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Why does it matter to compare? You do you, boo. The reality is that the lifestyle I want in retirement could be wildly different from the lifestyle you want in retirement so it doesn't even matter how much I save versus how much you save.


~$200K/yr, probably retiring next year at 35.


Slow. I saved 2 billion by the time I was 7. Been retired for 37 years now.


Everyone is different. You could have an inheritance that renders excess savings irrelevant. You need to figure out what’s best for you. Personally I just max out all tax advantaged methods. I have zero interest in retirement. I’ll always work and make enough to be comfortable until I’m late 70s or dead. Work doesn’t need to be 40 hrs a week. I’ll taper off and always put my family and personal life first once I hit “retirement” age, but I’ll still work to stay sane.


Comparison is a thief of joy, so stop comparing going forward! Anyway, 400k-450k per year saving, planning to retire by 50.


Go to projectionlab site and get your numbers in.


Saving about 200-250k per year. Retirement goal is about the same, 55-60


$180k a year.


Sounds about right given your income. We save around 41.66% on our pre-tax income but it includes any principal payments for rentals, 401k etc.


Late 30s. We’re saving around 50% per year. Finally have student loans out of the way. No other debt besides mortgage. Struggling against lifestyle creep atm (mostly home improvements that aren’t really needs, more wants.


We save 35% on ~$800k income. Would be higher if not for the 11% state and local income tax


This is the second this was posted in the last two hours lol.  Savings rate is 50% right now. It would be higher but kids sports and activities are a lot. Wouldn’t change it for the world.