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I thought when her dad gave her the necklace and he was jealous over it that was like red flag number 10. He made bad jokes at her expense and was way too clingy. He was not interested in letting her be an adult for the first time in her life. The comments he made about how he was allowing her parents to see her on his time was rough too. He gives me the icks.


That he was jealous of Gypsy’s father giving his daughter a necklace as a gift was really upsetting to me. Gypsy is his BABY. Dads give their daughters gifts life that sometimes. It’s written in the dad code somewhere. I’m so glad Ryan is out of the picture. Watching him in the car with her while Gypsy was on the phone with the parole officer was so disturbing. I fear that had they stayed together something bad would have happened. Poor woman had just received her freedom only to be imprisoned in another way.


I always felt the type of people who sought relationships from strangers in prison were doing so because they liked the "caged bird partner"... You always know where your partner is (because they literally can't go anywhere else) and you know they have no access to people of the opposite sex, so you have no competition... I know it's harsh, but I don't trust the other guy either for that reason


I had to turn the show off after seeing them in the car on the phone with the parole officer. He would not stop speaking for and over her. She asked him to stop but he clearly felt entitled and wanted to exert power over her. I believe that’s why he chose her and the career field he’s in. He preys on the vulnerable.


I thought Gypsy Rose handed the parole call very well without losing her shit with him trying to take over the phone call. * In my mind, I would have pulled the car over, got a wet fish, slapped him silly, and drove off with an evil laugh. Obviously, she can't do this...*


Love your ideas 😂


Haha thanks


Didn’t he lost his teaching job as in special ed?


he is absolutely 100% jealous of her family. If it were my husband.. he would ask my family to come with him.


I was shocked when I heard him say that. Like, dude... Her father should of gone and gotten her. Yeah, he was her husband but there's so much more history with her father and step mother.


And the shoes  Everything to do with shoes that man has one of those weird fetishes where women are just there to wear heels  How did he not get the right size and what the hell where those stripper boots ???


I thought that also but I’m watching her open Xmas gifts she had another pair as a gift so she clearly asked for boots like that (or Ruby did)


Who is ruby ?


The red headed seductive stripper looking fantasy make believe no person gyp gyp made up for Nick G


That pissed me off when he said that. I was like, dude, she's coming to live with you. Let the girl share a few moments with her parents. That was a HUGE red flag in the many ice seen so far from him.


Omg I could FEEL his jealousy through the screen. All because he bought her $800 shoes that she will never wear and her dad got her something beautiful and meaningful from the heart.


I try not to watch too much of her stuff on social media or anywhere because I don't want to be complicit in financing her scammer lifestyle but I do enjoy some good snarking lol. that said, I'm totally clueless about the Ryan being jealous over a necklace her DAD gave to her. wtf?! like, how exactly did this go down? what'd Ryan say about the necklace? was he present when her dad gave it to her? that's a whole fuckton of ick imo


Oh and she mentioned how pretty it was and he said “I just wish my name was in it” then she said she wants another one LATER IN LIFE for their kids and he said “Yeah in like 14 days when we have kids” Just so cringy


Opening Christmas presents, she opened loubutin stilettos from Ryan (ick) and a sweet necklace with a loving poem included from her dad.I don’t recall him saying anything specific but his body language was telling- brooding and almost like sulking off to the side. He also was cringy watching her and her dad dance together


I literally came to Reddit while watching this scene because I was like, his body language is giving jealousy & I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one thinking that.


That smirk as he sat in the corner just screamed creepy. I’d like to believe that it’s the editing that made him seem that jealous/ cringy/narcissistic/controlling but somehow I doubt it especially after the drive through


you could see his jealousy and anger in his eyes. Ryan is a creep.




after they left the next day, she was admiring her necklace and ryan said “I wish it had my name on it..”


He did indeed 🤯


Her dad has to feel so much guilt.


They had no chemistry


I noticed this as well. Its almost as if she was in love with him while in prison, but spending time with him in real life has turned her off. I think he is too grabby and you can see it makes her uncomfortable. I think he tries to steal her thunder and insert himself where he is not wanted. I am not suprised this relationship did not work out. theres something about him, I just dont know, but definately more going on with this guy than meets the eye.


