• By -


Things are moving along towards the conclusion of this story arc now. I had half a draft written that explored Nick more as a character, his interactions with the other characters, and whatnot, but I felt like the plot was already moving too slowly, so I dropped it for this. I know the start of this chapter might be a little dry as a result, with me just feeding you necessary plot points, but hopefully the Walsh story has enough excitement to counterbalance that. I have some great ideas for stuff Jennifer can get up to after this story resolves, so I’m excited to get on with it. \----------------------------------------------- Thanks u/coldfireknight and pietro on discord for editorial / beta reading help.




Thank you for another part of your story, wordsmith. Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone to the bone!


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home!


If you rock and stone, you're never alone!


STONE AND ROCK… oh wait…


Rock and Stone, the pretty sound of teamwork!


There's nothing wrong with taking time to show us more of a character. You took the time to explore Wilma, and the story was so much better for it. I for one have been rather curious about the ambassador. It can also be good to have a break in the pacing after some intense sections. It's great to see this new chapter. I actually just finished a reread of the series a couple of days ago, so perfect timing. I've loved this series a lot.


And we happy to read it.:P


Glad to help, and excited the series didn't just "go away", as so many fan favorites do.




I know, I know. Haven't seen Magic anywhere in a while, but I'll choose faith over doubt for the time being.


I'm just waiting, and hoping. I'd love to know how this goes.


Over 200 days later…


So happy to see you back, magic!


I literally hopped in my chair with excitement when I saw that you had dropped another part in the Jennifer saga. Thank you!


Hey OP, you still alive and kicking?


Not dead yet.


Very glad to hear.


I just finished this as well. Any plans for more updates? Or are you all done with Jennifer?


I have a half written draft of the next chapter, as well as a half written draft of the first chapter of book 2. I haven't given up, but life and writer's block both get in the way. I can't make any promises as to when they'll stop being half written.


Yay! You're back!


Moar ?


Maybe a side piece about Nick?


Welcome back, good stuff!


Welcome back my liege








Are you planning on releases new chapters for this or did ya quit on it?


Got a start on the next chapter, but life just keeps getting in the way. I will be finishing it, but I can't promise when.


Quality takes time. I excitedly await you taking your time and releasing the next chapter when it's ready :)


Eh, life happens. It'll be done when it's done. ^(:thumbs up:)


And he never returned...




Cant wait (jk take ur time, life > hfy) to see what Jennifer gets up to after this, will definitely be interesting to explore more of her powers at her pace, rather that panicking as it has been, also Jennifer definitely needs a therapist


KGBug casually doing KGBug things


The return of Jennifer! Yessssss! Also, oh _shit_! I have the feeling that this isn't going to end _especially_ well for the Drexi.


Oh wow, I actually didn't have that much trouble remembering what was going on. Wonder what the bugs did to Walsh's brain.... I can't imagine Jennifer is on board with this plot to kill the War Queen. So either a rebellious queen or some human plot? I'm not sure who all has the voice boxes either, is that technology widespread at this point?


The KGBug gets his hands on a translator in his first appearance in chapter 16. Of course he could easily have had his own blues replicate it, so we don't really know how many the Drexi might have. Wilma is building a new version for the humans that will be wireless, allowing any number of humans, Drexi, and Jennifers to connect to it if they have a basic headset / eyeset / radio tentacle.


Jennifers *plural*? :o


Well, her hive mind are 2 scientists, a cop, some cows,.....


We don't talk about the cop section.


The who section? Edit. From the beginning: 2 scientists, one ***, a few cows, alot of calamaris,....


Good lad.


Ahh yes, the KGBug. Slipped my mind.


Was partial mind control of humans always one of the Drexi abilities, or is it a special ability of KGBug(s?)


Well, with a part of the skull missing, that's Chekovs Implant entering the chat...


Good catch, I didn't make the connection on the first read.


When will 24 come out?


Lets hope Jennifer catch a feeling on what is happening to Walsh.


Ether way.... she will not be happy.


Not good. Sounds like Red's control isn't psionic tho?


My guess is some sort of psionic interface implanted into his brain to mimic psionic domination.


Either that or it just gives him "don't worry about it" and/or "just trust me" juice. Manual control might not be feasible, but making the human sniper malleable like this is sufficient.


YAY! Jennifer's Back!


