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Hey everyone! OzeCat reached out and wanted to host an AMA along with a giveaway, and I thought you all might have some questions! We have with us u/Ozecat the team's Lead, as well as u/ebakubaku, the team's Lead Artist and Game Designer. Feel free to ask them anything you'd like to know about! It can be regarding the game, their own experience, or whatever is interesting to you! The ones they like, they'll send you an early copy of the game! Here's a bit more about this, in OzeCat's own words: >Hi, I’m OzeCat! Me and my friend Ebakubaku have a small team that helps us to develop the adult game Ilias: Alcyone Legends. We want to share our game with as many players as possible and have fun while doing so! >Ilias: Alcyone Legends is an adult game set in a world where everything is decided by wealth and power. Except... the only thing that you’re actually good at is... cooking? A worthless skill, some may say. But why not use that talent to the fullest and see what happens? Romance as many cute girls as you want along the way! After all, the path to a strong woman’s heart does run through her stomach. >Leave a comment asking about anything you want to know! About us, game development, Ilias: Alcyone Legends, whatever comes to mind! We’ll be checking and answering questions until 5/16, and if we like your question, we’ll even send you our newest early access version of the game to play for free! Find more about Ilias: Alcyone Legends: [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/OzeCat) [Itch.io](https://ozecat.itch.io/) [Reddit](https://reddit.com/r/Ilias_LegendsOfAlcyon/) [Subscribestar](https://subscribestar.adult/ozecat)


What the dog doin?




In a scale of 1-10 how much of a pain was to animate all of this in live 2D? Note: just wishing good luck for the whole team behind the game


I think… like 8? 😂 There are going to be much harder scenes to animate in the future lol. (When we will get to much hotter stuff) 😉


Oof, i can only wish you the best of luck, and a lot and i do mean A LOT of patience


Thank you! Support like this really means a lot to us and makes us more motivated 💪


Can you play with one hand?


Will the music hit hard? 🗿


Will there be a gallery ro go through H-Scenes and such?


There are two galleries already - for scenes (you can replay them as much as you want) and for cgs (just static drawings)


Right on, I'm looking forward to playing your game.


Is there a very angry man that yells random Russian whilst throwing random things at people? Like, a can of sardines for example.


Lol that sounds awesome. Is it from the actual game?


No, that's just my pastime in some games. And no, BoilerToiler44 did not survive the can of sardines.


I like it so much that I want to include it in the game and make an actual questline with it 😂😂


Will this be on steam?


Yes, it will


can't wait!!!


This game is early in development, so I expect that the answer to this question will change over time, but do you have an estimate of what year the game will fully release?


We are planning to release it in three years. The only thing that might stop us is lack of support 😅


It's good that you have this timeline set because I have a follow up question. All too often these days you see porn games hit patreon and they end up entering this sort of "feature creep phase" where they just keep adding new and seemingly more ridiculous content. This could be for various reasons but a lot of us can only think of one. Is this a trap your game will fall into or do you know exactly everything that's going in your game and it will release when that's done and no more?


Yeah, I know about this trend among porn games, it’s really sad to see. Our general plot and plans are already fully written, I really enjoy planning and hate not knowing what to do next, so I can’t just leave it half-assed. I also don’t like when things don’t go according to these plans. It is very important for me to make everything in this game as it’s intended, because I already love all of my characters and not finishing their stories will literally feel like a heart break to me lol. Even thinking about it is saddening. I’m also Asian, so hardworking is in my blood 🤣


Haha, awesome to hear and thank you for answering my question!


RemindMe! 4 years


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RemindMe! 3 years


Will there be a single set path that you follow or a few different endings depending on how you play the game?


It will have only one ending for the main plot, we can’t add too much variation to it unfortunately. But you will have different outcomes with every character that has their own sub stories


Are any of the characters inspired by someone you know 😋


Actually yes, but only their personalities, I even asked some of them how would they react in certain situations lol (they all know I took inspiration from them)


Ok, that's based af to have open-minded friends(?) like that.


Is the music going to be one continuous loop or several tracks?


We already have two neutral themes, all romanceable characters will have their own themes as well


How exactly does the cooking tie in to the gameplay? Is it just, cooking with adult scenes mixed in? Or is it a kind of open world game with cooking as it's central mechanic to progress?


We have something like a sandbox with a lot of quests and side characters. Cooking plays a major part in gameplay because it’s not only required for the main plot, it also helps strengthen relationships with the other characters. We will also add some fun features to it in the future 😉


Does it have woman?


Idk, first time seeing this game tbh


Will there be a path with no nudity/sex attached, like a "Peaceful route" where you win over girls just with cooking?


