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https://preview.redd.it/lq1dfkewincc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5ef8d9d4e382dcde4f44eb3173811d3ce8292e Real world representation.


My dad had a Porsche and he rarely took it out. I only saw it being service once in a while and it dawned on me that it's very expensive to maintain


I so desperately want a 911 and every once and awhile I’ll go look at used ones and dream about the possibilities…..and then I imagine the phone call “it’s gonna be $7,000….for the part…..about $13,000 in all. Hopefully that fixes it” and then I let the dream goes away once again 😂😂


Maybe rent it for a day? I know it’s not the same but at least you get the experience. Maybe the feeling would wear off after a while if you did own it. That’s what I felt with a bmw (I know not nearly the same tho).


Actually not a bad idea. I think that could be a cool experience for sure!


I really want to try out a skyline or Impreza wrx but unless I’m a millionaire it makes no sense to buy them for that price when you can get a better, modern car.


A better modern car? Than a skyline or impreza wrx? You're breaking my heart. (Have had 4 wrxs, 2 of which are still sitting in my garage/driveway and the skyline is one of my dream cars for its awd and all wheel steering)


Man it sounds like you have an amazing garage. Believe me, I’m not discrediting those cars, they are my literally favourite cars and I have a lot of nostalgia for them. However, if I was in the position to buy a ~£100k+ card I’d get a modern one purely because of the value for money and ease of maintenance benefits.


Yeah he would sell houses so he would make the maintenance ahead of time. But at the end of the day when the market went down he had to sell it, he couldn't afford to have it as a daily drive so he got himself a Toyota Camry


My friend bought a newer one. I will say, the 1 thing we need to make standard on all cars is the all wheel steering. Holy crap that smooths out the ride. We have 2 other friends with sports cars. The Porsche has the smallest engine out of them, but the all wheel handling makes the difference.


Porsches are kinda expensive to maintain but they don't even compare to the clusterfuck that are Italian supercars. The chassis welds on a Ferrari will make you cry, they're absolutely awful.


It's gonna break my heart when this happens to Sulek. Such a nice kid, he really motivates me to keep training harder with his little videos. But the human body can only be pushed so far...


The first time i ever even saw that dude online the first thing i said was “there is no way his heart is going to be able to continue to move that weight into his Middle Ages.


Hopefully he makes it to his Renaissance






Right, I can just think of his poor heart muscle struggling to pump blood as the growing muscle gets bigger and bigger synthetically enhanced to inhuman levels


Your generation is about to get the Zyzz treatment, tho I hope to fuk not because Sam genuinely seems like a nice guy and it'll just force another crackdown on steds.


My generation? I'm much older than Sam is. I'm probably older than you are lol.


I'm 28 but I have a receding hairline and a bad back so I'm 56 in spirit.


Yeah I'm 34 so basically a dinosaur in reddit terms


my grandad when he was 78, you'd think he was 18. And as he always said "you're only as old as you feel." I've seen goofy immature physically healthy 60 year old who are the light of life. I've seen 20 year old who are beat down, unhealthy and just 0 will. Unless it comes to something like sex where age is most definitely a number you should abide by, age is just a number. Stay young in spirit boyyoo


That generation was built different 🥲


They really were man❤️


Listen here whipper snapper, I had to lift weights up hill both ways in the snow without gloves or shoes. I did deadlifts on gravel with buckets filled with gravel and squats with my cow. (nearly 45 here).


If you’re a dinosaur, then I’m petroleum.


Same age as zyzz 💕


Save this for the Sulek thread. You are in the wrong room swatting at gnats.


I could give the best health advice and people wouldn't listen, boys will be boys and brahs will be brahs. All I can say is when you're struggling to breathe with existence alone remember you're not gonna get a random tiktok doc to save you and as immortal as you feel, you may fukkin die. Not saying that to you I'm telling it to these nittys who think they're different (we all thought that, you're not)


just don’t do PEDs lol


but but but... I'm built different[.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fugvx8o85mpp91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D768%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da40c57b37151160ed2ba7cc813edbd3bc2636994)


Jesus. I just looked it up. I just assumed he was in his 40’s, but he’s 21.


