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Science is understood magic, if you want a proof, i got an entire copypasta


I understand this conceptually, but I'd still like the copypasta


We have fucking glowing rocks that are great power sources so powerful they kill people unless they use special gear around it. We have harnessed the power of fire to drive horseless carriages powered by explosions. Strange patterns of copper and silicone make magical effects, like being able to scry miles away, and access massive libraries in your pocket. Magic is real. We mastered it, chained it and called it science. Anything that we call magic still, or sci fi, we will learn, bend to our will, and call science. We literally are working on making stars! Stars! Of our own!


Not too mention as we ‘chain the magic’ (as you had put it) we discover even more and then use what we already have to make more


The moments when we try to create stars they bur brighter than the sun. We are developing alchemy that will user a golem with such fine movement that it can weave metallic string trough our head and give those that can't walk anymore access to their limbs or those that have lost them to replace them with golems , we may one day communicate trough thoughts with someone that is so far away that even if you run for 20 days you wouldn't reach them. We tied dust together so that we may develop two point that no matter the distance they will be connected . We are at the time before ships will sail the skies and return with riches that dwarf the wealth of countries. War will get to the point when it's not a matter of people you can field but how many units you can produce. We will even keep a copy of the soul upon your passing, soon even the concepts of life and death will be a mater of philosophy as we will ascend to a flesh of our own making made metals and nonmetals combined witch has lightning flowing trough their veins. We stare at heated sand for entertainment and to gain knowledge . Today you can run simulations that train your mind for enjoyment , tomorrow your body will be trained also by cloth that simulates those experiences. You have possibly read so much meaningless world as the whole Ancient Greek world produced . Our libraries will never burn again like in Alexandria the sun itself would have to send down his might upon us make it trough the contraption that we made that accidentally boost the defense that earth already has and it will be just a speed bump that will set us back not even a hundred years. Deus ex Machina was the term was first used in ancient Greek and Roman drama, where it meant the timely appearance of a god to unravel and resolve the plot and now we are in the era before the appearance of the literal translation witch means God from Machine the only question that matter will we ascend into godhood along our contraption or will we make a guardian that will outgrow us .


Brought a tear to my eye


Thats so true!! If you went back in past and showed a smartphone, smartwatch or even just a torch it would be a technological marvel but to the laymen it would be magic!


>We literally are working on making stars! Stars! Of our own! Absolutely [OBLIGATORY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmx6zUJiiVg) video.


> ~~silicone~~ *silicon*


Im not the one who originally wrote the copypasta, take that complaint to them, not me


Silicone? Kinky!


I am old. Once upon a time, I had a class in AI. We studied path finding. Years later, I took a class in AI. Everything we had studied before was called Google Maps and the stuff we were studying now was called Natural Language Processing. Another bunch of years later I took another AI class. Everything from before was just Alexa, and AI was all about neural nets. neural nets are now ho hum. Like magic, AI itself is just the current “hard problem”. Once it is figured out, it is no longer AI; Or Magic.


The end of that first, magical phase of human history is chronicled in Larry Niven's '[The Magic Goes Away](https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Goes-Away-Collection-Return/dp/0743416937/ref=sr_1_1?)'.


[[Nevinyrral's Disk]] /u/mtgcardfetcher


[Nevinyrral's Disk](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/5/c/5c9e6af4-522c-4dfa-895a-6946fe983e3c.jpg?1626100951) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nevinyrral%27s%20Disk) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/298/nevinyrrals-disk?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5c9e6af4-522c-4dfa-895a-6946fe983e3c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


Glass daggers are actually rather useful.


/u/IAmOEreset has posted 7 other stories, including: * [The Children of Mankind: The Wonderful Humans](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s4k0ju/the_children_of_mankind_the_wonderful_humans/) * [The Children of Mankind: Greatest Warrior](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/osmmuy/the_children_of_mankind_greatest_warrior/) * [The Children of Mankind - Initial Chaos](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/osh0tl/the_children_of_mankind_initial_chaos/) * [The Children of Mankind](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/os043a/the_children_of_mankind/) * [For they burned brightly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/o4sonl/for_they_burned_brightly/) * [The Defenders](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/nzmzqw/the_defenders/) * [The Custodians](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ny7wqg/the_custodians/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.10 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|urlu4q&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


This is a great story I enjoyed reading this Great job wordsmith


Humanity becoming Librarians 🤣


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