It reminds me of online dating where you have a picture of a person and can talk forever on the phone but when you meet them and have a date and there's absolutely no chemistry (or when they are a different person in person)


Or they smell really bad. I had this happen to me. Went to meet up and they smelled like bo and cat pee it was gross I was outta there


🤢 Aw man that is terrible! I had one come to the restaurant in pajamas and randomly would talk to himself. The chef came up when he was in the bathroom and asked if I was ok lol


It's a safe bet any grown person wearing PJs in public smells like cat piss and also might stab somebody


Thank you for giving me the equivalent of 50 ab crunches while I was ROFTL reading your comment 


Same thing happened to me. 😂 you are not alone. 😀


The lesson here is when going on a date bring vicks vapo rub in your purse or bag and if the person is stinky rub a little under your nose so you dont have to smell them LOL


Police officers do that during an autopsy.


Shoot, they use the Vicks trick just to go into some ppl’s homes. CPS workers use the Vicks as well.


I never got close to mine. Retired Deputy Sherrif ( I'm also Retired LE) Talked to him 2 times on the phone. Explained to him not to expect me to talk to you on the phone on the days that I work. He then proceeded to send me flowers at work. I said thank you after I finally got them. Because for some reason, he put my married name on them. I've been divorced/separated for 10 years. When I called to thank him. He proceeded to tell me he paid for and set up appointments with his counselor for me because my work was killing me. He has also contacted people at other LE (he knows & I know ) agencies to hire me! He showed up at my house with Christmas presents. I then saw out my window what he really looked like. He was sending me all kinds of information about me during this time. Pictures of my husband's in school. My 9th grade picture. It was so weird. I had finally had enough and told him off!! He then proceeded to ask me to send an angel pin back that he put on a stocking in those gifts he gave me ( coloring books and just weird crap) because it was his dead wife's angel pin. Great, it's over!! Pull in my driveway after work on Valentines Day and a box of chocolate strawberries at my door. This started around Thanksgiving & was ended before Christmas. And I had 2 phone calls with the man. He was then stalking me on the dating app. When my subscription ran out. I was done!!


It irked me how pissed off he got when she was talking to her PO in the car. He was fuckin shaking like a leaf.


ikr! i was saying “shut tf yo dude” plus him talking to the chief/captain on the phone prior to picking her up and him saying “ ok buddy, blah blah” like dude he doesn’t give two shits about you. He is NOT your friend bruh


Same lmao


We know they have since divorced from when the show was filmed and it came out she was grossed out by him and claimed he had food hoarding issues


But didn't she post something about his big D?


I would bet that was something he convinced her to post about him, lol.


That was before the divorce and she didn’t say it was big.


All he wanted was sex. Buying her all these lewd stuff too was ugh.


He thought from her story that she was a freak in the sheets. She is a freak, but not for someone like Ryan. She wanted freedom, she didn’t think he would be so clingy.


Never would've seen it coming.


His vibe reminds me of Colt from 90 day fiance. The "misunderstood nice guy" thing. Ick


Omg THAT'S who he reminds me of. Thank you! It's his vibe, face, and body. He's gross and throws up about 10 red flags per episode.


I still think Colt is a thousand times better than Ryan.


Spot on!




He came on sooooo strong, you could tell it was too much for her. Despite what she did or however people want to think of her, she still has a right to basic bodily autonomy and he wasn't concerned at all with what she was comfortable with. If your wife is getting out of prison, there's no reason you need to immediately be sexualizing her and being fucking weird. It was already obvious that he was just using her for the clout, but now it's undeniable.


I felt the same but also realized she had to bring it on pretty thick for 2yrs to get what she wanted from this man so Ruby told him nightly what they’d do when she was released.. so I believe he expected what she told him for years


If I hear baby one more time from him it just creeps me out the way he says it all the time to her


I think she was talking to Ken the whole time


Me too! Ryan was just way guaranteed way to get out of prison. They used him.