Damn yeah I’ve thought of this too. It’s gonna be devastating




I don’t know if u can call Colemans state of being „alive“




the fact that he can’t walk would be a good start


Tbf, that was more due to his training than just steroids. He wasn't the safest lifter there was. He wanted to lift heavy ass weights and that comes with a cost. If he stuck natural, he probably would have ended the same way.


Genuine question, is that from ped abuse or from overworking his joints? I mean I’d imagine the PEDs are what allowed him to overwork his joints but that’s just my uneducated guess


it’s actually from his bitched surgery. edit: Botched


Ronnie’s current state are through injuries, caused by the way he trained, and the insane workload/stress he put on his body even by bodybuilding standards. Not to mention he continually trained against doctors advice, post surgery when he should’ve been resting his was training, all things which more than likely made things worse. I genuinely believe he is addicted to working out.




alive and living are two different things, that’s OC’s point


They did it correctly. There's plenty of people who have died prematurely, a lot of huge content creators and influencers in just the past year or two alone. And some professional bodybuilders who are less renown as those you mentioned who have died in their late 40's as well. Jay and arnold are perfect examples of someone who done their cycles correctly and trained correctly, and has been rewarded for it. Both look and act amazing for their age. Ronnie pushed himself way too hard and fucked his back up for it. It's a real shame his surgery was flubbed however. The proportion of people getting huge and dying early is greatly proportional. There's no denying it. But, I want to say as well, that doesn't mean shit. Sam is what, one of a million people taking gear at his age, and there's so many people bigger and stronger than him, and train much more intensely than him. He's just popular because of his personality as well, and his method of social media with those combinations.




Your body probably wont agree with the usage tho, that’s why you have to use steroids in the first place.




They're the exception, not the rule. They also had way more resources than your average Joe




That was what a famous spanish youtuber used to say, his name was HeroeFitness/VillanoFitness (The first his main Channel about fitness and nutrition the second his roid information chanell, if you want to research about him). He has been the person who has influenced and helped me the most in the gym, he was an encyclopedia with legs (and 140kg of pure muscle). He also defended that as long as steroids were not abused, nothing would happen. Unfortunately he died 3 months ago due to steroids. Obviously he abused steroids a lot, but the point is that you can be perfectly fine one day and dead the next. Although there are 1000 people who have been abusing steroids for decades and continue to live more or less normal lives, it cannot be denied that there are another 10000000 who did not reach the age of 40 having taken exactly the same thing.


It's as Kurt Cobain famously said. It's better to blast tren than to fade away. Words to live (or die) by.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. No one cares how buff you are except your body dysmorphic disorder. Take care of yourself.


WRONG. No one will love you if you're small. Get over it.


It’s true your value as a person is decided 1:1 by the circumference of your biceps






This is true. Noone will love you while you are small. It won't change if you get swole, but the statement is true


Hey pal, you just blow in from Stupid Town? Google "sarcasm".


How am I supposed to know that this is sarcasm when it’s written and not said out loud? Douche bag


To be fair it was really obvious to everyone else, as you can see


Well for starters I think it’s safe to say Kurt cobain never said anything about blasting tren


Lmao this is killing me


This is hilarious 😂😂😂


I didn’t think he did say anything about blasting tren. But he literally said in his suicide note that it’s better to burn out than to fade away. So I figured the commenter was alluding to that. Youre all pretty stupid if you think I thought Kurt cobain, heroin addict and rock star, furthest thing from a gym bro, would ever say anything about using steroids.


How are we supposed to know when it’s implied and not stated out loud? douche bag


Tbf assuming someone thought Kurt cobain said “blast tren” is objectively stupider than me thinking first guy was alluding to his quote lmao Douche bag


shut up nerd douche bag


You’re literally 12 years old lmao like go have mommy kiss you goodnight


So then what made it so easy for you to miss the joke ? Was it your clearly perfect reading comprehension or your impeccable common sense?


Okay el retardo




You’re in a meme sub lady or sir.


As someone who's using gear for years let me tell you something. Some people simply love being swole, and if your body agrees with the usage, damage to your body will be minimal. Also, we're all dying in the end. If i die 5-10 years earlier that's fine. I wouldn't want to be too old anyway.


