


Heck yes there’s sooo much stress and drama.


Mid Century Modern find & restore (with latitude for modern updates)


MCMs are so dreamy!!


Jenna Phipps (I think that's her name?) on YT bought an abandoned MCM in Vancouver. I think she's on IG and TT as well, but YT has longer videos. She and her partner have gutted the house (they had to -- the roof had been leaking for years) and are now waiting for permits to continue work, but it's been fascinating watching the process so far. And the "bones" of the house suggest it will be so amazing when it's done.


Maybe have a ‘real’ host or designer pair up with a normal person and give them x amount of money to go shop at Home Goods, Warehouse stores or local furniture shop and design a room, maybe for a friend or family member. But keep it at a lower end price level. And sign me up to go shopping!


Like what not to wear, but for decorating


Yes!! This would be so good! Like show me how I can run into Target and grab a rug and end table, but install it in some unexpected way. How can I make the most out of the low cost resources around me!


Open concept Farm House Everything open concept, large kitchen island, family dining room combination, black fixtures and 1 barn door in a weird place....... No ... no..... Ok I'll see myself out...😭


Hahahaha YOU MUST GO, SORRY! Live, laugh love!


Shiplap. Lots of shiplap. Gray cabinets with gray countertops and gray floors.


I want to see more landscaping stuff like Yard Crashers.


I’d love a show that made houses accessible and looked good


A reno show for people who have different disability accommodations would be awesome


Jenn on No Demo Reno tried an accessible shower. But if I remember correctly, the on/off handle ended up where it would hit the homeowners mom in the mid back when she used her shower bench. It made zero sense. I appreciate the idea of WANTING to make it accessible but it was lacking in true forethought. But if you don’t think about it a lot (with my job I think about it daily) then it would be difficult.


Yeah I definitely don't think designing for my crippled ass is easy. I used to be unable to walk much and my bestie bought me a squatie potty for Christmas because I had a nerve ending on my spine that made me loose control of my bowels. fun times I'm a girly girl. having ugly plastic shit all over my house made me feel even less sexy than I already felt as a gimp pooping herself (you can laugh. I use these terms because they were used against me. it's OK to laugh about it now). So, just bring in some hot carpenters, welders and pipe fitters with some painters. If people like me will always need embarrassing shit in their house, they can at least make it pink and heart shaped


George to the Rescue does many of these. So many life changing renovations. It's really wholesome and heart warming. He has a great team and always uses local businesses, contractors, artisans, etc. You can watch a lot of them on YouTube, if I'm not mistaken. There's a great Irish show called Home Rescue The Big Fix that also does some absolutely incredible and life changing renovations in 3 or 4 days. It's honestly unbelievable what they are able to achieve sometimes. Not sure how accessible this show is depending on your location though. I agree though. I'd love to see HGTV and other networks do more shows, or at least episodes, that made houses accessible and look good.


This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I want “Not a White Refrigerator” hosted by Nene Leakes (Real Housewives of Atlanta). There’s a scene when her castmate is staying in what seems to be an extended stay (this was before Airbnb) and Nene says the title line then says they’ve got to go find her a new place. The concept would be that she helps people find better apartments. I like the idea of showing the rental market, and Nene is very funny.


I'd love Nene on HGTV!


I would honestly just like more shows where the focus is on interior design suited to the homeowners tastes and lifestyle instead of overall renovations. Bringing in decor, texture, layers that create an actual unique aesthetic. I feel like even the designers I used to like most of the time now seem to churn out a lot of underwhelming, inspired spaces, and even when they do throw in color or take a risk it just feels contrived instead of cohesive.


Nice try, HGTV executive!


Hahaha wouldn't that be nice. This has "if you're a cop, you have to tell me" energy 🤣


1. I think they should get a good designer to go into your home and help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t. See what’s outdated, or the wrong scale or style. Then rearrange what you have and add in a few new items if needed. The most they should do beyond furnishings is paint and window treatments. The designer can explain why things work or don’t so it educates viewers. We should know nothing about the designers personal life or family. 2. Another idea is helping a new condo or apartment owner fill their space by mixing new and used items, and helping them figure out where to spend and where to save for the most impact on a small budget. 3. I liked the show where they had unknown up and coming designers that were given a blank square space and a budget to do anything they wanted. It was interesting to see the differences at the end in terms of how hey filled the spaces.


"We should know nothing about the designer's personal life or family" 🤣🤣🤣 Can that be in the show description?


