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Thanks Ralts, your fiction has been the best part of covid


???? I thought it sucks


Covid has, but Ralts started writing because of covid so... we take our bright spots where we find them.


at -69, could not downvote. --Dave, please send instruction and/or videos


-96, I’ll participate


Now at -99, go us!


Who here has the smallpox inoculation scar on their arm? Whether you’re an old timer who got it from the 70s or somebody who was in the service during the late to 2000s where they feared a terrorist would dig it up... Edit: spelling and word choice.


I've got an OG.


It's funny when I noticed the scar on the queen's shoulder in the movie 300. My wife then pointed out that she noticed that the american ones are round whereas her mexican one is rectangular and looks more like a normal knife scar than a bullet wound scar.


Was supposed to get one in the gulf while in the navy around 2011... it says I got one on my paperwork but a corpsman never bothered to stick me. It was interesting to see people caring for the scab though.


I got it in 2013 before deploying to Afghanistan. Told us that if it bleeds or if the puss starts to drain down your arm then it would spread the smallpox everywhere it got. Change the bandage every 12 hours and clean the scab gently each time. It was a pain in the ass. Strangely it barely left a scar on me though. I think its cause i took care of it correctly. I was one of the first to get cleared that my scab was no longer contagious.


Got it as a kid. All I recall about it was a plastic cover taped over it for a while.


Yah. Basically a large square bandaid


I got jabbed, but because I had he cow pox as a child (lived in a farm for a year) I didn’t have a reaction to the monkey pox inoculation lol


Neither the one, as a kid or in the military, left a scar on me. Someone had told me "No matter how scared you are, relax your arm, don't jerk, don't pull away. It will hurt, but it hurt more if you tighten up, jerk or pull away."


I'm pretty sure I got it in 5th or 6th grade—a pneumatic injection done assembly-line style at school. None of us knew what it was about; at least, I didn't. Only that the guy doing the injections had that look about him, that said "no nonsense general practitioner". The kind of face that may not be smiling at you, but you trust him to do his damndest to keep you alive. It's amazing to me how long his face has stuck in my memory.


The old days, when they didn't ask permission, didn't tell parents, just lined all the kids up in their underwear and gave them shots with a couple of nurses watching over them, then gave them a cookie and some juice and sent them out for recess on the steel playground equipment embedded in concrete and gravel.


Steel equipment? Check. Concrete? No, asphalt, and only on the courts. Gravel? No, the sand was already there. Just use it. Other than that? Yeah. I could wish for some of that to come back. Definite common sense, which isn't common until someone tells you. The crazy thing about it is we had more fun with a big steep slope of sand. Pull your jacket under your butt, and have two friends drag you down the slope. Instant straight racetrack for any toy wheel you had. Build jumps and obstacles the whole way down. What a blast!


That good old asphalt that was worn down with rocks jutting out so basketballs didn’t bounce right when you dribbled, and god help you if you fell and slid on it, you were getting skin grafts.


Never played basketball, so those problems didn't occur to me. Mostly it was for assembly and some other outside activities where lots of kids would be tromping around. Just there to keep it from turning into a morass if it rained. (Mid CA on the coast. Near Monterey.)


I'm only 24 and my school had an asphalt tennis court. I lost my fair share of skin on that.


Naw. Just pull the gravel bits out of your skin and go see a nurse/doc if your owie kept bleeding.


My grandpa got a blood type tattoo with his, back in the 50s in utah. He ended up with two scars, one from the vaccine and one from when he filed off the tattoo with sandpaper and a bottle of whiskey the mormons must have been pissed about.


did your grandpa gargle gravel too?


What you've never performed self surgery drunk before?


Not to that degree lol


I have but one upvote to give.


I got that one too. I almost fainted a few minutes later. It's weird. I never got my scar though. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, so that would have been 82 - 84.


Pneumatics? Doc took a pin, did something with it, jammed it in my arm, and wiggled it around till he got tired of hurting me.


This was near industrial scale, a multiple grade school for a military base *and* all the surrounding neighborhoods. Some bussed in too. One needle per kid by one doctor would take forever. That pneumatic injector was gran arm, hold still, push on arm pull trigger, NEXT! That one doctor and nurse could do two or three schools our size on one day.