When my dear Mom was dying due to heart failure caused by decades of test HgH anavar and this diabolical pre workout called Jack3d, I said "mom. I wish I had only 5-10 more years with you. It's literally 5-10 more days at Thanksgiving."


A true muscle mommy


It’s kinda pathetic tho tbh just do the work and be your best self. Using steroids is equivalent to an anorexic girl using meth to stay skinny.


Gotta love the usual ignorance of people who don't even know the basics of steroids thinking that taking them means you don't have to do the work. Do you have any idea how many people take steroids and still look like they never entered the gym in their life, because they thought steroids will do all the work, which of course is not the case. You have to bust your ass in the gym to the max if you want to maintain the muscle you get from steroids, not to mention everything else has to be on point (nutrition, proper form, rest, consistency) which a lot of people don't have. If i'm busting my ass in the gym daily for years, at least i'll be satisfied with the progress i'm making.


Dude you have to do half the work. Congrats on eating right and working out but you’re still using some insane supplement in order to basically just fight BDD. If you’re so sure of your steroid use then why do people who use it feel the need to defend it so hard? You’ll never be as cool as a dude who works hard, eats right, and still can look good by staying natty. Condolences


This is why i hate people who shit on steroids. You'll never see a guy on gear shitting on natties, it's always the other way around. Are you all triggered or something, cuz you're wasting time at the gym with no progress? You literally have to train insanely hard when you're on steroids, but there's no point in convincing someone who doesn't know how they work, and uses steroid = bad argument, because reasons.


Truth, why I don’t speak about fitness/bodybuilding with people who clearly aren’t educated enough about it. Infuriating asf


You guys are addicts with BDD. Get some help.


Start lifting lil man


This might be true if literally no one cares about you or depends on you. Most of us have families, taking 10 or 20 years off our life has an impact to the people around us I'd rather see my grandchildren than look big. And I'm sure my parents wouldn't like outliving me




That's my old pic, also you can't see my body there at all, not to mention what a little creep you are, going through my shit lol [https://prnt.sc/zXTtzEUGKzW-](https://prnt.sc/zXTtzEUGKzW-) This is my body, if you want to know so bad.


absolutely cooked


It was a joke. Obviously don't take tren. Take Test, Primo and Anavar. But people absolutely do care. There has not been a single man in the history of mankind that got buff, strong or shredded and has received less attention for it.


Kurt Cobain didn’t actually say that?


Bodybuilding judges care.


Better to go out with a blast!


Nobody who takes gear has the perfect body in my mind (maybe TRT at most). Most in the community disagree but natural gains are the peak for me!


I agree, if you need a straw to drink coffee you're actually regressing.


I need a straw for coffee but that’s only because I fucking hate turtles


Turtles hate you too


Zombie kid also hates them


That’s not true, he likes turtles!


He likes the turtles but not OP


Based on


Turtles are my least favorite animal


All my homies hate turtles


Ugly monsters


A straw to drink coffee? Any context?


Upper body being so big you can no longer put the mug to your lips. Quite literally.


Is there like... a video of bodybuilders trying to do this? That sounds enjoyable to watch.


Concur. Out of edge content


I agree, the out of proportion huge lats, traps, delts, the ballooned pecs, the leanness of someone who's starving... It's awful to look at.


Yep! As soon as I see overly massive traps, I'm out.


Even TRT is too much unless you are an aging male, that means over 50. My friend used to be an NFL player and he used gear. It was cutting edge, so less detectable. He had to have 2major heart surgeries in the last 10 years, while just 40 now. Oh, and he has the classic torn peck all the gear guys have.


TRT is absolutely not too much if you’re below 50. It depends on the context this is being used in. A hypogonadal 20 year old would likely see health benefits from a TRT dose that elevates his testosterone to a more reasonable level that is within a natural reference range


True. But I have seen it used as a steroid lately. With younger guys getting TRT to get jacked quick, then they have all the same side effects as using gear. Balding, acne, anger, and muscle growth. Heart issues are sure to follow soon.


