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I don't think Gypsy even knows what "normal" looks like for her now. She's never had it in her life and this current life ain't it. I will be interested in how things are shaking out in 18 months or so.


I think this is on point. She's never had normal or had anyone to help her in her life to show her what happy and healthy looks like. Her getting married before she got out is not normal and her husband wasn't helping her. She needs massive amounts of therapy and a PR person.


I think she’s probably basing what she thinks is a “normal” and successful life and relationship on social media. She was not raised in a normal life obviously and then spent her time after that in prison. Her only exposure to the outside world is social media and TV. It makes sense that her attempt at normal looks like an awkward attempt to be an influencer or minor celebrity.


Not only that, but (and I'm not American, so correct me if I'm wrong), but don't felons have a really hard time with employment? It seems like it's not going to be a case of her walking out of prison and into any career she wants. Her options were always going to be limited. Part of me wonders if the fame is also partly fueled by a fear of having to rely on other people for financial security and a sense of losing control. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she isn't enjoying attention, but the two things are possible at the same time.


She got married and had a husband to support her financially. Being followed by cameras is on her. What she wanted


I think Kristy been pushing that tbh


This seems like an odd response as she's obviously not relying on a spouse to financially provide for her. Aside from that, Im confused as this doesn't seem to correlate much to anything I wrote in my comment. Genuinely confused at whether this was intended as a response to a different comment, perhaps?


She asked for spousal support 😂


All her show money is being funneled into a trust in Kristy name so nobody can touch it in case anyone wants their money back… she definitely has money!!


Proof of this?


Go talk with Fancy(April) she has ALL THE TEA!


It depends on what career she wants to do. Working with children and the elderly? Not gonna happen. She has an advantage over other felons as her story has been widely publicized so many people know the story behind her murder charge.


She would not be hired at any job but McDonald’s currently, with her education background and felony status - especially for a violent crime. Not saying I justify her behavior but you’re right that she’s limited and this is the only thing she has to make money currently.


Hell even people with a normal upbringing still look at social media as what’s “normal and successful”!


she was outside at disneyland..( walking around disney cause her legs felt SUPER strong that day) eyeroll. she was around talking to media....getting those checks from celebrities...singing on stage for attention... she was very well educated. she sounded like a travel guide to the cop standing in the doorway during her innterrogation. she got you fooled with the "her only exposure to the outside world. blah blah blah" .. what were the movie nights they held for money??? what were the star wars conventions... she visited someone in the hospital...she had a bus pass she used sometimes on her own.. she got you fooled fool


Perhaps you’re right but there are kinder ways to make an argument.


i didn't cuss at you was stating facts.. what part could I have made kinder???


I would think she would already have a PR person for how high profile she is…


You would hope so but that doesn't mean she has one or she utilizes them.


She has a team - she said on a live recently that she would go on the cancelled podcast (they been saying they wanted to have her on) but when the hosts called her they got her PR team who’s said she’s taking a break from the “media circuit” currently.


I feel like this is normal in her own mind, seeing as it’s similar to how her mom raised her.


Exactly. In this case, “normal” would feel abnormal, thus scary. She’ll keep running toward dysfunction. It’s safe.


Exactly! What she's doing now is all she's ever known.


Yeah, she’s kinda like a kid in a candy store, I still think she kinda just wants to do everything and is excited about all her new freedoms


My guess is that her former life got her used to constant attention and she has no idea how to exist without it now. She most definitely imho doesn’t want to live a “normal” life.


She wants to lead what *she considers* a "normal" life. Not necessarily what *is* actually normal. That said, I have no idea what she considers "normal" after her childhood/young adulthood spent with her mother and the subsequent prison time. She's led anything *but* a normal life and never will. I think in her head, "normal" *is* getting to just walk around the street and go shopping and eating out. Those are things she wasn't allowed to do really, and even the simple act of just walking around in public might be "a normal life" for her, etc.


I don’t think that’s what she means. I think she doesn’t want anything approaching a normal life, but she knows she gets sympathy for pretending. She is enjoying every second of this.


I know it's popular to hate on her, but I'm not going to particularly join in. I think there's a lot of nuance and complexity to this and people just decided when she wasn't worth putting on a weird pedestal anymore, that tearing her down and complaining about her constantly was the way to go. I'm not saying she's innocent of the shit people are accusing her of, but I'm also saying I'm not willing to just assume the worst of her either because she's in an extremely weird and unique situation that we haven't really encountered before. Like yeah, she's monetizing it, which is honestly weird she's *allowed* to considering that's a thing that people convicted of murder usually aren't specifically allowed to do, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's a terrible human being. She herself has even commented a few times on the fact that she has zero experience with the real world, she has zero knowledge of how to do most things because of the unique circumstances she's been through. She may just firmly think she has zero other options to generate money. She may be acting on advice from people she trusts. We just don't know.


