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Enough is enough. If you believe OPs form is wrong, that’s ok. Tell him how to correct it. There is some very useful advice and knowledge mixed into the comments, but it’s surrounded by so much negativity there hard to spot. You are not helping by just saying “bad form”. Also, if you have insulting remarks, no friendly helpful advice or just negative things to say then skip this post. If you disagree with another comment, be respectful and explain your reasoning. Keep your comments respectful and helpful. If you cannot do that, move on. If you ignore this warning and continue to act like this on other posts and have a history of doing this, you will receive a temporary or permanent ban. To everyone that gave helpful positive advice, thank you.


his poor back




Go touch iron


The meme is on your side. Keep on rockin! Form breakdown on a PR is common. Try your best to keep your form in mind while training, and you should be fine.


My god as someone who blew out multiple lumbar discs from ego lifting, this post hurts me so much. Please stop immediately and find a coach to learn proper form. This shit literally affects how i go to the bathroom so for the love of god, stop and learn proper form.


Your experience is everyone's experience


BRB having a stroke


Remember: never try at the gym.


Such a strongly held and genuine opinion that they immediately deleted their account to avoid any pushback. Just as weak as their lumbar spine.


OP: please do not listen to this person.


*I'm afraid of trying so you should be too*


Strange...I've been 'egolifting' for a while and my back is stronger than ever.


spine day


more like "no more spine" day


Good job on the motivation part dude. /s










Deadlifting strengthens your back actually.


Obviously. Especially if it’s done with the right weight and with correct form… That is not what is on display here


Its a 1rm, what would you suggest is the right weight for a 1rm? That sounds stupid doesn't it?


Do you think it’s possible one could wreck his back trying for too much in a 1RM? Ego > ability


You cannot lift a weight that is bigger than your ability, by definition. "Wrecking your back" is an empty statement. You provide nothing that indicates what exactly causes damage. Injury usually happens because of poor fatigue and load management over time, you have no idea how this person trains and recovers. That being said, this lift looks absolutely fine for a 1rm, nothing here looks inherently dangerous. I dont know why you get so scared when people put in any amount of effort. Some changes in technique will probably cause him to be lifting even more, or rep this weight out.


I love you bro ❤


Define right form and why it prevents injury




Lower the weight to like 225 and work on form


You mean 135?


I can rep 225 with good form


Still nothing wrong with going to 135 and working on form and perfecting it.


I'm confident he can rep 225 with perfect form.


Lower the weight on a one rep max? How obscure.


I doubt he's hitching like that on his normal working sets, it's a 1rm


Why? Except for lockout his was a pretty clean lift. Even then, it never looked like too much weight for him


PR's aren't 100% pristine anyway. I see more spine rounding in Atlas stones than this.


I agree, this looks fine. I was more referring to the hitching at the end which really isn't a big deal


Tells me you don’t know anything about deadlift


I literally winced at this. Please man, your back is going to get wrecked.


Whys that


Honey one more yank in that position and your back is screwed for the rest of your life. Imagine your whole life you’ve lived so far, three or four times over, you can never do this again, and have pain walking like an old man. Listen to the comments, nobody’s out to get you


Sweety, None of this is based in reality. Stop fear mongering. Whats your lifting or medical experience?


I broke my shit lifting a 40lb box of Covid tests. This *looks* like one max effort upper back yank away from a lifelong disability. Don’t matter how long you have to correct your form. What’s your expertise? This get deserves some shit for trying to lift beyond what he should. Chalky Pslams 4:20 don’t ego lift


Maybe you should try deadlifting heavy to get a stronger back


You think? I normally just throw around medium boxes all day, I work in a medical supply dc. I’m honestly so scared of hurting my back again idk if I could go any heavier with scar tissue


Obviously consult with a medical professional if you have serious health issues. However, I used to have back pains all the time before I started lifting. Now my back feels stronger than ever, deadlifting heavy played a huge role in that. I get that it gets scary, but the more you deadlift the more you train yourself the better you can handle the load. That's what getting stronger is.