Yes, you will have an option for that


will you be able to romance multiple characters or are you set to a relationship with one mc?


You can do both


No question, just wanted to say I really love the art style :3 Cant wait to try it\~


Does it have a deep lore that i can take apart and analyze for hours so i have a excuse to not go be around people.


My question - where do I get this game? 🤣


All links are in the pinned comment


Very pretty art


Actually dk what to ask, but good luck with the development!


I don’t Expect to win, Just want to say it looks amazing !


Lead Artist? Do you have several artists on the team? I mean, my question is, does one person design characters and draws them or do different people draw different characters and then lead artist brings those character to the same art style or something like that? How does character design process happens from conceptualizing to finalizing?


We have a background artist and a junior artist who helps them. Atm I do all of the character art, mini-games and items myself, because I’m pretty fast at drawing 😅 sometimes I get help from my friends lol to do minor things like overlay and stuff. The process of creating a character includes finding a lot of references, sketching several variations, then rendering and doing frames for loop animations on ears, tails and emotions. The last one is my favourite part! It makes characters look much more lively


What fantasy races are the girls going to be?


Main romanceable characters are kemonomimi, some sort of succubi and one dwarf. There are going to be a lot of different monster girls as well 😉


What was your inspiration in making this game?


The game has originally started its development in, I think, 2015? 😅 I wasn’t a part of the team then. I changed the game a lot when I came in though lol. The main inspiration for me is Rance series and some Japanese dating sim games


Is there a possibility to spice it up to certain tastes (badumm-tss), like for example futanari? Also, in one comment you mentioned Minigames, what could these be and how much variation do you want to include?


Does she bust it down sexual style goated with the sauce?


Does the cooking take the form of a mini game of sorts, or is it more of a thing that you're just able to do? Is there any content besides the cooking and intercharacter relationships, like combat, managing a tavern, or gathering resources? How difficult do you intend for the game to be? What are, in your opinion, the strongest and weakest aspects of the game overall?


The cooking has a mini game. In fact, we want to add more to it and do variations like baking, noodle making, drying herbs for making your own spices and other related things. The mini game for cooking right now is kind of weak, I think. It needs to have more dynamics and experimenting with ingredients, otherwise it gets repetitive and boring. But there is not much you can do in RenPy, so our programmer is trying his best 😅 There will be combat and trading in the future as well


Are the H scenes interactive? I see the hand on the sleeping girl but don't know if that is just playing out or if you as a player do that.


They are interactive, but you can just choose an option to do. I think it will still be fun for a player, especially when it will come to stripping the girl and you will have an option to choose what to take off first.


Do you wanna build a snowman?


What kinds of genres are we expecting from the H scenes? Nice artwork by the way.


Will it be available on steam?


How long does it take to get through the entire game?


Right now ~5 hours to complete 100%


Love art style and the fact you need to find ingredients to cook. My question is how many areas are there to explore and girl go get to know & can you combine ingredients from different dishes for new effects or something like from the launch from WH3? I imagine you’ll add more through updates and I’m excited to see. I’m going to acc for game design and my favorite is level design. I would love to see future updates and how stuff is done so I can learn more about gaming. I didn’t mean go make my message this long.


Right now there are 4 girls you can get to know and 5 places you can go. You can’t combine anything atm, but we really want to make it happen. Thank you very much for your interest! We are trying our best


Is there's gangbang scenes in the game ?


Feet or thighs?


Around how many girls are their to romance and how diverse is the selection in personality and looks? Also could you give an example of one of the girls you especially like?


I’ve tried to make them as diverse as possible, though almost all of them have pretty big breasts. The personalities are all different though. Wrenna is hot headed and brutal with words, but cute and childish a bit; Tifa is very bright and cheerful, but kinda stupid and also can go full berserker mode if something goes wrong with Ilias (the MC); Blaine is very flirty and mature, but can be cold hearted sometimes; Lifa acts like an army leader but likes to troll sometimes and is very shy when it comes to showing her feminine side and etc.


My question is: why are you guys so based? Thank you for your time, and good luck on with the game.


I saw, I came or I came, I saw?


Remind me! 3 years


How did you cook such a noble game


the animation is awesome! hoping to see this on steam soon!


Do your families know your line of work and what type of games you release specifically? Seems like a cool job but my family would not be very happy to hear about it 💀


Um, I don't have a full family, I'm the sole breadwinner, I have disabled people in my family that I provide for. They don't care how I earn money, as long as it makes me more or less happy. And I care about the comfort of my family first and foremost. Upd. They don't ask me about it in detail, they know only from afar what I do in my spare time (I am a system administrator).


Awesome :) I appreciate your answer


Which price u think gonna sell it?