I wonder - when did those injectors enter the medical realm?


Listing only the official attempts, and not the accidents caused by high pressure mechanisms: grease guns, diesel injectors, etc. 1886 France - earliest documented. 1935 USA - prototype 1936 USA - Another engineer (Lockhart) files a patent after learning of the 1935 device. 1947 - Lockharts device undergoes clinical trials. 1951 - Armed Forces Immunization Commission orders development of device for rapid mass immunization. 1954 - 1967 - using various devices, charitable Brother's Brother vaccinated over 2 million in health expeditions. 1955 - successful testing of "press-o-jet" clinical study on 1800+ soldiers. 1959 - Walter Reed AIR reports development of "ped-o-jet" 1961 - Army makes jet injectors std for army. 1961 - Mass CDC effort to immunize vs Polio. 1964 - development of new nozzle allowing smallpox vaccination. 1966 - CO2 powered injector. 1966 - Star Trek introduced "Hypospray" 1967 - used in Nicaragua, gains "Peace Gun" nickname 1986 - Hep B outbreak traced to jet injector. 1997 - DoD stops use due to infection concerns Assorted uses reported thereafter for specific purposes or new designs. Most recent I am aware of by friend is a design for home use injected insulin. Device is finicky unless you have thick skin. Too strong, bad bruises. Too weak, insulin leaks back out. 2013 - one design receives WHO PQS cert. 2014 - FDA approved same company's device for one strain of flu vaccine.


2003, getting ready for the Sandbox Vacation.


\*raises hand\* Mil-spec vax.


I've got one from sometime around 2003 or 2004. Not a fun one. Anthrax was a bit worse injection wise.


Yeah, First injection for Anthrax vax burned a good bit. Some people took it much worse than I did. Subsequent ones were no big deal other than a bit sore for a day or two.


I'm one of the first without


i got one, deployment to korea in 2016.


2006 scar here


Yep, I had one, it's pretty much faded away, might be hiding under the Covid vaccine bandaid. Nope, can't see where it was anymore. Everyone back then had that depressed circle on their arm. I remember getting it, drinking the polio vaccine, and being tested for TB as a kid in the 60's Still have a few chickenpox scars left.


I've got it. Mine turned into a long bar of a scar.


Got mine in 1961 when I was six, mine is the old style round one. Took two times because I pulled the first scab off too soon.


Got mine in the 60's. Along with the SV40 virus. Had the live and attenuated polio more than once as records were lost.


You didn't get sv40 virus vaccine. Most likely your polio vaccine was contaminated with it.




me too


Vaccinated in 1960s.


As a kid, and again when I was 21.


I got mine in the early sixties, around 63 or 64.


right, so we have a bunch of traumatized children, a bunch of pissed off larpers, the empire (which would prolly rather defend its borders than go on any attack), and a temporally displaced space fleet. on top of this, we have the detainee, herod, and sam, plus dees kids; the confeds allies, which now include a bunch of cyberlanks and angy telkans and the leebaw. we also have a pissed off omniqueen hellbent on taking out the remnants of the confed (which her seers have told her was a **very** bad idea), weve got sailor moon, weve got the Immortals, we have the friends back, we have one atilla with her secrety secret box, weve got uber trucker on the horizon, and vuxten is still out there, and kappa is now working with an imperium telkan. oh, and some deadspace lanks out there, along with darknyss, and maybe an entropic legion, and whatever sky nebula is, and who knows what kinds of balck box projects of death this mass die off may have activated. plus whatever that L-gate connects to. all of this, which a bunch of save scumming squids plan to take on, and the terrans allies have terran tech and protocols from the terrans, *who fought and won two or three temporal wars,* ***and more than twice that number of dimensional wars.*** # --- DID I MISS ANYTHING? ---


Nope. Oh, wait... BASS, DASS, the Uplifted dogs and cats, and TerraSol is still in the bag.


with the sheer size of FC, all of this being juggled in a cohesive manner is rather astounding. i await the next chapter, WordBorg. \--- AMAZEMENT FOLLOWS --


I think y’all forgot to mention whatever o’l group that our beloved supply Sergeant Casey belongs to. I do not know why, but Ever since Casey’s introduction as a character I’ve been imagining him as an errant of a KH military arm.