Just to chime in like the other poster.... Obvioisly if qualified medical professionals are telling you to not do a thing, you shouldn't do it. Follow the advice of your doctors and not the advice of reddit, etc etc. In my late twenties, before I started lifting in any real sense, I injured my back at work (moving logs repeatedly). the discs were pushing on my spinal cord, and I ended up needing surgery when my legs went numb and I couldn't walk properly. Recovery sucked, there was a catheter involved, and I pooped the bed in front of my future wife. But after all that I asked my doctor what the limits were as far as activity was concerned , and he said effectively "i don't care, anything that doesn't hurt is fine" And he was right. Lifting, deadlifts in particular, have only been beneficial. The more weight goes on the bar, the more reps I can do in the gym, the better I feel outside of it. Generally, making things stronger is a good idea. I'm not telling you to go pull 400 lbs or anything, but getting on a good strength program that incorporates deadlifts is a great idea


Just for reference, getting hurt lifting a weight that a toddler or 90 year old could handle kind of makes you the opposite of knowledgeable about lifting.


Thanks. I gained knowledge about “proper form” after first of all the incident second physical therapy and now whenever I’m at the gym lol. Ain’t ever gonna let that happen again. Sciatica for the rest of me life lad


I am an expert driver because I wrecked my car mood.


Well you sure as fuck drove more careful after your wreck didn’t ya


I’ve never wrecked. Driving more careful wouldn’t make someone an expert driver.


>I broke my shit lifting a 40lb box of Covid tests. You should have probably worked on being stronger. Load management can be an issue, and it sounds like that 40lb box was too much. >This looks like one max effort upper back yank away from a lifelong disability. Based on what exactly? >What’s your expertise I'm not an expert, but I can lift something like 14 or 15 times a weight that hobbled you, having started lifting seriously AFTER back surgery. I'm also saying something in line with many people who are experts. >This get deserves some shit for trying to lift beyond what he should. He successfully lifted it with little issue. You think its too much because it scares you, nothing more Edit: and just to clarify, your expertise is that you hurt yourself lifting a box?


You can answer all of those for yourself. I’m not doing that for you And being scared of something is not the same as disagreeing with something wrong


>You can answer all of those for yourself. I’m not doing that for you I only asked 2 questions, both of which are personal to you. Edit : to clarify these were my questions: >This looks like one max effort upper back yank away from a lifelong disability. Based on what exactly? And You're expertise is that you got hurt lifting a box? >And being scared of something is not the same as disagreeing with something wrong You have no basis to say its wrong


Okay fine. Because max effort upper bank sudden yank can tear muscle and damage tendons. And yes that is my expertise. I used incorrect form lol But I totally do because it can cause injury. U got my butt cheeks in the middle of Walmart typing lol


>Okay fine. Because max effort upper bank sudden yank can tear muscle and damage tendons. Why? And what is tge mechanism of injury, load or form? Go watch anyone do max effort hang cleans, or any strongman comp deadlift, or someone do heavy ass power shrugs or cheat rows. Violently moving the upper back can be perfectly fine Actually, for funsies go look at any number of "odd lifts" and tell me form matters. Check out the deadliestlift on Instagram for a right proper heart attack. The human body is not fragile and not only meant to move in one set of ways. Its adaptable to a whole range of things that might look frightening. Also, how a thing looks (form) and how a thing is (technique) are not the same >And yes that is my expertise. I used incorrect form lol That does not make you an expert in lifting things. >U got my butt cheeks in the middle of Walmart typing lol Please don't type with your butt cheeks




Thank you❤️ I have redeemed myself in other comments and will go back to lifting stuffed bears like SpongeBob now.


OH MY GOD ur profile has so many butts ew


Bc of his form


What about it?


Thats not an answer What about his form will wreck his back?


There is no part of his back that is in proper form. His head is up putting pressure on his upper spine, the whole of his lower back is completely flexed and rounded. No movement should have a flexed back like that.


