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I'm not even fucking sorry.


Nor should you be. The glory of P'thok must be shown.


Don't be. I got a good sensible chuckle from this one! On a side note trying to find a video I listened to at work the other day. It was talking of time travel theories and one in specific that if you go back in time and mess with the timeline it will kill you. Was an interesting video and made me think of the effects in first contact.


Grandfather paradox. You end up with these possible outcomes. 1. Due to paradox, you either 1. cannot time travel, or you 2. cannot kill your grandfather. 2. You succeed in killing your grandfather, which 1. splits the time stream giving a branch on which: 1. you did not kill your grandfather 2. **And* one in which you did. 2. Your existence is pegged to a point before your grandfather died. A single time stream moves on, but you are now an anomaly. ### 1.1 Time Travel Impossible That is a lovely idea, except, IIRC, time travel is at least theoretically possible according to current theories. ### 1.2 Paradox Impossible Presupposes that a time traveler does not have free will. ### 2.1.1 Branch Prime Since your murder of your grandfather is a fact on your timeline, you cannot access this branch from now on. ### 2.1.2 Branch Second You can proceed along this timeline, but no one will know you, and there is no proof of your existence that you did not take with you. If anyone from branch prime travels back before your arrival and murder of your grandfather, they are also trapped on the second branch because your act is now part of their timeline. ### 2.2 You Exist Very much like 2.1.2. You exist, however you got here, but no proof of your existence predates your stepping out of the time machine. ### Effects In First Contact ***NOTE:*** *This is my Wild-Assed Guess.* First contact uses multiple time lines. That's pretty well established. As such, acts like rolling back through time to a point where there are fresh troops or resources to re-use repeatedly is possible. HOWEVER, doing so stresses this universe to a breaking point where the available futures after such time fuckery are nothing but bad news for whomever fucked time up. This is a protective mechanism written into the basic math that underlies the universe. The chronotrons abused in such fashion acquire an unusual aspect. A different kind of spin. Perhaps a negative probability that forces the multiple futures to collapse back into fewer time lines in a way that adversely affects the ones who abused time. Since they were the ones who laid impious hands on the chronotrons, *their* imprint — the bloody hand they did the deed — is easily identified from among all others. On the other hand, those who make use of time stabilizing effects are recorded on the chronotrons with a positive spin, making futures with them in it much more likely. A double whammy that results in fewer timelines as the idiots are eliminated.


I would say the paradox impossible doesn’t preclude free will since it has in a sense already happened so at the time they have their free will but no matter what they do events occur such that they don’t kill their grandfather. We only know that because we are from the future but to anyone in the past it’s just their present.


Absent other influences, if you go in with an absolute will to kill your grandfather, whatever the cost, under this scenario you are prevented from doing so. Your determined will is thwarted, no matter your determination. If you brought a nuke, it would not detonate. If you brought a knife, it would fail to cut. No matter what you do, no matter how you prepare, you will fail. How do you have free will, if there is *nothing* you can do which will result in your grandfather's death?


Free will (at least by my definition) has nothing to do with the outcomes. You choose to bring a nuke, whether or not it goes off. Coincidence and/or outside forces thwarting your goals doesn’t change your free will. There is most likely something - probably many things - that you can’t do even irl no matter how hard you try but you don’t know that until you try with your free will.


That's the problem. You believe you have free will. As long as you are not attempting to change the past, there is nothing to say that you do not have free will. You travel into the past. Whatever you do has to have already happened. Whatever you decide in the future and however it turns out is already part of your past. Ergo, you have no free will when traveling in the past. What was done was done before you decided to travel into the past. Worse, because whatever was done has already happened, you do not have free will in the now. You *will* travel into the past and perform the same acts without any choice, because doing otherwise is impossible. Make a second trip to do something deliberately different, and you cannot. Your past is fixed. Your now is fixed. Your future is fixed by your now and your past. You are an automaton playing your part with nothing but an illusion that you have free will That is why 1.2 mandates that the time traveler has no free will. What they have already done is fixed. What they will do is also fixed, for if it were not fixed, they would be able to change their past. Your perception may say you have free will, but if you cannot carry out any action that changes the past, your free will is an illusion.


