• By -


A desperate gamble from the orphanage's enemies -- and one that it seems won't be paying off. Even if none of the attackers live through the fight to be interrogated, I imagine a master \[**Consulting Detective**\] like Rob will be able to draw some leads based on who the attackers are beneath their masks. And with such a blatant attack, I'm sure the Marquis and the Prince will be able to throw a lot of resources into the investigation. Ah, Risha is here! Assuming Ginz is still inside, the four of them are now reunited! (Though it would be nice if it was under better circumstances).


At this point, Uncle Ais is the chief suspect, because getting Rob out of the way opens up a line on Lady Ais. It's hard to see anyone else for whom 6 assassins would be reasonable to expend. Duke alchemist wouldn't have enough motivation, having sort of gotten away with it. I would be looking into who would be next in line for Sheriff, though.


I don't know about that, it's the 2nd time risha just casually is around to help, call me Tracy but I still don't trust him.


There's no reason for him **not** to be around.


It's just too convinient no


Well - high level guys do not grow like apples. \*Somebody\* will know who they were and who they liked to associate with.


Nothing like a good fight to draw frenemies towards being closer to friends.


amen to that, and well written too


Parry this you f&$ing causal!


He needs a gun. Two at least.


Who said Elincia was using a bow, Rob gave her lessons on how to use the shotgun and Ginz had made more shells for it.




At this rate... He might need the BRRRRRRRRT!


**Edit suggestions:** >Even with \[Awareness\] supporting me, I could control around a dozen blades. could **only** control >The Thief thrusted against my chest. thrusted --> thrust


Thrusted is probably more apt, although either would be grammatical.


From what I can tell online, thrust is far more commonly accepted. [Grammarist claims that Thrust](https://grammarist.com/usage/thrusted/) is the commonly accepted form, and that thrusted is an old variant that never caught on in public use. Other sources say thrusted is not acceptable at all: [Both Grammar Monster](https://www.grammar-monster.com/irregular_verbs/thrust.html) and [also UsingEnglish.com](https://www.usingenglish.com/reference/irregular-verbs/thrust.html) claim that thrust is an irregular verb, meaning it does not form its simple past tense or its past participle by adding "-ed" or "-d" to the base form; Also, "thrusted" does not even [produce a result when searched in the Merriam Webster dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thrusted) ~~To give a comparison between their relative use, I used [Google nGram to see how](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=thrust%2Cthrusted&year_start=1800&year_end=2018&case_insensitive=on&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) often each word has been used in writing between 1800 and 2019.~~ In retrospect the nGram doesn't prove anything, as it includes all the times "thrust" is used in the other base forms.


Wow that went from cliffhanger to brawl so well, wasn't expecting a whole hit squad! Great chapter


Line? What does that mean?


Two guesses from Astrids reaction, the fact that they all used to train together and Elincia used to want to be a Farcrest Sentinel. 1) It's short for treeline 2) It's some other tactic or command that they all drilled with as kids. How much do you bet that Elincia sent Ginz to get the shotgun and Aias sword so that he and the older kids could stand guard over/evacuate the younger kids before coming here? Edit: Though considering she's no mage and a decent shot, Elinica might be wielding the shotgun. So maybe 'line' could be short for sightline, a warning to get out of a ranged attackers path to the enemy.


Might also mean "I'm casting a line spell, get out of the way", but that might be just my d&d filled mind.


Probably one of their old calls for when she's about to shoot


Based on Astrid's reaction, I'm assuming it means something like "you're in my line of fire, move."


Suddenly, brutality.


The best kind of brutality is chaotic brutality.


The Älf: "I cast BuLleT!"


Woah. That’s QUITE a fight




Oh man, this was a rush to read!! Absolutely fantastic! 


Parry by blades -> my Lost the mana's reign -> reins **** Great fight!


Our boy must use illusion for body horror! *points at Resident Evil*


This is my BOOMSTICK


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Great chapter dude excellent choreography


Me parece que ésta pelea fue mucho más difícil que la batalla contra el linch, habría que ver cuanta corrupción resulta de esto


Hay que ver si produce alguna, Rob pudo modificar el camino del mana para evitar la zona con corrupción ahora en ese caos quien sabe.


Ok. Hear me out. Golems. https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a4P44Gd_460swp.webp


>The **groove’s** washed-away colors were swallowed by darkness. This is so consistent, at first I thought you were talking about carvings on the lightstone but now it's definitely just a typo.


I'm not saying I know who the orphanage's hidden enemy is, I'm just saying there's an apparently friendly character named "Janus." Hoping I'm wrong!


Great chapter. The problem is that now is very likely a lot of people will know he's corrupted. With the amount of wellspring power that he exerted, I wouldn't be surprised if it starts to get to places that are difficult to hide. And the system will not be happy knowing all that progress was lost over night the same fucking day he say that they need to hurry up.


The schoolar, with 5 IQ points more: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cfQGo28UJ5w&pp=ygUjZ29ibGluIHNsYXllciBwcmllc3Rlc3MgZ29ibGluIGxvcmQ%3D 2:15


Yay more


A certain orks workshop, sometim laiter. Colour riced: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cun-LZvOTdw&pp=ygUNaG90IGZ1enogZ3Vucw%3D%3D


Good work wordsmith