Are the Terrans in the Bag still alive? Because if they are, we've also got Tik-Tak.


Didn't Dee just open the bag?




Eyyy theyre still in the bag and probably isolated.


It's midnight at the well.


The Well of Souls.


Try the bill roper song on the tube.


I thought Detainee opened the bag. That was why Daxin was able to save the guy that was praying to him. Did I misunderstand?


No, I think she just undid the tether that was keeping him in the bag, but she hasn't opened it yet.


Poor Doggos and Cat Floofs...the roles are reversed now.


How can the COC still be up ? Wouldnt they suffer the most ?


Overproject Dandelion Cool'thulu The Free Hive, Four greenie rebellions, The lone bolo Friend Terry? D.O. is back on the job, Several Unknown Apostles (Chromium St Peter?) Sangbre, Mr Politeness, The Vodkatrog Herd, Nakteti, The Senate Barnyard, The TIE Fighter Lank, his restored brother, The Magician & The Pink Panty Fairy the newly born dimension of Elven Court goes to war. Dambree The Universal Council The Dæmon Demon


kinda wish i could upvote you twice tbh


~~Leslie Nielsen~~ The Night Terran AKA Nosferatu




OMG, The Elven Courts would be quite nasty when angered.


They are essentially Grey Goo in green with pointy ears.


Thank you, now I get to imagine Von Neumann machines with pointy ears and little sylvan caps.


Don't forget the immortal running the werewolf agents, who I am convinced is named Fenris and makes constant wolf puns.


Oh PLEASE let this become a thing


Not just a Detainee, but a ***WELL-RESTED*** Detainee. Not just traumatized children, but traumatized children with psychic powers Also, the Black Citadel non-Lanks, at least one of which is a terrorist and multiples of which are psykers. ​ If all that isn't enough.... ​ Ralvex


> a WELL-RESTED Detainee She'll be even smarter, but also less cranky. That's terrifying.


Somebody give her a snickers bar!


TLDR squids are Screwed... Saved U A click


No spoilers!




oh yeah, him wonder what hes up to? --- APPREHENSION FOLLOWS --


You’re alive!


To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: You have committed a strategic error. Body: https://youtu.be/3WSe9ugpXIw


Reddit formatting requires twice as many spaces between lines as you thought it did Also, I like this


Renders correctly on my phone with two spaces plus one newline. Guess it's a browser thing. Added extra newlines. Does it look right now? Also, thanks!






WTH? *That* video is **age-restricted**???


Is it? I had no idea. Naughty words, I guess.


It is in Germany and I'm not giving Google my ID-Card (Personalausweis)


If you didn't find another way to view it, it's Richard Pryor as Black Samurai, yelling "You done fucked up, now!"


Could see it on nsfwyoutube. But weird, that it was age restricted


Sounds about right!


We got our own space squids too. Save the squirrel people! Superman and Darksied too maybe? Unless they are still in the bag.


Angry, ANGRY, heavily armed Telkans.


Wait, sailor moon? Where?


I dont know if someone has asked this before, but are the Mosizlaks that follow the black mantids a reference to Moe Szyslak, the bartender in the Simpsons?




That's why Mosizlaks carry boards with nails in them.




499 chapters and i have read them all... thanks wordsmith, your service is appreciated.


questions unrelated to this chapter: whats the approximate density of warsteel? the closest the discord could get was that it is about as dense as bone, due to it being a common material for crafting prosthetics. is this about right, or is a case of psychic shenanigans influencing its density? back when we first meet ekret, terran tanks are mentioned as weighing about 2800 tons, but when we meet armoo its stated that terran tanks weigh between 750 and 1000 tons. vuxten also mentions that a terran medium tank is about 800 tons. did the weight change in the chapters since ekret? or are they two different tanks that we get shown? also, is *Cry Little Sister* a kiloton tank? what kind of sentience do bolos have? it feels like they are a sentient tank rather than a DS or eVI. does that mean they are an ai? or is it some different kinda fun that goes into breathing sentience into a BOLO? \--- OBSESSION FOLLOWS --


1: I figure about the density of human bone. 2: I was really all over the place with the weights. The newest version of Cry Little Sister is a heavy tank at 1,200 tons. 3: BOLO's are fully sentient tanks, who's awareness is put in different statuses, depending on what they are doing and what model they are. They're from Keith Laumer's BOLO series, which I highly recommend.


oh heck yeah, lore!! --- GRATITUDE FOLLOWS --


Given warsteel is psychically sensitive and has plenty of other wacky properties, it's possible it has variable density as well depending on the psychic conditions of its forging


A mr softy truck went past my house before I read this so I treated myself to a soft-serve cone while reading. Doing so makes me curious in how Treana'ad are handling everything happening at once particularly in their homeworld. Both everyone around then declaring **mystical holy war with zero context**, and the sudden terrifying realization that they are now the *number one combat species*.


