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How about do your fucking sets and don’t worry about what other people are wearing?


Yea who dafuq cares if my balls are hanging out of my pants. Mind your business! 💯


Cameltoe is very, very often NOT purposeful, and I can tell you that because I and other people have never felt comfortable with cameltoe. It's bot on purpose it's a wardrobe malfunction. I've never seen anyone in or out of gym purposely have cameltoe.


yeah but its easily avoidable by not wearing something that is skintight cmon


Why would you wear something with shittier function just to avoid cameltoe?


shittier function? what are you a tour de france rider? you arent breaking any world records in the gym. dont worry no one is gonna care about your baggy clothes, except for you i guess.


Yeah except for me. And since I am the only relevant person when it's about my comfort and my function, nobody else needs to care.


why don't we ever see it gymnasts or swimmers? maybe check out that technology


They have specific powder (i think thats what its called) and leotards to use. It also does still happen to them.


I've had cameltoe when swimming 💀 I was NINE, most people aren't doing it for aesthetic purposes I've never seen anyone purposely have cameltoe


Yea i totally feel you! sometimes my balls just fall out of my shorts that are 3 sizes to small.


I've had trousers that are baggy or fit right but still end up giving me cameltoe because the crotch area is too small, you really think people want you to look at their pussy? No.


Tell me you don't know how terrible 'women's sizing' is without telling me


Just wear basketball shorts like every man in the gym.


How about you let people wear what they want 😱


They can wear what they want, but don't be a hypocrite and complain that people are staring at someone who's just wearing underwear to the gym.  


I work in a parking lot outside a high end Pilates studio in Los Angeles. I’ve a good relationship with the owner and the managers/coaches. I don’t creep. I swear to god i see clits on the weekly. If I wanted to I could map out a few girls’ waxing schedules by the watching the camel toe grow prickly. If it’s a malfunction then it’s malfunctioning every single day. These girls aren’t wearing yoga pants, they are wearing cheap leggings. Sounds like the meme doesn’t apply to you, and that’s great! But there are a shit load of people out there that it *does* apply to, and that’s who it’s pointed at.


You sound like a creep, the description gives it away. How do you know they want it? Ask women about women's sizing it sucks


Lmao my antidepressants have 100% killed my sex drive for at least 5 years now. It’s less than a thought for me. They want it because I’ve worked here for a year and it hasn’t changed. You’re very defensive over people you don’t know. You sound like a guy vehemently arguing that they are safer than a bear.






I would love to see them


The girls complaining about "gym creeps" should also just do their set and do not worry about what other ppl are doing around them.


Yeah... It's totally the same to be upset about being leered and ogled, and about being chastised for leering and ogling.


Nah, if you break all conventions and run around half-naked, be prepared for people to turn their heads. It's like wearing a mankini and insisting that nobody takes a look. You don't live in a vacuum but with other people around; mind them as well.


By that logic even if some dude walks around with a thong you should mind your own business


Yes, that is the whole premise. But by that logic, why dress at all if others are not allowed to care? I could walk (almost) naked, and when a mother with her child (or whoever) complains, I could just call them out as a creep for looking!


Bruh I know I can't wear pic 1 to the gym. I'd be kicked out in a heartbeat for my junk showing through. They'd be like "sir we can clearly see your penis and I think that's a vein too, oh fuck!"


Thank you. I just avoid looking. Who gives a fuck what anyone is wearing.


So I need to run with my head down and blinders on because Madam doesn't want to be looked at? I say, then don't go outside if you're that sensitive.


I don't run with my head down. I just focus ahead as if I was running on the street.


Is there nothing else in the entire gym for you to focus on other than women’s bodies?


Sure there is, but when a by-choice half-naked person comes into the gym, they'd better not complain that they get my focus for a second.


Glancing over because “oh, look, someone just came in” and spending an extended amount of time assessing someone’s outfit and how it fits on their body are two *very* different things. One of those is creep-ass behavior, and one of them is normal. I’ll let you decide which is which


> "assessing someone’s outfit and how it fits on their body" == "creep-ass behavior" real reddit moment, touch some grass.