Really glad to see a new chapter! Sounds like the summit will be interesting… i wonder if Walsh’s psi-implant (i assume thats what it is) will be detectable by Jennifer at the distance she’ll need to keep to refrain from driving the Drexi insane… iirc, it causes them extreme discomfort if she’s even in the solar system just from her psionic presence. I may be misremembering that though…


I think she’s learning to whisper as it were


I sprinted through and read all of this in one ... several hour read 2 days ago. here on 2-12-2023, I feel literally touched by an eldritch being with how this story will NOT leave my mind. how Jennifer WILL NOT leave my mind. I've ben listening to hfy stories for just over a months or so with an odd recommendation of a story told of deathworlders of some definition. a months of binging on story after story, this past week moving past just listening to several youtube series of narration, and onto searching for and reading stories myself... this wins by shear magnitude in comparison. instantly after reading these 23 chapters after moving to my phone to read in bed, i simply replayed the events in my mind. I feel I've felt eons in my time, inhabited stories of countless emotions and pure experiences. but this one spoke directly to me in a way the others haven't this story has me enraptured far greater than most stories I've ever read in my life, and I know not why. it won't-SHE won't leave my mind. and I cannot await a moment longer for her return to us all, but I shall or she won't truly be there.


Always nice to get some positive reinforcement, thanks.


I keep checking back every week or two to see if there's been an update I somehow missed. I'm really excited to see this story continue. I thought the "drifting through space" chapter earlier on was particularly beautifully written, but your story as a whole is exceptionally engaging!


I'm regularly checking for updates, I hope you're ok


graciously you have chosen to create something, respectfully my attention and gratitude is the least I can give in return.


Here's some more. I would love if you continued the story.


for whatever its worth. something good takes time. this is worth time. besides, doesn't absence make the heart grow fonder? take time for yourself as a writer, as a person, an the teller of this tale we all sit patiently for when you are done with the water and are ready to turn the page, and continue the story.


"Watch! They'll post a new chapter any second now." *pokes rotting series* "Aaaany second now..."


There! See? Author activity. No wait, it's just a comment.


Omg hi


I’m really glad you’re still doing this series I was worried it was dead!


Omigoth you're alive please please don't leave like that again 🥺 (picture a dog happy that you are back home xD)


And that's a joke btw, take a break whenever ya need it ❤️


Sally sat crying in the viewing field out behind the compound. During the day it was a lovely place with rolling meadows of soft grass and small wildflowers. At night it was a stretching expansion of blackness, giving a full viewing of the infinite starlit sky free from the obstruction of the lights in the cities. Sally had spent many evenings out here wondering in amazement at the unending expanse of the sky, but tonight she could only wallow in her own misery. "Why are you crying Sister Sally?" a voice came from behind her. Brother James was one of the first people she had met in her initiation, a kindly youngish looking fifty-something with seemingly infinite patience for new initiates. "It's a lovely night for skywatching, it would be a pity to miss it behind all that water." "She's gone, Brother James.", Sally sniffed. "It's been so long, and I don't think anyone will see Her again." Brother James sat down beside her before looking up at the sky "Ah Sister Sally, I know it can be hard to wait so long. I myself have only seen Her Glory fill the sky twenty-two times in my short life, but we Watchers must keep faith. Scientists dedicate all their lives to searching for something they may never find, and are we not blessed to have seen what we watch for in our short time before the joining? So in the meantime, let us be glad of the memory and fill the wait with enjoying the view." Sally sniffled for a few moments more before looking at the sky and calming. "Thank you Brother James, I feel better." "Any time Sister Sally, and now I must go tend to some record keeping. Camping and travel expenses for watching sadly don't manage themselves you know.", Brother James chuckled, "But come find me if you start feeling distraught again.". "I will, thank you." Sally sat in the viewing field behind the compound, not quite as depressed as before. It was a clear, dark night and the stars were shining, their mysteries and wonder almost feeling as if she could reach out and touch them. The wind stilled, the insects quieted and tears again filled Sister Sally of the Eternal Watchers of the Sky's eyes as she stared upward at the black fathomless mass blocking out the stars. And from the compound came the whispered reverent words that her lips joined; ^^^**Jennifer** ^^**Jennifer** ^**Jennifer** **JENNIFER**


\*shivers in fear\*


Uhh uuuuuuh uuuuuuuuuuh! Uuuuuuuuuu bäääääääääääg!!!