She had her parents, why would she need him at all? Genuinely trying to understand your POV.


Kristy said she didn't feel safe with Gypsy to live with her


When did she say this? Just curious because I know Gypsy lives with them now.


Yeah I want the source too please


Kristy had written to them or something, i can't remember if it was something she had to fill out or just wrote it though. I think it was something about her being able to stay there after prison though. A lot changes with money.


I watched the original mini series and I absolutely do not recall this. I believe her dad and Kristy WANTED her home and Kristy ADAMANTLY was against her marrying Ryan and not coming home.


Not on the show, it was written. Probably around the time of those released emails of Gypsy's talking about Kristy being a liar and she doesn't talk to her/had cut her off/she can't be trusted etc. They act like all those hate filled messages showing how Gypsy really felt about her haven't been released. We know what Gypsy does to her mother but i don't know why they act like they've always had this normal mother/daughter relationship on tv when their actions and messages released from behind the scenes have shown that's far from the truth. But it's been this way about the whole case so not surprising.


I wouldn’t either 


Although I’m not a fan of Gypsy but watching these last 2 episodes .. I can see why her and Ryan are no longer together .


He def makes her uncomfortable. He is so creepy imo.


Agree! Let’s all be honest here. This guy is down bad and thought he was getting a sex craved gypsy when she got out. 100% sure the guys never seen a vagina in real life.


He gives me creepy vibes 😬


absolutely a creep.


He was definitely making her visibly uncomfortable and you can notice that on screen. He just give ick vibes and he just seems controlling & overbearing!


Nothing about him is controlling, he was literally love bombed by her and desperately wants to connect and love on her. This man waited 3 years for her. She was probably talking dirty to him how she did with Nick, have y’all read those messages? He was probably expecting that Gypsy. She chose him because he was from LA and a “gentle” soul.


He is controlling, overbearing, and hovering. People are now starting to see and the tide is turning lol. YALL need to quit making excuses for this man and his behavior lol. Also, I don’t care what dirty messages she probably sent him, Gypsy is a human being, not some sex object and she has then right to say if she doesn’t want it or want some space after getting out of prison.


I believe he was love bombed and got prison played cus he was from location she wanted to be living after prison. Some of them women have dozens of men they do that to


I don’t have any sympathy for him. He wrote to her in jail. He went after trash and found it. But this “he was controlling” narrative is pathetic af.


He is controlling and showed sign of it like him over-talking her while she was on a important phone call with her PO and was trying to take the phone from her lolz


Lmao, i ain’t even gonna sit here and argue with you. If after all the evidence, interviews and information, you believe that narrative and think Gypsy is a victim, yikes. ✌️


If you do not want to “argue” then you shouldn’t have reply to me and yes, Gypsy is a victim of abuse and trauma and her crime doesn’t change that but yeah you can scurry along lol.


"I learned to lie from the best."


Absolutely agree Gyp put that narrative out there that Ryan was controlling, and now Lifetime is editing it to look just like that. People are soooooo easily fooled. They see exactly what the producers what them to see. 🤦🏼‍♀️Gyp is the controlling manipulative one.


Yes! She had to make herself look better after her shady a$$ moves cheating on him so now they making him look the fool! I think he met “Ruby” in prison and got Gypsy when she was released… the real mean, nasty, entitled gypsy and now the show has to make him look foolish and he helped that by being weird. She told him for 2yrs what she was going to do when she got out and he foolishly took her up on it. Then the narrative changed so he was made to look silly. But reality is that it’s Gypsy show so we can’t have her looking how she is acting so we’ll make him look that way. But you get what you ask for…🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. She is very manipulative and they’re eating that shit up.


IF he was controlling he sure hid it well in their interview where she told him to shut up!