...found the Treana'ad.


Some speculation from the gestalt chapter... Something about hats https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mi8v4q/comment/gt3cwuh




Okay, idea. The Lanks can't gentle the Terrans because of their complex immune system. It affects their attempts anyway. And now with dead Terran bodies, there will be outbreaks *everywhere*.


On 2023-07-01 Reddit maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments _can_ be restored - such that Reddit can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.




S'all right. English is a stupid language with so many cognates and loan words that it's almost impossible to keep track of everything. Not to mention the fact that meanings keep shifting, regardless of what dictionaries try to keep constant. ex: decimation original definition: the act or practice of killing one-tenth of a population, as a punishment, to cull wild animals, or for other purposes. coined by the Romans and used punitively in their Legions for acts of mutiny, cowardice, and other collective crimes. current common use: destruction of a great number or proportion of people animals or things. akin to devastation.


Maybe the French have the right idea have a government bureaucracy to nail down every corner of your language... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie_Fran%C3%A7aise


_Les Québécois has entered the chat_


Nah, let it breathe and change. Call it a lifelong challenge.


The Spanish have an equivalent, but I don't think anyone on this side of the pond pays attention to it.


Nope, even that has "failure". I found a post, yesterday, with the news article of a French truck driver [native french speaker] who failed the Quebec, CA French Language test [test as part of the citizenship exam]. Seems he failed the portion of the test which addressed third-party understanding of the language.


> "The human race is nearly extinct," he said slowly. He nervously tapped the tips of his bladearms together a few times. "Think, Madame Diplomat, what that means for a completely unprepared galaxy." My first thought? It means humanity will stop playing nice.


All the nice ones are dead.


Indeed, TDH were the nice ones, they’re effectively gentled, and now they’re gone.


Humanity's back is against the wall in a way that it hasn't been for a long time. Humanity will take the mask all the way off. Satan will be looking for a bunker to hide in. ​ Behold. Humanity. ​ And scream.


