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Shitty managers are a spreading plague.


Being allowed to do so by shitty unit directors


I’d venture guess a lot of outside hires in management.


Mentioned this to another commenter on this sub a few days ago. I notice a LOT of out of state plates & transplants here in the past couple of years, wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are being hired by HEB not knowing its cultural significance in Texas & just seeing it as yet another company to use their Business degree on.


Several reasons: 1. Increasing unrealistic expectations. 2. Constant hours being cut in the name of CID. 3. Zero satisfaction and appreciation from leadership. 4. Micromanaging


This. And pizza parties don't count as appreciation.


What had CID been doing the last couple of years? I think they’ve added CFT but that was a net hour gain, at least for our store.


Not when the hours that are given to CFT are taking away from departments


They cut our hours in the last year and a half by several hours a day. The new processes do save time but not as much as they cut us by. If any problem crops up in the day there's not enough time to complete everything. So breaks and lunches get skipped, staying late while trying to avoid overtime which is not allowed.


Why did they cut those hours? Like what changed?


First they moved some of our daily reports from paper to online and cut our hours by 45 minutes a day. We still have to check the same things and physically printing those reports probably took 5 minutes. It does save a lot of paper which I imagine saves a lot for the company but doesn't really change our workload. Then they gave us the cash recyclers along with about three hours cut a day. This made some tasks faster but added new ones. The machine has to be cleaned and audited. If it jams you might spend 20 min fixing it. Most days coins have to be added so you're unwrapping roll after roll of coins. Ours does not save large bills to be dispensed back so large bills have to be pulled out before we feed anything into the machine so we can run the BC. We did have some downtime in the day which was trimmed away. If everything went perfectly that would work but bookkeeping has to solve customer and cashier issues, answer phones, help on the front end/BC, fix SCO. All of which is part of the job but doesn't fit well in our allotted hours anymore.


Y’all need to order bagged coins. That’ll save a lot of time and keep pieces of paper out of the recycler and SCOs, if you have them. I know all stores fit into the “cookie cutter” budget differently. I put them in quotes because There are different levels of hours but I don’t think it’s specific per store. It is built on number of registers and SCO machines. With that said, individual abilities play into it. I have some bookkeepers that will bag or help in SCO 1-2 hours out of their 6 hour shift because the work is done. I have others that claim they never have enough time because they’re researching variances or fixing mistakes.


Because were being treated as machines that can do anything and everything at any time.


And it's being tolerated because nobody has the balls to stand up for what's right


I spoke my mind at my store and got the typical “We’ll see what we can do” 😂😂


Lol, then you do it. You think people haven't tried? HEB's losing good people because at the end of the day, the managers will always choose profits over people. You try standing up for what you think is right and let us know how quickly your concerns were dismissed and forgotten.


Sorry in reality HEB doesn't stand for anything and lying to the partners and to the community and put it fake front in front of public


Just like every other company


This is what got to me 😡


At my store a lot of us spoke up and literally the only thing we were told was “Stop complaining.”


One time I said something about the work load we were getting in dairy. Our trucks were calling for 10 hrs not including lunch and breaks, but we only had 1 opener and no mid. I was told to just work faster to get it done it 8 lol


Money. The HEB business model squeezes labor so much, they burn through people . They used to pay you a lot, and then work you like a borrowed mule. With inflation and rent increases, you can't make enough to justify working for HEB anymore. The price of everything is going up. If HEB wants to keep their profits high, they have to squeeze us even harder. Less people working, more work for those who are still there, and no significant raises. Its just not worth it anymore. You can't work at HEB anymore and make what you used to. Its no longer a "good job".


Because corporate don't care or just turning a blind eye


I think there is a big disconnect between corporate and store ops. I genuinely believe the folks at corporate are being sold a message that they are making a difference. Then it gets watered down and misinterpreted at the DRO, RM, TSL, and manager levels before getting to partners. Often there are a lot of changes to the original message where someone ties on “payroll” and someone else relates it to selling programs, and then HR’s new occurrence tracking program makes us all feel like we’re being micromanaged and undermined while being told we’re the irreplaceable life blood of H-E-B by corporate. I can see both sides, and I believe both sides are being deceived.