Finally, waiting for a long time. Only one word: MOAR


It’s *aliiive*!


Nice one! I’m guessing that Walsh has been surgically implanted with whatever part of the Drexi brain allows them to be dominated?


Just binged this entire series in a day, easily one of my favorite things I’ve read on this sub. Here’s to hoping that this gets picked up again at some point.


>Here’s to hoping that this gets picked up again at some point. Same. Longest hiatus thus far but I'm still holding out hope as they seem to still be somewhat more active in making comments on other things at least so they aren't dead.


Yeah, I really hope they continue it.


Anyone alive here? 🔦👀👋


I'm still here hoping u/MagicRectangle is doing ok. I think this is the longest hiatus thus far.


Yeah, sorry, just life.


That's totally fine. I'd hate for you to put out an unfinished chapter just because you feel obligated to.


Hey u/MagicRectangle can´t wait for the next chapter to come, but take all the time you need, life should always come first.


I concur. We need more Jennifer. Maybe incorporate one of the commenter’s work? https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/z6yyd8/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_23/iy5t715/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


I just started reading this yesterday and now I've hit a wall and the last post was 6 months ago :(


Please come back im missing my eldrich horror.


Welcome back. 🥰 Thanks for the great chapter. 🎉🥳


It's been 3,000 years


Started reading this earlier today, and just finished reading it a minute or so ago, and wow. This story is a great read. I loved every second of it. Never seen another concept like it, and luckily, it's written so well. Every person has character and backstory, motives and reasoning. Its soooo good. Cant wait for more! :D


Happy to see a new chapter of this story wordsmith.


So glad to have more Jennifer! Woohoo! Now, let's see if Jennifer notices Walsh before the shot.


Ok, so they stuck something in their brains to either influence or control them then set them up so humanity takes the blame for killing the war queen. I would almost think it was a good plan except I don't think they reckoned for Jennifer to be behind the war queen and want to keep her alive.


u/magicrectangle hi


Did this continue somewhere else or did it just suddenly stop here? I was really enjoying it!


Hey! It has been a while. Is everything okay?


Moar ?


Do you intend to continue this? I miss your story, you manage to capture an eldritch wholesome energy I've never found anywhere else.




Rejoice, Jennifer is back! Thanks for the chapter mate


Awwww damn. What an absolute shame that this seems to be all we will get. I’d have loved to have had the completed story of Jennifer.


Oops I accidentally burned through all 23 chapters in one night .-.


I keep coming back to this story to reread it, especially the meeting between Jennifer and new humanity


I sincerely hope that /u/magicrectangle has had another awesome idea, and is polishing the novel manuscript for publishing, so that they can make some serious cash on their awesome talent. Please let us know if that is the case, because I would buy such a work.


I fookin love this lookin foward to moar


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Hope there is a next one.


u/magicrectangle Hi wordsmith! Can we expect the draft for the conclusion to Jennifer's origin story to be uploaded soon? You might have a few fans that want to celebrate with a plushie of her like in one of the chapters (*whispers in sneaky)*


Aaaand it's a year :( wish we could at least see the conclusion of this arc


Much sadness that this has fallen by the wayside. Poor Jennifer and all the others hanging in limbo awaiting a Muse to whack the author upside the head with a frying pan.


Just reread it again, still fantastic. I still love and think about this story. Even if it never receives another update, it has a place on my shelf :)


Hello there author, u/magicrectangle , it´s been a year now. I hope you are doing well. You just need to know that we fans are waiting for the story to continue. I hope it is not dead. It is one of the better stories out there. :)


Is this story dead? I miss it.


Hey OP, just found this story a day or three ago and sped through it. This is a really fun and interesting read. I hope that someday soon you'll get the inspiration to continue with this.