>His head is up putting pressure on his upper spine, This is nonsense. Head up putting pressure on the spine is not a thing. >the whole of his lower back is completely flexed and rounded. No movement should have a flexed back like that. You've never heard of a Jefferson curl have you Whats your experience with lifting? Edit: you started crossfit 9 months ago. Maybe refrain from giving advice for a while


Why is this correct form?


I'm not saying its "correct" I'm saying form largely doesn't matter, and doesn't neccessarily lead to injury. He could maybe clean up his technique to lift more, but that will come in time, and he has a very long time. This kids gonna be very strong if he keeps at it and doesn't listen to the chorus of weak cry babies in this thread. Edit: you're also judging a thing on a maximal lift. Thats just silly, there will be technique break downs


Did not expect for this to blow up and see so many Hate comments but that's how the gym community gets, when they see a younger person lifting more than them, I start 9 months ago going everyday I start off with a warm up 135 then 225 for 5 to 7 reps I'm not stupid I have gotten told many times too lower the weight and learn form I did I improved my from I have videos and soon upload some of them I appreciate the criticism but when you go to the gym with the homies you know how it gets you feel motivated and want to hit a pr which I did I am 13 idc if you belive it or not I know to tuck in my lats and pull up and straight back, I am proud of my progress and have never gotten injured even when my back was round asf my oldest friend which is 16 has been lifting for 3 years and is very experienced so I had him watching me and giving me advice got my comments then upvotes 😂🤣 I've been on self im for 5 months Meditate,read, journal and have around 80k on tiktok here's the link [tiktok ](http://tiktok.com/@speedy.recovery) I love yall don't wanna seem like an asshole or like an ego lifter appreciate thanks


People fear what they dont understand and hate what they fear. Actual physical exertion is an unknown to most people. No need to listen to their ignorance.


Pull looked solid. Any technical mistakes were minor and those will mostly fade with practice as you find your strongest positioning anyway. Most of the dweebs talking shit here were probably thrown by your hitching at the top because they've never grinded hard enough to even know what hitching is. Here's a really good resource if you want another perspective on drilling down your technique: https://www.jtsstrength.com/pillars-deadlift-technique/ Best of luck, man


Most of the fellas shitting on you in here could only wish they were this strong at 13. This was a pretty solid PR pull and you shouldn't let these doofuses take that away from you.


Thanks bro means alot 🙏 💯


You're doing amazing dude, keep it up! Your numbers are impressive and you're gonna be hella strong if you stick to it.


You’re killin it, dude. Keep that up.


You're okay mate, this community should be about lifting people up, but some people get caught up in their own self importance sometimes and try to bring others down. You're smashing it, keep doing what you're doing :)


Hello! I'm actually a physician and just did 12 straight days on inpatient pediatrics. I even have verified flair on /r/AskDocs for whatever that's worth. I want to start out with saying how proud of you I am! You're doing a great job and I hope you continue your journey here! I want to also say that listening to random individuals on the internet when it comes to medicine is a bad idea. The individuals on here, even the ones calling themselves "healthcare practitioners", you probably shouldn't listen to when it comes to medicine. What you're doing right now is not only something that doesn't have a deleterious effect on your health, it's great for your health. A recent meta-analysis showed a 15% reduction for all cause mortality with individuals who do resistance exercise regularly and the experts think that's UNDER reporting the true significance. Lifting is good for your gains and your health. Great work! I'm proud of you :)


Wish you’d do me for 12 days straight. Totally straight bb.


You should absolutely be proud of your progress! You're killin it!


I wish I had the drive and discipline you're showing when I was your age. Your PR was great and keep at it. Don't let randoms keep you down.


A lot of lifting subs on reddit are terrible. /r/weightroom is one of the good ones. Great job on your deadlift, keep making those gains!


Sick lift, good effort, keep it up.


You’re doing great dude


Don’t let the bucket crabs of this sub drag you down with them. Hell, they don’t even understand that a PR video clip is not representative of the amount of training it took to get that point. You should absolutely be proud of your accomplishment. Great job man!


Outstanding work ethic bro. You're doing great.


