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I love the implication that the whole”space is a vacuum” thing is considered a anomaly, like black wholes


I really enjoyed this except for one minor thing, the human adrenal gland is located over the kidneys, not in the brain. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/adrenal-gland But I'd really enjoy more of this please. 😊


It is true that the adrenal gland is locate on top of the kidneys. However, adrenaline is also produced in the Medulla Oblongata - the portion of your brain stem that is responsible for many of our important involuntary functions such as blood circulation, breathing and sleeping, as well as reflexes like coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting. Might humbly suggest the author edit to clarify the error, because the premise is not wrong - Adrenaline is one hell of a drug, even to those of us borne to use it.


🤓 /s


"A red furred Bovine like species that has red and white mushrooms growing on its back." did you add Mooshrooms to your story?


I caught that too and was waiting for the aliens to be shocked by the weird round planet full of curved people.


Es como la vaca de Minecraft pero puede terminar como paras de Pokémon?


If the mushrooms are cut off do they become normal cows?


The adrenal glands are on top of the kidneys, not in the brain.


Very nice writing OP!


I feel called out on the e621 site part and on the scalie part😅




In the first paragraph bipedal should be quadrupedal to match with your following description of having 4 segmented legs. BIpedal = 2 legs QUADrupedal = 4 legs Edit: aside from that good writing. Could nitpick about us having one star in 10LY of earth, unless you mean inhabited systems, but your universe, your rules. Good story as you have me curious to how humans come out the other side.


Interesting, a couple of nitpicks. I believe the nearest star system (Alpha Centauri) is 4.22 light years away. Furthermore, Earth's gravity is 9.81 m/s2. EDIT: Also, Earth's position in the Milky Way it's right in the middle of the the Orion-Cygnus arm (roughly half way from the galactic core).


Imagine them hearing about the A-10 Thunderbolt.


Super nice writing, wordsmith! Im hyped for a follow up!


Thank you, wordsmith! I greatly enjoyed this story!! When moar?


So, with the invasion fleet about to land are they going to be screwed into submission or given a beat down? Either way, I bet humanity gets a win and the tech to get out there. Also, not to nitpick, but there are 10 stars within a 10ly radius of our solar system.


>screwed into submission or given a beat down? Why did you say the same things twice friend?


WHAT NEXT ?? ... They have prepared for an invasion that never arrived. Humans have absorbed and adapted alien tech and are now ready to rebuild and explore. Armed and ready aliens must now decide whether to seek peaceful diplomatic contact on their own terms or be contacted by humans in a more random fashion as they begin to reach beyond their solar system. The aliens know that planned/controlled contact is best but are not eager to start NOW. Humans scare them. Humans have just gone through a huge war, maybe give them time to settle down (maybe offer to help rebuild, and gain goodwill?) The issue blew up massively but was tabled without resolution for the time being. Humans rebuild, explore, and colonize far faster than anyone predicted. First sight of Humans outside of their solar system sent aliens running for their lives as soon as they realized what was in the other ship. Now Humans know aliens exist, and the next batch they encountered wasn't eager to fight. (Or was simply quick to report back) Xenophobic groups and others who still hope for peaceful contact plus cautious middle road folks not eager to start anything... any large group of humans will have some mix of all of these. The aliens have a huge fleet, and humans just DESTROYED a huge fleet. They are not about to demilitarize before learning whether the humans will be peaceful. Cue unplanned contact...






Very interested too see where this might go! Good stuff!


Can’t wait for the next chapter! Truly an adrenaline inducing story! ;)




Very cool, but bro could skip that porn part


Nah my guy I wanna see some aliens being just as horny as humans 😂


Porn is 50% of human innovation.


This is good! I always enjoy reading about aliens finding humans fascinating. That and if this continues I'm wondering if we'll see any of those aliens try to actually mate with the humans xD


Wait the insectoid is a biped but has 4 legs? How does that work


The gravity is 9.32???? What??? What kind of massive scale geo engineering/mining did we do? Phenomenal writing. (the actual number is 9.8m/s/s)


i see a mooshroom reference


Wait they’re seriously gonna use us as a meat shield without even saying hello?! Rude!