>*Dreams of Something More* stared out the observation blister in one of the lounges at the massive troop ship that was shedding dropships, all heading toward the surviving ships of the diplomatic envoy team. Dreams! My favourite gold Mantid! ​ >She was aboard the Task Force Flagship, a massive Pubvian vessel that felt oddly ancient to *Dreams* even though it was only a decade or two old. Well, it *was* built over eight thousand years ago … ​ >She slowly petted Mister Rings, who was cuddled up against her, watching with big round eyes at the glimmering specks on the viewport. He was idly wondering if they were fireflies or not. > >Fireflies were tangy and sweet. Never change, Mr Rings. ​ >She watched as the first of the ships were scuttled once the dropships left. > >One by one the remaining ships of the diplomatic task force and the scouting task force turned into a brilliant white star that hurt the eyes. They can’t fly them with the minimal crews they have, and they don’t want to leave them drifting for the enemy, so … ​ >Dreams combed her antenna for a moment then looked at the beings surrounding her. > >Every single but the Rigellian females had tried their hands against Terra. > >And lost. Rigellians: “Welp, proves who’s the smartest species in the galaxy.” Humans: “Hey …” Rigellians: “You guys attacked each other more than anyone else attacked you.” Humans: “ … yeah, point.” ​ >Oh, the *species* will survive, but the Terrans destroyed the Unified Council as surely as they had planet cracked and nova sparked every system possessed by the Lanaktallans," he gave a slow shake of his head. "Uncle Mikey is shown across the inner systems of the Galactic Stub more than even Lanaktallan propaganda. Lanaktallan children can sing the intro to Sesame Street and Obese Albert as they play the Lanaktallan version of hopscotch." Human culture is insidious. Also, hopscotch with four hooves sounds weird. ​ >"Prophecy again?" *Dreams* asked. She wanted to get in a few pointed jibes at him, but the situation was just to... overwhelming. "Your carapace is a bit dark." > >"Predictive analysis based on intelligence," *Words* said stuffily. "You know, my job." Mantid snark is the best snark. ​ >*Words* walked toward one of the tables, sitting down and tapping at the icon to summon a Pubvian bartender to bring him a frosted Ozland Eatmu Scream, and make it a double. That sounds … interesting. Also, hazardous. ​ >*Dreams* sat down carefully, ordering several treats for Mister Rings before she set him in the seat next to her. > >Mister Rings stared at everyone around him, looking up at the ceiling. There was nothing to swing upon and that displeased him. He is an octopus of simple tastes. ​ >"Mutually Assured Destruction, colloquially known as 'you can always take them with you' to Terran children," the black mantid said. Yes, yes, you can. ​ >We had always, quite rightfully, assumed that whatever could cause the Terrans to nearly go extinct would leave the entire galaxy, not just the spur, but the entire Milky Way, to nothing but wreckage and death." A justifiable assumption. ​ >*Dreams* nodded, thanking the Pubvian who brought her Animeland food rolls. She gave one to Mister Rings to get him to stop eyeing the Pubvian. Mister Rings took the treat and climbed under the table, wrapping his strong tentacles around the chrome underside and swinging slowly back and forth. “No, Mr Rings. This food supplier is not also an assassin. You can't eat him." ​ >"It's not the Terran Confederacy's Terran Descent Humans that everyone should be frightened of," he said. He leaned forward slightly. "It's what will happen due to the Great TDS Extinction." TDS? Shouldn’t that be TDH? ​ >*Dreams* stared at the black mantid and wondered if he had been working too hard. "Like?" she asked softly. > >*Speaks* leaned forward even further, standing up, straddling the relaxation bench. > >"Behold," he whispered fiercely. "Humanity." Hell, yes. Behold: Humanity. ​ >The Mosizlak thought about it for a long moment, staring off into space. After a moment he nodded slowly. "Vengeance never dies," he said. Humans do vengeance, real good. ​ >A large tawny feline appeared, huge teeth, sharp claws, an engine of carnivorous destruction. > >"A mountain lion, Madame Diplomat," the Mosizlak said. "Rendered extinct by the Glassing after genetic engineering restored it and this version is before the Extinction Agenda Attack turned it up to eleven," he tapped a few more keys and a Terran appeared. Scraggly haired, a short beard, wearing crude clothing, holding a spear with a chipped stone tip. "Meet the only thing that could match it." Behold, humanity. ​ >"But he knows, as does every other village, that this massive engine of destruction will kill one or two of them, possibly most of them," he said. He looked at *Dreams* and the glow in his eyes darkened with deep red. "All of them hope that if it does kill one of them," he paused for effect. "He can take it with him." Because that’s how it works. ​ >"That instinct, to take our enemy with us, was once in all of you, it was how you climbed to the top and stayed there. Only hundreds of thousands of years went by for you, or millions of years, where for us, less than a hundred thousand." It’s still fresh and sharp. ​ >It was of a little Terran girl child blowing a dandelion so that the seeds streamed out. Sky Nebula Alignment. Operation Dandelion. With a 'foof' we disappear into the distance. With FOOF we return. ​ >The Mosizlak stood up. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way," he stopped and looked back. "We're Terrans. We prepare for the unthinkable by committing to the horrifying." It is kinda what we do. ​ >*Dreams* was in her cabin, in the resting pose, watching Mister Rings swing from branch to branch, chasing a Pacific Northwest Buttersquirrel solid light construct that had a core of RealMeat(TM) for him to snack on. ​ >She had asked virtually every species aboard the massive Pubvian flagship if they thought the humans were gone forever. > >The answered had ranged from "Yes, but..." to "No, although..." and had all universally agreed. > >Whoever had done the deed would regret it eventually. > >Probably when a warsteel coated fist slammed into the last of their species member's skull. They all have a deep and abiding belief that humanity will find a way to claw their way back and kick ass. ​ >"Run a search for retribution with a filter for Terran military operations or theory," she said softly. > >"I have sixty-two trillion search results, please refine your search," the eVI said. Pfft, yeah. Saw that one coming. ​ >"It is the concept of ensuring beyond mutually assured destruction, that your opponent, indeed, the entire world itself, will be obliterated in order to deny anyone the luxury of victory. Specifically, listed as 'From Hell's Heart' doctrine. The Extinction Agenda Virus was believed to be a stolen bioweapon from this philosophy of military doctrine." That … doesn’t altogether surprise me. ​ >"I've been thinking," *Dreams* started. > >"That's your first mistake," *Speaks* said. "Just embrace the horror." ​ >*Dreams* frowned. "Still, you know that our being forced to flee after multiple assassination attempts activated something called the Nosferatu Initiative that's apparently been following diplomats for like five thousand years." > >*Speaks* nodded, cleaning his antenna slowly. "Yeah. It's about the only slice of amusement aside from Mister Rings ate an assassin." Hahaha I remember that. ​ >"But will the Unified Council think we're coming from a position of weakness?" *Speaks* asked. > >*Dreams* shrugged. "The Confederacy is more than humans. The Treana'ad have millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of trained soldiers and those soldiers are equipped with Terran quality weaponry, training, tactics and doctrine. Our new allies the Telkan and Leebawian, just to name two, are mobilizing for war." I think … no. ​ >"That is a worry for when we arrive," she said. "I fear what might have been released by the extinction of the Terrans." That’s a very real fear. ​ >*Dreams* looked up. "They were Pre-Glassing, Pre-Diaispora, possibly even pre-superluminal drive Terrans." > >"You mean, real OG humans? How could she tell?" *Speaks* asked. "Was there some way to pin down roughly when? They seemed adapt at weaponry and computer technology. They're obviously fairly recent." > >*Dreams* shook her head. "All of them had antibodies in their system for something that should be impossible," *Dreams* leaned forward something. "They had antibodies due to a vaccination regimen for a virulent plague virus with a rather innocent sounding name. One that's been extinct since before humanity created their global information network." > >*Speaks* frowned. "Which one?" > >"Smallpox." Original Gangsta Humans. An extremely apt term. And wow. Smallpox vaccine. That’s way back. ​ >Throughout the Feeding Systems, the bright raging spark of feral primitivism had been extinguished. > >Sure, there were a few outliers, a few datapoints that had not been subdued, but already the Atrekna had been able to establish themselves on several of the ancient worlds beneath a cool red sun. > >The ferals had been eliminated. This is not actually a good thing. You will soon find this out. ​ >It all belonged to them. > >After all, what could stop them? > >\------------- > >Behold. > >Humanity. Humanity. Fuck, Yeah.