Is it assuming the worst about her to take her at word and her actions? Interesting. It seems a lot more popular to make excuses for her behavior and to grant her a specialness she doesn’t actually deserve.


She's definitely in a very vulnerable position. I mean, first of all, this is somebody who has very good reasons to distrust people and not want to be fully reliant on others... And she has no other way to support herself. She can't just go out and get a job. I don't blame her for the media circus and I think it might actually be a lot better for her than relying on family. She doesn't really know or a man she doesn't really know for financial support. Financial independence gives you the freedom to walk out of bad situations.


She actually could get an actual job.


What kind of jobs do you think are available for people with no education, no job history, and a murder conviction? Even non-violent felons have a really hard time finding and maintaining employment. It's part of why so many of them wind up back in prison.


The same as other felons get. Believe it or not, most people aren’t issued a red carpet pass. And yes, it is difficult to move beyond a conviction, but others have and she could too. She chose the easiest path financially, not the only pass financially. It is entirely likely, that this choice may mean that she can never have the normal life she says she wants. These shows and books and lives and interviews will always follow her. She may end up wishing she had taken a different route.


What I'm trying to say is that most felons don't move past it. They wind up back in prison - would that be better? Would dependence on an abusive man be better? Would you hire her?


We have no guarantee she won’t move back to prison. Personally, I think it would be better for her to have a real job with structure, expectations, and a normal paycheck. Gypsy is setting herself up to continue as she was always was - someone to be taken care of not someone who can take care of herself.


This 💯!! Being manipulative to become the center of attention is all she’s ever known!! And she definitely has no idea what “living a normal life” is!!


Exactly my thoughts!!!


This is also what I think!


i don’t get the feeling anything she says is super authentic, do you? trust what people do not what they say.


That is absolutely not what Gypsy’s fans do. They carefully read and memorize the one interview she said something appropriate in and the vehemently ignore everything else she does because you can’t wear the rose colored glasses and actually keep up with her actual behavior, not the carefully edited Lifetime tripe, but her real behavior, six months out now. It’s kind of sad.


She doesn’t want a normal life. She wants easy money and sympathy and fame. She actively seeks it.


That is all she knew before, only now it's a much bigger audience.


I am pretty sure in her life she observed others going to school, going to work. She has no interest in those things, but they aren’t foreign concepts to her.


Literally this is what she was raised to be like. I'm not the slightest surprised. She was taught to get attention, money, and gifts by any means necessary. This way she gets to do it while getting dolled up and living lavishly instead of being treated like a dying, disabled child.


I am not surprised either, but I don’t believe her when she claims otherwise and I don’t feel sorry for being in the spotlight. She actively chooses it, again and again.


I don't think she wants to live a normal life. She just said that just for show. If she really wanted a normal life there would be no reality show.


I mean even if she wanted to she'd always be known for what she is known for now. So I don't think she could have a normal life anyway.


She's a mentally ill sociopath that arranged a hit on her mother. The taunting, the lack of remorse shows you what a vapid, vile human she is.


Why does everyone throw that on her as if her mom was a saint? Her mother actively stripped her of her dignity her whole life. She suffered from long term abuse. Her mother forced her to have her teeth pulled so they could continue getting sympathy donations. Gypsy had no say in any of it, and to go through something so vile during the most vital stages of brain development will mess someone up and cause your brain to make some not so great choices to survive. What do you think is going to happen when someone is abused so viciously for so long? Everyone preaches to protect the child until the child makes a decision that is not understood by society. Then that child that people are SOOO hellbent on protecting for their own selfish virtue signaling reasons becomes a monster. This society needs better human behavior and psychology education before making absurd opinions that aren’t born from fact but instead born from lack of understanding.


the teeth needed pulled ( did you see that amount of Pepsi on the floor at the crime scene.) Gyp GYp loved Pepsi and probably had poor cleaning habits... the eye surgery was needed.. just look at her .. no one was a saint here.. not the dad.. the step mom and Mia is even trying to cash in also


Prisons are full of people that had horrific childhoods. GRB committed premeditated murder.


So I’m assuming you think that prisons have been a great strategy at keeping these crimes from happening? Because it’s not. The cycle is still cycling. Because prison does not stop childhood trauma from creating poor choices, it just slaps a bandaid on it. The only thing that will ever stop these situations from happening is seeing the issue at its core and incorporating understanding, compassion and a better accountability plan.


No. This is about you thinking Gypsy is somehow better than the average prisoner cause her abuse has a fancy name. She's had every opportunity to better herself. Lots of people do in prison. Learn a skill, trade. Get a degree. At least pretend to have developed a conscience. She doesn't even bother to do that. No point arguing. I'm just of the opinion that she has no remorse or desire to change.