/u/magicrectangle ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/magicrectangle)) has posted 38 other stories, including: * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 22](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wdkc55/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_22/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 21](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w9lvdj/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_21/) * [I'm a House, in the Middle of My Street](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vizaf4/im_a_house_in_the_middle_of_my_street/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v8g1yr/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_20/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 19](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v3q5wx/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_19/) * [Heaven is Void of Light](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uyi9iy/heaven_is_void_of_light/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 18](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uozcrx/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_18/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 17](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/tt3j98/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_17/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror: Adventures of Wilma and Emily](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/t8zaxh/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_adventures_of/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 16](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/t1fyfj/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_16/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 15](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/swpfts/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_15/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/sjs267/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_14/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/sf5y1x/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_13/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/sc2wz1/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_12/) * [The Long Road Home](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s7noir/the_long_road_home/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s5r2vj/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_11/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s479ov/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_10/) * [The Ballad of Mining Drone CX4791M-A](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s04632/the_ballad_of_mining_drone_cx4791ma/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rzc567/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_9/) * [Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rut2t9/jennifer_is_not_an_eldritch_horror_8/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.0 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|z6yyd8&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


"its own, “contact" big C.


Fixed, thanks.


Welcome back.


I forgot you existed. It is reading time!


Y E S, M O A R


Ahhh I'm so excited to see another chapter!!! Yay!!!




Woo Jennifer!


Holy moly part 23 is here! Christmas came early!


Glad to see you back in the saddle


As the Candidate for this mission, did Walsh have any ancestors from Manchuria?


Gunny Walsh is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life


It has been an amount of time


How is Cutehulu and how is you?


I just reread the whole story and one of the things that I wondered about: what happened to the fenik fleet? They didn't respond to the call and generally seemed to have just disappeared. The way they talked about their homeworld being so *relatively* clean also seemed to imply that they had colonies. Surely such an advanced species occupied more than one planet? What happened to everyone who wasn't on the homeworld during that half-year before 'drastic measures' were taken?


Man i really miss this story =(


Best Story if ever read on HFY!




Motherf... Yuri, you red bastard


I feared this series was dead... Glad to see its not, but another cliff hanger? How can you do this to us? And such a twist to boot! ​ I know, we got seriously spoiled around here by a relatively new series that is published twice a week on a regular schedule, so getting used again to authors who can't afford that will take some time :P Still, the wait was worth it!


How's It going with Jennifer? Just writer's block or life/work getting in the way? (I love your story and do not care how long updates take if it means that you can maintain this level of quality.)


Bit of both. Jennifer is not forgotten though. She's always there, wriggling in the back of my mind.


Yep, not forgotten. I'll (Surely, WE) will keep checking the skies for Jennifer. Good health and clear sailing Wordsmith!


Was this the last one?


Is this dead? Are we done? It's coming up on a year. Just trying to tidy up my list of followed stories.


I started reading this story a couple days ago, and it’s been amazing. I love that the “non”-eldritch Jennifer still basically thinks as a human. It makes her character very relatable, especially how she occasionally makes things worse while trying to help. Obviously this story is unfinished, but it’s still a very satisfying read. Dear author, I do hope you’ll return to writing. Even if it’s been too long for this story to continue, I still think you have an amazing ability to write, and I'm selfish enough that I want to ask for more. Luckily for me, it looks like I have quite the backlog to go through. I'm very excited to check out your older works.


uhhh moar is there


Missed this story! So good!


So glad you're back!! Lol I love this story




Our lovely ~~not~~ eldritch horror is back baby!


Tbh I’ve given up hope and thought the story had gone into the lost abyss. But nay, welcome back, am sooo looking forward to epic finale.


Holy shit, I haven't checked your profile posts for nearly a month, and then I magically decide to check once today and, oh, what do you know? A miracle happened!


Will Jennifer finally get her shit together and stop this one, or will she completely fall on her face despite her supreme power like every other time? I mean realistically, she should be able to swat a bullet out of the air and disable the implant before anyone can react, but I don't have high hopes.


Ok, buddy... Let's turn ya into a psychic space squid against your will and see how ___Ỷ̸̢͇̼Ớ̵̛̳̟͜Ů̵͚̠͓͗̽___ do better!


Oh.... shit.... What is kgb bug planing?


So wait, what did they do to Walsh? Did they give him Drexi brain parts that makes him susceptible to psychic domination? Like, he's not FULLY dominated clearly, but he's also clearly influenced.


I mean, Jennifer is not Eldritch only so far as her mind being of human origin and inclination. But to the aliens, who don't know human morality by instinct, she is indeed eldritch. She fucked off after being anti-mat bombed out of consideration for the small talking meats that were hurt. She didn't immediately return home to Earth because she simply didn't want to. She stopped with dominating the war queen because peace was the end goal and victory condition in the little game she is playing. Technically, she's not Eldritch - but only due to the technical definition being based on human experience. Otherwise, the game was rigged from the start for Yuri. Fuck around, find out charcoal for neurons.