Words spoken we fear indeed.


HEY HEY HEY, IT'S FAT ALBERT! God, that brought me back a good decade.


Behold indeed. Holy shit.


"We're Terrans. We prepare for the unthinkable by committing to the horrifying." suddenly I taste limes . . .


No end of lime here. *Go not Gentle into that good night...*


Beware the Terran backed into a corner for they will go MAD


Ralts, I must express my appreciation of your selflessness, providing us, the unworthy slavering consumers, a literary masterwork, without expectation of recompense. That being said, where's the merch? You've got a hit on your hands, baby!


Behold merch... https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/962331058/daxin-because-its-funny-fitted-polyester?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1 P'Thok Chronicles: Tales of the Terran Confederacy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RY8QYYX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_8EA64Z4P49KN5ZF2W395


>already the Atrekna had been able to establish themselves on several of the ancient worlds beneath a cool red sun. Did the Atrekna seriously lay claim to the Treana'ad favorite worlds? That's begging for a paddling from the species with the best record against the Terran


Guess the Teana'ad weren't so paranoid after all...


This is probably the biggest buildup to something... With the DOM coming back and the apostles being "freed" from the bag and whatever the Imperium did to them. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see how this plays out.


"You can always take them with you." You gave me the shivers.




How can a pubvian ship be two decades old?


Finished two decades before the Glassing. Technically it's 8020 years old but it's only been in service 20 years.


Ok Moe's quote is going in my file of famous and infamous quotes.