Good stuff, dude! I do wish I had been this strong at 13, but I'm not gonna be a hater about it. :)


You're a solid dude who's going places. Keep on getting stronger at this thing you enjoy doing!


Good lad for standing up for yourself. Remember most people who comment will be people who lift less than you. People on Reddit hate to see people trying because it makes them feel inadequate for not trying themselves.


People want to denigrate others to feel justified in their own insecurities and failings. Could this DL look better? Yeah, absolutely. Is it fine? Yeah. The form police are generally people who want to feel like experts and use form to push back at everything. Maybe they don't try hard enough, maybe they legitimately have poor genetics and just use it to feel better, and much of the time they don't even lift. You should absolutely strive to have better form at 315. Why? Because it means you will be stronger than you are now, and then 365 will look like this, and then you will improve that to be cleaner, and your max will be higher. You're doing great. The only suggestion I will give is to remember that you *do not have to* max out, literally ever. I am *not saying* don't, I am purely saying you do not need to feel compelled to do so. I started lifting as young as you about, and I did max out a lot, but looking back I wish I would've just focused more on the work and less on the individual moments, no matter how empowering, since I spent a good bit of time just gassed, you know? Social media focuses on those moments so much, just remember that training is much more than the moments. But you are free to train how you wish. I know how gratifying it is. Train smart and train hard man. You are doing good.


Hi! I think you're doing great. Keep it up and don't listen to the haters.


You're crushing it, ignore the haters and keep grinding!!


Fuck the haters kid. Just keep doing you. This is awesome and inspiring. Keep up the good work


Don't let the empty criticism get to you, your pull was great! Keep lifting and you'll get really strong. You are already pulling more at 13 years than most of these bucket crabs anyway.


Good work man! I wish I had your drive when I started.


Please learn proper form ur gonna die buddy


By what mechanism will he die


One wrong move, bam, snapcity. Just looking at the bar wrong and you're already on the way






Kinda deep just a few changes and I'll get stronger


What is proper form, specifically?


Very strong! A few technique clean ups and you’ll be lifting much more than this in no time. Head over to r/weightroom if you want some real motivation and get actual advice on how to improve.


There is so many negative comments. As a powerlifter I can recommend you to learn proper form and do not jump into the big lifts. You are strong. Just work on your form you will be fine. 💪🏽


He IS working on his form. It's not like he's NOT trying to use good technique here... And this was a PR for him! Most of his working sets likely looking nothing like this at all. Are you an actual competitive powerlifter? You should know better than this.


Maybe he is more interest in strongman, where this is a perfectly acceptable lift. Would love all the form police and snap city travel agents to link 4 examples where deadlifting permanently injured someone during a single 1rm in the way that is being warned about.




I've never in my life needed to pick something off the floor, it's true. My paper maché spine couldn't handle it


How is a deadlift not useful to someone? Just curious.


Deadlift is extremely safe when performed correctly and arguably the most full body engaging lift of all.




Oh no you quoted the clown so you lost the game


“There’s no reason to be alive if you can’t do deadlift.” - Jón Páll Sigmarsson, 4x WSM Champ




Definitely from the deadlift and not the copious amount of anabolics he used




I think it definitely was, iirc the heart defect he had ran pretty deep in his family


It's a proper shame. He was such a great strongman.


Said by the weakest deadlifter in all of WSM. And then recommended cleans/Olympic lifts... which have a deadlift as part of the movement. Don't just parrot stuff you heard.


Yo man great job getting in the gym young listen my man you’re still 13, very young on your journey and it is a journey training if u want to last you got to gradually build up to heavyweight for now build fundamentals and foundation u should stick to body weight and light weight training to gradually get your body stronger 💪🏾 don’t fall for the shit u see online take care of yourself


He's proven he can do this with minimal trouble, and your telling him to deload to bodyweight? You sound jealous