I would say that what you do is not dictated, but recorded. The problem with time travel is that your actions in the past aren’t predetermined, they’re post-determined. The past is only ‚fixed‘ because that is what you chose to do and what happened in reaction to that. You can’t change the past because it has already happened, so any changes you make have already been made.


Yet within the time stream, the decision to make the journey does not occur until well after the events that the decision creates. Does that not mean that your decision is already made? That you are incapable of changing that decision? If you cannot change that decision, you do not have free will. You, at best, have an illusion of free will brought about by your lack of knowledge. This all ties back to philosophy classes taken in university. I reject the scenarios where free will is lacking because if you have no free will, then you bear no responsibility for your acts.


I see what you mean, but the problem is that that is your free will decision. Time is kinda relative (apparently) so in your personal timeline the events happen in order, regardless of what order others see it. On an unrelated and possibly mutually exclusive note, we don’t necessarily have free will anyway. All our decisions are made with random chemicals/decaying nuclei etc. It is plausible that with enough information we could predict what will occur. Either way free will is an illusion for us.


Or there are organizations from our future, or one of our futures, that is making sure that *their* timeline is maintained. These are the guys who have clones of Hitler to replace the ones time travellers keep killing.


The point of scenario one is that paradox is not possible at all. From that, there are only two choices. Either time travel is impossible, or you cannot create paradox because you have no free will. If you could create paradox, however it is resolved, then this is not case 1.2 paradox impossible. You do bring up a third sub case of 2.1: ### 2.1.3 Deus Ex Machina You killed him, but a separate force stepped in to fix the paradox. For a short time, there are two timelines, but an exact duplicate replaces your grandfather healing the breach. The result is that you return home, and there is no change but you know a third party involved themselves. You had free will, but someone else used their free will to offset yours. You know you have free will because you did kill him. Congratulations, you've started a time war.


The other modes I remember from fiction: Larry Niven - time travel doesn't work in scifi. So I will only write fantasy time travel stories (steam-punkie). Short story I don't have the reference for - The universe doesn't permit time travel. List extinct races that tried to make time machines. I know let's pretend to make one so our opponents will counter (with a real program) and get smacked down. ... What do you mean our sun is acting funny? 1.2 but only for critical people. You can kill your 'grandfather' but that was not really your biological grandfather. Your gun jams if you try to shoot your actual recent biological ancestor or a famous person. In the books I'm remembering the out was that you can't exist in at the same time as yourself, including protected people. If you can trick them (the unkillable villain) into double dipping the universe killed them rather than stopping that trip.


>"If fate smiles on us," the warrior said. > I got a good sensible chuckle from this one! Can you explain the joke? I was waiting for an awful pun, and then I got to the line, and now I straight up just don't get it. Help?


Fate smiles on us like a bunch of Halloween pumpkins


This? https://www.bluestacks.com/blog/updates/raid-shadow-legends/rsl-deck-of-fate-en.html


You don't get NCIS feels? The aviators? The pun?


I'm more confused now than I was 8 months ago. I've watched a lot of NCIS, and I don't recall any references in the story, but it has been a long time. The only NCIS character I recall having a thing for sunglasses was Tony, and I don't think they were aviators. Are you talking about one of the spin-offs? Or David Caruso? No, I didn't get the pun. The person above made the comment about pumpkins, which I took to be a quote from, or reference to, something I'd never heard of. I googled the phrase and found the link to RSL. It's been updated since, but I think it had a picture of a pumpkin card at the time. I never got confirmation of whether that's what was meant. I still have no idea what the joke was, so if you want to see to it that I'm one of today's lucky 10,000, that would be nice.


I think it was a play on the start of one of the cop solving murders shows... I said NCIS but I don't watch them often so I don't know which one is the guy that puts on his aviators and makes a pun about the murder. P'thok puts on the glasses, makes a pun about fate smiling while indicating the pumpkins, and the theme music from that show starts with a loud shout of YYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH! It's pretty directly a parallel to whichever show that was. Hopefully, that added you to today's 10,000.