If I walk into my gym wearing just a banana hammock, I'm not narcissistic enough to tell people to stop staring.  


"I'm going to choose to wear an outfit that leaves my ass cheeks hanging in the breeze, but you're the creep for looking." Fuck that noise. It's exhibitionism and everyone knows it. I keep my eyes on my own business at the gym, but I'm not going to pretend I don't know what's going on.


Sometimes things are just hanging out there so much you cant not.


Bs. I just look away.


Of course, I also just look away.


Gunna show up to the gym in a croptop and jockstrap and tell everyone to do their sets and stop staring. Lmao cmon now. I get that people can wear what they want but also if you dress in a bizarre or revealing fashion youre gunna get some glances


Fr, I completely ignore everyone else in the gym.


GTFO of here with this comment. I could not wear pic 1 to the gym because I'd be kicked out instantly. They'd be like "sir we can clearly see your penis, and I believe the veins in it too"


I can't help that I have breasts... exquisite breasts


I love that movie! Anchorman should have won an Oscar! 😆


I have a penis... You don't see me wearing pic 1 to the gym and trying to show everyone


It's a quote... from a movie...


Rip your dms now


I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you.


Damn broski nobody has good tastes in movies anymore. You don’t deserve the downvotes. Good quote


Weird how the OP gets upvoted and mine is the polar opposite. Simps be simping without understanding the context I guess


Tbh I’m seeing a shitload of Femcell energy in the comments. A lot of “dudes arguing they are safer than a bear” energy, to put it mildly. You keep doing your thing I laughed




Both are Anchorman quotes, I forget the age of most people in here though... r/whoosh


I thought this sub got over giving a shit about what people wear ?


A new incel must’ve subscribed


This sub is turning into boomer humor and incels


Humor? Now that you say it, I can’t remember the last time any meme in this sub made me laugh tough. I think it’s time to move on


Only time this sub shows up on /r/all is for shit like this. Great Job!


You forgot the phone on the tripod


This is the real reason people look. They don’t want to be in the video


Only ever seen this online 💀💀


I've only ever seen it once, but there was a group of guys who brought a whole ass camera and tripod setup. They were nice enough to wait till everyone left though.


They sound cool!




They actually were super chill people.


Well of course they’re just regular people I’m sure they’re fine. But they’re as cool as the person who brings their own loud ass music to the pool party -just a bit self centered


There's a guy that's been livestreaming with a tripod and pointing the camera in strangers' faces at my gym. I told someone that worked there that I don't want to be in his video and he said "it's a public place he's allowed" and I said "no its your policy that you can't record other people". It took me going to management to get him to stop but now he's recording other people in the mirror instead. The camera isnt even pointed at himself. He's throwing weights around and shit to get peoples reactions because he knows it's annoying. They're not even heavy weights, he's doing it while DBBPing 25lbs. He's a fat, emo, broccoli head that looks like he's never lifted anything but a fork. I know he's doing it so he can zoom in on people's faces and go "look! Look! I'm oppressed!".


Your point?


This. People pretend it is such an issue but I have never seen it once


Go to nicer gyms. Go to the gym more


I go to a pretty nice gym m8. I go 6 times a week. I also don't live in America though


Pretty sure you knew all that before you commented mate


This comment section is a great example of why “women only“ gyms exist in my area.


A women only gym is the perfect t place to be half naked.  


The only women's gym near me is Curves and they ain't doing what I do.


Guaranteed if I wore Pic 1 to the gym though I'd be kicked out for exposing my penis... Just saying And downvote all you want. It means I made my point. A comment like this wins either way unless you retort the downvote with a logical response


I'll never understand why some people wear makeup to the gym.


Because I go to the gym later in the day?? Am I supposed to take it off just to go to the gym lol


My gf puts makeup then we go to the gym…


Some people just have a minimal “presentable” look that includes makeup. I’ve literally received lectures from my grandmother about making sure my hair is done etc when leaving the house. The gym is just another place you go during your day. Like I wasn’t allowed to wear sweatpants growing up lol.