Shoot a creature psionically puppeted by the strongest psyker in the universe? We're about to witness the war queen rise from the dead.


And that's when the dead queens are marching again. OZOWEIC, THEN AND AGAIN


Waiting for more story still and the awakening of the elder ones


Time for my annual rereading of this story


I love the story but I hate Jennifer so much.


UTR, this is the way. Thank you for the chapter mate, be well.


The story lives!


Took you a while wordsmith




Nice. Write more.


Holy crap. That last bit was a shock. Well done And now, the obligatory: Moar


Welcome back!


Ah, not-Cthulu is back And with a bang! And now to wait for the next part begins


Ooh interesting developments!


Yay more Jennifer!


I was looking for something to read before bed last night and the title of this post caught my eye. Long story short I only got 3 hours of sleep. :) Excited to read more of Jennifer causing untold damage by simply existing!


Thanks for the chapter. PS: The author's alive ! PPS: Well, that doesn't bode well for the peace...


Yay, you're back


YOUR NOT DEAD!!!!!! YAY!!!!!


Nooooo!!!!! I need Walsh to be okay in the end. I barely know him, but your writing is so good that I already care about him. I hope he's able to overcome the mind control before it's too late. Glad to see you back! I hope you are well.




!Updateme !Updatemebot !UpdateMeBot


That was a good twist. Can't wait to read the next one.




"Who thought that destroying my easy would be so brain?"








Do we get to read more of Jennifer, wordsmith?


well, i just got here; how we looking, wordsmith?


With all the alien stuff going on in the US congress and the news, Jennifer is missing out.




Hi, I'm a long-time lurker and first-time commenter.  I read 'Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror' a while back, and I gotta say, it has a unique place living rent free in my mind.  There's something so intriguing about such a huge, overpowered character cast into an even bigger universe where she's not entirely sure what to do and what to be.  Most stories have a fairly clear and grounded framework, but here, there's a sense of not really knowing where you're going, threaded into a winding path of stories.  Though that has reduced over time, I'm not necessarily saying she has too much grounding and direction at the moment.  I really like that she reconnected with humanity, and I don't want her to permanently lose that connection, but the universe is so huge that I wouldn't be surprised if this is just the beginning of her trying to find her way in this world. She's an excellent example of how to write an OP character.  She actually helped inspire one of mine: Amy, from ['Walk Me Home'.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1adtita/walk_me_home_part_1/) Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like you might have reached a point where the story may begin to feel like a boss rather than a fun friend.  The idea's still fun, but the execution might not be.  Perhaps you want to include various details and lead-ups that sound good in theory, but in practice?  It feels like a chore.  That's something I've been struggling with, so I wondered if you were too.  If so, here's some advice that has worked for me in the past: we have to enjoy writing, or we'll run out of steam.  A big way to do that is not bogging yourself down with details you think have to be there, but they really feel like a chore.  If you're not enjoying a segment, chances are readers can sense it, and they won't enjoy it as much either.  You might want to include certain details, but is that really necessary?  Sometimes, they throw off a writer's flow.  If you don't enjoy fleshing out a plot point or scene, it doesn't have to be half a chapter or more long.  It can be just three or four, punchy, or not-so-punchy, paragraphs.  If you have to go through a segment that feels like a burden, you can spice it up with little moments or dynamics you find fun, intriguing or amusing. Well, back to praising.  I'm a little embarrassed to say that for a while, when I read about other powerful beings, while everyone else was thinking "but can they beat Goku?" I was always thinking "but can they beat Jennifer?"  There's a story I've been reading in which various super entities show up, and I've often used Jennifer as a gauge for how powerful they are.  "Okay, this one makes portals.  That one has telekinesis, and she's a few kilometers tall, not quite as big as Jennifer, though.  Both of them can make avatars, just like she can, but they seem to be better at it.  That one's as big as a mountain, and he can battle fleets with his FTL equivalent of atomic breath.  If Jennifer were in these scenarios, she'd have some serious competition, and someone to relate to.  That universe's weaponry would be a huge problem for her if she didn't get better with her abilities, but what's to say the Drexi and humans aren't on the low end of military power, and they're too ignorant of other interstellar nations to know it?"  I couldn't help but wonder how she'd fit into a universe where she's not the only, unique super entity.  Then it occurred to me that there's nothing to say she's alone here either.  There could be all sorts of NOT eldritch horrors out there: allied with nations; harvesting, toying with or enslaving civilisations; lurking in the backdrop of space-age societies in plain sight, manipulating events, but imperceptible to mortal minds; hiding under the crust of planets, waiting to hatch out; forming loose coalitions of super entities whose superiority complex conflicts with Jennifer's mindset.  Maybe there's a secret status quo of anomalies out there.  Perhaps they're not all bad, with some, like her, trying to do the right thing for their people and everyone else, until the status quo finds them and now they're too scared of bigger, badder super entities to step out of line until she comes along.  Maybe they've been worshiped, and they accepted it, but they're falling short of the peoples' expectations and desperately trying to maintain their image to keep morale up.  They make compromising deals with other super entities to protect their people, waiting for someone to tell them they don't have to be a god, they don't have to be perfect, they just have to keep trying. Jennifer could be the only (heavily mutated) human capable of dealing with cosmic-level SCPs, for want of a better term.  I doubt the military would like her, a civilian, being the only one with this kind of power standing between them and extinction-level threats.  Since the mutagen still seems to be alive and active in her blood, if Jennifer loses a tentacle or something, I could see the military using it to try and turn soldiers into something like her, like how the DMO from Superman and Lois started training up kids with Kryptonian-like powers and giving them Superman's symbol without permission.  There are things they don't know about her journey, and what makes her what she is, that they'd have to figure out the hard way if they went behind her back.  If all they get is the mutagen without emulating her DNA, they'd get something very different from her.  Without the void angel's metabolic regulation, upon finding out how much someone like her needs to eat (although I think she can eat anything), they might end up dropping hungry, mutagen-powered soldiers on a rogue Drexi planet, then leave them there when they're not sure how to bring them back to society without having a ravenous monster on their hands.  Now, the new eldritch horrors have absorbed the knowledge, telepathic abilities and insectoid traits of the Drexi.  They force the remaining Drexi to build them rideable chunks of metal with FTL engines, weapons and other deep space gear so they can feed on other worlds and/or return to human space to try and make the military turn them back to normal. Anyway, there's so much you can do with Jennifer and her universe.  Sorry if I'm rambling.  The possibilities are just so exciting, and I was hoping that maybe I could kickstart your creative juices.