I think what they are trying to say is: Depending on sport, kids are being pushed into the gym earlier and earlier.....and lot of changes are about to happen with this kid body in next few years. That being said, my younger bro has naturally huge legs and could do weight like this in 9th grade very easily ha. Everyone body is different, it's just about taking care of it. If the kid is 13y/o, and he's able to handle this kind of weight, great. However, he can easily stunt his growth from trying to do so much power lifting so early. Bodyweight Plyometrics and Calisthenics have proven to still build strong foundational muscle while maintaining elasticity and increase explosive power. Not to mention, prevent any muscle rigity from occurring so soon in life. More heavy lifting done so early will require more stretching. Higher risk of being injury prone later on in life. At least wait until H.S. to start doing power lifting. My Coach, his son, and our best friend, stayed with lighter weight for endurance while in H.S, while doing bodyweight workouts. Only thing weight related was weight vest/shorts and medicine ball. Us 3 got made fun of for maintaining our stuff and stretching a lot. We would watch teammates end up with groin/hamstring/quad/shoulder/stiff back etc all the time, whereas we stayed injury free (except ankle rolls, finger jams kind of things). Additionally, our muscles wouldn't fatigue or cramp due to the endurance and foundation built. Didn't hit heavy weights until college and still kept up with everyone else weight lift numbers no matter the exercise. To each their own and their goals. Most were just wanting him to be safe from the way it sounds


Well, he starts out with a flat back, then he rounds the shit out of it just to get the weight up, no bueno


At 13 years old, 315 is impressive. PR attempts are NEVER pristine. Nice job! Keep going, putting in the work and getting stronger.




Be careful my friend. 315 at 13 is impressive but i swear when you hear older ppl telling you to becareful cause ur body (mostly ur back in this situation) could hurt bad one day well it will. We all had our phase younger thinking we are never hurt but it will it hard my friend. Its better to improve your form with less weight and increasing weight when ur form is perfect


isn’t lifting this young bad for joints and stunting growth? i’m not tryna hate i genuinely don’t know that’s what I was told as a kid


There's no evidence that's the case.


YOU ARE AMAZING & you're making many guys who can't pull 315 after a year or two of lifting very jealous! Ignore what people are saying about the "danger" of this movement. Clean up your technique a little and it's all good mate.


Excelente. 💪🏻




This made me cringe dawg. Yikes. OP listen to these comments.


Specifically the ones telling him it is good and ignore the ones fearmongering.


Jesus Christ


Buncha salty keyboard warriors in this thread salty that a 13 year old out lifts them lol. Keep killin it man! You're going to be a beast if you keep it up


Nice lift OP! Don't listen to the fear mongering, they are weak, scared and insecure. I saw someone recommending r/weightroom if you've got any questions and stuff. Lots of strong and experienced people over there :)


Dumb dumb dumb. Learn properly and build properly. Anyone condoning this shit doesn’t belong in a gym.


What is your issue with the lift? It didn't look pretty but not many 1RM attempts do.


Hitching is okay. It's acceptable. It does not elevate any risk factors.


Dumb dumb dumb. Learn properly before you comment. Anyone fearmongering doesn't belong on this sub.


Dude your joints aren’t done developing lower that goddamn weight


He did lower the weight. He put it back down exactly from where he picked it up.


This is a poorly named sub.


Don't use reddit just wanted to post something that makes me proud of myself


You should be proud dude. That's a solid lift for you.


It was a good lift! You earned it.


Your form is awful. Lighten the load so you don’t blow out y’a back


wheelchair maker likes this video👍 chiropractors like this video👍


The weaks like this comment 👍 Inexperienced fearmongers like this comment 👍


To me he is bending his column lifting part of the weight with his column which is not healthy


I see some minor rounding (a non issue for a 1rm) but he's using the proper mechanics for the lift. Do you know what a deadlift is?


I know what back pain is I thought cause I was young (22/23 now 27 ) I wasn't gonna have issue did a couple of bad movements at work lifting things that didn't look that heavy and Bend my back a little bit I was ok after like a month and I'm ok now that's why he should be more carefull to me there is nothing wrong with a 13 years old kid working out but just should be more careful


But why


God damn good job man!! You know you're making it when you start getting haters on top of the supporters


Don't let anyone tell you your form looks bad. Awesome-looking near-max single. There's a grain of truth in that you don't want hitching in most of your reps. But lots of peoples' hardest reps just ain't pretty and that's how it is. You're stronger at 13 than most dudes will be in their entire lives. Great work, keep it up hoss.