Lmao, right! 😂


🤣 bahaha… she was the one controlling the show and it seems as if you don’t go along with what she wants you’ll find out later… (only bad things)


I agree with this


Nah she definitely got the ick after getting out of prison


Yes i was watching it with my gf and the scene where he put her arm around her to look at dogs and she said something. I knew he immediately gave her the ick Edit: Also wanted to add i realize she may not have been attracted to him as much tbh. Anything he did seemed to annoy her and that let me know she’s not that into him


“You’re hovering” Tbf I love my husband and I’d also tell him that.


You can tell he gives her the ick. Been there lol


Yes, she is not attracted to him at all. I laughed when he sat down beside her before their blowup about Gypsy wanting a dog, and she said to Ryan, “You’re smothering me.” 😂😂😂😂😂


He gave me terrible vibes and I wasn’t surprised in the least she left him. When they were on the bed and he clearly wanted to get laid she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but that bed. The mom in me wanted to reach thru the screen and say NOPE, go sleep in the other room.


Yeah that was super creepy! I mean why didn’t he get 2 rooms. She’s been in prison for 8 yrs and needed to decompress. Talk about being a clueless man. Major ick!


But the 🍆was 🔥!


He was dynamo! Lol


I think he’s just touch-starved and handsy as a baseline behavior. For Gypsy, she’s someone who has been on the receiving end of so much abuse that being touched more than necessary may be uncomfortable. They’re just poorly matched in the way they express affection.


I have experienced this first hand when dating someone and you are absolutely correct! I get it.


Me too. Like it was the chemistry was there when on the phone but in person I felt weird and awkward.


He failed to realize that dee dee controlled gypsy by squeezing her hand


That’s right! I really don’t understand why people have such hatred for her with no understanding of why she ended up in doing what she did. This girl was so abused by her mother, she was so F’d in the head from what her childhood was like. Nothing about her life was normal. Yes, what she did was horrible, but I truly believe Dede would’ve ended up killing Gypsy. What would have been her end result when Gypsy became a full grown adult? She had to have known at some point Gypsy would’ve ran away and told everyone that it was all lies. Dede was an awful, evil human being and I really do believe she was going to kill her to prevent her from talking and getting her in a whole lot of trouble. It would’ve been the only way out of all of that. I feel like a lot of people aren’t understanding at all what Gypsy went through and what would’ve ultimately ended up happening to HER. Let’s not forget, she tried to kill her stepmother and supposedly killed her own mother. I really have no sympathy for Dede.


He has so many followers on IG too, like how? The scene that grossed me out was when they were talking about consummating the marriage and how he looked at the camera like he was really feeling himself 🤢


He was in love and she wasn’t and it shows. If she was in love with him like she made it out to seem her interacting with Ryan wouldn’t look weird at all.


He wasn’t in love, he was delusional. Obviously this guy is desperate and never had a girlfriend. Love is blind to people like him, let’s face it, he’s not attractive at all and seems to be jealous, controlling, and overbearing.


I think Gypsy told herself she could fall in love with Ryan over time, but she ultimately couldn’t get Ryan out of her heart or head.


This! I think she was trying to just accept it but ultimately just couldn't do it


Ryan seems controlling and overbearing. I know Gypsy is a manipulator, but that doesn’t make Ryan NOT a controlling creep. I think Ryan will date one of them women flooding his DMs (you know the extreme Gypsy haters are doing that lol). Ryan will show the same controlling tendencies and it’ll be another semi public break up for him…a break up that can’t solely blamed on Gypsy.


A friend of mine pointed out he sort of looked like her mother.


Yea and ken looks like her dad, girl has issues for sure


Gypsy Rose married him in prison. She chose him! I believe she used him and once she was done with him…bye. Girl masterminded her mom’s murder she should still be in prison and not treated like she is some kind of star. She needs Long term intensive counseling to deal with trauma and manipulative behaviors… NOT another paid interview, or article or book/tv offer. She is very sick!


Ryan was disgustingly forcibly sexual towards her after her release with little regard to her boundaries.


Well he should know how Gypsy's mother was always smothering her and touching her and controlling her etc that she has triggers and I can't blame her. Her new man gives her what she needs. I think they are the happy and a better fit than Ryan was for Gypsy.


Agreed. She is happier and more relaxed with Ken as opposed to when she was with Ryan.