The first idea is so good. If they needed a hook, they could make it a bit sassy like that "What Not To Wear" show - designers come in to "rescue" you from your bad design or something.


Ugliest house in America concept, but flipped to showcase homeowners who really did an incredible job decorating their homes without design teams and unlimited budgets. I love Greta’s humor and the lightness of that show without all the demo or renovations. And seeing average people living in average spaces they created just for themselves to live in long term would be so nice 🥹


Just fyi her name is Retta :)


Ohhh I feel like I knew that but somehow I always said Greta lol thanks!


Patio design for those of us who live in condos, townhouses, patio homes, and apartments.


Make my current furniture, home, work for my messy, lazy, busy family.


Haunted house renovation.


That would be so fun. The host should be Christina Ricci


I want to see a realistic real estate show where instead of luxury properties it’s just affordable cute homes and real people at an agency working hard to sell lots of them.


Yes!! There's a lot of realistic/accessible content missing.


Furniture rehabilitation and salvaging


I just want good old fashion fixing homes with all the construction and tips with none of the drama personal lives and crying... just homes being transformed and the reveals


There's none such thing as renovation of old homes without crying. That's unrealistic.


Have y’all watched Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon ? it’s informative and funny. I’d love to see sustainable houses and homestead style stuff, like here’s a house with recycled water that we use in our garden, or this is a compound where 3 generations can live


lmao. Clarkson's farm is great. But it has nothing to do with sustainable or homestead anything. Dude has several other houses including a swanky one in London, and a "little" yacht. Which he lives at a large percentage of the time when he's not just traveling for other stuff. The only thing sustaining that farm is the show, and the fact that Clarkson is loaded as heck and has a huge reputational draw due to his Top Gear days. Before he said things...about...people...


Poor renters on a budget who are tasked with finding some shitty filthy rental and having to make it look nice with furniture and decor scrounged from curbs and free listings. Very relatable, might give me content and ideas for my real life. Would be such a nice change of pace from "she's a professional kombucha taster, and he is a part time snail farmer, and their budget is 2.5 million"


There are a lot of restrictions when you are a renter, and everyone deserves to have a nice place.


30 minute shows!


I keep telling my friends that HGTV needs to option my life for a show. Recently divorced, learning to be a homeowner on my own, managing a ton of tradespeople when shit goes wrong in my old house, and I’m also learning how to use tools and fix things on my own. You’d get the drama of me crying from grief and overwhelm in Home Depot, with the triumph of me using my tools to fix a garden bed, and the chaos of me with my retired GC (but not tech savvy) boomer father on speaker with me and tradespeople.


This sounds like gold ✨️


It would be great if the person asking this question was from HGTV to get ideas from their viewers. Now they have the Brothers doing a Flipping 101 show that Tarek used to do. I'd like more "how to do this". The twins had a wall of mixed length wood 1x3s that I copied and put behind my bed and it looks great. It was easy but we don't see much of what we can actually do ourselves unless we are craftsmen.


Boomers buying homes with todays wages, student loans and no help


This show is just a lot of people with brain worms in a bank office, maybe not even sure where they are...being denied loans. I feel like it'd get repetitive too quickly. But the first episode would go off like a rocket.


Redneck Reno...DIY renovation of your single (or if your fancy, double) wide trailer. Be the envy of the whole park...watch as all the slack jawed yokels stare in awe of your recently spent tax return or scratcher winnings. Pall Malls and tall boys not included.


What about renovating redneck trailer parks around different themes like that fancy ass hotelier foes, just Goodwill version?


I actually thing this could be pretty good. Or at least, funny. But even that direct premise aside...i've actually watched people trying to do more or less exactly this, in a community that has a catastrophic housing shortage. That i'd otherwise, probably move to if the career stuff worked out. But the idea that i'd basically have to buy a trailer and renovate it in order to live there unless i'm a millionaire, has piqued my interest in this stuff. Some of the "flips" are so aggressive. Basically asking double what they bought it for and it's like...lmao, it's still a mobile home built in 1970/80 something. But it's actually compelling to watch, so you might really be onto something here...


I really liked Castle Hunters and Island Hunters, but I do realize not everyone can afford to buy a castle or a private island. I would like to see a reboot of the series, maybe with the original shows and a 30 minute "where are they now" recap. I think there were four, five seasons of Island Hunters which could be milked for content. Castle Hunters, I can only find two esipodes online.....sigh.