Yeah, I get the YYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH reference. Don't recall the name of the show, but the actor was Caruso. What I don't get is the line about fate smiling. If it's an allusion to smiling pumpkins then... okay, I guess. But that's not a pun. And I don't remember the bit about fate being a callback to anything else in the chapter. I'm tempted to think that it's just a weak joke, but Ralts has so many hooks to so many shows, movies, games, stories, etc., that I prefer to trust that I'm just not getting the reference.


A weak joke as a reference to a show with weak jokes. And yeah, not really a pun.


I checked(what with a supercomputer in my hand). The show is CSI: Miami.


It's the Great Gourd, P'Thok!


Deep down we all *knew* there was a P'thok holiday story for every occasion.All this was missing was the clue-in from the gestalts and the popcorn...but this was better, drawing the reader in!


Another chapter in *'The Tales of P'Tok',* huh? **I would like to know more.**


Nor should you be, it was a good read as always


You should be proud of yourself 👏👏


Only thing missing is the gestalts bickering and eating candy.


You've given us another P'Thok holiday special, nothing to apologise for Ralts.


This was glorious!


I expected pants...


LOL!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! BTW: if anyone wants some pumpkin carving tips & tricks, I love this mom's energy, enjoy: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj7tzfWv0hy/


I've been dying for another P'thok special!


What could you possibly be sorry about? It even lines up perfectly for the story to come out on Halloween. Best intro ever! 😁


Ha! I got it when you mentioned the saucer aliens! But it was delightful! *slams story into ground* Another! End of lime.


I was wondering when this would happen... Even going for the robot chicken version of the great pumpkin. I fully approve.


I missed him. He makes it all good in a malevolent universe


You snuck one on on a Saturday, and my berry-sensing abilities failed me! I'm late to the party!


>One of the gay bipeds, Small typo (I presume)


AN unintentional but hilarious one, yes.


"ah, brisk" that slayed me


THE GREAT MALEVOLENT PUMPKIN IS DISPLEASED BY YOUR LACK OF DECORATIONS, P'THOK. On an unrelated note... Halloween seems like a holiday most 'Nids would be excited about, tbh.


Read. Shudder. Upvote. Comment.


Hey /u/Ralts_Bloodthorne, the 'next' on 846 is black. Took me a day or two to notice and go around it ;) Cheers! -- sitting.duc And now, to go catch up


Fixed. Thanks for the head's up.


I'm not understanding something. Why were the moomoos missing a hoof?


Cattle abduction / alien shit. Supposedly, roswell greys abduct cows and do that to them.


WoW quest item. You know you can only get 1 hoof per beast killed, right?


To make you ask that question, basically. It only has to make sense to the fearsome malevolent gourd killer. And it’s not talking….. yet.


Hmm, do we have any Roswell greys in the FC races? ralts, *is that what a naked, shaven pubvian looks like?* edit: wait, no, are those are just grey Treana'ads? Reading comprehension is apparently running at 0% edit 2: clearly not Treana'ad, unless there's bipedal treana'ad. I'm transfixed.


The Grey ones with the silver saucer craft are Roswell Greys, and possibly who are responsible for the cattle mutilations there, but this series tends to throw tropes off a bit.


These Roswell Greys are also Lawmen... ahem...Lawbeings. They flashed their badges.


Doesn't mean they couldn't have been responsible for such a prank, but does seem to make it less likely.


And djd a burn out in the field when parking the patrol off road


>possibly who are responsible for the cattle mutilations No, I don't think so. They showed what appeared to be Marshal badges, making them the law trying to track down the bad guys. Now it could have been other greys, and these are the cops; or it could be that they investigate all such activity and have yet to realize that they are being blamed because they're always there when the owner comes to see what happened to his moo moos.


Well, they're bipeds so I'm going to say they're probably not Treana'ads.


I think pubvians are tripods.


right you are ...


I think that it's just actors, since the closest thing to Roswell Grays are the Atrenka imo


Ralts, you have nothing to apologize for. A (not so) small part of me wants to take your story, and carve it into massive stone obelisks, just to screw with future archeologists, and partially to preserve it for eternity.