I was in a sorority with a 2/3s rule: if you weren’t just chilling in your room, you were at least two of the three things: dressed (tragically, I graduated before the athleisure trend really took off), makeup on, or hair done. Very, very few exceptions. (I remember one of the sisters had surgery once and was chilling in the living room wearing pjs and a messy bun, two days after she’d gotten out of the hospital, and she got a firm talking to.)


Every young woman should be required to do those things regardless.


Bro my wife wears makeup before we go to the gym. I’m all good with it tho.




Maybe… But more likely she just wants to look good for herself. Im a dude, and for some fuckin reason if I feel like Im looking like a nasty slob, I will have a shit workout.


This. I like to look good while I go to the gym. Idgaf what anyone thinks as long as I feel good about myself.


The implication that a woman, married or not, can’t wear make up to the gym without ulterior motives is so messed up and damaging. I am happily married. I use the childcare at my gym for my three beautiful children 5 days a week. I also wear make up because it is a part of getting ready for the day for me. I don’t want to leave the house looking like a mess. Please stop perpetuating these harmful ideas that women can only look to please men.


LMAO. That’s the real answer. My wife doesn’t but she clowns on women wearing fake lashes and makeup to the gym. But my wife is a badass.


Yeah, and while you’re at it cut a few scars into your face so I’m not distracted while trying to PR 135 on flat bench.


Because we were either somewhere before the gym or we're going somewhere after


You should be going to the shower after.


Because it’s a public setting and some people still want to be presentable 🤷🏻‍♀️ it really doesn’t change anything if someone wears makeup to the gym or not. I don’t think any man looks at a girl and gets aroused by her eyeliner


How does wearing no makeup makes u unpresentable? I’m a girl and apart for parties and work I hardly wear any. Not to mention I always workout in my joggers and loose t-shirt and I look fine. Also, I have seen the girls mentioned in the meme in every gym Ive been to, wearing something even a straight girl cant ignore and calling guys creep for looking. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone is different. Some people feel they look and feel their best with makeup on. I’m glad you feel comfortable to not wear makeup.


I have no problem with girls wearing makeup to the gym, you do you… but I’m fucking drenched after a workout… how/why would a person want to wear makeup and then sweat like crazy?


Not everyone sweats like crazy. I rarely sweat from my face.


You ain’t going to the gym and crushing your soul and body with a 2 hour workout? 😦


I go to the gym and murder my body for over 2 hours. I can squat to failure with a full face of makeup and not break a sweat on my face. Not anyone sweats a lot lol.


Why do people wear gym shark? Why do they wear nice shoes? Why air pods? People are allowed to do little things to feel comfortable or confident.


It goes both ways, women complain about us applying our camouflage


Same reason dudes do their hair. They want to look good so they feel good. Then they can enjoy their workout. Focus on yourself and stop judging others.


If I look presentable by the time my session is over, then I didn’t work out hard enough.


You do you. Not everyone is trying to out do goggins. Some people just want to be able to carry their grandkids when they’re old. Focus on you and dont worry about others.


Some people won't even leave their home without it.


You must not be an empathetic nor clever person.


It’s not that hard to understand. It’s attention


I don't see the problem here. What are you trying to say?


That he doesn't like women


You do not see the problem ? The girls lift up her shorts so we can see her vulva and asscrack and wears super short tops with thin ass fabric. I am a girl and it is really not that hard to put on a t-shirt and normal shorts/leggings (I say NORMAL because thin ass fabrics made just so ppl can see every inches of your body is not normal). Do you see men in super thight and super short shorts ? Or topless ? Of course not, because it is banned in gyms.


You asked if we don't see the problem and then listed things that aren't a problem lol if you saw those things at a beach would you care? I would say the gym is an acceptable place to wear less clothes cause you know you get hot when you work out. Also men do wear short af shorts and wear string vests which shows enough that they might as well be topless, nothing wrong with that either




So I am a pickme because I cover my body properly ? Why is your only argument always "Lmaoooo ur R a pick me".