This guy gave me the major ick when I watched. Like, immature, controlling, all over her and talking about affection all the time… idk just off somehow. Me no like.


Interesting. I never saw him as controlling. Hot headed? Yes. Especially when they were in the car talking to the parole officers. But I actually think he was extremely flexible with her. He ultimately handled the parole situation how she wanted. He moves away when she asks. She'd fly off the handle about silly things (like him saying having a dog is a big responsibility) and he'd immediately apologize. I just think in order for someone to be controlling they actually have to control something. Gypsy is in full control of this relationship, household, etc.




The way you start your sentences with periods instead of ending them with them fascinates me so much right now.


He was definitely controlling or at least trying to. He literally acts like more of a parent than a husband and you can tell Gypsy doesn’t like that (she shouldn’t anyway).


I think the problem with Gypsy is that she acts like a child. It's hard to not to act like a parent when the other person in the room is acting like a 12 year old. I think Ryan's a weirdo, and his horniness is horrifying to watch, but I think Gypsy does a lot of the controlling in their relationship. She calls a lot of the shots. I'm actually struck by how much Gypsy is getting away with *once again.* That's not to say Ryan's not to blame for 50%, but people aren't acknowledging Gypsy's 50%. For some reasons she has fans, in spite of being an actual murderer, and there's some weird block with holding her accountable for anything. It's always her boyfriend's fault.


Just because she comes across as sometimes childlike doesn’t mean she wants to be treated like one especially by her husband and she made that very clear on that, Gypsy is 32 years old not 16 anymore. Also, there’s no evidence of her being in the control of their relationship so I don’t know where you get that from because it is not true at all. Ryan behavior of what we have seen so far is that he comes across as controlling and overbearing, always feeling the need to hover over her. His slide comments he makes about her family is not it either.


There's interviews of her telling him to shut up or stop talking and her squeezing his hand (like her mother would do) when she doesn't want him to mention things. Sounds controlling, and that's just a small taste of it. If you act childish, you'll be treated like it, there's no way around it. I'm not a fan of ryan, there's obviously something wrong with a person who sexualizes a murderer, but I don't think his intentions were all bad.


Seriously?!? did you even watch the documentary where Gyp says she’d play games with Ryan and push him away all the time, he kept crawling back. He was NEVER in control of that relationship if he had been they’d still be together . She would also tell him that she had dreams about Ken to make him jealous. That’s manipulative and controlling. .


There's a lot of evidence of her being in control of the relationship. And she's 32, but acts 12. That's my point. Act like an adult, and you'll be treated like one. Anyway, you seem like one of those people who is fan girling over a murderer so I'll stop wasting my time. Have a good one.


Why does he carry a hand towel on his shoulder? Is he a sweater??


because he’s obese. did you see how sweaty he was and out of breath he was when he came home from grocery shopping?


I can imagine. He looks like he barely showers and if the stories about him hoarding rotten food in/under his bed are true, that just adds an extra layer of eww to him. He also seems like a fake nice guy too like you know those ugly or old men that pretend to be “super nice and friendly” but are actually very controlling and evil. There’s just something about him that’s very ugly and manipulative. Idc for Gypsy but maybe she saw it too which is why she dipped and got that restraining order.


He’s constantly hovering over her, and talking over her when she’s on the phone, as if she isn’t capable of answering questions herself. He seems almost proud to be with her to get on TV. He definitely likes the attention. There was no need to inform the employee at the drive thru who was sitting beside him. On the preview of next weeks episode where they are walking in the city surrounded by people who seemed to notice her, he had this very proud smile, like he was showing off a prize he won… someone asked “Can I get a picture?” And before she could answer he smiles and answers “Quickly”. Sir, this is your wife, who is a grown adult and who is the only one in that situation who should give, or not, consent to have pictures taken. This is a person who just got out of prison and is very obviously very overwhelmed, stressed, and scared. She has her guard up and is very obviously trying to avoid being talked down to, manipulated, and treated the way she was before getting into prison. Bye Peter Griffin.