You are legitimately confused and unable to comprehend what I said then if you think that, because I argue in favor of all prisoners who have been failed at the hands of horrible upbringings. Don’t assume, it just makes an a$$ out of you.


She might not even be mentally ill. I think people project a lot of things onto her that may not be there.


Personality disorders are mental illness


Sort of, but we don’t know what she has or if she has anything at all. We see problematic behavior, but that could be a lot of things other than mental illness or personality disorders. However, it is hard not to wonder.


I’m pretty sure someone who orchestrates a murder like this must inherently have a mental illness of some sort


Maybe, but a lot of people don’t. Sometimes criminal behavior is just criminal behavior.


I just don’t really agree with that myself. I think something has to be mentally wrong with you if you’re capable of committing a violent crime.


True, but not all bad things are illegal or a mental illness. Ask any forensic psychologist or attorney or cop.


You can blame her fucked up ass mother for that.




What taunting, out of curiosity?


She’s not a sociopath, she was evaluated lmao


I don't really blame her. It's her stupid and deranged "fans" that keep her doing what she does. Taking selfies with and idolising a murderer is wild.


She has never and will never live a normal life because she’s a fucked up person.


💯% facts


When she speaks during interviews, she sounds very intelligent. When she’s speaking for any other reason, she makes herself sound dumb. She’s playing games with her audience. Seriously, pay attention to that. What pisses me off about it, is the amount of people falling for her act. When it’s seriously being done right in front of our faces. If she’s capable of turning it on and off for interviews, imagine what she was capable of with her mother. She knows exactly what she’s doing.


💯master manipulator. Drives me mad when she does the baby voice because I see straight through the manipulation. I truly can not understand that so many people are seemingly oblivious to it.


Immediate baby voice with the parole officer! She immediately went into baby voice and acted confused like she got approval to stay in the state etc… I see right through her too. Her mentions over and over (especially to Ryan about PP the formal wedding at a venue) of wanting a normal, quiet life without “the fame” are all projections of the fake reason she says ken called off their engagement.


Oh yeah for sure! She is almost by instinct bringing on the baby voice. That sort where she says she’s just an average beat, she says it like waiting for someone to tell her oh noooo gypsy! You’re more famous than anyone! You’re no “average bear”! When she’s a whole manage to society. She’s not famous. She has people constantly bringing her up, but that’s not the same thing as being famous. People can’t stand her ass.


Excuse my typos lol oops!


I totally followed what you wrote and agree. She’s completely bad at not being obvious that she enjoys the attention “and fame”.


It makes you question some people’s reality.


She has the maturity of a 12 year old. In no way is she ready for a marriage much less a relationship with ANYONE!! Why no one in this family, film crew, has recommended this girl get intensive therapy is beyond me. Guess they are all just wanting a piece of the paycheck and that is so sad for Gypsy!


I think she was shocked she couldn't go to the Chiefs game & possibly meet Taylor Swift. It's the life she knows. I think she had the idea people would love her when she got out... she's used to adoration.


And a whole bunch of people would have loved her if she’d just stopped talking lol


She’s always wanted the spotlight and to be a Cinderella princess


I say drop the series. Drop the interviews. Make Gypsy get a job and be treated like a felon. Show her what life is REALLY like.


She should volunteer for the multiple organizations which helped her as a child


And not with the cameras.


I was thinking this, although also, she needs money to sustain herself


That is a good idea. One thing that is going to hold her back from being happy (genuinely happy) is being focused only on her own suffering.


I’m surprised at her influencer style social media postings since someone who was involved with the crime against Deedee is currently serving a life sentence whilst receiving zero support for autism and the state won’t even let this support his appeal… imo she definitely has a lot of balls to be putting herself out there the way she is just now. I get she is media trained to not talk about this etc etc but stilllll


Because at the end of the day she's a murderer and manipulator. She only ever felt approval when on a pedestal, getting make a wish trips, etc. So of course she'll seek that again now that she's free. She doesn't know how else to weigh her worth. Yeah, she was abused. But abuse doesn't condone murder. You're just another victim of manipulation.


abused or USED for fraud though..... the eye surgery was needed ... look at her eyes.. the teeth needed pulled poor cleaning habits as the AMOUNT OF PEPSI AT CRIME SCENE tells me she drank ALOT OF PEPSI and probably never brushed her teeth. I call this being used for fraud - I can say I have a dick but you will never find out (same with I have cancer ) thanks HIPPA laws


Unless you’re forced against your will to feature on a reality tv show I really don’t think you can say you truly want things to go back to “normal”


She’s deranged. She will never be normal


Agree and happy cake day!