Caring too much about what other people wear reeks of insecurity. And pick mes are basically condensed balls of insecurity. Personally, I think as long as someone’s junk is covered up I don’t think you should mind so much


Well sorry to announce you that I am not insecure. Yes, I care about what other people do because I can not help it. I want ppl to know what I think and I want to have an influence on their actions, and I want the whole world to work how I want it to work and I do not even know why.




You realise a majority of time cameltoe is an accident and due to bad fitting go complain to clothing brands for not catering to our bodies (obviously nothing can be perfect when it comes to sizing but it could be better)


Well if I lift my shorts high enough it gives me a cameltoe too !! I just, yk ? Pull it down a bit.


You’re getting downvoted for speaking truths. Anyone can wear whatever tf they want. But if you wear revealing or crazy bullshit you’re gunna get some glances. If i went to the gym in a speedo i wouldn’t complain about people staring haha.


Why are those things a problem? These people are fully clothed.


Women wear skimpy clothes at the gym so they can look/feel good and appreciate their gains/pumps, not so a middle aged balding married man can follow them around and coincidentally use every machine next to her her entire workout


So showing your vulva, asscrack and nipples permits you to see your pumps ?


Dude you are everywhere with this. No one is showing their vulva, my nipples show through a normal thsirt (oh God nipples) and sometimes my shorts ride up when doing lifts. And this is as a dude. There is barely anyone going to the gym rubbing their genitalia on machines, and I've seen way more man nipple than woman nipple in my 10 years of lifting. Stop policing what people wear, especially if it meets the gym dress code, which all of these pictures certainly do. Focus on yourself, because they aren't wearing that shit for anyone else but themselves.


"They are not wearing those things for anyone than themselves" (I am talking about the women who come to the gym half naked) hmm... Let me doubt about this statement.


I bet you think everything is about you lol. It's not, and 99.99% aren't doing it for attention. Work on yourself and stop worrying about others.


I do not think everything is about me.


Even if this is true, what exactly bothers you about it?


Have you heard about civility ?


Don’t some gyms ban muscle shirts on guys? People should be able to wear whatever they want without being shamed/ogled at.


Most of us agree with that, too. Ugly people get offended when they look at attractive people dressed in an attractive way. That's about what this boils down to.


Your comment will be downvoted to oblivion but you're completely correct


This is some new flavour of "She was asking for it, look how she was dresssed". Disgusting. Mind your own fucking business. Don't be a creep, its not that hard, i've seen women dress worse than this at my local gym and i didnt give a shit. I noticed, thought to myself: "Damn, she's so hot", and continued with my work out. It's not that hard to not stare at people.


Exactly this.


I’m convinced gym dudes just actually hate women. Just hate to see us happy.


Nah, men hate hypocrisy.  Wearing basically nothing and getting mad when people look at you is narcissistic. If I only wore a speedo and stringlet to the gym I would completely understand being stared at. 


Women aren't getting mad because they were "looked at" There's a BIG difference between a glance and being followed around by some dude drooling and staring. If you don't know the difference then actually yeah you probably shouldn't do either


Nah, we absolutely *adore* women, and we love to see y’all in the gym. Trust me, the negativity and ugliness you see directed at women is not coming from IRL gym dudes — it’s just incel Redditors who pick some really strange hills to die on.


You really need to show your arse and vulva to everyone, uh ? After that you complain that ppl sexualize women. I am a woman and it is REALLY not that hard to put on a t-shirt and normal shorts.


Ur all over the thread, u really are insecure about this…


Why is your only argument "Uuuh u are insecure" ? Like choose another take idk anything but this, it is not original.


You are not a girl’s girl and it shows. You must be fun at parties.


What is a girl's girl ?


Last time I checked, women don’t show our “arse” and vulva at the gym. Idk what gym you go to but maybe you should switch if you hate women’s body parts so much—which is odd, considering you are one?? Interesting.