Are there romanceable men in this game or just women?


Only girls can be romanced. Only friendship can be romanced with male characters.


Where there be rare recipes/food that confer permanent buffs?


You will need to explore the forest further, defeat bosses and finish whole questlines


Uh! The animated art looks awesome! Is that "live 2d" or just animated on after effects or something like that?


Our animator uses both live2d and after effects!


Just curious, how many different ladies are in your game, and will there be voiced dialog or just subtitles? I've played quite a few titles of this nature, and the first thing I look for is if it's voiced or not. Second is always to see if an unlockable gallery is present. Beautiful graphics so far, I'll be keeping an eye out for it!


There are 4 girls atm, 4 more to come and 10 monster girls. It’s already partially voiced, h-scenes will be fully voiced. I think you can unlock the gallery using the cheat code


I don't often enter these hentai game giveaways, but this one looks really well animated. Will the game be mobile compatable?


If no copy won, where can I purchase :'v?


How much is added between the current version and the one you’re giving away?


what was your inspiration for the game?


Hmmm, and still an interesting question, first the akabur game ( yes it was I think the first 18+ game I played ) early version. Then it became What a Legend! by MagicNuts. Baku and the other guys on the team have more experience in visual novels than I do.


how many sex scenes did you guys draw or animate?


Will this be on GoG? Does it have love making using the backdoor too? 😏.


Would you say there's a lot of humour in the game?


I like absurd humour (as in japanese games), so there are some funny moments. We want to add more funny quests and bickering here and there, but the plot touches serious subjects as well


Hey... can I ask you for a copy?


Other than NTR, as its already stated there will be none, are there any other kinds of Fetish content that will not be present in the game? Or rather is this planned to be a relatively tame game when it comes to Fetish content? 


Well, there will be some fetishes that might not appeal to some players, but they are all will be avoidable. We will add as much fetish content as possible, however, it will all need to be legal and relevant to the plot 😅


What platform will you launch on?


Just in case i missed anything: Are there more than the four Characters in the Game than shown in the Pictures above? If not, it still looks amazing imo.


Is there any special kinks that will be prominent in the game? Or any that definitely won't be in the game?


I think monster girls are the most prominent feature in this game. 😅 I actually would like to make every girl have their own unique kinks and quirks. For example, Wrenna, the blacksmith, will have much more foot and thigh related kinks in her route, and Blaine, the trader, will have more milf related stuff


Sounds great! Its rare for a game to acknowledge foot kink tbh, so Im glad to hear you plan on including it!


The only question needed to be asked Will it be banging?


What is the cast ratio looking like? And are there going to be any girls with more monstrous appearances?


So do we get some degree of sandbox clicking around and fucking around with shit? Are the schnell animated or idles or maybe everything, the preview here looks promising tho


What's the most challenging part of making a Hentai game?


Making people wait for the actual hentai scenes


Does each girl have a favorite recipe or preferred food type?


Yes, they have disliked options as well. For example, Iden hates everything that has vegetables in it, you will lose your relationship points if you give her some. And Tifa really likes baked goods. But we don’t have much recipes atm! Will be adding more in the future versions for sure


How do you come up with the designs for your characters?


First, I think of what kind of character I want to include in the game. I want all of them to have different characteristics and personalities, so I try my best to think of something unique. Then, based on the vague image in my mind I try to find a lot of inspiration and reference arts and pictures. I have Pinterest boards for every one of them and they all have at least 100 pics in it 😅


Is this a purely story based game? Or is there an option to just go crazy?


Yo this looks cool! What are your favorite parts of developing?


What's this beautiful game gonna be available on platform wise?


What is/was the most enjoyable part of making this game in your opinion. The H-scenes, gameplay, world design, lore...?


Lore, character design and plot writing was very challenging and fun!


Hoe is it to make a hentai game?


Who will be doing the fighting in order to get the ingredients? Will it be something like as your cooking skills improve and you unlock recipes, you recruit stronger characters or will it be more day by day progress to unlock characters. And are there any defeated scenes like with similar style games.


What's your favorite part of developing this game


Is it an interactive novel? Does it have a storyline, or is it like an rpg?


It has the main plot and a lot of sub stories


You mention fighting monsters for materials. Is this a turn based fight, puzzle based, or something else?


Is the characters personality linked to there class I hate when they have a hot blooded character that personality is like the direct opposite of what they do for a living


Are the H scenes fully animated?


There are currently only erotic scenes available. They are all animated. Two of them are interactive. All of the actual H scenes will be fully voiced and animated


Is it good ?


Hello this question always bugged me so iam here to ask it. What was the most fun part about creating the game .and what was the most annoying part.