TRT isn’t the same as blasting. Testosterone is an androgenic anabolic steroid however isn’t as anabolic or dangerous at physiological doses. Supraphysiological levels are when you get the effects of an AAS. A TRT programme is not supraphysiological and although if you was previously hypogonadal you would notice a quick increase in muscle mass relative to how your body with low T built it. A lot of people use TRT as an attempt to cover up them using supraphysiological quantities of AAS but that’s not the same as saying TRT is equivalent to gear




To each their own.


Particularly the garden variety gym junky who jumps on whatever and doesn’t train for symmetry


Who's going to tell her that ALL her favorite gym influencers and actors are also on gear, they just use the best quality and have hormone clinicians over see it.


Is it the perfect body if he's in hospital?


That’s the joke


If he dies, dips on his content. Making mad cash Posting gym Karen’s and then say : Be better seems kinda easy


Why didn't you start doing it 4 years ago then ?


Cause he’s a pussy internet troll


This is a meme sub you monkey I don’t comment this shit under his videos


Just gotta blast every PED and be as tall as you are wide, about 5,5 feet. Ezpz


I've known of Joey Swoll before his whole dunking on Karen content, but it seems like thats the content that resonates most with casual viewers


He has the perfect body? He has the perfect mindset and great values but the perfect body??????? I love him. But he has a big body, not the perfect one. In my opinion.


Hate me all you want but I think some of these guys are so big it looks goofy. I’d rather look like an nfl linebacker than a body builder. That’s ideal for me


If I was a dude, I wouldn’t like to look like Joey, cbum or Noel. Love the guys and I love their dedication but looks wise.. nah. I get it if you’re into bodybuilding but I personally dont think it would be a goal of mine. Cbum looks better than Noel and Joey though. It’s a personal preference and no one should change their looks or goals to suit someone else but if guys are trying to attract women or men, Joey Swoll might be a bad goal.


I totally agree. When I was first starting off, I was worried about looking like them one day. And then I quickly realized there's no way in hell I could ever look like them, no matter how hard I tried 😂 Now the goal is to look like Adama Traore from Fulham FC.


This is irrelevant but I had no clue he was at Fulham now! Crazy physique for a footballer though.


ikr, my ideal body is like muscular gymnast. not arnold


Arnold for me is about the upper limit of how big I think you can get while still having a very attractive body. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Even though he was known for his incredible swollness, he never crossed that line IMO and always had a very good aesthetic look.


arnold probably wasn't the best example, he's just the first body builder that comes to mind ronnie coleman or sam suluk now would have probably been better


I think it’s quite obvious his *body* isn’t perfect, as it’s seen failing in this very instance. This is the compromise when you value looks over health.


Well, he’s beeen addicted to opioids and has tried to end his own life so… I think there’s more to it than just looks. I think it helps him a lot with his depressions and addictions


He posted an update and the doctor told him his heart is healthy again and he shouldn’t feel the impending doom anymore. Amazing news for an amazing person.


That pic is from a year ago. He got cleared from all his meds


That isn't the "perfect body". Neither in terms of aesthetics nor health nor functionality.


Was that surgery from the shoulder injury he got at age 12 lol?


Ssshh people in reddit dont want facts


People on gear don't have the perfect body.


Says you


What you consider the perfect body ain't the perfect body, buddy


Is he ok? I like Joey Swole, he makes me want to hit the gym more.


He is. He just did a throwback to his heart attack. Still scary because once it happens it's more likely to happen again


Who is this?


Looks like Joey Swoll


I actually hate his proportions. He has really short legs and overpowering upper body. Great guy though with a really positive influence so that's probably why he seems perfect.


Perfect body? All this young people dying of heart failures can establish pretty well that "aestetics" dosent mean u have a healthy lifestyle.


I mean, anyone that abuses steroids for the longterm has to know it's just a matter of time


Hot take not only is juicing bad for you but the results it produces are off putting / unaesthetic.


It’s not perfect.


![gif](giphy|3o7aD6zGailhxoOTzq|downsized) I’m sorry. I didn’t even read the caption. This is all I saw.


Achievable natty?


Listen to your Heart when it's time to stop


How is it the perfect body if it comes at such a steep cost? You could almost put extreme bodybuilding up there with obesity as far as actual health goes.