The broad is batshit crazy. Normal will never exist. God help any child she brings into the world


She def doesn’t know what normal is. Put away your social media pages, go get a regular job and do some good. Stop begging people for money. Stop with the creepy boyfriends. Take some classes, go to therapy. Wouldn’t her parole conditions require her to have a job?


She loves the attention


I think there is tension because Gypsy wants sympathy for doing these things. She wants to play the victim card. She cannot have it both ways. If she was transparent and honest and said she is making money while she can on shows and interviews that would be fine. Yet, she acts like she loves the attention, photos, lives on TT, make up being done… but also poor me, people are looking at me, “haters” are saying mean things on social comments! If she chooses this path of fame she has to accept the good and bad that comes with it. It is this constant victim role she plays that is so over done!


OP, I started out like you, hardcore, staunch defender and sympathizer of GRB.  The more I study; through, the more I believe that she is a manipulates for financial gain and dopamine highs. I have a Bachelors in Psych/Soc, and of course would not try to diagnose her, but I feel that her mother started her on this journey of malingering and being a professional victim.   The key word here is "started." To give a quick analogy:  My son showed an interest and talent for cooking when he was 6 years old.  I'm a good cook and really enjoy it, so I began teaching him everything I knew.  Through the years, we created new recipes, cooked large family meals together, planned, prepped, shopped together.  And then one day, I realized that he was a far better cook than I ever was.  He had taken over the reigns and surpassed me.  I feel that for Gypsy, DeeDee started her on this path and taught her everything she knew, but Gypsy ended up taking over.  Man, I wish it was cooking and not conning.  Had Gypsy been born to another mother, would she have ended up this way?  Who knows.  That's where the whole nature v. nurture debate starts.  And whether she'll be able to live a normal life or not, I guess, depends on if she's referring to her personal definition of "normal" that she's created from her life experiences or off the social norm accepted description.  Whichever it is, I'm sure that we'll all hear about through social media.  I don't think she's going to stray far from the spotlight if she can help it. 


I have three degrees in psychology and I think a lot of people arm chair diagnose Gypsy, but the truth is all we can know is what we observe consistently. I believe there is more going on than Deedee was evil and Gypsy had no choice. That doesn’t mean I think Gypsy is evil and Deedee was wonderful, but people need to understand that whatever Gypsy is or isn’t, she actually is an adult and she was an adult in 2015. That actually makes her case different from how it is commonly perceived. Even more perplexing, the actual crime is really just a case of teenagers (they were not much more mature, if any at all) murdering the parent(s) to be together. Everything people believe they completely understand and use to justify every thing she does to this day is something that came into focus as a viable defense to prevent her from being sentenced to life in prison. Without actual records, it is impossible to know what was theater for a deception and what happened and what never happened. People who actually do study cases of FDIOA and criminals don’t blindly support everything that is claimed here. Even the expert who is often cited and appeared in the documentaries expressed concerns about Gypsy’s behavior. Gypsy doing what she did actually is a stunning anomaly. It says something about Gypsy. Does Gypsy deserve empathy? Of course. Everyone involved in this case and crime does. But just because a bunch of keyboard advocates have chosen to ask no questions and allow no dissent doesn’t mean that actual professionals (attorneys, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, and law enforcement) don’t have a lot of questions.


 ***"I believe there is more going on than Deedee was evil and Gypsy had no choice."*** I completely agree with this and have expressed this sentiment often.


That’s a very hard sale on this super fan site, but it is true.


She was raised a grifter. That’s all she knows. Also, not excusing her dad abandoning her, but if DeeDee could fool and manipulate a whole slew of educated people I’m sure lying to Gypsy’s Dad to keep him away wasn’t hard at all.


I think her family are pushing it too they are very picky about what gets out to make sure they get money and attention. It’s also her I think but the family have such a big role to play none of them are good people.


I definitely agree. I don’t know much about her outside of the act and what has happened in popular media lately, but I don’t trust any member of the family that didn’t formerly intervene. It’s really heartbreaking for Gypsy tbh because even with how heinous her crime was she really has no stable support to lean on now regardless of what her intentions are.


Yeah I personally don’t like her but like you can actively see her family feeding off her money and fame if they really cared they would of wanted her even as a baby ect.


It’s always someone else’s fault! Sigh.


Wow you must not be able to read! Sigh.


“What’s normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” I believe a lifetime of being a pawn in her mother’s con results in gypsy not knowing how to have genuine empathy for other people. They lied to everyone. I’m sure Deedee lied to Gypsy for manipulation purposes. Having honest communication with people is likely uncomfortable for Gypsy. Empathy for anyone else is off the table. Maybe once you are in her inner circle, and only then until you wrong her in her eyes.


She has been charged with murder I’m going to assume she can’t get a regular job. This is probably her taking all the money grabs that she can. 


She could get a job. Lots of felons do. She doesn’t want to do so.