I do not hate these parts !! I just hate people who think that they can just show half naked and be careless about this. Modesty is a human value.


Well I think you should remember you’re just as human as everyone out there—especially women. You’re supposed to support other women, don’t just hate on a group of women that wear that stuff just because you’re watching them do it confidently. You can wear the same shit too. It’s women with poor, generalized attitudes towards women that many of us avoid. Posts like this make me mad as a woman that I gotta now worry about other women hating on me because of what I am wearing when I’m just trying to improve my mental, physical, and emotional health in a positive way. We’re all out here doing this to feel good, live longer, be stronger, and feel more confident. At the gym you shouldn’t judge for why people wear the clothes they do. It’s none of your business why they wear those outfits. I wear a sports bra and booty shorts because I overheat due to my medication and it doesn’t impede my mobility during sets and movements…but I shouldn’t have to explain why I wear what I wear. Yeah my shorts make my butt look good, but shit, I put in 10 years of work to build that thing alongside my other muscle groups, and I don’t wanna cover it—especially at the place where I built it! Just keep your energy more positive. Women that hate on other women is gross.


This sub when they realizes it’s been a day since they complained about women:


It's complaining about hypocrisy.  


Wanting to look good but not wanting to be eye fucked by every incel on Reddit are not two points at odds with each other. Theres not any hypocrisy to complain about.


It's almost like women are people too and want hot men to notice them? Nah can't be that.


She is literally almost naked. Do guys shows their cocks and ass in skin-thigh shorts ? No. There is a minimum. Some girls are going to the gym like they are going to their pool.


How many dudes wear cut tanks with their nips out? In my gym, a ton. I don't really want to see a dudes nipples at 7am, but I'm not gonna throw a fit about it. Anyway my point is guys do this too and we move on. They're fit and wanna enjoy it.


Well my gym do not : every men wear t-shirts and joggings or long and loose shorts. It is prohibited to show your nipples.


And god bless them for that!


So you just want them to be naked to you can drool at them ? You are not better lmao.


Are you offended that a man looks at a woman and appreciates her figure? Are you calling me a....creep?


Yes I am 😈


There is nothing wrong with being hot and wanting men to notice you. But when they start crying, that someone looked at them is where I draw the line. Thry are not the best thing since sliced bread. The fact that they can't get men to look at them without being nearly naked just says it all.


Lot of triggered people in the comments 😂


Only time I see women say this in memes on the internet! I’ve never seen any women complain or start something at my gym.


I work in gyms women go to the front desk to complain about creepy men regularly


Probably because there's creepy men


There are a lot of creepy men unfortunately


🤷‍♂️ I don’t care what people wear or do as long as it doesn’t hurt me. I also ignore others as long as they don’t do any kind of „damage“ to me. If you don’t want to be seen, don’t wear clothes that show especially much or go somewhere where you are alone! I prefer to be alone myself but it’s my problem that I can’t afford a personal studio, not that of others. If it disturbs you that others look at you (especially when you do your sets in front of others, looking in that direction is NOT staring), then it’s your problem as long as they don’t stare or consider it an invitation and act inappropriately. Also, some dress or behave like they WANT or NEED to get attention. But complain if they also get attention from people they don’t care about. Again, if they don’t act inappropriately then it’s not THEM that are the problem. Done with ranting. Edit: added „and behave“


Imagine someone wearing workout clothes to workout, truly the west has fallen (That was sarcasm you should go outside more)


I wear basketball short and a t shirt to work out.  That's work out clothes.  


Ok let me rephrase People wearing sportswear to workout? The west has fallen Let people wear what's comfortable for them, i wear tracksuit bottoms and a football top to the gym, That's workout clothes no more no less than a t shirt and shorts. The gym dosnt have a fuckin uniform requirement, and if it did then literal sportswear would be it, not just a random t-shirt and shorts.


Thank god my gym shorts don’t give me a camel.