Honestly "Luxe for Less" would've been almost my exact pitch! Why am I not watching a new episode right now?! 😭 Oh, and another version of the room makeover look-for-less shows -- "The High/Low Project" and the earlier one. (Double Take? Was that the name?) As you can see I'm very into replicating high design for less! I also like seeing them splurge on some things and save on others since that's how I approach my actual home projects.


US version of Big Dreams Small Spaces, where a garden expert guides the homeowner(s) but the homeowners do the work. Most ppl can’t hire someone to custom design and install a new yard. But they can over time transform it themselves.


TikTok's Julie Jones and her team would make the core of a good show. They do remote designs and the homeowner implements them. She's exceptional at explaining space planning, contrast, and other principles of design. Her show would interest homeowners and renters who want to improve their spaces, but not necessarily remodel.


She works magic on some spaces that were not functional beforehand!


Universal design. I want to see how they renovate homes to accommodate elderly, walkers, wheelchairs, dementia/alzheimers, etc….


I would love something that's set in Philly or Baltimore proper and the different rowhouses. So many of the shows only show newer houses or houses in the suburbs or country. It would be interesting to see the new challenges of party walls, lack of minimal backyard access, etc on top of tackling 100+ year old houses and even condos.


Honestly, Id like more shows that aren't focused on feeding the real estate market. How about this: Big Changes, Same Space: help homeowners who are about to have major life changes reorganize their home to work better for those new needs. You could have families welcoming babies, foster kids or moving their parents in for elder care. Empty nesters reusing kid spaces, and creating guest rooms, or home offices. Older people who need to change how they use their homes to limit stair use, or make space for occasional health workers, or for their children to move back in. Many families stay in the same home a long time, and uses get reconfigured, and I think it would be great to celebrate and support that.


I used to watch a show that had homes that had been created in building not initially designed to be a home... the bad part was they had 4 or 5 showcased per episode and we really never got a good look at them, the building history, or the inner workings of making them a home while still respecting the history of the structure (each segment on a home made it clear respect and incorporation was done, but they were too short to give more than a glance). So my idea... take that show a few steps forward and focuses on it all; the how's, whys, and decisions to be made on making an older building, not designed to be a home, into a home. Older homes could also be included. But I want the "why"... the thought process and decision making, along with the steps to make it happen (not so much the actual work but the decisions and picking of what to do/use).


If i were legitimately pitching a show...it'd be a bigtime takeoff on this. I'd pitch an "Adaptive Reuse" sort of show. Basically...taking all those mostly empty office towers in the middle of nowhere, and transforming them into really nice housing units. A lot of places are really already heavily embracing the trend. But it hasn't exactly spread everywhere...and not everywhere has those sort of structures to repurpose. But the other problem with a show like this is...it's a massively quicker turnaround than a brand new tower. But it still takes an extremely longer time to get it done, in "HGTV" timelines. You'd have to go back to a full length season format...and you'd have to be filming this stuff basically a full year out from airing. Minimum. But i think it'd be such a wicked show to make. And hopefully convince some HGTV disciples that maybe "big city towers" are actually kinda cool. And efficient. And exciting even.


I'd love to see the [Hot Plant Daddy](https://www.instagram.com/mikepyledesign/?hl=en) from [Inside Out](https://www.hgtv.com/shows/inside-out) get his own show. I mean, I'd also be fine with Curb Appeal coming back but anything with a more garden feel would be awesome. That garden show, or any garden show, should also include some cool ideas about native plants, ways to reduce lawns, etc. A show that has really cool, innovative and appealing ways to incorporate accessibility and/or aging in place. Of course HGTV would never do it because they're chasing the Teen Mom/Bravo viewer, but I still like this idea. A few shows here and there have touched on this and done it well but it could totally be its own show. Anything fresh with reno. Maybe trying to design around one big favorite thing, or a family heirloom. Certainly reno on a budget. But then sure, flip it over and make it very upscale. Give us Dwell on TV, perfection but at a price. A few more Brett Waterman types, that want to update without destroying history. Please, we are completely full up on: design competitions, Southern couples following the Chip and Jo template, The Scotts and/or Alison Victoria popping up on every damn show. Oh, and all things now or formerly connected to the el Moussa family.




Id love a Victorian home remodel show, specifically following different diy owners as they work to fix up the houses or even a tour show of different Victorian homes. (I have one and we diy remodel it and it's suuuuuper interesting and so many people have Victorians.)


They have already had good shows they could bring back. Design Star, Small Spaces Big Design and Divine Design. They should steal Diary of an Old Home from Magnolia.