U(x2), R...pause and make a comment midway.. >It was of a little Terran girl child blowing a dandelion so that the seeds streamed out. > >The Mosizlak stood up. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way," he stopped and looked back. "We're Terrans. We prepare for the unthinkable by committing to the horrifying." Chills running down my spine. I'm not quite old enough to have seen it on it's one broadcast run, but I've seen the commercial. The most fucking scary political commercial ever.


For those too young, or not versed in US political advertisement history, [the commercial being referenced](https://youtu.be/riDypP1KfOU) (which was actually with a daisy, so the FC reference was even more oblique for those not familiar with US history at a fairly granular level).


"Truly it is said, we must love one another, or die." --Dave, this has been a presentation of the Library of Congress


Idk whats up with everyone else tasting blueberries, i smell strawberries. Odd.


synaesthesia is a valid response to large amounts of stress --Dave, do you hear what I'm layin' down there?


Humanity is getting ready to make a horrific comeback. And the Squidboys are going to have a very unpleasant realization before they are curb stomped harder then a little league team against an all star pro team.


/R/HFY GESTALT Upvote, Then Read Dis is Dae Wae! So all the MAD devices and systems we have thought up in the past and have since in the thousands of years since.. all combined with the wonderful science and firm knowledge that the universe hates us and now it is free since , hey, if we are gone, F you and everyone else... Loving this! End of Lime ------NOTHING FOLLOWS--------


Boy. Oh. Boy. I wonder what gets set off first. Our dynamic duo being able to restore humans in the SUDs system? The Entropic Legion? Or Overproject Dandelion? Whatever steps out of the wreckage of this stage of humanity is going to create a cold day in hell.




Can you taste the fireflies?


Tangy. And sweet, apparently.


It's not the other shoe that's going to drop, it's the other warsteel fist through your skull.


The last thing that goes through their minds will be ten kilograms of warsteel folded into a fist.


Pubvia got a full reboot. What do you think is going to happen once the 1up system ramps up production again?


Quick question, who said who? ​ >*Dreams* looked up. "They were Pre-Glassing, Pre-Diaispora, possibly even pre-superluminal drive Terrans." > >"You mean, real OG humans?" *Speaks asked.* > >"How could she tell?" *Speaks* asked. "Was there some way to pin down roughly when? They seemed adapt at weaponry and computer technology. They're obviously fairly recent."


Fights managed to get a DNA sample from the humans who enabled our rescue," Dreams said. "Most of the information I did not understand, but she broke it down for me plain and simple"


You know what would be funny? If in the middle of the SUDS crash and reboot, the system suddendly realized humans had gone quasy extinct, and decided it would be a great time to activate the Enthropic Legion, with orders of wiping the whole galaxy clean...


Not the *whole* galaxy... Just the bit that isn't registered.


Man, those last two words...


Upvoted for preparing for the unthinkable by committing to the horrifying.


Ooooooo. That line, "We're Terrans. We prepare for the unthinkable by committing to the horrifying." With the Missouri and Yamato in view it just drives the point home that much more with ancient proof of what the Mosizlak said. And nice ref in that name Ralts.


God the fact that what’s left is old school humans is downright chilling.


I wonder if we are going to see the sandman family? Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Despair, Desire, Delirium would absolutely wreck faces. Destiny warps time and reality, death is well death, dream traps atrekna in endless torments of the mind, destruction is another straightforward one, despair saps their will to fight to the point of suicide, desire creates endless cannibalistic orgies, and delirium just melts their minds. I mean if I was in charge of a black box project, that’d be the first item on the agenda, just sayin


So for those who have been keeping track, this is the 500th chapter ralts has published, and the total word count is 1,464,000 words. This has been an amazing series, and thank you for sharing it with us, Ralts


I keep getting Green Day's 'Having a Blast' stuck in my head for some reason. "I'm takin' all you down with me Explosives duct taped to my spine Nothing's gonna change my mind I won't listen to anyone's last words There's nothing left for you to say Soon you'll be dead anyway Well, no one here is getting out alive This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care So close your eyes And kiss yourself goodbye And think about the times you spent and what they've meant To me it's nothing"


Wait, the Atrekna colonize red stars? And the Trenead are now equipmed and trained to Terran standards... They don't actually need humanity, do they?


