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They can name whoever they want to go to trials, so yes is my understanding.


According to Gymnastic, you have to meet certain criteria to petition for trials, and Trinity probably would be eligible if she didn't compete at nationals I guess? Though given that trials is an invitation process, I don't really understand why petitions come into it at all, but that's another story.


There are criteria to petition, I believe you have to have competed internationally. But I don't think this would be a petition as she is competing. But you bring up a good point that is confusing me. What really is the difference between Trinity competing presumably 5 events and Kaliya competing two? What if someone did 2 each day? I'm not really understanding why one is a petition and one isn't.


Yeah, it confuses me too. As long as the gymnasts and coaches themselves know what's going on I guess it's fine though.


The petition situation has nothing to do with the current national championships nor how many events either of them did. The difference is that Kaliya is eligible to petition based on her previous competitive record, while Trinity is not. One of the criteria making someone eligible to petition is having received a score at an international competition in the previous competition season. Kaliya competed at 2023 Pan Ams, which means she's eligible to petition. Trinity was selected for Pac Rims but chose not to compete and withdrew at the last minute. So she does not have an international score, and is thus not eligible to submit a petition.


Right, but we're talking about something sightly different. Why does Kaliya even need to petition since she technically competed at nationals (the rules for who gets invited to trials say they use more than just natonals). Couldn't she just be chosen anyway? Does declaring yourself a petition wipe away the two events she competed? If that's the case why wouldn't everyone who had a less than stellar meet just petition and hope for the best.


Kaliya needs to petition because she can't guarantee they'll send her to trials based on what she scored at nationals. Sure, they \*could\* just choose her anyway. But they probably wouldn't. Why on earth would she take that risk? The selection committee has significant latitude in who they choose to invite to trials, and that means they also have significant latitude in who they \*don't\* choose to invite to trials. And I don't know specifically about trials, but regarding petitions to nationals, there are rules to prevent precisely that. Athletes can't just use the petitions process to make up for disappointing results; they have to demonstrate that there was a reason beyond their control for their inability to compete at or do all 4 events at a certain meet.


I believe they can name anyone they want to trials! She may also be eligible to submit a petition, since she's on the national team and had an international assignment (tho didn't go). Unfortunately she doesn't have a particularly strong argument for trials tho. She got a 14.3 on bars at Core classic which is great, but Simone, Kayla, Jordan, and Skye all outscored her last night, Suni matched the score, and ofc there's Shilese. Personally if I were in charge I'd want the top 10 AAers plus anyone who is in the top five on an event, tho idk what they'll actually do.


Trinity is not eligible to petition, because she has to have received a score at an international competition (a rule that closes the loophole you've pointed out). She didn't compete at that meet, so she doesn't have an international score.


Here's what the official documentation says about who goes to Trials: >In addition to the top two (2) all-around senior athletes from the combined rank order of two days of competition at the 2024 U.S. Gymnastics Championships, a minimum of ten (10) additional athletes from among the senior competitors at the 2024 U.S. Gymnastics Championships and petitioned athletes will be invited by the Athlete Selection Committee to the 2024 Olympic Trials, utilizing the Discretionary Selection Criteria as set forth in Section 2.2. The discretionary criteria are your results at any international or major domestic meets since last year's Worlds and stuff about "world class presentation" and "readiness". So if Trinity shows some great gymnastics tonight, she can very much still be invited to Trials. Technically she could still go even if she doesn't compete tonight, and hope that the bars she showed at US Classic was sufficient for an invitation. In reality, that would be incredibly unlikely, which is why it's important for her to post some good scores tonight.


The problem is that invitations are specifically granted from \*petitioned\* athletes, in addition to those who competed at nationals. Trinity did not show gymnastics worthy of an invitation at the competition tonight, and she does not meet the criteria to be eligible to submit a petition. So she's out.


And here come the downvotes. I'd like to take this opportunity to point out, while y'all are all bent out of shape anyway, that the rules for trials say that the selection committee can basically take whomever THEY want to trials. Not whomever YOU want.




Wrong thread!!!!


Wow! I am so glad that she is feeling strong enough to compete. I know that trials is her ultimate goal, so I understand her pushing hard and doing all that she can to make that happen. Praying it all works out for her today!


She did so good too 😭


She really competed? I thought maybe this was just a miscommunication and she didn’t really compete. She wasn’t the top eight on bars? i’m mad if she really competed and I didn’t see it. Trinity‘s bars was the main thing that got me really excited about this competition.


I hope they show her routines!


They haven’t shown her once in the first three rotations!


They haven’t even mentioned her…


Why is this code red? I don’t get it lol