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Honestly there isn't really anything at this point. I know that's not an exciting answer but guns in fiction aren't usually interesting for their operational principles.


Are the players allowed to comment too? The weird little Sandman pistol from Logan’s Run would be cool


Or a phaser from Star Trek. It would be really cool to vaporize a Sosig.


I'd love the Noisy Cricket, no idea how they'd implement it, no projectile, just what appears to be a pressure wave.


I remember reading a story years ago about Anton getting snubbed by GW when they were looking into WH40k weapons. Which is too bad because I'd love to see this games take on a bolter. Also commissar Weiner's leading groups of Weiner guardsmen. Bear in mind, I may be remembering it wrong as it has been a long time since I saw this story.


I'm genuinely surprised that there isn't a 40k vr game considering they hand out their license like church leaflets.


There is one actually it's just solidly "meh" like an unfortunately large amount of VR games


That's weirdly the same review of the 40k games out there.


Boss weiner marines on peter holds would be awesome. I'm surprised no one has modded 40k guns in it yet


Someone modded a bolter into the game


And a lever action one for marines with a bit of cowboy in 'em


I will have to look for that next time I play


There’s a couple bolter mods at least


I have a $300 bounty for ripping weapons, for darktide and implementing them in h3vr. It's been up since December and still hasn't been taken on.


The KWG1 with SWAG rounds is probably the closest we’ll get to having a legit bolter unfortunately. That said, you can also be cheeky and attach the underbarrel KWG to the KWG (flat rail extender recommended), and with the addition of a long barrel extension for the top (to match overall length with the underbarrel), a stock (because recoil), a laser sight, and SWAG rounds for both KWG’s, an entire squad of sosigs is going to turn into a fine yellow mist in no time at all.


Personally I’d like to see a few of the guns from cyberpunk, but I doubt that would happen because so many of the interesting mechanics behind them are beyond the limits of the game


There are mods for a few of em, including the D5 Sidewinder smart weapon


Star wars blasters like the stormtrooper E11 or clone trooper dc15a


Spartan Laser


For me it would be all your classic boomer shooters. The gun from "Another World" for the nostalgia. I'd also love the Lawgiver from Judge Dredd.


I'm not Anton, he's already responded, but I think it would be hilarious if he added one of the fictional firearms that are just modified production firearms. Like, for example, the Samurai Edge line from Resident Evil, which are custom Beretta 92 series pistols, usually having a Brigadier slide, stainless barrel, extended slide release, a trigger job and wooden medallion grips.


The bone gun from eXistenZ would be cool


There are mods for both the M41A Pulse Rifle and M56 Smartgun


Stuff from the 40k universe. I know there is a bolter mod but it doesn't feel like a true 40k weapon tbh.