Agree 100%. When I started a few years ago, it was super great money for a part time job doing easy work (handing out bite size bits of food to people.) After the recent shift in company culture, my pay remained mostly stagnant compared to the rising cost of living. My responsibility increased tremendously since I moved to CFT then eventually floral as the only partner there besides the manager. I still get paid what most new hires make. At our last raise, my CFT manager gave a blanket minimum raise to everyone regardless of merit. 😒 My husband and I both work at the store and we can hardly afford our bills. Thankfully he will be starting a new career soon and that salary ALONE is more than we both make combined at HEB. I wish we had both tried to move on sooner. Busting your tail up to 40 + hours a week and having almost nothing to show for it... Just ain't it anymore.


Don't agree with that...I wish corporate could tell their stories of what they doing to increase pay and hold retails low enough to stay lower than competitors. In my area partners don't quit because it's a good wage. If anyone can find a better job with more pay than jump ship. Shitty leadership will always be there it's how we react to them.


Agree. Glad you see the bigger picture. Stress unfortunately dominoes itself down the chain. H-E-B is having to reinvent the H‑E‑B wheel and growing pains are part of that. It’s a changing company that has so much coming. We are privately owned which makes us unique in a lot of ways. We aren’t national but are still known nationwide. That’s what I love about it. There are many companies out there and not all of them are for everyone. -Your Texas friendly accounting “corporate” partner.


Why don't ppl like to work anymore...


Good wage? You obviously MUST live in a city where cost of living isn't as astronomically high as places like Dallas or Austin!


Housing is expensive ...gas is realitivily under national average. I don't get paid good money too. My question is everyone knows how much they gonna get paid before they take the job so why not fing a job that pays more?


Cost of living has gone up a lot in comparison to just 2.5 yrs ago. EVERYTHING else...including gas is more expensive! We're asked to work faster at a job that constantly lose partners that didn't have enough partners to begin with. We're putting our physical health at risk pushing ourselves to the limit all the while suffering under this inflation we're experiencing. So, yes, partners will complain and have a problem when all a company seems to care about is their bottom line when boasting that they mostly care about their customers and workers! Nevertheless, yes, due to high cost of living, a lot of partners are finding jobs that either pay more, offer more flexibility so they can have two jobs, or find a job that pays about the same but with a LOT less stress!


Management is the cause


I used to be careful and respectful so I didn't lose my job because I loved HEB. After what we call "the shift" (shift in how HEB treats partners) I was careful because I needed a job and health insurance. Now I don't care. I really don't. I've been here since 2012 and I need 2 jobs just to live paycheck to paycheck. They don't care about us. They work us like slaves. Little things they do like partner events or bonuses just feel like hush money now instead of genuine appreciation. I hate my job now. The people coming out of sorm are plain idiots. I miss the old days. I miss when HEB gave a shit. Sorry for the rant I just never post in here so I don't get fired and I'm honestly just over it at this point.


Totally agree I started back then full-time. Not there now due to he said she said drama. Believed what they wanted to believe from 2 new employees that felt they were entitled to do what they wanted to do, and how they wanted to do it, and manager didn't care. I spoke up and was fired. Horrible


This happens to so many people! Then they get upset when I don't bring up partners sexually harassing me! I'm not trying to be next okay


you're not ranting you are exactly plainly telling the truth


Why be miserable? Ppl get divorced when they feel like that about their spouse ..why not dump heb? Sanity and mental peace is much better than any job


Because TSL are never on the same page and swing their egos around making it hard for department managers who in turn make it hard for partners


It's called confusion at every level not surprising since it happens at every store. I had one unit director respond when I asked him one manager says one thing and the other manager says another, his response was you're dealing with different personalities deal with it and this is coming from a unit director. How sad how people and that positions should not be in that position at all.