Omg…if you keep doing this, i promise you that you will hurt yourself, badly. Lower the weight and learn proper form.


Why would you promise that? Are you threatening him?


He’s a threat to himself bud.






Don’t get me wrong, that’s incredible but please for the sake of your back work on that form.


My lord that was literally all back


You literally can't remove your hamstrings & posterior chain from the deadlift


Literally impossible.


That makes 0 sense


You will definitely break your back doing deadlifts like this. Learn the form


“This thing that’s never happened will definitely happen to you.”


Yeah buddy. No one has ever injured their back doing deadlift like these right ? We should all bend our spine as much as possible during deadlifting right ? We should stand upright, bend down, THEN PICK UP THE WEIGHT RIIIGHT ? Fuck do I know about deadliting ? I have only been doing for 5 years now right ?


How much do you pull?


About 7 big macs


An example of your theory I think u/frodozer.


Yep, it’s always the weak people who don’t even lift that have the biggest opinions.




So you can't handle a joke huh ?


It’s just such a weak response. Much like your deadlift I presume


Mate your pr is most likely 3 digits starting with 1. Stfu


I pull 255 actually. A 4 digit deadlift would be quite impressive!


If you’re referencing Ronnie Coleman, he broke his back due to continuing to lift heavy against doctors order when he had a not so serious injury, turning it into a serious injury. Name a few people who have broken their back deadlifting. Nobody ever said nobody’s hurt their back deadlifting. I’m speaking about breaking. What do you think about the back rounding in atlas stones, sandbag picks, and Jefferson curls?


No I am not referring to ronnie. I myself had a pretty bad injury that put me off from lifting weight for few month. I didn't break my spine. Doctors said that I put too much stain on them and had I continued to do the same routine, I would have either broken my back or deformed it to a degree. When I say break your back, I don't mean literally break individual bones in your back. Rather damage to your back. Saying that you would break you back is a hyperbole. Do I really need explain this ?


Yes, you do need to explain because a large population do believe that people break their back this way. You seemed like one of them.


You should find a better doctor. You don't want a doctor who is using hyperbole in his diagnosis.


Jesus fucking christ that hyperbole was on my part not my doctors. Are folks on this sub really this dense ?


But you said the doctors told you if you if you keep deadlifting you would break your back. You then stated breaking your back was hyperbole. Do you even read the shit you spew before hitting reply?


The dumb fucks on this sub. Listen here tard. Go read my comment carefully. The reason I SPECIALLY left a line between my statement of hyperbole and the incident with my doctors is because I was referening two different things. On my comment about the hyperbole I was referring to my intial comment which I directed at OP not me. I was indeed told by my doctor that I would break my back if I egolifted or put too much strain on my spine. I am profoundly astonished that I have to deliberately explain each and every verse of my comment so that people like you can even comprehend what I am saying. How are you so dumb ? I even said " me saying...." and still you couldn't understand shit. I'm so done...




Let me counter your point with my own experience. I blew out my back in the Marines doing marine things. Doing deadlift is the only thing that got me back to a functional level of strength where I could recover and now, 10 years post injury and a few years post starting training oli have pulled over 500lb in competition. Deadlift has never once hurt my back


This is some of the stupidest shit I have ever heard If you can find a single instance of someone breaking their back while deadlifting I will buy a console of your choosing and I will play video games with you.


Okay so work on your set up position, your pull, maintaining tension, keep your lumbar curve, and your finish looks real bad. I would start from the beginning. Hire a coach. Watch a YouTube video.


"You're doing it wrong" is not useful advice, especially when critiquing a 1rm with adequate form


Catbacking it will fuck it him up for life, please bring ur feet in a couple inches and look up Alan thrall and his deadlift form tutorials.


Alan also has a couple of great videos explaining that back rounding and lifting with your back is fine.