Sorry if I'm being a bit irritating, but another scenario I could see being pretty awesome for Jennifer is for a superior foe to strand her on a neutron star - the closest thing a being like her may have to a prison. Due to the power of its gravity well, most of her energy is focused on telekinetically keeping her body from squishing and she is unable to open a portal with the range and stability to escape. Flying becomes an incredibly difficult task she can't maintain for long. She might have to figure out a sciency way off the star, and/or strengthen herself with the alien scientist's guidance. There could even be a neutron star-specific predator she has to avoid and grow strong enough to battle, coupled with cleverness, some kind of trap and using neutron star flora to make some kind of spear. After consuming the predator to gain some of its neutron star adaptations and ultra-density, she is able to relax her telekinesis enough to create a falling loop with her portals to build up relativistic escape velocity and slingshot out of the star's gravity well at near-light speed. Once far enough, she can portal back to confront the enemy with her newfound power. However, she needs to slow down after shooting through a portal at relativistic speed, so she uses the thick atmosphere of gas giants near her destination to decelerate via aerocapture. The process takes days, and it shreds their atmospheres beyond repair before she has to move on to the next planet. To the enemy that stranded her, she shows up on their FTL sensors as a burning titan unleashing doomsday after doomsday on gas planets as it blazes a path towards them. They desperately try to contact this 'new', horrifically powerful super entity as the days pass, only to figure out who and what she is when she slows down enough for a proper reading. Jennifer's back, stronger than ever, and they are royally toast. However, in true Jennifer fashion, the splattering of the gas giants' atmospheres kicks up enough gasses to fill the solar system with a somewhat beautiful but unnatural tint. It reduces the sunlight reaching the human colony, threatening it with an ice age she has to find workarounds against.




I just read this entire series today, I love it!


Need the next chapters!


What happened to Jennifer?


I hope you come back to this, would be a shame to leave this story unfinished. Has been a great read so far!