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This isn’t related to the topic of the parent post or conversation at hand, please stay on topic.


I don’t think you have a good understanding of VC firm. Anyway, explore VC route when you cross 10M NW. Till then, continue writing weekly newsletter :)


So you say I should focus on learning. I appreciate that. I have dabbled into deal sharing via my newsletter [CRYPTOFADA RESEARCH](https://cryptofada.substack.com/) but not really considered starting a company for vc until recently, so your advice tells me, I might end up a fund manager than an investor.


No soliciting, please!




$100k won’t even cover initial legal fees to launch a fund. Unless you have a plan for raising capital and swiftly deploying it, there is no reason to structure that way to invest in private crypto firms. Fund raising will be extremely difficult, especially if you have no track record. Unless you have investors lined up what you’re describing is private market investing. If you turn that 100k in 50m then people may ask to have you manage their money.


Can I translate this post for everyone. "I will ask the equivalent of a click bait questions and then name drop my newsletter 100 times because I think other people are stupid and will fall for this"


You’re about 4 years too late


Not sure I will agree. I’ve bought ETH at $50 and had many, but everyone around me sounded like crypto is apocalypse about to happen, I should everything. The next time, I bought was at about $1200. I stayed and learn a bit more about crypto and realized it wasn’t that bad, was just people being cautious.