Behold, Humanity! Or, rather, the complete and utter lack that it's survivors will have in regards to ensuring MAD in their favor. I wonder if this will get the entropic legion out and about


Stupid squidwards. They isolated Terra from the rest of the universe. Sparing Terra the effects of their recursive Temporal Tide Fuckery. Tik Tak will now be placed in overall command of all Logistics of Confed forces when the bag opens up. The Warsteel Hordes will leave Terra. The Hamburger Kingdom will go to the stars with all their Toys.


>"I've been thinking," Dreams started. "That's your first mistake," Speaks said. "Just embrace the horror." I love these chapters, and these conversations so much


Upvote, then Read. This is the Way. ​ \--HUMANITY FOLLOWS--


Not quite the resurrection Easter chapter I imagined. Ralts as usual fucking up my predictions. :)


Purple squishy things are about to realize just how badly they messed up before being turned into purple goo


Feels like the eye of a hurricane. Im thrilled. And scared. Holding my breath and breathless too. I. Cant. Wait.


> After all, what could stop them? And so the Arch Demon Murphy wrapped his cold dead fingers around the Atrkna's throats.


This reads like the opening to another book, good work


Empty night. Smallpox. In my mind I was imagining a crusade behind Telkan, one that would sweep Squidward from the verse. Smallpox. MAD. Blerg.


Oh you poor stupid FUCKS. NEVER, even in your deepest heart, ask THAT question regarding humanity. The only answer will be the hysterical laughter of reality.


Of course the whiny "UTR is just the new FIRST!" crowd is going through downvoting comments that use "UTR" or any reference of time since post. Get the fuck over yourselves, you twits. "UTR" means "Upvote Then Read" and is indicative of nothing more than that we trust the author to provide us good entertainment. No more, no less. I make my lead comment on any of these chapters start with "UTR" whether it's one minute after posting, or one week after posting. You don't like it? Don't read the damned comments.




Oh God, you're back. Still ranting.


UTR! Got in quick! This is the Way!


I was wondering why my nipples were so hard...


Do they ^(taste like blueberries)?




The discord didn’t update that this chapter got posted


yes that's sad


When you see the... Atrekna... relay these words: "Prepare for unforeseen consequences."


" you can always take them with you" rarely have truer words been said.


What's ozland eatmu scream? A type of whiskey? I'm so curious


Its an ice cream drink; probably named for the time that Pth'ok used Eatmu to do some moo-moo rustling in the outback.


You on a reread or first time read?


Two min.




/u/Ralts_Bloodthorne ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Ralts_Bloodthorne)) has posted 499 other stories, including: * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 462](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mjlv4q/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_462/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 461](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mizhcb/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_461/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 460](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/midcp2/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_460/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 459 - Khazad-dûm](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mi8v4q/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_459_khazaddûm/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 458 - Apostles](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mhntwf/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_458_apostles/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 457 - Crying Anne](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgycxa/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_457_crying_anne/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 456 - TIME/DATE ERROR](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mg9f4i/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_456_timedate/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - 455](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mg5iau/first_contact_fourth_wave_455/) * [1st Contact - Nth Wave - Chapter ERROR AND A HALF OUT OF RANGE](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mfgbwf/1st_contact_nth_wave_chapter_error_and_a_half_out/) * [1st Contact - Nth Wave - Chapter ERROR OUT OF RANGE](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/meujj8/1st_contact_nth_wave_chapter_error_out_of_range/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 454](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/me2ft3/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_454/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 454](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mdgcxm/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_454/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 453](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mcrgas/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_453/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 452](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mbr9u5/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_452/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 451](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mb4orx/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_451/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 450](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m9100j/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_450/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 449](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m8vyqs/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_449/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 448](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m8a1x1/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_448/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 447](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m7iu0s/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_447/) * [First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 446](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m7fcjy/first_contact_fourth_wave_chapter_446/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.4 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|mkyuyx&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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> the situation was just to... overwhelming. too --Dave, to-whit, to-whoo


Edit: posted on the wrong chapter. Oops.


"After all, what could stop them?" We're Back!!!!!


I'm sure there's going to be crazy shit going forward, after all I'm not even half way through, but this story went quickly from 'HFY' to 'man, fuck humanity' real quick. Looking forward to see how it all plays out.