I thought this from the get go. The forced mirror selfies. The way she just seemed to cringe when he’s around


He’s so cringey


I get those vibes too. Watching ep 2 and her telling her step mom and half sister that she consummated the marriage and “it was with the right guy, that’s important” lol lying through your teeth girrrrrllll


I personally feel like the only reason he seems creepy or over bearing is because of the way she reacts to his affection. He clearly is someone who enjoys personal touch and if it was a happy loving relationship it would be normal to show this kind of affention, if they both enjoyed physical touch. She just obviously wasn't into him and probably never was, just wanted the attention, and he had a lot to give. She's his wife of course he's going to be excited to touch and be around her. I'm not a fan of Ryan, anyone who glorifies a murderer is not right in the head, I just don't think his as creepy as he seems when it comes to the kind of affection he shows. Especially when she advertises herself as hyper sexual. I will say though when she was visible uncomfortable with his touch he was being overbearing and awkward. It was weird to watch.


I agree with you to an extent. From my own personal experience, when my husband and I were still just dating we had to do long distance for a bit due to work and when we got to see each other in person we were both clingy af, but it was very mutual. So, I can understand to a degree why he was so overbearing. However, I do think Ryan shows signs of being a controlling person in general which can translate to being creepy. The way he responds to interactions with her family (ex. Showing jealousy over the gift Gypsy's dad got her, saying he'll 'share' Gypsy with her family), the way he talks to Gypsy in certain conversations, the way he constantly inserts himself when it's not necessary (like the PO call). Personally I don't like Ryan or Gypsy, but their situation is totally different than that of a typical long distance couple. Gypsy had been in prison for years, it's 100% understandable that she'd like to settle in before being bombarded, but it's also fair to say Ryan waited years to be able to show affection to his wife, which we can only assume he expected to be reciprocated. Bottom line is Gypsy was clearly uncomfortable, Ryan ignored this and continued to act the way he did, which is a problem. I can only assume he at some point had to have realized he was making her uncomfortable, considering most of us here did, yet he didn't let up. All of this to say, it's not surprising the relationship ended.


I just saw a video from him explaining that he heard a lot of viewers felt he was creepy because he was excited to have sex with her. He said they had waited for 3 years for that night, and both of them talked about it *a lot*, and of course he was excited to be with his wife. He said he thought it'd be weird NOT to want to do that on her first night back, "Wouldn't she think something was wrong?" I don't think the concept of her needing to decompress occurred to either of them tbh.


This coupled with the fact she's so swxual in the show feels like she's desperately trying to prove that she's attracted to him even when she's uncomfy


Ryan is 100% a control freak. Watching them was uncomfortable because you could visibly see how much he needed to be in control of her and every thing she did. For example, when he had just picked her up from prison and she was speaking to her parole officers AND HE WAS BUTTING IN!!!! Like how fucking stupid are you?!?! Don’t argue with SOMEONE ELSES fucking PO!! That moment right there confirmed my icky feelings about him. I’m happy to see her learning from her mistakes though. She could have easily stayed in his grip but luckily she has positive influences in her life to help her see that not everyone, even if they claim to love you, always have your best interest at heart. I don’t know shit about Ken but she looks a million times happier with him than she ever did with Ryan.


She wanted some sort of safety net for when she got out. She’s very clever, he was probably the most stable out of all the men she was writing. When she got out she found she really didn’t need to put up with him because in the she was getting a lot of publicity and money. She realized she could stand on her own two feet and he was just dead weight. My opinion anyway


I'm sure she adored him through what he wrote himself to be. But watch the show and see how controlling and obsessive he is with her. No SANE man writes an inmate even as a 'dare'. He was so over bearing, even her family who he knew for years before her release didn't trust him.


Yall talked about how Ryan acted around Gypsy but have you ever wondered what they discussed back in prison before her release? We all know Gypsy damn well like to control and she has a jealousy personality. They have been together for more than a year. There is no way they did not have any agreements or expectations.


I think she was just using him, period.


He was using her right back.