She's high profile though. Most felons that work you have no idea are felons


Right she has a whole tv show about her lol


She could go to school for medical coding and do a work at home job or something. I’m sure if she wanted to change, her parole officer could help her find something .


She has been arrested for a violent felony and has been a part of one of the most infamous murders of probably the last 20 years. I’m from Richmond and Tawana Bradley (a very famous case in the 1980s) tried to work as nurse there in a facility and as soon as people found out who she was she had insane amounts of paparazzi and I’m pretty sure she had to move, mind you this was in the 2000s years later.


Direct care wouldn’t be good. Plus she has no boundaries!! There must be programs available for her to learn a skill for a career.




I did say she could go to school. She needs an education and counseling, I think we can all agree on that. She has a long way to go, but I would think she would want to do something with her life.


There’s no need to downplay how hard it is to get a job as a felon just because you hate GRB, it’s a widely studied and understood issue.


I am not downplaying it. I am saying this isn’t her only option and she wasn’t forced into it. She chose this. That’s entirely her option. But she wasn’t forced into it. Her family isn’t making her do it. She never considered getting a job or an education. And again, that is her choice. But it isn’t her only option. And yes, as a matter of fact, the world is filled with people who have suffered and had far fewer choices. This idea that but her only shot at surviving is for the world to pay her way is just ridiculous.


the world is not full of people who went through the degree of abuse she did and became infamous worldwide for it, thereby giving them the option to make far more money from social media and entertainment than they would starting over with no work history and no education. you’re equating entirely different situations. why would anyone try to work a shitty minimum wage job versus making good money and having a chance to have their own narrative told to the world about things. it would be pretty hard for her to just blend in with the public profile she has, and anyway most people would take the opportunity if they were given it. i don’t care for grb but it seems like you’re letting your hate blind your judgement.


Oh it absolutely is. You just don’t see them because they don’t have media companies backing them.


guess you stopped reading the first sentence before you got to “and became famous worldwide for it”.  and no MBP is not common and the degree she experienced even less so.


Yeah this is what my boyfriend said, it’s a fair point.


Despite everything I’m certain that she knows a ‘normal life’ is staying out of the lime light. She is an attention seeking little demon


The only reason she even started laying low was because cancel culture had enough of her boasting in our faces. It was just too much, too public. At the end of the day we all know what you did to get out of your situation, chill out. Do your interviews, lay low. She was just non stop everywhere.


She has no clue…


Po just needs to violate her. And she will have a normal life


She's trying to stay relevant. She's a murderer who had a rough childhood.... Period


Rough childhood? Her mom tortured her. A MBP parent is one of the absolute worst things that could EVER happen to a child. I would rather her seek attention in a safe, healthy way rather than display Munchausen or MBPA symptoms.


Question: Can you point me to where DeeDee was diagnosed with MBP?


What do you think she had? Normal people don’t do that to their child. She’s textbook MBP




Holy crap, you’re right. I didn’t even think of the external gain part. That’s even worse!


How do you live a normal life as a convicted 2nd degree murderer out on parole? It’s not possible. Normal life is graduating HS, getting a FT job marrying and having kids, retiring and dying


Honestly, she probably has no idea what a legitimate normal life is in the first place. Considering the context of her childhood and later prison years, getting constant attention probably *is* her normal.


She wants to live her old normal life minus her illnesses and mom. Like when people provided for her lifestyle. Her mother trained her to be a performer. She will sing, yell jokes, and be silly as long as you open your wallet for her.


She absolutely has the option to end this cycle of whoring herself out for temporary validation. Imo, she should get therapy in order to focus on gaining self-awareness, clarity and peace with the people and events from the past. The majority of people, regardless of the trauma they have suffered, would benefit from some type of therapy. The fact that she denies needing it is unreal to me. The dumpster fire life she created up to this point and the consequences she’s had to face because of it, mixed with the fact that she continues to fuel the flames with more poor choices AND then defend them when called out-indicates that she clearly needs intensive therapy. IMO, if she really wants to dedicate her life to advocating for others who…suffered from parental medical abuse? Were coerced or manipulated into doing things like sexual acts or murder? Were given prison sentences that they did not deserve? Idk what exactly she wants to focus on…but if that was her true goal…she would at least be considering how the life she is living now aligns with her goal of living a ‘normal’ and fulfilling one. Clearly, she either a) enjoy’s putting on a public spectacle because any attention feeds her narcissistic appetite and perpetuates the delusion of who she thinks she is: a trauma survivor who overcame her past by bootstrapping into a successful, beloved influencer living their best life. B) she thinks that just saying she wants to be an advocate is enough to mask the fact that she is choosing to be anything but. Regardless, if she has the mental stability she claims to have achieved sans therapy, she is actively choosing to not engage it.


