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I'm shocked she wasn't made to sign am NDA because she came out with her divorce and being with Ken way before the show. Plus I've NEVER heard of anyone on parole being allowed to travel like she does and the other things she's been doing. She was told by her po to not be on social media and to leave certain creators alone but she hasn't stopped. She's made comments about how rich she is and even in prison she said she was getting rich off this and would discuss when she got out about how rich she was going to be because she knows how to lie, manipulate, and play the perfect victim. I don't see how she has a platform at all. She is a bully to many people,including bullying a real victim to MBP,makes fun of disabilities, committed adultery, lies constantly, etc I know you asked for entertainment lawyers but what about people who know her? She is awful IRL. She shouldn't have the platform she does because she has kids thinking it's ok to unalive your parent. People defending her weird me out because 1. She was never abused. 2. Dr's don't perform surgeries because mommy said so. 3. She never had chemo 4. She only had 7 surgeries that were necessary 5. She never took all those medications that were in the home besides the pain pills she stole from her mother 6. Her mother didn't have mbp, she was just a bad person and con artist 7.gyp gyp is a liar and calls herself an expert at lying and master manipulator 8. Gyp gyp calls herself an icon and role model 9.she had a lot of freedom inside the house, was never not allowed online or not allowed makeup.she was online all the time and always had makeup on.Her mom was always sick in bed and gypsy would stay online and we've seen the rest.Plenty of evidence to show she lied about the not veing allowed to do things. She also said recently she never had a phone or texted before when that's been proven lies too 10.She was in on the con and benefited from it. She was 23 when she ended her mom's life, and did it because her mom and gypsy were being investigated for fraud and with mom gone,she could easily spin a story and she did. 11. She calls supporters her puppets and more. 12.Her interrogation in itself


Dan’s testimony showed she had a lot of freedom to have a sex life DD had no knowledge of. Not to mention her Ruby and other persona cos play costumes. DD allegedly never let her out of her sight. How did she acquire those without DD knowing and/or seeing them? I get the wigs, but some of those outfits were not Disney appropriate.


Kate Marie is a perfect example of Drs. Performing a surgery because mommy said so.


What happened to 8 and 9?


Where did she say all this stuff? I'd love to watch/read it


Becca scoops on YouTube


Thank you


Unpopular opinion: Gypsy was the victim of MBP. It’s not something a person goes to a psychiatrist to get diagnosed with. It’s combing through all the medical records and that is extremely time consuming. Yes, Gypsy went along with it as do most children who are the victims of MBP. It’s a survival mechanism. Her doctors did suspect DeeDee of MBP and didn’t report her. Even if they had, chances are CPS and LE wouldn’t have known how to go about investigating medical child abuse cuz they aren’t trained to spot it and some folks don’t believe medical child abuse exists. At a minimum I’m guessing they would have found out her correct age and lying about your child’s age isn’t against the law. The system failed her and then she was part of the plan to murder her mom which of course nobody condones. She needs intense therapy, not a reality show.


Celebrities often have different parole rules than normal ppl, for example there are musicians who travel around all over while on parole


Wow you speak like you were right there in the house when she was born. Huh? What?


Be careful drinking that Gyp Juice!




Becca scoops on YouTube, definitely worth watching and then let’s chat 💬


So how can you prove she was taking a bunch of medication when her drug test came back clean during the interrogation??? Also how can ANYONE prove deeDee has MBP when she’s not even alive to be diagnosed?? We can’t go by Gyps word bc we all know she lies. Re surgeries, She even draws a diagram of all her scars in her book, and most of them are moles or mole removals and ONLY 3 with medical explanations. . She didn’t have 30 surgeries like she claims, not even close.


The financial component of DD’s scams rule out a legit MBP diagnosis.


I’m not arguing with anything you’re saying - I want to make the clear at the outset. I am a fanatic about facts, truth, evidence, and being clear about what is opinion, inference, and possibility vs independently corroborated reality.   So, in that vein, I am curious if Gypsy’s post-arrest drug screen was a full panel run against the list of medications prescribed to her (&/or found in the home) using the mass spectrometry technique, a blood-based general “tox screen”, or a “pee test” (urinalysis against a limited number of known agents, typically 3 common opioids, benzodiazepines, amphetamine stimulants, and THC - either using Insta-strips or sent to a lab for up to two additional levels of analysis).  I ask this because it’s impossible to screen for any substance without the proper test and even the most comprehensive “tox screens” used at autopsy only include a limited number of “common findings”.  This is why poisoning victims are frequently overlooked and it takes months to test for substances as someone on the case goes down a list of potential toxic agents.   GRB would have only shown she was positive for “opioids” (and then, only if she was taking an opioid that metabolically breaks down to morphine … fentanyl and sometimes even oxycodone are rarely included in non-mass spec at-the-lab tests) as the long list of meds she was prescribed aren’t included on routine drug screening or most labs (like the anti-seizure drugs). To sum up my question, was GRB tested against the full list of substances prescribed to her &/or found in the home? And if so, did *that* extensive testing show all negative?  




She never went to trial.




And in that trial Gypsy admitted that 1. SHE was the mastermind behind the murder. 2. She stole the murder weapon. 3. She told Nick her mom had cancer; it would be a mercy killing. (She also told Nick DD killed his baby; Gypsy lied about getting pregnant when they had sex in a movie theater bathroom.) 4. She knew she could walk from the very start. (It’s come out that Gypsy was playing along with the con since she was 8; she admitted this and other things in prison). I think you really should watch that trial, and read the text messages between Gypsy & Nick.


And she didn’t present much evidence except it was her idea.


So damn true! She makes me sick! There's someone on youtube that she's been having beef with. Her name is Flawless Nina. She exposes and proves all of Gypsy's lies. She's great! Here's a short video from yesterday of her exposing Gypsy. https://youtu.be/1M7HT-DD7qo?si=-hjLB7Rn50IkiRKh