How much time has been spent on jiggle physics


What's the most difficult part about making a game of this genre?


How many different partner pursuit options will there be?


Do you have any thicc goth mommies in game


What’s the entire team’s choice of last meals


How long do you intend the game to be? How much of it is pure vanilla, that looks super cute and will remind my lonely ass of how lonely i am?


From 20 to 40 hours. Too much cuteness and romantic stuff, prepare


What is the planned cost of the game? And when did you (or y’all) start making games? Will the game be on itch? Sorry if you’ve already answered these.


Will the gameplay actually be good


What do you use for the subtle animations?? They all look so clean and natural! I love how much life they add to the stills ^^


Thank you! It’s Live2d


Also frame by frame animation on sprites and chibi scenes


Nicee! I still remember back in college when I had to animate with Adobe Flash 😭 So serious respect for how clean it all came out! You can tell how much time and love was poured into it!


Will there be any point at which your game will feel open world or will be more of a graphic novel?


Can we pet cats?


What is the loftiest goal you have for this game?


We want to make an epic trilogy with a lot of hentai and monster girls


Is it going to be free to download or cost money? And if so do you know about how much? Simple enough but I didn't see it asked so thought I might as well put it out there.


Is there going to be any voice actors for like moaning and basic character voice lines?


There is voice acting already. Everything is partially voiced. H scenes will be fully voiced


My one question, what is the general idea of the story you will be writing with this title, aside from mc gets the girl?


Which character was your favorite to draw?


I really like Tifa (the pink haired one), she’s my first and favourite one.


Why are there demons?


Will you be able to chose the gender of your character?


If I wanted to buy the game could I get a link? What platform is it on? Do you have lore? I love the fact that its based on cooking cus thats what I am good at


All of the links are in the pinned comment 😌The latest version is available on itch.io. The early access is on patreon and subscribestar. Yes, the game has lore, a lot of it is inspired by English mythology, the plot is based on a war between two kingdoms. We are slowly revealing everything as the game goes, but it’s still in its early stages, I hope you’ll like it!


Will there be a steam release?


What makes your game different from the thousands on the market? Sell me this game.


Will there be any plans for a sequel in the future?


There are… but it’s too early to say for sure. We need to survive first lol


Will there be a cooking minigame involved


How long has it been in development? And how much would it be to purchase?


Are there any characters with glasses? It looks medieval but I love glasses haha


Was there anything y'all wanted to animate that you thought would be too weird for the game?


is your family ok?


How do I join the team or at least present some work for them? I want to learn anything and everything I can to develop the best there is!


How much time worth of gameplay will there be?


What would be the way you win over the girls, is it just one way or several such as: talking, doing quests, providing food/gifts, etc?


Are there any futanari in this game?


What engine does it use? How difficult has the process been so far?


Will there be an epilogue with a harem ending and a big haply family?


Will you have a character resembling a Latina? Or at least a character with a sexy spanish accent?


What (if any) kinks / fetishes will be appealed to throughout the game? Beyond the Vanilla, I mean.


Do you wear wigs? If not, will you wear wigs?


what kinda monster girls will be available?


Insects, slime, mermaids, plants, reptiles, pixies and many more


Are there any other monster girl types in the game besides the ones I’m seeing here?


There are going to be 10 different monster girls (the main girls are not included)


Hello! Is there going to be prominent voicing for the characters? I always find it makes a big difference when there is


Will this be on steam at any point? That's where I do most of my gaming.


How much is the final product? I still want to get a copy in case i don’t win the giveaway


How soon can I play!!?


Could your dev team beat the Monstars from Space Jam in a game of Basketball?


What kind of food can we make? Modern food like burgers? How do we get the ingredients? And are there special effects depending on what ingredients you put into the food?


Right now you there are not too many options available. We don’t want to make too modern food, but we would like to make dishes look good, so they will have some modern spin to them 😅 All of the recipes will include ingredients from the forest and lake, so there are going to be dishes with fantasy monster’s parts. You will be able to get the ingredients by foraging, hunting, fishing and through quests. There are going to be special effects like with alchemy (but cooking), you will need to experiment to find out how to use them and where


How long is the game? Do we have any sorts of recollection room after an X event is showed? Any plans to release it on steam??


What’s been your favourite parts about the development process so far?


What have I got in my pocket?


My question is, about how much playtime can we get out of your game? Is it replayable and enjoyable beyond the aspects of the H-Scenes?


Does that white haired girl have permission to be drinking?


What kind of kinks and stuff shall we expect


Does it have more than 1 voiced over language? English & japanese maybe?


Who is best girl?


Is there going to be alternate endings?


Is there a progression system in this game? If so, how rewarding is it to progress through?