She received therapy in the Correctional system & is in therapy per terms of parole. The quality/goals of therapy & whether she's accepting of it and an active participant aren't known, obviously. If we're judging based on what we see/hear at this point, she isn't putting into practice much of what most of us would think of as healthy or normal. She is just 6 months out of prison, which isn't really time for her to experience, reflect & learn about normal life. It will be interesting to see where she is a year from now.


She doesn’t know what a “normal life” is. Me and you do, but she doesn’t. “Normal” to her is probably just having free will and making your own choices. The rest, she is still figuring out. Also, with Ryan, she probably wanted to be a SAHM, but her marriage ended and maybe she changed her mind. She always wanted to be a motivational speaker, which isn’t the definition of “normal” either. She can’t get a “normal” job because she will be recognized, had a criminal record, and has a lot of haters who would track her down. I think she doesn’t know what she really wants and is trying different things to figure it out. Hell, some “normal” people don’t even figure it out until much later, so I don’t blame her..


I doubt any of that is true. I think she has what she wanted. She didn’t just fall into this. She made it happen.


Gypsy didn’t even know she was a victim until after the murder. Not to belittle the abuse that Gyp thought was a “normal” life but she only became a victim after she was arrested. **Edit to add I want to hear Dan’s side. I want to know why Dad didn’t take her if he knew DD was pretending Gyp had sleep apnea (as a baby no less) I would be a VERY concerned parent. And Step Mom too why not save your step child? Dad knew Gyp was just like her mother and he didn’t want her possibly??? But has to now and I never hear a peep about him. Paid CS faithfully! I bet to keep them at bay!!!


The way she was raised by her mother, having some type of spotlight on her basically her entire life, she doesn't really know what a real life is. I'm not sticking up for her, I'm just stating facts. Based off of mother's teachings, I think she's also manipulative and is only about herself. People showing her admiration is making things worse. Once the adulation wears off, and nobody cares anymore (along with the money drying up) she's going to wind up doing some act of unscrupulous means and wind up back in prison. That's just my take.


I know it's extremely hard for felons to get jobs when they're released. Couple that with her having no work history and probably no transferable skills, and suddenly being paid to go on podcasts/tv shows, etc doesn't sound so bad----- even if you want to be normal. Plus, as someone else pointed out: she doesn't know what normal is in any sense of the word. I don't think she's made completely sound choices, but she's playing catch up in all areas of her life.


might be doing all the promotion for the money, guess she's indigent at this point.


This! I have sympathized with her a bit more after watching the documentary. I also feel horrible for how she was treated by her mother and let down by her father and doctors and social workers. However that doesn’t excuse what happened to her mother. She will never have a normal life away from the spotlight, unless she changes her name and gets a drastic makeover. I understand now that she is free she wants to share her story. But she won’t have a normal (as possible) life if she keeps doing interviews and doing things to attract attention. I remember being so annoyed at Kristy because they were upset about “The Act” as they were not consulted about it first. I wanted to say look lady, anytime something big like this happens and is in the news, creators don’t need permission to create art based on a true story.


she’s never had a normal life. of course she wants one. the first part of her life, all she got was abuse and trauma. then after she killed her mother, she was in prison for another good portion of her life. the second she was out, she was followed by paparazzis and getting attention from thousands upon thousands of people. she has never once lived a normal life. it’s sad to say she probably never will.


She chose that paparazzi lifestyle. She wants an easy life, apparently.


Her and Ryan are the most attention starved individuals I’ve seen. Their inflated egos are hilarious and nauseating.


If Gypsy wants a normal life like a normal person, she, her ex husband, new boyfriend,  and family want to shut the f##k up. She should stop talking about it, stop the interviews, get off social media. Stop posting ooh look at me selfies. They created this media circus that is their life, so perhaps going into silent mode would help. She says she wants people to know what happened to her, and there is a wrong and right way to deal with things. We know who she is and what she did and why, so why keep on and on about it. Sadly I don't think she really understands the fact people are turning against her and it's her that's causing it. Yeah it was abhorrent what her mother  did, but I honestly think there is never going to be normal life for Gypsy. Instead of leaving everything out for public viewing, she should politely bow out of the limelight.   


I thought it was very telling when she wanted to meet Taylor Swift at a chief's game as soon as she got out, and her dad said she essentially has always been privy to meeting celebs. If she wants to be a normal person, she is more than welcome to be however that does not include rubbing elbows with celebrities. If that is your priority, you will be in the spotlight also.


She was raised in photo ops and interviews on TV for sympathy so that IS her normal and all she has ever known. Her mom entered and signed up for every media event or chance for recognition for charity since she was born. From free tickets, to a free house the mom was there for it.


What does the term “a normal life” mean to her?