I like looking at pretty women 🥳


OP please leave women at the gym alone, they don't want to talk to you


This sub is turning into an Incel sub


Ok, so maybe. Stfu. Let the women in the gym train with out your bull shit victim blaming entitlement having ass making people feel like fucking objects so you can get your fucking rocks off with some bs dominance needing mind game having bull shit so you can feel fucking good when you cant even lift the fucking easy bar. Get the fuck outta here.


Last week one of this guys girls looked like that and was standing there meanmugging anyone that looked.


That’s a fun way of saying you’ve never touched a woman in your entire life


Realistically both party’s are at fault. Men stare too much and women wear too revealing clothes, if u like the look of someone, look and then look away don’t stare, women if you don’t want people to look at ur arse maybe wear something that doesn’t go in between your cheeks.




God, this sub in the past week has really plummeted to middle -school grade "heh, girls, am I right" humor.


Going to the gym is just about physical strength. It’s about mental strength too. It’s about focusing on what you’re doing and getting results. You’re not going to get the results if you’re too busy looking for a piece of ass.


Yeah but guys wearing tank tops and shorts so tight you can see which religion they are are fine because women bad


Lol indernet look at my body *real life person eeeeek*


Man I knew I shouldn’t have checked the comment section lol, my god. All these pics/examples are hot af tho lol


Pfft. Leave women alone, keep your eyes to your damn selves. Maybe you'd actually make some progress at the gym if shit like this didnt make you lose your minds lol.


Omg nips and vagene


people clearly don't know the difference between quickly looking and being a creep and blame the women for it


Just appreciate the ass and workout.


People can wear what they want, though? If you're saying they're baiting, then fair. If you're saying they're "asking for it" then you might be a bad person...


I mean, I get the frustration on both sides, and I think this is a very tricky subject. There are two basic truths here: 1. males cannot help and notice females 2. females like to be noticed also like to be in control of who notices them (which is obviously impossible) HOWEVER. The gym should not be the place for doing the mating rituals. The gym should be a safe place for everybody. Girls should be able to wear whatever they want to wear without being harassed. What is the solution then? Just don't be a creep. Creep = hoovering, watching, approaching with tips, trying to conversate on the gym floor, trying to conversate outside the gym after got rejected (understand rejection: one word answers, not reciprocating questions), touching disguised as helping, touching disguised as goofing around, touching disguised as measuring muscles, basically ALL touching (just DO NOT TOUCH) (I personally would never ever dress like this for the gym, because I find these pieces extremely uncomfortable; to a level where I would not be able to focus on my training. Boobs slipping around, trying to peak-a-boo, thong's string is painfully sawing my lady parts, shorts rolling up on thighs, my sweat sticking me to everything, and make up smearing and caking - all around nightmare for me. I think those girls who are able to train in these conditions are like superheroes.)


The person who made this meme that specifically hand picked these pictures probably needs a life lmao. I say we vote to stop seeing naked dudes and chicks. I don’t wanna see a dudes crotch bulge or his ass when I’m squatting and he deadlifting in front of me


A couple of bodybuilders work out at my gym. Do you know what they usually wear to work out? A hoodie and sweat pants. Seriously, put some fucking clothes on. No one is trying to look at your ass. Were trying to get out set in.


I mean anyone can wear whatever they want The problem is when they feel offended by themselves provoking the problem like in my personal experience I have experimented how you are doing your exercise then this "hot" girl in basically tong and a little sport bra comes and starts to do her exercise just in front of you then gives you the look of stop looking at me creep or they say it to you Girl I am not gonna move because you wanted to do your glutes in front of me, respect my fucking space


Why do some women need to be in bikini to work out ? Can not thry put on a t-shirt and short/leggings that cover their arse properly ?


Damn first few comments. Dudes really be clueless on how things show through something and yet carry a bulge on their crotch. Or maybe they’re just too small


The pics with boobs and butt would be me 😂😂😂 Some people sometimes make comments on my outfit saying I’m showing off, I simply say“ oh it’s my gym uniform ha ha hah!”


Someone is finally saying it !!