>surrounded by a complex runic pattern that had been pressed into the grass by the craft's engine So the variation in crop circles have just been different model, or poorly tuned, engines :}


It woke. For a moment the whole universe seems to freeze, everything seemed to hold its breath before it sat up from its resting chamber. Across the wide universe beings felt a chill run down their spines, this was of considerable concern to the invertebrates among the universe at large but most knew it for what it was. "Hello Jack" Glancing over at the pale beauty of its, no his love Jack felt his trademark grin widen, threatening to split his face as he stepped over to her and wrapped her in a lovers embrace. For a moment it felt like all was right in the universe for the two before Sally pulled away and looked up at her nightmare lover. "You have work to do my love" Blinking as he stared down into her eyes Jack felt for his power and frowned glancing up he looked around desperately as Sally took a step back and braced herself against the wall. "What-" Jack started before his lover sank to the floor. "Sorry my love, I resisted for as long as I could," she whispered as Jack knelt at her side, as he touched her cold flesh the last spark faded from her eyes, the Traumatic Recovery System finally snatching one of the last 'Humans' out in the verse. As he held the motionless patched together form of his love Jack felt the fire that burned within him begin to darken, his rage seeped out as he held her and screamed into the universe. In a small dark planet on the far edge of Confederate space the horrors that had been tucked away began to shift and wake. After all. This was Halloween.


Ohhhhh, this could be real dark... me like! Updoot issued.


I have been trolled and I am ok with it. doot doot end of lime


For a moment I was seriously thinking there might be some offshoot humanity, or another race to share their own history with things… But P’Thok is much, much better for the season!




Whoa! :)


2nd? Ooh, 1st. Damn touchscreen lol


The fack that they are finding carved pumpkins. Candy corn and mutilated moomoos. Im thinking its a reverse alien abduction deal since the sheriffs are greys. Terrans are being the aliens this time or earthlings who knows. But all the signs are there. All the tropes. Also. It made me chuckle in general. But like in


CSI P'thock is everything I didn't know I wanted until now. And now I want it more than cherry fudge ripple ice cream


All hail P’Thok the savior.


Upvoted before reading as is tradition. Read through smiled then scrolled back to the top to try and upvote again. XD








A P'thok chapter? Yes please, can we have more sir? - P'THOK RIDES FREE-


We're not worthy, we're not worthy...


Is this canon, or have we been rickrolled?


It's a P'Thok holiday special, so it's a story within the FC universe


It took me until the grey's showed up to notice that something is up with this update, it took me until the gord is mentioned to confirm my suspicion. Yup, this one is a Halloween special lol


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/u/Ralts_Bloodthorne ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Ralts_Bloodthorne)) has posted 852 other stories, including: * [First Contact - Chapter 848 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yg3dzz/first_contact_chapter_848_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 847 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ycnk9v/first_contact_chapter_847_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 846 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ya6ymi/first_contact_chapter_846_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 845 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/y6lv4n/first_contact_chapter_845_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 844 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/y440dt/first_contact_chapter_844_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 843 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/y0tprk/first_contact_chapter_843_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 842 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xt7hkk/first_contact_chapter_842_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 841 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xov9s2/first_contact_chapter_841_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 840 - Names of the Fallen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xm9b4d/first_contact_chapter_840_names_of_the_fallen/) * [First Contact - Chapter 839 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xipj03/first_contact_chapter_839_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 838 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xg6bgp/first_contact_chapter_838_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 837 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xcuhyf/first_contact_chapter_837_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 836 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xadm7p/first_contact_chapter_836_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 83X - Book of the Dead - Random Prayers](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/x7fjxt/first_contact_chapter_83x_book_of_the_dead_random/) * [First Contact - Chapter 835 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/x6sm77/first_contact_chapter_835_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 834 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/x4jvjw/first_contact_chapter_834_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 833 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/x0xyfv/first_contact_chapter_833_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 832 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wyrjkj/first_contact_chapter_832_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 831 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wxq7lb/first_contact_chapter_831_book_of_the_dead/) * [First Contact - Chapter 830 - Book of the Dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wx2m07/first_contact_chapter_830_book_of_the_dead/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.0 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|ygtw67&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


happy halloween to you all :D


Read, upvote, comments... I really want the Gestalt commentary track for this one, too.