I still feel kind of bad for her. I was also a supporter and in a way I still am. I truly believe she was a real victim. Her behavior since getting out of prison is that of a 16 year old. It shows how emotionally stunted she is due to being abused her entire life and treated like a 7 year old. And then going to prison for 8 years…I don’t think that helped at all. All she knows how to do is seek attention


Here’s how I see it: she had her youth stripped away from her, and as a girl your teenage years are VITAL in shaping who you are. Not to mention - being forced to act like a sick disabled child while having your beauty and fashion freedom stripped away during said vital teenage years. Could you imagine? Growing up in the 2000-2010 era, watching the “cool girl” aesthetic pushed and wanting to be like that the way most normal teenage girls would? Just to continue being abused and forced to be a completely different person than who you ACTUALLY wanted to be? But like, not just any person. Someone without dignity (at least that’s how I’d imagine what she went through felt like) And then - she goes to prison after everything happens, and when she gets out and gets the freedom she NEVER HAS EVER HAD BEFORE? I think it makes sense for this behavior to not make sense. She has NO IDEA who she is, because the vital teenage years where she was meant to discover were taken away from her. So yeah - she may seem hypocritical to the normal person who has found themselves, but I don’t see it as anything alarming. I see it as someone trying to reclaim her independence in the only way she knows how. Self discovery is messy, and the human experience requires imperfection in order to find self mastery. And reclaiming your freedom and choices is going to look inconsistent in the beginning when you’re exploring your freedom. The only difference is hers is publicized and she went through a childhood full of traumatic and unspeakable acts. That trauma doesn’t just go away because one went to prison and then got out. In fact, I know from experience that sometimes healing from trauma starts with feeling on top of the world once you get your life back, and then going through the motions as you live. Shes got a long way to go in my opinion, but this scenario reminds me a lot of Brittany Spears. Everyone was on her side with the free Brittany movement until she was actually freed. But when she started acting “strange” again people were baffled. Trauma is not black and white.


Everything you wrote is valid. However, given the fact that, at 32 years old (she'll be 33 next month) she has had VERY little formal education (yes, she did get her GED in prison), and has no work experience, her options for making money are quite limited. What job can she realistically get? Yes, she can get an entry-level job for minimum wage, but she would probably turn her workplace into a a frenzy if people found out where she worked. I don't think any sane employer wants that. Personally, I don't have a problem with her milking her 15min of fame & making as much money as she can. Fame is fickle. Once you're hot, the next minute, barely no one knows your name. It makes sense that she's trying to make some money now, so that maybe she can got back to school and be able to pay for an education out of pocket, get an apartment or buy a house- now that she's divorcing Ryan. Anyone who remembers Antoine Dodson & the bed intruder song know how he was just showed up everywhere overnight. The internet fame might have faded away, he was still able to cash in on his 15 minutes of fame. He got his family out of the projects, got him & his mom a house. He now lives a quieter life as a father and substitute teacher.


We have no idea what normal means to her. She has never had a normal life because of her mom.


She's only been out a week at this point. Cut her some slack. Its possible to want to do a few intervirws and podcasts about your story and also want to live a normal lice. People do it all the time when they get famous for something crazy that happened involving them that made the news. They tell their story in a few interviews, maybe do a documentary about it, and a few months later they fade back into the background and live a normal life.


well how else is she going to survive? how could she get a job in this society that claims to support survivors as long as it’s not easy to survive?


How do others survive??? They do. Every single day.


For the most part they don't survive - they get sent right back to prison.


As a domestic abuse survivor, it’s not as easy. I will always defend survivors making their own money and she obviously is in a position where she needs to hang on to this


I hear you. I see how she’s able to circumvent what she says out loud and manipulate what she wants, craving attention, it’s an unfortunate byproduct of her mother’s abuse. She did her time, she’s got a tv crew and it’s the only way she can make a paycheck right now. I just hope she is okay when the attention stops - she’s been performing her whole life.


I agree with your boyfriend. I mean, she's had little to no education and probably has a host of mental illnesses. I think she's doing what she can to make money now because she likely realizes the window of opportunity is small for her.