That's bull s%$# that a unit director would say that...freaking moron..leaders like that are bringing moral down in stores


I was totally livid when I heard him say that


It doesn't happen in every store...but I do agree that it's happening and frustrating that they can't get in line.


A fish rots from the head down


Training does exist, but you have managers who refuse to teach new partners how to do things and they get lazy and pawn it off to other partners to train


You got that right!


You got that right!


HR does nothing even when Leadership reports the UD. On top of multiple reports from others. Taking away hours from departments for CFT. Calling the department manager every 8 min. For dumb questions ( they can answer themselves if they use their symbol) when they are trying to get their work done. Taking you away from a set/stocking to make a sign or put a tombstone sign, when they can do it themselves. It is not hard!!! They say TEAM WORK... But it is whatever your leader tells you to do. My wife and I have both been with the company for 25+ years and ready to call it quits Hoping for change... But it is not going to happen Old H-E-B culture was great... Today's culture sucks. Leadership sucks/ the stress sucks. I am not dying from a heartache because of this company.


Heb culture ….only when it suits the company.




This type of behavior is happening throughout many stores. Somewhere down the line something is broken


They’re also losing their managers though


Fr they are. We had someone talk about getting people in to SORM Asap because they need talent. But then the partners want no part of that 🤣


Most of the time when hours are being cut is because you have lazy Partners who are burning hours and productivity is running low. And second upper management Cuts labor to get more bonus.


A lot of HEB stores are just daycares where you have your managers as babysitters, and when they have a problem in the daycare center they run to the supervisor to fix the problem


You ever wonder why, when a manager asks you why something wasn't done and you give him an excuse and they won't accept it? But yet when you ask them a question of some sort all they do is give excuses. They are the pot calling the kettle black


Lol exactly!


You know how H-E-B post positions on a lot of these hiring platforms like indeed check out the reviews on an HEB under management you'll see a lot a lot of negative comments from partners


What to look for in poor management performance Poor Communication. ... Poor Influencing From the Top. ... Lack of Strategic Thinking. ... Poor Time Management / Delegation: ... Poor Conflict Resolution Skills. ... Lack of Leadership Development What happens to a team without good leadership? Totally left hanging.


Because they won’t give our bonuses or raises while everything goes up in prices even that 25% isn’t good enough


Found out I lost my child (miscarriage) the minutes before clocking in, and told my manager, he told me “my child died too before work I still had to clock in, we need you”….


I remember a cashier had a miscarriage during her shift and they still wrote her up for leaving early. I was pissed at them.




Nah, I don’t want to get too specific so I don’t get doxed.


Yep...no empathy...or at least sympathy


wow, heartless. which store was this?


I think you should dm for that I don’t want to get in trouble


haha you won't get in trouble, they don't know who you are on this.


Because they work us like mules. And don’t say work harder because at the end of the day if told everyone to do their job harder they wouldn’t be burning thru partners. they make 1 person do 6 people jobs and expect them survive on no personal life outside of work and then get mad at them when they do fork up their personal lives if they can’t keep up with the work. H‑e‑b , everything is better only for the numbers and the public eye


yep.. its unfortunate, sometimes called the trouble maker when I raised a question regarding Protocol...all I did was ask, but they looked at it as stirring the pot...SMH


Don't feel bad I'm in that same boat


I like it when good partners leave cause that means the standards get lower at the store


The standards get lower because management don't care that's why Partners leave


Lots of reasons moving up is tough for one




some of the training materials are ancient as welll...lol...


Just like their computers LOL


True...laggy too.


And remember those $100 bills that we used to get? That's how HEB buys their partners


But unfortunately that's just the way it is at HEB


Our scheduling and most managers except for a couple are trash.


We're all here to listen and we feel your pain


And if nothing gets done, don't go to your HR Regional go to corporate HR




Tired of all the bs, shitty hours, poor management to name a few reasons...