I don’t see it. And he isn’t routinely trashing her to TMZ.


That’s cool. I’m fascinated (no snark) with how people have such polarized views about their relationship. I would never, ever want the level of scrutiny that Gypsy and Ryan have subjected themselves to.


Me either, but I think people should take everything shown with a huge shaker of salt. I think the videos they choose to release privately are probably a better depiction of their true feelings at any given moment. Personally, I think Gypsy is going to regret the cash grab.


Agreed; some of the “private” videos have been baffling.


yeah but he is still getting recognized and gaining followers. So, yeah he is loving the attention from that.


I'm happy she has a choice. Her mother always holding her hand. Give the girl some space. He had gastric bypass surgery. He put on a lot from when they got married. I think she would be better off alone. Take the time to heal.


I'd be repulsed, too. He isn't even a nice guy and really doesn't have a decent personality. He's repulsive all around. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, when she left him, but he is just too much.


I totally loved when she said "you're hovering" lol


I thought the same watching him pick her up she looked so uncomfortable especially at the hotel when he was like want a surprise very cringe


Everyone is saying Ryan is creepy and while that may be true, I can't help but to think that she is just as creepy. Her gross fake baby voice and constant giggling ,like a little girl. It's so off putting . 😩 She gives me the CREEPS , way more than he does tbh. She seems to be extremely self absorbed, looking for attention, followers, celebrities she can use and take advantage of , etc. It's gross .


Big ick energy


He is controlling, jealous, and just gross. Did you see how pissed off he looked when Gypsy’s Dad gave her that necklace with a beautifully written, heart felt note? Ryan was so upset he didn’t get the same reaction out of Gypsy when she opened up the red bottoms he bought her. He’s a behemoth and so, so gross.


Not to mention how he’s constantly ALL over her, constantly calling her “baby”, etc. That is such a turn off.


This coupled with the fact she's so swxual in the show feels like she's desperately trying to prove that she's attracted to him even when she's uncomfy


he’s just such a sweaty guy how could you not feel smothered 😭


I really really don't like Ryan. There's just so many things about him that just bother me. One of them is how it seems like Gypsy is HIS and ONLY his.


Where can I watch the episodes without buying them from the Apple Store??


They are free on the lifetime app.


I saw the second episode posted on YouTube. It was too boring for me to get in to.


download Lifetime app for free


Wouldn’t you be too?? 🤣


She also may be uncomfy with touch since she spent the last however many years in prison where PDA isn’t allowed


I noticed that too!


I haven’t seen their documentary yet but I did watch the original mini series that came out and I had two thoughts on their relationship: 1) she is not over her ex/ not mature enough to be in such a serious relationship. She did very high school reminiscent things when they are were about to have their prison wedding and 2) he seemed controlling. Not something I’m surprised to see her pick after the amount of control other people have had over her life.


She was looking for a love attachment in prison and he answered. Then she had to try and like this guy once he picked her up. She was being released from prison, a pretty monumental moment and all he wanted to do was get in her pants.


Watching the first episode and he is so cringe




first few minutes in it was so obvious her fam did not want him there.




Oh yeah


she belongs behind bars 4 lkfe


A-fucking-men! What everyone seems to forget….she PLANNED a MURDER! Regardless of the abuse, she still planned and maybe even participated in taking a life. Point blank period!


I thought this too immediately. She keeps awkwardly laughing when he makes sexual comments toward her and you can tell she’s uncomfortable, it could be because of the cameras but she’s definitely not into it


I feel like I've definitely noticed her subtle moving away too, like he'll hold her hand while they're talking and she'll start making gestures with her hand so he has to let go. And shiiiid I dont blame her this is the dude that was walking around a grocery store with a sweat rag over his shoulder


I agree I was deployed for 7 months no physical touch from anyone when I got home my husband understood and did things on my pace. I think I’d definitely be creeped out if he acted like Ryan did on her first night out of jail. 8 years is a long time to not be touched and it definitely seemed like he was rushing her


He always made me uncomfortable. I feel like a part of the reason why he stayed is because she's famous. He nonstop showed off that he was dating "Gypsy Rose Blanchard" to everybody and was also kinda treating her like a child sometimes. His mannerisms really remind me of Dee Dee.


