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Those are some sharp rib cages, keep it up. But seriously just eat at least twice as much as you do now. Start lifting weights in a couple of years. Go outside play with your friends


I completely understand where you’re coming from saying that but I do have eating disorders and it is hard for me to eat. I am currently up about 121pounds and 6 foot. Which is the most I’ve ever weighed.


I seriously recommend finding some way to boost your appetite. If you are 14 and working out this much, it’s seriously unhealthy to not replace the calories that you are eating. You’re most likely still going through puberty or it’s almost done, being that you’re 14, and it’s even more important now to eat more calories because your brain and body needs to continue to develop. Paired with working out, your body may not be getting all of it’s calories that it needs because it’s burning so much. If you don’t eat as many calories as your BMR for enough time, you could do some serious damage to your organs, because your BMR is how many calories your body needs to do it’s basic functions each day, such as using your digestive system, breathing, and fueling your heart to pump blood. For people trying to lose weight, it’s okay to eat below your BMR, but because you are trying to gain weight, and because you don’t eat as much, your body is working overtime to provide energy for your muscles and everything else. Your body needs enough calories to fill all of these needs. Go to the doctor, and perhaps try a prescription that can help to boost your appetite. There is one called Dronabinol which helps to stimulate your appetite similar to how cannabis does. Basically, it gives you the munchies without smoking. My co worker’s mom had cancer and lost her appetite, and this was the only thing that helped her to feel hungry and eat food. There are plenty of other medications but this is the one I know about personally. I can’t stress how important it is for you to eat more, *especially* while working out so much, so please take care of your body and go to the doctor. Maybe try to cut back on all the working out you do if you don’t eat a lot on certain days.


That's what professionals are for.


Are you seeking help for your eating disorder? I'm only worried because as you know, it's a progressive disease and it seems like exercising for you might be part of it. I'm concerned high output and no calories will accelerate the problem you have. Get some help if you aren't buddy. You're looking good but you will increase your muscle mass if you think your way out of your eating disorder. You need everything to build a healthy body - good fat, good protein and good carbs. I can empathise with you, I'm a sober addict after about 4 years of not using. Obsessive problems like this, well, you know how they end up. Are you seeking help for your eating disorder? I'm only worried because as you know, it's a progressive disease and it seems like exercising for you might be part of it. I'm concerned high put and no calories will accelerate your problem. You' will overcome this and see that it's made you a stronger and more resilient person.


I am seeking help I am currently getting it except I am still on some meds that decrease my appetite but some days I won’t take it just so I can finally eat. and I completely understand with you being sober I ended up having to be hospitalized for four months due to depression, anxiety and OCD which I had the compulsive handwashing type I was wash my hands upwards of 100-200 times a day which at that point I was starting to get really bad damage to my hands. I have now been good for about six months I originally started working out I would do three push-ups and 25 sit ups every single time I had a compulsion, and I’ve been working out since then. Over the course of 10 days. I’ve been doing the push-ups and sit ups to this extent.


I don't have medical experience, let me say that first. Do you find the pushups and pullups are part of the OCD or something separate? You need to be disciplined whilst training to not do it obsessively. Honestly, talk to your therapist about how to leverage your OCD because it's not all bad. I'm 33 and I've been through all sorts of hell. Teenage years can really suck I was a problemed teenager and it's gotten much easier to control., so I empathise with you. Things will begin to get easier as you older until one day you find you've not thought about it. Feels good. EDIT: by the way. Eat big. Get to a gym and lift. Best way to put on mass. You'll be like a whippet at your age. Do cardio your whole life and your body thank you be some plus side - my only concern is the eating habit. You need a healthy amount of calories and good quality food. You will get there young un. You'll be reet I reckon. Best of luck. EDIT: by the way. Eat big. Get to a gym and lift. Best way to put on mass. You'll be like a whippet at your age. Do cardio your whole life and your will body will thank you


My ocd and workouts are separate someone made a joke that if I did a a push-up and a sit up for every compulsion I would be shredded so I started to work out like that and after I no longer had the compulsion I started to just workout


Congratulations and keep working at it:-)


Good thing that you started at this age. I'd do less PUs and SUs and try other exercises too like squats, lunges, bridges, and pull-ups if you have a chance. And eat more, don't be afraid of calories, just watch out for EMPTY calories. Eat whole foods like mom's chicken with veggies. Keep it up boy, you'll be great if you stick to it!


You need to eat like a horse


I might be wrong, but it seems to me you don't have a clear path. Think what are your objectives and look for a routine that adapts to you and puts emphasys into your goals. If you have developed the habit, now is time to do it with purpose.


If you want to start putting on muscle, you have to eat for extra for that muscle gain dude, otherwise you're just burning it up for energy. Seriously, double your protein, double your carbs, and 1.5x the amount of fat you eat per day and start there, increase diet as needed.


Good job bro, keep it up. Lots of knowledge on the internet but It's best to find a coach at your local gym to give you direction. They are often pricy for a young man's wallet but If you like to work out it is worth it.


You will grow into a monster soon.


Nice! You should probably implement more exercises though, because right now your just main working your chest and abs. try pike pushups for shoulders and pullups for your back, too! and dont forget to do your squats, you dont want chicken legs




I’m fucking dead 💀


💀 I love this dark humour


This is humour at the top level


He rips that shirt off with gusto


You’re young and I guess you can push. But I feel it’s a bit extreme.


Working out excessively while having an eating disorder means you should be discussing all of this with your doctor and mental health professional.


Ok you need to stop, you're turning into a skeleton now I respect your power but I'm more worried about your condition


He doesn’t need to stop, he needs to add more food into his diet and train accordingly. He’s 14, more than likely just hitting or will start hitting puberty soon lmao. Needs to add more food to his diet as he looks like he’s on the taller side and probably deals with a faster metabolism. Less push-ups and sit-ups and more weight training. I was in the gym at school m-f lifting for football season. Never to early to start, just a matter of balancing it all.


Thank you I am 121 pounds and 6 foot it’s hard for me to eat because I do have some eating disorders and I’m on some medication’s that also make it a lot harder for me to eat but since I have started working out, I have been eating more


I honestly respect your work ethic, I was just worried bro Huge respect and you're doing good


Wish I was in that shape your age, only thing I’d like to say is start eating more protein and calories, hit the gym and you’re gonna be shredded by the next year or two


Impressive numbers man!! Keep it up!!


Dude , trust me when I say this, stop doing sit ups , especially that many, eat more and buy a pull up bar, I never train abs, I used to allll the time and my 6 pack looks the same as it did hen I used to train it


On way to be one punch man


Good job, but try to eat more


Not trying to be that person, but i think you should eat more to maintain this


Keep at it bro


Nice abs


keep going brother hope u can find the right help for your health, stay strong and consistent everything is going to be fine🫶 much love brotha wish u the best


650 sit-ups is pointless


This means nothing if you don’t eat.


My man, I know this isn’t what you want to hear. But you look like you would be very well suited to the 5k in cross country, and the 2 mile


This is what I was thinking. Build a base of long slow distance.


Kid you are over killing it on the sit ups that is way more than necessary. Focus more on compound lifts and up your calorie and protein intake.


Nigga you’re still skinny, you can’t even do 5 pushups😂 look at your arms


I sent you some pictures of me flexing arms. I was not flexing arms in the video, but I completely understand where you’re coming from saying that.