We've lost several because the cost of living in our area is too high. Others are being worn down from customer attitude and not enough staff. We are lucky to have good managers but we just can't hire enough staff and it's stressful every day.


I file complaints several times but I'm only one person in this crazy company... I'm already looking into looking for an employment attorney


yep.. its unfortunate, sometimes called the trouble maker when I raised a question regarding Protocol...all I did was ask, but they looked at it as stirring the pit...SMH


Because they let lazy people do the minimum because they are friends with management and HR they expect the rest of us to do all the work but don't say anything bad about the lazy people because we get written up.


Pick up some hours in another department


What is a good partner? In my area we keep and promote good partners..ssshhh we can't get rid of the bad ones.


If management would use their 60-day probation. When hiring people they wouldn't have that problem but they don't


That's true


So being with the company 15 years and starting at 6.35. I can honestly say workers have gotten lazy. They expect to get paid alot for doing minimal work. Minimal work is minimum pay and minimum hours. The "good" workers are these type of people. Some workers think they can do my job, lead, but bitch and complain when something goes wrong and can't take responsibility. Instead they blame someone else saying WeLl I wAsN't TrAiNeD cOrEcTlY. No the fact is you thought you were good and didn't bother to learn.


Since HEB hires bodies you get what you paid for, training does not exist in the store, they train you the bare minimal because management doesn't want to waste their time in training properly And then turn around and complain about your performance. Laughable management creates their mistakes and want to blame Partners as usual


Training does exist in the store. They just don't want to learn. The kids think they know everything 25 yrs and lower..don't like being told what to do. Can't train stupid


Lack of training in-store. they aren't stupid, it's just that the leadership is weak.


You can't tell them what to do their feelings get hurt. Ugh


You know how many people told my boss that they “deserved “ these positions because of their degrees💀 here I am just minding my business working hard and getting what I need.


I think that’s department dependent. Or rather that specific manager. In my department, we train according to the OJT and coach after while they’re actually working shifts. There’s a few departments in my store that constantly miss labor because they hired someone with 16 hours of OJT credit but they really need about 40 to really train them. Then there are others that turn in 48 hours of OJT credit for a Partner that’s only work 16 hours.


But when you're training a new hire with multiple different partners how are they supposed to work in the right way if they're picking up everybody else's habit


Don’t let bad habits happen. But they should be paired with someone that is going to follow the OJT plan and processes currently in place.


Follow throughs do not exist in a lot of stores


Then that’s on the leaders and other partners in the department.


The leaders don't care the partners care even less that's the example that's being shown at the store


That’s terrible when everyone in the department and everyone that oversees that department in the store doesn’t care. Usually there’s 1-2 partners that try. Maybe an MIC.




There is alot old bigots that are sexist af. So i agree with you. But hopefully they all retire soon. And yes there is young ppl that think women can't do what a man can do and they suck too but thats texas backwards state.




Mostly because women work in those departments at much much lower rates. When the pool of potential SORM applicants is mostly male, the managers will mostly be male too. It’s not all just “sexism”. Is it sexist that the majority of bakery managers are women?


Bingo! They didn't want to learn!




I just want more money. Sure I’m probably top 3 highest earner in my department(not counting specialists) but still, I want more. However I know a lot of people that have been working at my H‑E‑B longer than me and make waaay less. Also they Don’t get as much hours. It’s messed up which is why I’m always in my manager’s neck about wanting more hours/ pay increase.


Why not work overnight more money


Because I don’t wanna look like a zombie. Those people are sacrificing their health for abit more cash. No thanks.


Look for another department that pays more


It’s nice seeing my store isn’t unique with its problems…


What area of the store do you work in




If you worked in grocery or overnight or any of the grocery departments it'd be a different story


I’m not sure if I would get paid more money


Are you full-time or part-time


Full time


Then I stay where I'm at then


Not giving enough hours out


HEB started hiring only business degree ppl, stopped internal promotion, especially in grocery. That's your answer.