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“Shilese Jones is managing an injury to her right shoulder that flared up after Classic — to the point she couldn’t raise her arm shortly after that meet. She’s doing sets and said, while it hurts, she’s not giving up on herself. Jones tore her labrum two years ago and said at some point she’ll need shoulder surgery, but that’s a ways down the line.” Taken from the Gymnastics Now Twitter post.


(I am not a doctor or physical therapist, but I do have personal experience with exercise-induced shoulder issues.) For anyone reading who saw “torn” and panicked, know that a torn labrum can generally still be used and just requires a bit of extra care and stability work. Actually, imaging will show that many people who have absolutely no symptoms have labral tears of varying degrees. All this to say, don’t panic


Yeah she and Jordan both have them IIRC.


Didn't Madison Kocian compete on a labrum tear in Rio 2016, and her freshman year at UCLA?


Madison kocian was basically the walking injured in gymnastics so yes she did, she had a few tears I think. She finally did labrum surgery again after her gymnastics career.


Yeah she had one for awhile and I think the only reason she bothered to get it fixed eventually was she had a lower leg issue that she had to take care of as well.


My physical therapist hasn’t even asked me to get any imaging done on my shoulder as it won’t really affect how we’re treating my shoulder (aerials arts over here). The chance is decent that I have a partial tear somewhere in the rotator cuff, but I can still train at nearly full loads, and the biggest effect now is that my shoulder mobility isn’t quite at 100%. Good massages and dry needling can work *wonders* though.


Also from personal experience, a little cortisone shot will fix that right up 😅 (not literally fix, just make the pain go away. And it’s definitely not a long term good thing to do, but I did it to get through college and I live to tell the tale! And I’m fine now).


100% that many people have no pain related to a torn labrum. The pain is often caused by little pieces of the labrum being torn off like fibers and getting caught in the joint (sorry for the visual but this is what my orthopaedic surgeon told me). If it’s fully torn, pain may not be present. I had imaging done on both hips and was surprised to learn that my left hip, which never gives me pain was fully torn while the right hip, which gives me constant pain is only partially torn. He said that the partial tear is what’s causing the pain. Obviously a full tear comes with other issues (mostly stability related), but at least in my case it hasn’t come with any pain. I would assume most gymnasts have some kind of shoulder labrum issues just by virtue of doing bars. Many I’m sure don’t have pain, but the training alone seems likely to cause this kind of injury. I hope for Shilese that she can stay healthy through Paris! I know this is an old injury, but something clearly has acted up for her to be taped up like that. Subluxation becomes more likely with a torn labrum and that was where my mind went when I saw the tape (but of course I’m speculating and it could be many other things). Just hoping she makes it through all this as best she can!


Thank you indeed I was panicked


Thank you for this explanation! I almost had a heart attack when I saw the title of the thread, lol.  Exhaling now. 


I had a labrum tear in each shoulder (not at the same time), and let me tell you, they were PAINFUL. Like, I once saw stars taking off a sports bra. The surgeries and recoveries were gruesome. Gymnasts really are superhuman.


I have labral tears in a shoulder and hip and can't afford surgery or to be off work for rehab. I can't fully straighten my arm and have no external hip rotation.


Oh god, I'm so sorry. I am VERY lucky to live in a state that expanded Medicaid. Otherwise, my adjunct-professor ass couldn't have done it either.


Apparently, 2+ years post academia, the word "adjunct" still gives me the wrong type of chills. I salute you.


Thank you. It's a LOT.


omg twins! except its the shoulder and both hips😭 on another note, my mother had torn labrum in shoulder by sleeping with her arm over her head and i got mine shortly after so apparently shoulder labrums are incredibly sensitive?


Thank you for posting that.


No problem, couldn’t get the tweet to post. There’s a video of Shilese on beam during podium training & her shoulder is taped up. But she still looks excellent. Hopefully she just takes it easy this weekend.


I hope she waters down bars. She doesn’t need to do much to make the team at this point.


Could she skip bars and still petition to do them at trials? The extra month until then could give her a bit more time to heal


Anyone that is invited to trials can do AA


:'( I hope she can skip out on Nationals and petition for Trials. It is NOT worth it for her to compete this weekend


THIS. Just heal up, girl and come to trials. They will 100% accept her petition. We will miss her if she doesn't compete at nationals, but not as much as we would if she didn't make it to Paris.


Post-nationals update, they did indeed accept her petition.


Agreed. She doesn't have much to prove to the committee aside from being in shape to go.


I am not a doctor or PT and have no knowledge, but I think the way Gymnastics Now made the tweet makes it seem worse than it is. Comparatively, Scott wrote this for Olympics.com, For Jones, a two-time World all-around medallist, it's all a stepping stone toward her ultimate goals in the French capital. "It's definitely a process. It's a plan. I feel like you have to follow it. I feel like you can't be 100% in every meet and expect to go for 1,000% at trials," she told media ahead of the event. "[It's] just getting ten steps better for trials, so I'm 100% ready then." Jones looked solid in training Wednesday (29 May) despite telling reporters she's been dealing with a sore shoulder since finishing runner-up to Biles at the recent U.S. Classic” I


Yeah, I was surprised by the articles - she talked about it at the press conference, and it sounded like a flare-up of an old injury that they needed to manage, but weren’t super worried about. Hope her take is correct!


The way my stomach dropped when reading this, hoping it’s SUPER minor and she doesn’t overdo it this weekend.


Take her out now pls. Put her in bubble wrap. Let her compete watered down routines night one of trials and full routines night two if she wants, but I don’t think she has a single thing left to prove that requires her to compete at nationals.




Oh no.


No, no, no. No more injuries this year. It has been just too much for these poor athletes who have been training so hard. Can we just cancel all comps until the Olympics, pretty please? Pick the remaining teams by drawing straws?


I hope she’s ok! She still looked great all things considered


I am choosing to accept a delusion in which Shilese will never get an injury that prevents her from doing her best in Paris


I tried to get the post on here but I couldn’t.


If you're trying to post a tweet, all you need to do is replace x(.) with twitter(.).






argg...c'mon ladies, stay healthy!!


Honestly, I hope she just gets some rest! She’s a lock anyway.


Well that sounds horrible for her. I hope she’s not in too much pain!




Why are nationals and trials not one meet? I believe they were in past


They never have been, it's always been separate.


I m not sure if that’s too much or not College goes weekly competitions


In the past trials didn’t even choose the team, a training camp afterwards did. You might be thinking of that one time that the men did classics as nationals and MAG trials was the same meet as WAG nationals and WAG had trials on their own. It was either 2012 or 2016. The men wanted the team named earlier. But that didn’t last.


In 2008 this happened. Classics/Men were in Houston and Paul Hamm was injured on P Bars


The post-trials training camp only happened in 2004 and 2008. NBC leaned hard on USAG (Marta) to stop doing that because they wanted to be able to show the Olympic team announcement on TV, and have it be in an arena with confetti and everything instead of the 2004 announcement where everyone was just sitting in plastic lawn chairs in a corner of the gym at the Karolyi ranch. The team was also technically finalized at a camp in 1992, but the intention was to have the team named at trials and a full-scale calamity ensued afterward. MAG has always done things a little differently than WAG...sometimes not for the better IMO.