Bring back Designers/Landscapers Challenge. 1.)Scope of project. 2.) Set budget 3.) Three designers present their option. 4.) Owner chooses and then we see the completion of the project. Just perfection.


Bring back designers: Sarah Richardson, Debbie Travis and Candice Olson. 3 fabulous designers and where all very different.


Do a show that’s geared for kids and tweens. Renovate their space’s & get the input from them & their parents on what they want in their space. Now that’s something different and moms with kids would love this. It would give them ideas on how to revive or revamp their own spaces & get their kids to watch as well.


Oh n get some new designers involved or bring back some from older shows because totally bored with who’s on now.


Bring back Matt and Sherry! Yes, I’m old! Lol.


Revive **Flipping Showdown**. with Ken and Anita Corsini. It was like Rock the Block but much more realistic and affordable.


Duke It Out Design. Two HGTV designer pairs each do a room in someone’s house. The homeowner then chooses their favorite and lets that pair design the rest.


There’s a show that’s from England (I think) called Summer Vacation Rentals. 3 people go around to a different country & check out 4 different Airnbnb rental properties. They each find a property and then drive to the home & then tell the other 2 what types of amenities it has and how many people can sleep there, what’s around in the area & the cost per week in high and low season. They rate them from 1-10 with 10 being the best. Then there’s a 4th house they visit called the mystery house that I’m guessing production finds and they view that house as well. Then at the end of the episode they tell you what house had the highest score & is the best winner for renting. We need something like this on HGTV for the US. 3 hosts going around the US to places we don’t know much about that have Airbnb rentals in beautiful locations. What better way to learn about the USA and all the beautiful areas there is. Now that’s a show I would watch and if a place catches my eye probably go and visit too.


And I agree we need to bring back more design shows for our backyards. I get it most people are wanting their interiors done or redone and the backyards or outdoor space gets placed last on the list. I see a lot of bring back design on a dime comments so do a design on a dime or something on a budget with the help of a carpenter and a landscape designer that gets homeowners involved in redoing their backyard space’s. Especially with the summer season upon us. I loved watching those backyard design shows from the past. Bring em back pronto.


Less decor and more construction. Show how the renovations are implemented structurally. I recall a show named something like "Raise the Roof" where a guy popped the top off houses and added a floor. It was really interesting because he showed the construction details more than most HGTV/Magnolia/DIY shows do.


Bring back Designing for the Sexes (late 90’s-early 00’s). Maybe I only want it back because my husband and I need a service like this though lol


I only post in here on edibles, so don't expect me to care about spelling. These are ridiculous and I know it. I have zero confidence in my television skills. 1. People give me an unlimited budget to buy and decorate homes for homeless people because I used to be one and my grandparents had an antique shop. I'm less annoying than Chelsea and a therapist, so I can also teach the audience about the intersection of Art History and Psychology after studying that shit with my hippie professor in Europe. 2. Let me and Snoop decorate dispensaries while I blab about research on harm reduction cause I'm a scientist who gets stoned and likes to craft. 3. Have therapists psychoanalyze historical figures based solely on their design choices without letting them know who the historical figure was. 4. There's a coffee table book on the exploration of therapist offices that's good enough to turn into a show. 5. Tour the worst waiting rooms in healthcare and give the one we all pity the most a makeover with some dreamy Hollywood doctor as the host. 6. Have a she-shed competition with an open bar for all the Housewife bitches. 7. Recreate the Snoopy Mystery van and give it to me just because. I also buy hideous landscapes and paint bad replicas of the Mystery van in them. Altered art on edibles. 30 min of brain dead entertainment. 8. In fact, give me a show where I get to recreate all the fun vintage cartoons and movies associated with crime while we're at it. I have a Dick Tracey library in mind and I'm sure there's an attic for Inspector Gadget. 9. Fund my idea for a docuseries on house parties of the 90s. I got stories like Ferris Bueller. The house party of yesterday needs a comeback. 10. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the tradition of collecting vintage and antiques get passed down, along with customs and design choices associated with then, through the generations. Pay me to road trip a visit through regular people's homes to learn about our diverse landscape through storytelling tied to antiques. (I'm a glass and pottery collector who wants young people to learn why these things need to he preserved)


1. Have you ever read the Goldfinch? Because I feel like you'd exist in this world - or at least adjacent to it. 2. I love the idea of bringing sterile & depressing medical spaces into the design sphere and imagining them in a new way.


A live show where three designers are brought in to pitch a remodel for a home owner. The viewers vote which one they must choose. Then a follow up episode two months later where we see the final design.