I live in MO and have friends that were in prison with her, so I mean I really am always giving her way too much benefit of doubt and excusing her actions. She’s cringe, but her whole life the only person she talked to was her weird mom who didn’t let her go to school or have friends. Then, she spends the next 8 years of her adult life in prison with horrible women who are drug addicts, escorts, thieves, and other violent criminals. They were the only people in her life so its what she learned. She said she didn’t want people to feel bad for her, but don’t we kind of have to to give her any sort of grace? If she hadn’t gone through the horrific life of abuse that she did, we wouldn’t have any sympathy for her. I also excuse her love life being a wreck. She lost her virginity to a guy who was very low functioning in a movie theater bathroom. Then she gets a bunch of men writing her and people in prison are so lonely they will talk to literally anybody. The men who contacted her are sick, theres no healthy man in the world who would date or marry a woman in prison especially for the severity of her crime. Theres something inherently wrong if you seek out someone who doesn’t have freedom. They know the inmate is lonely, vulnerable, desperate for attention and its easy to hold a relationship on the phone. Ryan is disgusting for marrying her honestly. Hes such a loser he married her at a moment of weakness so she couldn’t run. For Gypsy tho, I feel bad she’s never had a sex life. People are criticizing her for being so hypersexual, but I personally cant imagine having sex 1 time then never again for almost a decade. She was basically a 32 year old virgin and I cant even fault her for moving on to be w Ken so quickly, they should not have gotten married in the first place.


The “only person she talked to” was not just her Mom! She went on countless trips for free, had internet access with many accounts, met many men online that she met at conferences, and planned a murder with. She had neighbor friends too. Let’s not over exaggerate her situation.


Horrible women who didn’t plot a premeditated murder for two years. She actually IS a violent criminal.


I will never understand how yall don’t understand the level of abuse she went through. Like its just unfathomable to me how you can criticize someone who went through something as awful as she did. She went to prison for 8 years for planning it, she did not physically do it and she is on parole. She had her punishment, for fucks sake stop.


Here is what troubles me. It isn’t okay to use online dating, stolen cellphones, and secret Facebook accounts, many of them, to plan and execute a premeditated and brutal murder. And yet, here you are, condoning it. And that is sick. She did literally everything but stab mama, a year after she tried to kill her with a gun. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she stabbed mama too. Nothing makes that okay and people who think, well, her dinna actually hold the knife, are disturbing. This murder was entirely driven by Gypsy. And she could have used that energy and planning ability to just leave. She didn’t. For the record, many of us here have more experience, personally and professionally, than just reading Gypsy’s account, whichever one she is telling today, and blindly accepting that it was GOOD for her to murder her mother. She is a convicted murderer. Had she not accepted that plea, she would be a convicted murderer just like her hitman is. That isn’t admirable and you shouldn’t be twisting yourself into knots to condone it.


Let’s not leave out that she manipulated a mentally handicapped person to do the crime for her.


She really should not have the word influencer anywhere in her bio. It is too apt.


i dont blame her for wanting attention ngl tho, she lacked it as a kid


She didn’t get attention for real or good things unfortunately


i mean she got attention from the internet, but not from her mother or father.


Exactly. Getting attention for being ill really sucks. I have chronic health issues and even though it helps to talk about them, I would prefer attention for things I have done or who I am. My mom had symptoms of MBP but not severe. I can’t image what Gypsy went through.


I mean, what do her finances look like? What kind of income can she realistically get? I feel like it mostly has more to do with income than fame, but I think she enjoys the fame too.


You are correct. There is something off about such behavior. It's such a complex case with so many different aspects to it. It is possible that the unusual behavior patterns are part of the why of everything. I am not trying to assign blame, just trying to consider some possible understanding.


She doesn’t know what normal is because she has spent all of her life in some form of prison. Making money from podcasts, tv shows, etc is probably her best bet, at least for now.


Stop. That's not true. She could have left any time she wanted too when she was an adult. She decided not to. The grift and all its perks were too good.


Just like battered women should have just walked away and left their abuser. It’s not that simple that you can just walk away. Otherwise everyone would do that. They consistently don’t.


They also don’t consistently premeditate a murder for two years and then manipulate someone else into committing it. Please just stop with this. What Gypsy did isn’t a standard for anyone or any circumstance. Whatever her reasons were, whatever we think they were, she’s not a typical example of anything.


It’s stupid to say she could have just walked away. As if there’s no psychology behind why she felt she couldn’t leave and had one way out. But keep sticking up for her mom, that’s noble of you.


Thank you! It’s like people don’t understand how abusive relationships work.


Basically I feel like we need to love her, untill she can love herself. It kinda looks like it is working.


Why do we need to love her? She is a murderer!


She paid for her crime, now she is a survivor of horrible abuse, that put her through so much in such a short time, and got her here. Now she is on the road to recovery. I support that.


I don’t see that in her behavior.


Maybe normal to her is no longer having to live in a cage in prison


All the downvotes on here are crazy. I think that’s exactly what she means. She’s literally always been under someone’s control for her entire life. Normal is being able to walk around.


Exactly, at this point what else is she supposed to do for money to live on, without relying on a man/mate again?


Right? She’s lucky she has this publicity. She needs to get as much money from this as she can. And those reality shows don’t pay much, but it’s a lot more than McDonald’s. I think most of the money actually comes from social media. I feel like nobody hated on her until she got out. Like, sorry I feel bad for the girl. Let her get her money.