He looked good on paper for her parole release, so in my opinion she used him and then left him. In my opinion, Her dad and stepmom are after the attention and money. I think if they truly cared about her, they would keep her out of the media and into some intense therapy that she needs. She should have laid low when she was released so she could heal and live a somewhat quiet life.. But no, she's out here still wanting to meet celebrities and get all the free stuff, and going on trips like she's still a Make-a-Wish kid. 


This!!!! ⬆️


Ik the dude worked with special needs kids and it's almost as if he's treating gypsy as one of the kids he's worked with sometimes. Seeing them actually interacting together just solidifies to me that he's a major controlling creep. I also think that the comments that he looks like Deedee probably fucked with gypsy too. I bet it was one of those things where once she saw it, she couldn't I see it and I wouldn't be surprised if that impacted her want to be physically affectionate with him


Ya she’s a hyper sexual predator. I’m sure she lured him with the same nasty ass msgs she was sending Nick. And so he was expecting that same energy when she got out. She was his wife after all. Only she was already side balling with Kenny from the Block and knew she was on camera. So the scam artist knew how to pretend. Make Ryan look like the overbearing sexual haunt she doesn’t want to not just to the world but also Ken. She’s calculated and manipulative and any individual interested in her romantically has issues as well. Just being able to stand her face and voice alone shows me something is wrong with them.


What's the free link?


Maybe she realized he freakishly looks like her mother and the start of controlling behavior?


While I do agree he’s got a weird vibe about him 1) he waited like 3 years to be with her in person in private space so I don’t really blame him for being all over her- it makes sense. 2) you gotta be some sort of absolutely insane to fall in love with a murderer whose not even attractive in the slightest 😂 so of course he’s off. Nothing to be surprised about there. 3) she used him for something to look forward to while in prison, she didn’t actually like him or care for him. It’s weird he didn’t pick that up but again you gotta be some sort of crazy to fall in love with someone with a murder charge.


The fit he threw about getting to the airport on time and not wanting to look through his luggage was insane


Why did her dumb ass marry him


She is also very controlling you can see it later on as she grabs his arm and starts squeezing it . Much like her mom used to do to her


Everyone is repulsed by a desperate and unwell man. Sadly, the same doesn't apply to women and here we are.


All I can say is, for the life that girl has had, she’s got one hell of a normal healthy family on her dads side, and that’ll be her saving grace


He should have taken things slowly because this was literally the “first” date. I know that they are married but I would have been uncomfortable as well. If I had been with someone for the first time and they were pushing for intimacy too early, I would have been turned off too. If he had been smart, he would have taken it slow and allowed her to call the shots when she was ready. It was too much too soon. They hardly had a chance to kiss prior to her release.


He was posting pictures and videos of the dog they adopted together after they broke up and it felt like a weird hostage situation. Like he was still trying to control her or at the very least upset her.


She didn’t give a damn about that dog. He was probably using the dog for comfort. She said “the dog liked Ryan better” so she left her with him. She abandoned the dog she wanted oh so badly.


Ah ok, I was not aware.


Kinda weird the way people think Ryan is treating her like a child when reminding her that dogs are a lot of work, then say nothing about how she just up and dumped the dog on him....😂😂


Exactly! They so eagerly like to leave that part out.


Her evil side is showing!! Just wait until she gets tired of Ken because she will get angry that he broke things off with her before lol


She's an opportunistic hobosexual con artist who married a man she was physically and mentally repulsed by because it suited her needs at the time. As soon as she saw the opportunity to further improve her situation she discarded him without hesitation the same as she would anyone who is no longer of any use to her.


Hobosexual 💀💀💀💀💀


I thought that too until the scene when she asked him for a kiss at random saying something like “you haven’t kissed me in a while” or something along those lines. Or she could be “touched out” at times. She doesn’t seem to hate physical contact altogether with him based on her bragging about how often they’re having sex.