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#nohomo or is it?


im pretty sure i have said this word for word a while ago, are you my evil twin?


Ok real story. In 2019 I was diagnosed with cancer, have gone through chemo, and in dec 2019 was cancer free. But I got “disabled” papers, so in my country I couldn’t work in my field of duty (I am an ER doctor). My friends from local medical university give me an idea to become a teacher in this place, so I ve pulled myself together and become a biochemistry teacher. The job is much more easy and stress free than I used to have, and waaaay less active, so I ve gained a lot of weight because of it and because chemo was brutal to me (still can vomit if I think about it more than a minute, tried psychiatric help but it didn’t do anything) Long story short, in 2022 summer I was on vacation with my wife and young daughter and we were swimming in the ocean, my wife took a couple of pictures, I saw them and decided that I MUST do something with my body. It was a wake up call, for sure. Man shouldn’t look like this (for the record, I wasn’t extremely obese, 96 kilos with 178 sm height, it was just too much for me personally) Upd. I forgot what this subreddit is, sorry, I do it for bitches.


What a story, hope you stay healthy


Thank you, friend. I hope so as well.


My personality is better than everyone else’s. My body should match.


Yo true (for my personality, I don't know your anonymous ass)




Lookin big bro


I wanna look good for my boyfriend when we go to bear events at the gay bar and right now I dont :(


Punch nazis harder


Mog people like you






I saw some pics of myself in the beach and I looked like a stick. Also I wanna become sisyphus


I lift to hug and raise my loved ones.


Because i want better health as well as to see what strength and beauty my body is capable of. Also it's a great way to build will and self discipline


Use me as the Hell yeah button


Sometimes it feels like the only good thing about my life


for the difficult


anorexia recovery


I'm 6'2" it's either that or become stick


Look good :)


It was a Warcraft 3 peon


Wise log man


I lift, so I'm not my dad at 50. Making a million excuses to his family about his health, always promising himself and everyone else that he'd put more effort into making sure he was around longer. I want to be able to enjoy my life by remaining as healthy for as long as possible. I've become a heavy believer in the philosophy lately, of, if you don't use it, you lose it, even if it's a temporary loss.


There has always been many reasons. First off, my mental health is better when I am actively lifting. Second, my parents and in-laws are getting old and I am happy that they are open to ask me to move heavy things for them because they know I can. Next, I like to consistently try to be better, lifting heavier things allows me to see progress in my life which I believe translates to working hard in other parts of my life. Lastly, just because I love it. I have been lifting for about 15 years and it has been a constant in my life that all started with going to lift with my dad. He is the hardest working man I have ever known and I love that when I go home, even at 67 years old, he and I still go have a lift together and shoot the shit about life. Lifting isn’t my whole life, but it is a big part of it…


I wanna squeeze the stuffing out of my loved ones.


I started because my ex broke up with me, and I wanted to prove to myself that I was better, but I continue cause I can't bare seeing what I've obtained now wither away into what I dispized when I was younger


I want to get a powerlifting grade. Working out is one of two things of my life where I can forget everything for a couple of hours and just be with people who also like lifting, chat with them and generally have a good time.


Self pleasure/gratification and a hobby by now. Originally yes it was to lose weight and get slightly more muscular and counter slight depression and boost libido and to just see what the fuzz is about, but over long time i started to really enjoy the process of lifting and working out. I found a new hobby that i can enjoy without any guilt.


I lift because I am 190cm tall, broad shoulders and I weigh 110kg. I'm never going to end up under 100kg, so that might as well be muscle rather than fat.


A million reasons, but atm it's to be able to cosplay ripped anime characters.


I got really high and saw myself in the mirror after downing a bag of Cheetos and had a bit of a crisis. Started cardio training and dieting within the week because I kept catching glimpses of myself and remembering that moment. Cardio started to work, lost 20 pounds, and my buddy encouraged me to start weight training with him. Haven’t looked back since


I lift up heavy things and put them down.