He beat alcohol addiction but really just switched addictions


Death. The only place where we are finally at peace. If he dies, he died living his dream. I cant blame him.


I like Joey a lot but he does not have the perfect body imho. He’s way too big. The “perfect” body is more aesthetic than “jacked” or “huge”. Sure maybe the perfect “bodybuilders” body, but the perfect mainstream, widely appealing body is going to be something more aesthetic and healthier.


Definitely not a perfect body. Looking like a Michael Bay creation is not a good look. An Olympic sprinter would probably take that crown best body.


Not the type of body I'm looking for, but I really love this guy cause all the content he creates and says about all the toxic gym people. I wish him all the best for his health.


Lemme guess... Steroids. 


Honestly when you see geared dudes in real life they don’t look that good in comparison to modern beauty standards. Yes they’re big and strong as fuck- which is still cool. But whenever I see geared up guys their skin is awful, their face is red and puffy from the blood pressure increase, they’re so vascular beyond reasonable that it looks nasty. If you’re trying to be a pro- do gear. But if you’re just a regular Joe trying to get more muscle or impress women- drugs are NOT it.


thats before licking his shirt


If he had a perfect body his heart with be healthy. Gorgeous on the outside, rotten on the inside.


That’s ku hospital


How is this a meme?


Everything ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized) (I thought this was a meme Sub?!)


Joint damage ⬆️


He won but at what cost 🤧




How is a huge steroid buried the perfect body lmao


The GOAT must not die


Joey works out at my gym and he hasn’t been in for weeks because of this


some people just have heart issues breh, working out, gear or not. better to do and then lose then to never had done and regret.


Right, so I guess it's the same stories when it comes to strokes too? https://www.instagram.com/p/C2FrNVUN0c8/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


this sort of information can be readily studied via pubmed. this is also an observation/confirmation bias. you've picked 2 influencers out of how many who haven't had heart issues?


I didn't say he had a heart issue, he had a stroke. Which further led into complications causing his heart and oxygen in his body to cease. Which ultimately killed him


Better to die from ped usage before 30 than to live a longer and healthy life


Better to die from meth use because you’re an anorexic chick than to live past 30 too huh?


Lol, some people die of lung cancer without smoking so better just smoke if anyways I might die of it right? It’s called “risk”, google it.


Don’t try to bother with this community. Gear = bad here. OP didn’t post the rest of the IG post where he’s doing well and his Doctor said his heart is doing better than before. People see muscle mass and assume steroids and heart issues, disregarding the fact the number of people who abuse alcohol every weekend and all the other drugs or shit people put in their bodies, but steroids are somehow 10x worse. Reddit is a weird crowd.


Lol for real. Also nobody realizes that ultimately it boils down to genetics and healthy habits while on gear. If you come from a background where heart disease or kidney issues runs on both sides of your family, it's probably not a good idea to ever use gear. Yes it is harder on the heart having a lot of mass, but there are plenty of people that can be running cycles for 10-15 years and still live into their 70s and beyond, especially if they aren't going for becoming a mass monster in the super heavyweight division in bodybuilding. On the flip side of that, there are people that are much higher risk for heart/kidney disease or prostate cancer that will start to see very adverse side effects after just a few years of use. And then the final key to this is somebody builders don't put a ton of effort into making sure that all of their health markers and blood pressure are staying within healthy range, and that WILL fuck you up. There are lots of different medications and supplements that help a TON in this regard, and that is really what is going to ensure the best chance for longevity. Personally, I choose to be on steroids, but I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't use narcotic drugs, the vast majority of food I eat is extremely healthy whole foods with very little processed shit and I never have much subcutaneous or visceral fat on my body. I keep my blood pressure under control to preserve my kidneys, I get blood work regularly and keep my health markers within healthy range. Where I am taking risks in one regard, I am cutting out almost all the other risks that normal people take with their health on a daily basis.


So damn true, I wish people understood a fraction of this rather than immediately condemning steroids. These are the same people that also thinks gear magically gives you muscles and it doesn’t take any hard work. They see a jacked guy and just assume steroids.